Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2989: Cambrian's Party


A smile appeared on Crazy Hammer's face.

Outside the capital of Qingcang Country,

Body shape flashed,

The figure of the mountain river appeared,


I don’t see any fluctuations in mana,

Like ordinary people,

Walking towards the capital of Qingcang Country,

Entered the Qingcang country,

Looking at the shuttle-like mortals,

Tashanhe's eyes are like the sky,

Yunteng Wanli,

True person Chi Xuan, a strong man with different rules,

The chairman of the Garden Wave Plane Committee,

Is further practicing,

The battle triggered by my own treasure hunt,

Where will he shoot?

Rain in front of the mountain, has been practicing in retreat,

It seems that I have gained a lot of benefits in the Guqin Pass exploration.

He Miao,

The Garden Wave Plane Committee has been around for hundreds of years,

Good baby, I never saw him take it in,

I haven't seen it taken out.

This kind of treasure hunt,

It’s not a plane conflict, it doesn’t involve mortals,

These Yuanying Flower Gods,

Every one can come up today.

Looking at these mortals,

Tashanhe remembered three thousand years ago,

I am just like these people,

Also mortal.

He is the same as the edge swords of the advanced Yuan Ying at Tianpeng Mountain,

Practice for three thousand years,

Mysterious. The perception of profound and mysterious fusion has reached a considerable height.

Only then did the Yuan Ying's catastrophe in one fell swoop.

Overcome the catastrophe of Yuanying.

Within two hundred years,

The combat power has improved considerably,

It happened to be invaded by the demons,

He is a casual cultivator,

Had an opportunity to enter the Park Wave Plane Committee as a core member,

Think about it this way,

It's already pretty good.

Then I feel a little more comfortable,

Walked for a long time.

I saw a restaurant,

It occupies a large area and is luxuriously furnished and exquisite.

There are flowers and flowing water.


Tashanhe nodded,

In the capital,

Can be so wide,

I will go to dinner when I go to the mountains and rivers.

Entered the restaurant,

"Come to the best private room."

Tashanhe said,

Dude took a look,

The man's robe was as fine as fat.

Misty as clouds,

You know at a glance.

Worn by monks.

Even if you don’t release any Taoism,

Monk Yuanying’s robe,

The best artwork in Bi Ren's family is good.


The waiter took him along the stone road,

Among the flowers and grass,

Build these small buildings.

These are truly luxurious places.

Stepped into a room,

The waiter serves dishes,

At a glance, not far away,

Along the flowers and grass,

There is a kiosk.

Put a table inside,

Several golden pills were eating and drinking.

Jin Dan who came here,


Is not going to enter the area occupied by the demons,

Has ventured out of the area occupied by the demons,

While eating,

While talking about what I saw in the Devildom Adventure,

Thinking about it,

He Miao said,

He entered the cave,

But cut and cut stones,

The rune on the top of the mountain was not obtained at all.


He Miao’s swordsmanship,

There has been a lot of progress.

of course,

Those ancient paintings,

He got some,

However, it is impossible for every ancient painting to hide a secret realm.

However, the authors of these paintings are in the area occupied by the demons.

But I was going to see the area occupied by the demons,

Even if he is the Yuanying Flower God

Rule of law,

Impossible to fall from the sky,

He thought.

Started eating wine and food,

Not bad,


The grass on the hill is shaking,

But the dark blue color of summer is no longer there.

It's spring when we walk out of the blue country,

This area occupied by the devil,

It's already autumn.

The communication circle sounded,

Tan Tian took a look,

Is the main body of the Qian Yuan committee,

"Three Hundred Golden Pills, a few Yuan Ying, how have the results been in the past few months?"

Commissioner Qian said,

This time,

I took the ancient paintings of the Yuanbo plane and went to the Yuanbo plane to shop for treasures,

Three hundred golden pills, a few Yuan Ying,

In the great war four hundred years ago,

Five hundred golden pills fell like rain,

After four hundred years,

A variety of mysterious Taoism is open to the human race,

Three hundred golden pills,

It already occupies more than one-third of the sea of ​​Jin Dan on the wave plane of the garden,

Many golden pills were strong men who survived the war four hundred years ago.


At least it is a second-diamond transformation.

"Generally, someone found a few cave houses,

But Yuan Ying Hua God level.

I went in and took a look,

For the mysterious,

Some new understanding and progress,

Rules, rules fusion,

But I can't see this secret realm.

I think the real painter who is related to the power of transforming gods,

It's snow vine, outing.

The body, I see, the wave plane of this garden,

Based on our cultivation,

What you can get, you got it.

Higher, it depends on the fate. "

Tan Tian said,

The ancient paintings on the edge of the knife mountain skyrocketed,

Brought up a tide of treasure hunts to the area occupied by the demons.

Casual repair, martial art, swarming in,

I really found a few cave houses and secret realms of Yuanying level.

Fighting is indispensable,

The human race and the demons all lost some gold cores in battle.


Every secret realm, once the cave mansion discovered,

Get together,

Tan Tian appeared immediately,

It can be said,

Several secrets discovered. Dongfu.

Tan Tian has all entered.

The profound rules and principles were not found,

A good combination of profound and mysterious, realm,

Tan Tian felt a little more.

In terms of the level of Commissioner Qian, the shadow of Jin Guo,

I realized a good mystery and realm,

You can combine these mysteries and realms.

Deduced to the rule of law,

These few months,

In Taoism,

Some help.

