Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2990: Fang Zhengzhi

Cambrian is in the Chamber of Commerce,

Needless to say the luxury of this hall.

There are some fruits in the hall,

"Old money, try it."

Commissioner Qian took a look,

Some spiritual fruits that bear fruit every ten years,

Ordinary Jindan got these fruits,

Definitely regarded as a treasure, used for alchemy.

Commissioner Qian and Kanbulan used them to eat and play.

Commissioner Qian ate according to the fruit.

"Not bad."

Yuanying Flower God, some are time,

Come here,

Just rest.

Commissioner Qian said,

"Old money, these fruits are ripe every ten years,

Are planted over there,

Exactly the same variety,

I have been hanging fruit for ten years,

On your side, hanging fruit for fifteen years,

The effect is 2.5 times the fruit on my side,

The price is five times that of my fruit,

The elixir made from these fruits,

The total price is ten times that of my refined pill!

The same variety, you earn ten times more than me. "

Cambran said,

"It's just luck.

They grow hard. "

Commissioner Qian said,

The plant evolution rune obtained from the plane of garden waves,

Mountain flower plane,

Commissioner Qian performed it alone,

Even a few Yuanying elders,

I didn't say it.

How could he tell Cambran.

Look at Commissioner Qian eating fruit,

Funny face,

Cambran just tried.

"To the banquet."

Cambran said,

Immediately, the slender maid brought the banquet up.

Commissioner Qian looked at these maids;

"Cambran. I will enjoy it. The maids are all equipped."

Cambrian smiled.

"It's nice here."

Ate some dishes,

"Old money, a few months ago,

Fang Zhengzhi and I had a meal,

He is already in the early stage of Advanced Four Diamond Flower God. "

Cambran said,

As if talking about trivial things.

In the early days of the Four Diamond Flower God,

Among the disciples of the mountain flower plane,

Can't be ranked upstream.

For Commissioner Qian.

It's really not worth mentioning.

"Four Diamond Flower God's early days, not bad.

Four thousand years of life, 1,500 years have passed since we entered the space of the Lord God,

Fang Zhengzhi was considered to have won longevity. "

Commissioner Qian said,

"Fang Zhengzhi wants to advance to Yuanying."

Cambran said.

Member Qian smiled,

"Cambran, a metaphysical book of Yuanying level,

To you, it can only be regarded as an ordinary treasure.

You need to tell me about this. "

Cambran looked at Commissioner Qian with a faint expression on his face.

Seems to be more interested in this wine and food,

Commissioner Qian’s cultivation base is several times higher than his own.

Still lack this wine and food?

Fang Zhengzhi now wants to meet Committee Member Qian,

No such qualifications anymore.

"Fang Zhengzhi got a position in the cave mansion.

Fire strongman, but this cave is on the plane of the demon race,

I want to find someone to go there. I want to go with you. "

Cambran said,

"Cambran, you have already begun to practice rules and Taoism.

A trip to the Demon Realm is completely capable of this. "

Cambran has already started to practice rules and Taoism.


Commissioner Qian said that the Taoist book of the ordinary Yuanying Flower God,

For Cambrian,

It is already an ordinary treasure.

"That place, located deep in the plane,

There are rocks, three hundred times harder than black iron.

In this way, I use the method of escape and move forward,

The speed is not as fast as the Tao Fa.

It is better to be able to call you to go. "

Cambran said.

"Fang Zheng said that he got a copy of the Taoist book.

Other things in the cave,

He doesn't want anything,

Give it all to us. "

As the monk who first discovered Dongfu,

This condition,

It's really a concession can't be discounted anymore.

Commissioner Qian looked at Cambran,

Cambrian now,

It can be said that the collection is quite abundant.

His chamber of commerce opened in the Corridor of Beasts,

If it is not as big as the Kun Mi Hui Chamber of Commerce,

He is the vice president,


The good baby Cambran has seen,

Maybe better than Kun Mihui.

Cambrian team is interested in things in the cave,


Treasure hunting insights, clues,

Commissioner Qian may not be as good as Cambran and Kun Mihui one-tenth.

This Devildom Cave is worth a visit.

Commissioner Qian said,

"Well, I will give priority to three of the five products in this cave mansion."

This said,

Cambran jumped up,

"Old money, you are too dark,

This is the first choice, just choose one. "

"Cambran, already in the depths of the plane,

The rock is three hundred times harder,

If Brother Jindan goes and fights in a war,

The escape method is used, but the escape into the rock is hundreds of feet,

Meet the strong,

What is the difference between this and not escape.

This priority is not,

Who wants to go to the Devildom to explore? "

Member Qian said.

Brother Jindan, flying in the air,

You can fly thousands of miles in half a day.

When it came to a place that was three hundred times harder than Xuan Tie,

Once you meet the strong, the monster,

That is to fight face to face,

The human plane occupied by demons,

Commissioner Qian couldn't explore,

It's not cheap.

He has no time to explore the devil world.

The Demon Realm and Human Race don’t have much contact with each other.

Not much is known about this kind of information.

After talking for a long time,

Commissioner Qian chooses one first,

Cambran continued to choose one,

Commissioner Qian continued to choose two,


Commissioner Qian and Cambran split equally.

Having said this,

The banquet has almost eaten.

Commissioner Qian and Cambran,

Eating food is like a cloud.

"Go to the ancient grass plane,

Let Cambran come to the Chamber of Commerce, from where the knife can enter the teleportation array of the Demon's plane. "

Cambran said to Commissioner Qian,

"of course."

Commissioner Qian said,

The ancient clock I got back last time,

Has been put on the Qian Committee member,

The structure of the ancient clock,

Let the golden fruit of Commissioner Qian,

For the production of rule magic weapons, the arrangement of different mysterious fusion runes,


Has improved considerably,

The body of this ancient clock,

Of course, only Committee Member Qian can give full play to it.

Cambran and Commissioner Qian walked out of the hall,

Past the corner,

Is the teleportation array,

Entered the teleportation array,

The space scenery flickered,

Out of the teleportation array,

We have reached the Corridor of Beasts on the Ancient Grass Plane.

"You are sitting here."

Cambran said,

Out of the teleportation array,

This teleportation array is Cambran's own.

After a long time,

Cambran walked in with one person,

It is Fang Zhengzhi,

Although there have been four diamond flower gods,

People look,

It was a triumphant expression on his face.

Throwing his hands towards the Qian Qian:

"Old money, almost 800 years gone,

Now, we can make progress together. "

This said,

Commissioner Qian doesn’t speak~www.wuxiaspot.com~Puff"

Cambran was already laughing.

"Fang Zhengzhi, look at the cultivation base of the old Qian."

Cambran said,

Cambran Shen Nianyi looked at Commissioner Qian.

There seemed to be nothing in front of me, and it seemed to be real in an instant.

Fang Zhengzhi was sweating.

Advanced Four Diamond Flower God,

Own mind,

Can't detect each other,

Not to mention fighting,

The joy of advanced four-diamond flower god,

Immediately disappeared.

A smile barely appeared on his face,

"I followed the strong people to get rich,

Thank you all for your care. "


Cambran stepped onto the teleportation formation.

Commissioner Qian and Fang Zheng straightly followed.

The teleportation shook,

Out of the teleportation array,

Immediately, a fifth-grade golden core came over,

Arched his hand towards Cambran,

This is a mountain villa,

It is similar to the villa built by Ang Tian Chui on the plane of Yuanbo.

It has reached the outer plane.

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