Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2959: Leisurely master


The treasure hunt task arranged for them,

Compared with the treasure hunt task arranged for me,

It's easier.

This kind of cultivation school of ten mountain peaks,

How can it be compared with a large town like Xiongyuguan?

If Tan Song enters this sect,

There will be no fighting!

Tan Tian Dao Fa turned,

Use the mana of the fusion of the plant system and the thunder system,

In an instant, he rushed towards this big array,

Flying sword flashed,

Connect three dots on this protective shield!


Protection circle,

There has been a huge gap,

Tan Tian's sword aura seemed to be absent,


Thousands of pieces of protection against the magic circle,

It’s not like an ordinary protective circle,

Turned into mana,

But towards the demon monks in the protective formation,

Blasted past,

The demon monk standing at the forefront reminded him of Taoism,

Sword Jue turned into mountains, magma.



These fragments have passed through these demons to urge the sword light

Mountains turned into magma!


This demons found out,

Half of my shoulder and the armor are gone,

Blood is splashing!


This demons,

The whole explosion!

The fragments of the formation were a little bit by Tan Song’s sword,

Thousands of times as profound iron!

Wang Zhang and Huo Dazhen looked at them,

Far and near.

Mozu falls down a blockbuster!

This is the protective battle.


Tan Song said.

Body shape,

Flee to the distance,

Entered the Qingcang country,

When I arrived at the restaurant in Guanzhong,

Tan Song’s wine and food,

It's still hot.

Huo Dazhen immediately sat cross-legged,

Real man Wanzhang took out a cheat book,

To Tan Song.

Tan Song took it.

One turn, but it is a Taoist book that combines several lines of mystery!

Turn this cheat over,

But after watching a cup of tea time,

The cheats have been memorized,

"Wan Zhang, this cheat book is well understood,

There is hope for advanced Yuanying. "

Tan Song said,

This book,

You can fight against Chairman Qian Qingyuan

Compared with the Yuan Ying Taoism obtained,

Some descriptions of the fusion of profound and mysterious.

With Tan Song’s current cultivation base,

Seeing all gains.

As Tan Song said,

The mystery of Taoism,

The Yuan Ying Flower God of this level of Commissioner Qian,

can only say,

Mastered part.

The Taoist book reward given by this Qingpao man,

Already close to the Taoism Book reward given by Biyou Temple,

Tan Song thought,

Thoughts of electricity transfer!

"Master Tan Song, ordinary Nascent Soul, is not your opponent anymore.

Such a life is the life of a monk. "

The real man said,

Tan Song must have advanced Yuan Ying.

What is leisure life,

This is called a leisurely life,

Breaking through is as simple as a walk,

One sword down,

Blasted the opponent down a large area,

This is called life.

Huo Dazhen,

Yungong a cup of tea time,

I took a pill,

When Tan Song said this,

Collect power immediately,

open one's eyes.

There is light in the eyes,

"Can you advance to the Nascent Soul?

Lord Wanzhang, this time,

I take the task with you,

What a blessing to me--"

The Taoist book has been collected by the real man in the storage space,

He has to beg the real man,

"Huo Da, you hurt everyone to practice together."

Really said.

Tan Song read this book,

In front of Tan Song,

Real people have to be more generous.

"Well, I fell to the realm of the fifth-grade golden core,

However, Shanda Zhenren did not take this task.

Compared with him, I am worth it. "

Huo Da Zhenren was relieved now.

This is the adventure of ordinary Jin Dan, in the area occupied by the demons,

Shanda Zhenren chose not to take this task.

Was teleported out of that space,

"You talk, I'll go first."

Tan Song said,

"Master Tan Song walk slowly."

The real person Wanzhang and the real person Huoda stood up.

Real man Wan Zhang called for another table of wine and food,

Finished eating,

Only then returned to Wanzhang Whip Hall.

Once back to Wanzhang Whip Museum,

Curly greeted him,

"Master Wanzhang, a big event happened today,

The master of Xiongyuguan was rushed into the main hall of Xiongyuguan by a master,

The main guard and guards were all beheaded!

I can only make sure that this master is Human----"

Curly said,

There was a flash of light in the eyes of the real man:

"Is there such a master?"

Curly nodded.

This should be the task that Tan Song took.

Tan Song is such a master,

The real man walked into his office lobby,

After a while,

This opens the communication circle,

"Huo Da, have you returned to the cave mansion?"

Huo Dazhen nodded.

"I have returned to the cave mansion."

Huo Dazhen said,

Talking about the real person Wanzhang and the real person Huoda,

Huo Dazhen's face changed continuously.

After a while,

Then he nodded.

"Master Wanzhang, rest assured,

We are in casual meditation, and can fight with such masters,

I took the Taoist book of Yuanying Flower God level,

This is my blessing. "

The real man said.

Months passed,

Real man Wanzhang put down the Taoist book in his hand,

Surrounded by mana,

Has shown a jade-like brilliance,

In a few months,

In terms of real humanitarian law.

Great progress.

"I have been practicing for more than 1,300 years."

I got some tips from the Garden Wave Plane Committee.

Got this book again,

The runes of mysterious and mysterious fusion are getting higher and deeper,


The mana cultivated for more than a thousand years,

In these few months,

There are many mana conversions that are more refined.

You can also say sublimation!

Put down the Taoist book,

Is about to have a drink,

Four diamond flower god.

Not out of place,

On the plane of the garden wave,

It's a personal thing.

Practice and practice, enjoyment,

Has lived the life that most monks dreamed of,


The sound of footsteps came quickly,

Looking at it,

Curly comes in,

"Master Wanzhang. Fire Sky Striker was attacked by the Demon Nascent Soul.

