Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2958: Easy battle

It seems that there are huge rock mountains stretching thousands of miles,

Majestic and majestic.


A green fire,

Like flying out of the sky,

This huge rock mountain range stretches thousands of miles,

Touch the cyan flame,

It's like the snow reaches the flames,

Where are the mountains,

Once the cyan flame passed,

Turned into twisted ripples!

Master of Xiongyuguan,

As if the hair all over the body is erect,

The different rules that have been deduced and more than half of the progress have been merged with Taoism to urge this sword.

The power is comparable to the protection of Xiongyuguan,

In fact,

He showed this sword,

It stretches for thousands of miles and dare not say,

Stretches for hundreds of miles,

To protect the entire Xiongyuguan,

not a problem,


In front of this blue thunder and fire,

It's completely scum,

Of course, the thunder fire that stretches for thousands of miles,

Not useless,

He suddenly rushed towards the main hall of Guan,

This sword light that stretches for thousands of miles,

Suddenly exploded,

The master of this majestic gate,

Body shape,

A mouthful of blood spurted out----

The law of the combination of the plant system, soil system rules, and mine system rules,

How can it be so easy to pick up?


Haven't rushed out of the ground yet,

The blue thunder flashed,

That speed is indescribable,

This deduces the fusion of different rules,

The monks who have made considerable progress feel that

The Armor of Yuanying Flower God level on his body,

Together with my own spiritual thoughts,

Flying towards the entire sky,

From a different perspective,

The world is so different.

The cyan sword light flashed.

All the fragments made by the master of Xiongyuguan pass have been

Jianguang closed up,

Take it back and practice.

It is much more useful than ordinary materials,

At this time,

The Dao-fa battle between the two sides produces a powerful force field,

In the protective circle of the entire hall,

During the foundation building, the monks have completely turned into blood mist,

Brother Jindan,

The armor on the body and the protective tactics that urged,

Burst suddenly,

Move slowly like a snail.

A circle of fire spread.

Only then did they come into contact with the protective circle next to Guanzhu’s hall,


The entire protective circle,

Turned into tens of thousands of magma, broken stones splashed.

All the master guards in the main hall of Guan,



In the main hall of Guan,

Is the strongest master at Xiongyuguan,

For a while,

Where can a stronger master come?

These golden core monks and this ring of fire,

Although it was the aftermath of the battle,

It has all turned into nothingness.

The entire Guanzhu Hall,

Has turned into a big pit,

This is just the aftermath of Tan Song’s sword.

Tan Song's figure reminded him.

The millions of people at Xiongyuguan,

As if turned into thousands of sculptures,

The protective array that Xiongyuguan closed,

Just started to close,

The rune turned into flames is running, the law of rock and magma

Just come out.

The cyan thunder fire that Tan Song manifested,

No need to urge it at all,

Towards this rush,


It's like sparks splashing,

The cyan thunder fire is gone!

This Qingpao man, and the former committee member Qian, entered the main **** space

The man in black robe is similar,


Commissioner Qian,

But it’s not the mortal back then,

Tan Song is just a clone of the Qian Yuan committee.

Out of millions of people,

Kill the master of the Jade Guan, take away the treasure,

It's really like a walk.

The blue thunder fire is gone,

In the middle of Xiongyuguan, there was a loud shout.

Tan Song found a restaurant,

Call the waiter to serve,

The waiter serves good dishes,

Tan Song looked at the mortals outside the restaurant,

From the perspective of appreciation,

This monk world,

The life of a mortal is really like a picture scroll.


The communication circle sounded,

Once opened,

An image of a real person emerges,

Beside, there was a loud noise like a huge thunder,

Thousands of sword lights blasted over,

Thousands of sword lights urged by the real man rushed past.

Incomparably brilliant fireworks burst out in the sky,

A real man standing on a mountain peak,

The sword light on both sides blew!

The whole mountain exploded,

far away,

Dozens of demons screamed and were bombarded into blood mist by the real man.

But there are a few flower gods with diamonds,

Dao Fa splashed on the body,

But back again and again.


His face changed,

Back to normal again,


Resisted the attack just now,

Already injured.

The mana of the Four Diamond Flower God,

Far from being as broad as the sea.

In the realm of Taoism,

Able to suppress the opponent,


Thousands of swords came over,

Has already turned to the mana of a real man!

Seeing Tan Song's image appear:

"Tan Song Daren, come and help---"

Real Man Wan Zhang shouted,


Immediately stunned,

"Your task is over?"

This secret door,

It was opened by Tan Song,

Real people have accepted the task,

Tan Song,

It's definitely impossible not to take the task,

Watching Tan Song eating and drinking easily,


The task has been completed,

"Why should I help you?"

Tan Song said,

"Well, I got a stone,

Above is the pattern of fusion of profound and mysterious,

I will show you

Master Tan Song, you don’t need it anymore—"

Tan Song waved his hand.

"Otherwise, the vastness of Taoism,

Like a starry sky,

It’s what we monks should--"

Tan Song didn't finish.

Thousands of sword lights blasted over again,

This time,

Real Man Wanzhang is a reminder of Jian Jue again,

The sword light urged is half as tight as a battlefield of tens of millions of soldiers,

Mysterious, weird,

Then, these thousands of sword lights were slashed.


This time,

A sword hit by a real man!

A thunder fire exploded on his body!

On the battle armor of the real man,

There are already a few sword marks,

"Your battle scene is so luxurious,

Come on, where are you? "

Tan Song said,

The battle scene is luxurious,

This Boss Tan Song can really laugh.

"That is, I don't have the bravery of Master Tan Song."

Real man Wanzhang quickly smiled and nodded.

Said where they are,

Not far from the real man,

In the loud noise,

Huo Da Zhenren and three thousand swords light,

Has been blown away,

The armor on his body shattered,

The blood spattered continuously,

Crashed into the shield of the protective circle, and was bounced back.

Hundreds of thunder and fire,

From this protective circle,

Blasted towards the real person on fire,

A reminder of the Huo Da Zhenren Sword Art,

Hundreds of flames cross and spin,

Hundreds of flames from the protective circle burst into sparks in the sky!


For a long time,

They didn't even make a protective circle.

Tan Song walked out of the restaurant,

A reminder of the escape method,

Has arrived outside the county gate,

The figure is vertical,

In an instant it turned into a blue thunder,

In an instant,

It has been 13 thousand miles away!


There are a dozen mountain peaks lined up,

The whole mountain,

It looks beautiful and elegant,


It is a mountain range that can be a cultivator faction,

In fact,

This is indeed the human cultivation sect back then,

But now,

It is already a gathering place for the cultivation of the demons.

Protection circle,

Has expanded to a radius of a hundred miles,

Protect the edge of the circle,

As if there are ten thousand swords of light,

Wandering like a big wave~www.wuxiaspot.com~Jianguang in the big wave,

The figures of people kept flying and exploded.

It is the real person Wanzhang and the real person Huoda,

Protection circle,

Constantly towards the real person Wanzhang and real person Huoda,

Thousands of thunder and fire are launched!

Protect the thunder fired by the magic circle,

Although the changes are not very mysterious,


It seems to be firing continuously,


Huo Dazhen people will not suffer serious damage. (To be continued...)

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