Into these cave houses,

Tantian used the sword skills of a monk during the Qi training period,

No matter what kind of Taoism or magic weapon the opponent uses,

Cut with one sword!

This kind of battle,

For Tantian,

Not worth mentioning.

"That's good. Found a good secret,

Let me take a look. "

Member Qian said.

This communication is over.

Commissioner Qian went out,

Walking in the streets of Dun County.

There are already many mountain products on the streets.

Mortals looked at the pedestrians on the street,

It's another year's harvest.

The perception of the shield,

More and more ethereal,

It has reached the peak of Dao Fa of the Chief Qian,

Or a shield grass,

Can’t meet the complex requirements of perceiving the entire shield,

Or because the mana of the Chief Qian is not enough,

one way or another,

Commissioner Qian wanted to get more information from this shield,

At least several years, or ten years,

My cultivation level and realm have been further improved,

Try again.

In fact,

Based on the improvement of Qian Yuan,

If you want to make significant progress in the integration of the five rules within ten years,


of course,

Commissioner Qian deduced the integration of five systems of rules,

Tan Tian, ​​Tan Da and their various adventures,

Commissioner Qian’s practice of less than a hundred years,

It is equivalent to three hundred years of deduction in the past!


The five rules are integrated, but there is some progress.

If there are new discoveries in the area occupied by the devil,

Commissioner Qian can go to relax.


After listening to Tantian's passing,

These monks on the Yuanbo plane,

Will be able to get it,

Ancient paintings more than a thousand years old,

Took it all,

Several unearth level secret realms discovered,

Among the human monks on the plane of Yuanbo,

There may be a few people who have advanced to Yuanying,

Monks in the transformation period,

How can it be so easy to pass on the power of the God-Transforming Stage to others?

A few monks passed by,

But during the training period,

But there is no one on his face.

of course,

For these estates,

These monks in the Qi training period dare not go.

They walked over,

The Wanshan Pavilion ornamentation on her body shone,

There are Wanshan Pavilion and Zhuhuo School,

The Garden Wave plane these years,

The possibility of a war breaking out is unlikely.

Commissioner Qian thought,

Hyperspace communication sounded,

one look,

It's Cambran.

"Old money, I'm in Panshishan, come and gather."

Cambran said,


Commissioner Qian just remembered,

Walk to Cambrian Chamber of Commerce,

Generally send Jindan disciples to do it,

And Cambran, haven’t seen each other for over a hundred years,


Commissioner Qian nodded.

Super plane teleportation is not a gathering,

Commissioner Qian and Cambran Advanced Yuan Ying,

Open the Chamber of Commerce, the refining martial art,

This is so easy.

Commissioner Qian opened Tantian's communication circle again:

"Cambran called me to meet at Rock Mountain,

You let Tan Dadaodun County here. "

Tan Tian nodded.

"Yun Gai Guan suits me well,

I think I can practice in Yungai Pass for hundreds of years,

Kuanglei Mountain’s solar terms are suitable for all the shadows of Golden Fruit,

Cambran calls you to do everything. "

Tan Tian said,


This crazy thunder mountain,

The shadow of the golden fruit of Commissioner Qian often comes.

Commissioner Qian nodded.

After a while,

Tan Da is here,

Commissioner Qian went to Canyon Villa,

A move of mind,

Deep space,

As if spinning quickly,

After a while,

In front of him was the Rock Mountain on the Ruixian Plane, the teleportation formation between the Shanhua Plane.

Several Jindan guards immediately stepped forward with respectful faces:

"See Master."

These monks are all above the level of the Diamond Flower God,

Among the several residences under the jurisdiction of Shanhua plane,

This rock mountain has no place to gather aura,

In order to allow the golden core monks stationed here to practice,

Quinn and Chibian shot,

After traveling a few times in the human-occupied area on the plane of Ruixian,

I found a few places where aura converges,

It was the same place where the auras gathered on the plane of Yuanbo, Antianhammer and the others,

It can be practiced by one or two people,

In this way, the place where these auras converge,

More than a dozen people can practice.

There are more than 20 Jindan monks stationed here,

Almost half on duty,

Can’t use the place where the spiritual energy converges,

Panshi Mountain is among the several stations on the outer plane of the mountain flower plane,

The weakest,


To the Jindan stationed at Panshi Mountain,

At least it is the repair of the diamond flower god.

However, including Commissioner Qian,

The elders on the plane of mountain flowers,

Fewer people have come here.

Commissioner Qian nodded.

I just walked out of the teleportation room~www.wuxiaspot.com~The Panshishan master seven-headed bird came in quickly

Deeply bowed his hands towards the member Qian:

"I have seen Master."

The cultivation base of the seven-headed bird,

Only worthy of the advanced four-diamond flower **** mid-stage.

If you talk about profoundness, the perfection and power of the rules,

The gap between Ang Tian Hammer and them is already quite large.

It seems that the seven-headed bird,

There are not many adventures to look for on the Ruixian plane.

Commissioner Qian was smiling.

"Get up, I go to Cambran to have a dinner,

You guys work hard. "

He said.

Went to Rock Mountain, Cambran controlled area.

Just approached,

A four-diamond flower **** is already standing outside,

As soon as he saw Commissioner Qian, he quickly walked over.

Deeply handed over to the member Qian:

"Master Qian, please---"

This is a confidant of Khenpolan,


Already Four Diamond Flower God,

Commissioner Qian followed this man to the defense formation,

Cambran walked out far away.

Entered the hall with Commissioner Qian. (To be continued...)

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