Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3006: Jian Zhentian

"Neither Yuanying Flower God is an opponent,

How many demon and human gold cores have been lost? "

Wanlidao said,

Look at the seven-headed bird,

Such spiritual roots are not what they can imagine.

Fen Dao Nation is five hundred miles away from the border of the Demon Race.

Five hundred miles from the border of the demons,

The opponent’s golden core escape method urged,

Arrived in a few moments,

Three hundred miles from this villa,

Several waves of monks have gathered.

In a mountain col,

A wave of monks gathered,

One of the young women,

A look of grief and anger.

"Big brother died like this,

The owner of this villa is too cruel.

Our monks from Wanzhang Mountain,

How can you shrink back like this? "

This young woman, Jin Dan Ninth Grade,

Several monks next to him,

Some middle-aged people, some younger,

Everyone is a golden core,


The golden core of these people,

No more than six products.

After the young woman said,

These few people,

Some eyes rolled,

There are rocks looking at the side.

The middle-aged man saw this woman look over,

In this group of people,

I am the oldest,

Not good not to speak,

Then he said: "Junior Sister, these few of us,

It is the young golden core of the Wanzhangshan School.

Now, how does the owner of this villa arrange the cultivation level?

We should take a look first,"

"The team that the second senior brother said. Senior brother fancy the Linggen.

Also take a look. What is the master's cultivation of Renjia Villa?

The villa of casual repair is also the villa of monks. "

The young man with rolling eyes said,

The young woman was furious:

"Big brother died, did you speak like this?"

The monk with his eyes rolling was unhappy:

"Big brother, even the soul can't escape,

How many of us can go up there? "

That said.

Several monks next to him,

Everyone's faces are serious,

"The monks who went in, regardless of the demons,

Even the soul can't be released. "

The monk who looked at Shanshi spoke,

Banao sat,

The place where the fire aura gathers is already within three thousand miles

The best gathering place for fire aura.

and so,

Within three thousand miles,

Therefore, his manor.

Can only be set here.

The red ginseng has left,

Such a strong man.

There are no equivalent conditions,

I won’t be such an arrogant protector so easily,

Although Banao has integrated the three rules,

After passing through the tactics taught by Qianren in the flames of three thousand miles on the plane of cold rock,

Jin Guoying of Commissioner Qian,

Cultivation Commissioner Qian Qian’s comprehension of several rules fusion,

It has become easier.

This fire tree is not long in ten years,

this year,

But began to grow faster,

The fire tree is in the flames of three thousand miles on the plane of cold rock,

Absorbed flame,

But it is a very high Taoism.

Therefore, in these ten years,

The fire tree absorbs nutrients from the plane of Ruixian,

The whole thing is really different from the fire tree in Biandan Mountain.

Therefore, his rapid growth this year,

Banao couldn't think of it either.

The rules in this flame are really high!

Banao thought,

A flash of light galloped from thousands of miles away,

Like flying away from the sky,

In a few moments,

Has approached the villa,

Great power,

Let the monks around this villa use all their strength to urge them.

"This is the deputy master of Zhantian Pass,

Four diamond flower **** peak monk cuts the peak. "

These monks said,

Such a strong man appeared in Fendao Country,

Don’t talk about images of mortals,

The team fought for the various factions in the country, scattered repairs,

This is a huge shock,

Of course I have to take a look,

In this villa,

Who is so powerful,

So calm.

The cyan sword light flashed,

Slash towards Zhanfeng!

Zhanfeng flew thousands of miles,

This sword art, mana, momentum,

It has reached its apex.

Sword Jue urges,

The flames soaring into the sky,

Boom towards this cyan sword light!


A thunder fire,

Thousands of feet up,

The peak cutting across the mountains and rivers,

By this sword,

Retreat thirty feet!

Zhanfeng was shocked,

The cyan sword light spun,

Cut over like a flying fairy from the sky,

The flame swirled,

Slash towards this cyan sword light!

Soaring flames,

As if entering a huge vortex,


The cyan sword light swirled, and suddenly shook upward.

Cyan sword light!

Three thousand liren volcanoes,

Has been cut through!

On the shoulder of Zhanfeng,

Thunder and fire splashed with blood!

Three swords!

The deputy master of Zhantianguan,

Four-diamond flower **** peak monk has been injured!

Zhanfeng's figure urged,

Fly in the direction of Zhantianguan,

Faster than before,

Not even a word of the scene was said.

Zhanfeng's walk,

Several demon monks in the distance,

Fly away in the direction of Zhantianguan.

Zhantianguan, a master Yuan Ying monk, a deputy master of the four-diamond flower **** peak,

I heard that it’s not far from Advanced Nascent Soul,

In fact,

There are so many masters of Yuanying.

The deputy master Sanjian was beheaded,

A few of them, go up and die.

Hundreds of miles around the entire villa,

Very quiet,

Seeing that the blue sword light receded,

A figure full of cyan flame appeared,

Swaggering back to the villa,

The monks hundreds of miles around here,

Only then dared to speak.

"This, we can only go back and report to the head.

Three swords cut the four-diamond flower **** peak monk,

It's not Yuanying Flower God, who has this ability? "

Hundreds of miles around the villa,

Dozens of escape lights flew into the air,

Speeding past all parties in the territories occupied by the human race.

Banao is satisfied,

the next day,

Just got up,

There was a flying sound from far to near,

Flying over here,

Although the distance is three hundred miles,

Pan Ao's mind moved,

These people seemed to be in front of them.

Ok? Why are some monks in the foundation period,

There are also monks in the Qi training period.

The board ate arrogantly,

Drank some snow fruit wine,

He has breakfast for this meal,

The same is the delicacy of mountains and seas,

The power of the fusion of three rules,

How can you treat yourself badly,

There are hundreds of monks outside,

Has reached the outskirts of the villa,

far away,

A monk in the Qi training period came over panting,

Most of these hundreds of monks were monks in the foundation period,

Hula la,

Kneeling towards the villa,

"My lord, please take it in!"

It turned out that these foundation-building monks,

Seeing the power of the deputy master of the Three Swords Slashing Heaven Pass here,

Rush over immediately,

Beg to take in,


The snow fruit wine in Banao's mouth spouted,

"Everyone, please,

My villa ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ has been established for 300 years and no one asks,

How can I bear it today? "

Banao's voice seemed to be in the void,

"Lord, please take in"

These people said,



It's like a thunderous cry,

Not from Banao’s villa,

But it came from the air,

I don’t know when in the air,

A monk has appeared,

Dressed in a battle armor,

Guanghua is dazzling,

A look on his face, like that noble idol!

The momentum is soaring, really awesome.

As soon as this person came out,

All kneeling monks,

It feels like a mountain,

"I am Jian Zhentian, the core member of the Ruixian Plane Committee!

Several of you, the master has already said he wants you to **** off, don’t get off! "

This person said.

"Ah---Jian Zhentian core committee member?"

These foundation-building monks were shocked,

Today is really not a good day,

Encountered this Yuan Ying Da Neng came to visit.

(To be continued)

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