Seriously wounded, the real person Xuangu and the real person Lejian have rushed past. "

The real man put down his teacup.

"The black armor of Fire Sky Striker,

According to legend, it is an ancient treasure, quite strong,

Our four diamond flower gods cannot be cut with a single sword!

How could it be seriously injured. "

The fire sky stagger he said,

It was the same time who entered the secret of growers with Commissioner Qian

The Yuan Ying Flower God wearing a color armor,

It is more than a thousand miles away from the border with Mozu,

Built a small school,

In fact,

Many Yuanying Flower Gods are the same as the real Lejian,

The style of construction is not big,

Collected some handymen wearing shoes to build the foundation period, the sword tactics, just work.

"Why did the Mozu suddenly attack the Fire Sky Striker Yuanying Flower God?"

The real man said,

"I heard that it was because Xiongyuguan Yuanying Flower God was beheaded."

Sure enough, it was for Tantian's mission,

Real man Wanzhang waved his hand: "The matter of Yuanying Flower God,

We don’t care, we don’t care.

How strong is the Demon Nascent Soul Flower God who attacked Fire Sky Striker? "

"Very strong, the foundation-building monks under the volcanic island,

All those present were beheaded by sword qi,

Jin Dan was half killed in battle.

I heard that Fire Sky Striker's cultivation base has progressed relatively quickly over the past three hundred years.

Persevering until the real Lejian arrives,

Only then escaped from the demon Yuan Ying.

I heard that it will take at least a hundred years to heal. "

Curly said,

Those golden pills of Guan Qingshan, four diamond flower gods,

Practice for a long time,

The mystery of cultivation, there are already some mysterious fluctuations that are part of the rules,

Fire Sky Striker, the Yuan Ying Flower God, is of course stronger.

Three hundred years,

From the grower’s secret,

Got a lot of medicinal materials that can be called treasures,

The physique has improved a lot, and the perception of mana has improved.

Spiritual thoughts have increased a lot,

Three hundred years,

Not to mention the integration of different rules,

Practice rules and Taoism,

That’s a lot of progress,

"The Demon Race is amazing, so choose to attack the Yuan Ying Flower God near the border with the Demon Race."

The real man said,

This said,

Curly nodded:

"It's true."

Within a few peaks,

The clouds and mist are everywhere,

From time to time into complex runes,

Leaning against each other,

In the formation,

Urged to come over with spiritual thoughts,

Let this cloud gather,

Although this spirit is very powerful,

It's Jindan level,


The monks who control these golden cores,

Everyone looked serious!

They are disciples of the real Fire Sky Striker,

Almost three hundred years have passed since the original Tiedingguan battle,

The real Jindan disciple of Fire Sky Striker,

There are already thirty people.

Although there are not many flowers with diamonds,


Still considerable combat power!

In today's battle, Jin Dan was half killed!

Everyone's faces are like iron plates.

Inside the main hall in the mountain.

Master Xuangu and Master Lejian sat,

Next to them,

Sitting middle-aged man,

On a battle armor,

Broken in three places, his face looks graceful,


It has become darker at this time.

Obviously, the damage was not light!

This is the Fire Sky Striker Yuan Ying Flower God.


Fire Sky Striker Yuanying Flower God, looking at Reality Xuangu,

Very unhappy to say,

"Fire Sky Striker, I'm just late for a cup of tea time,

I have something to deal with. "

Zhen Xuan Gu said,

"Where, who doesn't know you have a lot of Xuangu things,

Good friends----

Yuan Ying Hua Shen fights, once there is a gap in cultivation,

There is not much time to fight more than a cup of tea. "

Fire Sky Striker said strangely.

Zhen Xuan Gu came to a cup of tea late,

When the real Lejian arrived,

This battle is over.

"This matter, the demons are so arrogant,

Should talk to the Park Wave Plane Committee. "

The real Le Jian said,

"Well, talk to that core committee member?"

Zhen Xuan Gu nodded and said,

This, it involves the attack of the Yuanying Flower God of the Demon Race,

This is hard to say to anyone.

The three of them stopped talking,

"Talk to Rain in front of the mountain."

"Okay. Let me talk about this."

Zhen Xuan Gu said with a look of enthusiasm.

Urged the communication circle,

The image of rain in front of the mountain emerged,

"Rain in front of the mountain, the demon master attacked the Fire Sky Striker Yuanying Flower God."

Zhenren Xuangu told the story.

Yu's face changed before the mountain,

"Damn, you three Yuanying Flower Gods,

Our Park Wave Plane Committee,

There are only four Yuanying Flower Gods,

You come to us about this matter? "

these years,

In the Yuanbo Plane Committee, someone has advanced to the Yuan Ying Flower God.

It is He Miao.

It was the fat man who was in the meeting of the Yuanbo Plane Committee,

Looks inconspicuous,

But it is among the core members of the Four Diamond Flower God on the Yuanbo Plane,

The most advanced stage Yuanying.


Rain in front of the mountain knows ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ these three Yuan Yinghua gods,

Among the core members of the Garden Wave Plane,

Who can surpass these three Yuanying Flower Gods,

But Chi Hyun, himself,

The cultivation base of the mountain river,

Similar to the real person Xuangu and the real person Fire Sky Striker.

Xuan Gu, Fire Sky Striker, Le Sword,

It’s been nearly 300 years,

The cultivation base is advancing by leaps and bounds.

The real Fire Sky Striker was hit hard by the Demon Yuan Ying Flower God,

Shan Qian Yu played this fire Sky Striker by himself,

This is the result of this battle. (To be continued...)

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