Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3007: Enshrined in Fen Dao Country

Plane Committee,

For some monks,

It's like being awesome in the sky.

These foundation-building monks scattered away.

Banao to the plane of Ruixian,

Only three diamond flowers god,

Practice for one to fifty years,

Wandered away on the plane of Ruixian,

How can I not know who this Jian Zhentian is?

"Master Jian Zhentian, please"

Prohibit separation,

Jian Zhentian knew,

This stone road to the manor,

Can walk now.

Does this person come out to greet?

Jian Zhentian was furious!


Three swords cut the peak,

I can't do it myself,

He needs at least five swords.

To be a deputy master,

Magic weapon, armor equipment,

It's definitely pretty tough.

Jian Zhentian walked into the manor,

A monk stood inside the entrance of the manor,

Arched his hand towards Jian Zhentian: "Please"

Jian Zhentian immediately leaned towards this person with spiritual thoughts,

As soon as Shennian approached this monk,

Can't move forward a bit.


Jian Zhentian's face changed.

This humanitarian law is very high!

"Your Excellency, this manor has been set up for almost three hundred years,

I didn't even come to visit, ashamed. "

Jian Zhentian said,

"Where, I didn't come to visit Lord Jian Zhentian,

Really ashamed. "

Jian Zhentian, in the Ruixian Plane Committee,

It's a role similar to the rain before the mountain,

Visiting masters everywhere,

See if these masters can come to the Ruixian Plane Committee.

Jian Zhentian and Ban Ao were walking on the stone road of the manor.

While walking.

While looking at the flowers and plants planted here.

Just walked half a mile away,

Jian Zhentian's face changed again.

It looks like flowers and plants planted on the roadside,

But all are precious varieties!

Look at that snow ginseng,

The snow white as jade exposing the soil!

The fruits of the elderly above are like gems!

This has been four hundred years!

But planted on the side of the road,

Within three feet,

With a white chill,

Obviously it is a planting array.

The sun is shining down,

But three feet around the snow ginseng,

Able to reach the Yuanying Flower God,

Treasure hunting is indispensable,


He has seen where snow ginseng grows,

It's exactly the same as around this snow ginseng,

This snow ginseng is planted in a nice place,

The growing conditions are exactly the same as those on the snowy mountains,

Such snow ginseng.

Grow faster than on the snow mountain,


Maybe better, maybe.

Jian Zhentian divinely swept away,

Beside this snow ginseng,

But did not see the shadow of the planting circle.

This hand combines magic circle and planting technique,

The level is far beyond me.

Entered the hall,

Jian Zhentian’s face,

Already looked respectful,

Ban Ao did not go out of the manor to meet him.

I have forgotten beyond the clouds,

Ban Ao and Jian Zhentian sat down,

The plant demon came up to serve tea,

Both parties drink tea,

Jian Zhentian thought to himself,

This power,

No need to bend around.

"Mr. Board,

If you are willing to come to the Ruixian Plane Committee,

The chief elder of the Ruixian plane committee,

I try my best to help Mr. "

Jian Zhentian said sincerely,

"Master Sword is sure?"

Banao said,

"This, I can only help Mr. Go all out."

Jian Zhentian said,

"So, the core members of the Plane Committee,

How can there be such an easy-to-talk? "

Banao said,

"Well, Cuiqingshan is nice,

If you can give me the green mountain,

This elder, I can consider. "

Banao said,

This said,

Jian Zhentian’s face,

Like crying again,

It's like a laugh again.

"Mr. Ban, Cuiqingshan, you can train thirty-six golden core monks,

However, it is an important place for the Ruixian Plane Committee to train monks,

how is this possible"

He looked at Banao,

This person has a high cultivation base,

His appetite is as high as his cultivation base.

"Then, Great Elder, I am not competent.

Thank you Mr. Jian for your kindness. "

Banao said,

The Grand Elder, cannot enter the core committee,

That right is simply incomparable.

It’s just medicinal herbs, more treasures,

Look at some of the herbs in this manor,

Every few decades,

He Zhentian,

This is the point that can be divided.

Jian Zhentian thought,

This person has a higher cultivation base and a greater appetite,

Go back and talk to the chairman,

I can't say anything,

Hand over,


Banao gave his hand,

"Walk slowly"

Jian Zhentian walked out of the manor,

I'm already sweating,

That spiritual root is only a hundred feet away from me,


My spiritual thoughts probed over,

As if traveling thousands of miles,

I can’t find the spiritual root at all,

The guardian of this manor is a great formation.

This big formation, and this person’s cultivation base,

Kill yourself, raise your hand!

A reminder of the law,

It turned into a light, and disappeared from the horizon in an instant,

Thousands of miles away!

Banao sat, drinking tea,

This person,

Not the person Banao wanted to meet,

Garden Wave Plane,

The Lord of Soul Chaser and Lord of Ten Thousand Thunders,

Have successively become the chief worshippers of Zunda Country and Darren Country,

Enjoy considerable rights in the great country and the great country.

At that time, Commissioner Qian was deducing the fusion of the four rules.

Jin Guo’s shadow cultivation is even less high,

Tan Tian, ​​Tan Da. Honolulu.

It's just a fusion of different rules.

The Lord of Soul Chaser and Lord of Ten Thousand Thunders,

Have successively become the chief worshippers of Zun Da Nang and Da Ren Guo for nearly two hundred years,

Cultivation school,

The Garden Wave Plane Committee gives some face,

Cultivation sects are generally mixed in Zun Da Guo and Da Ren Guo,

Casual repair,

Like a disciple of the mountain flower plane,

Three diamond flower god. Four diamond flower god,

In Zun Daguo and Daren National Villa,

It's not that messy anymore,

Here on the plane of Ruixian,

Commissioner Qian planted this fire tree,

Other main gods did not become chief worshipers here,

Member of Board Ao and Ontology Qian,

Therefore, this has revealed magical powers.

after a few days.

There is another monk,

Flying over from a distance.

Five hundred miles away,

His color,

It seems relatively pale in the Zhoutian Star Battle.

Two Diamond Flower God,

This kind of monk,

Even the rules of the Zhou Tian Star Fighting Array couldn't hold it.

Commissioner Qian has a deeper understanding of the integration of rules,

The Taoism of Zhou Tianxing's Great Array,

Has been refined with regular runes into regular Dao law,

Don't tell me,

The star power essence collected by these Zhoutian star battles,

Converted to the rule of law,

Reduced, but one-tenth,

Turned into rule mana,

Once it is released, it is rule fire, rule ice, rule boulder,

This made Commissioner Qian think,

This star power essence,

It's really mysterious!

Of course, the regular mana that these star powers are transformed into,

The Yuan Ying Flower God of the Mountain Flower Plane is in charge,

Jindan disciple,

Unless fighting,

Can't drive,

Not to mention the regular mana of these Zhoutian Star Fighting Array.

This cyan escape light quickly flew to five miles beside the villa,

The cultivation base of the second diamond flower god,

As if facing a big mountain,

Can't enter.

He immediately said:

"The chief consecration of Fendao Country, Feixia Sword, come to visit."


This person,

This is the person I want to meet.

"Come in"

Banao said,

He said,

Tones and facing Jian Zhentian,

Just as polite.

Feixiajian entered the villa,

Take a look at the medicinal materials grown in this villa,

More surprised than Jian Zhentian,

Here are some herbs,

He has heard,

I have never seen it.

Into the living room,

Banao stood up,

"Please sit down for tea."

Sit down again,

Yuan Ying Da Neng team two diamond flower god,

This is already a polite treatment.

The plant is going to serve tea,

"Thank you"

Feixiajian said,

There was already a wry smile on his face,

The waiter serving the tea,

The cultivation base is the same as him, the second diamond flower god.

He took out a gift box,

Laughing all over:

"A little gift is no respect."

Open the gift box and take a look,

Some of the training materials in it,

However, it can already be regarded as a good auxiliary material for refining.

Banao nodded,

The waiter came up and accepted,

"The Emperor Fendao knows that there is great power here,

I admire it very much. "

Feixiajian said,

Ban proudly smiled,

"I am just practicing here."

Banao said,

After talking for a long time,

Said some kind words.

"My lord, are you interested in serving as the chief worshipper of our country?"

Feixiajian said,

Jian Zhentian, the core member of the Ruixian Plane Committee, is here.

Jian Zhentian specializes in dealing with masters,

Jian Zhentian is gone,

He is the emperor of the sword country,

Want to find a strong Yuan Ying?

Feixiajian thought it was impossible.

"I heard that the royal family of Fendao Kingdom has Xiadian,

If you can give me Xiadian, give me two more places,

Not big, fifty miles in radius,

I can be the chief worshipper of the Fen Dao Country. "

Banao said,

Banao said,

Feixiajian grew her mouth,

It took a long time before I realized,

Summer Palace is the royal garden,

The royal swords of Fendao Kingdom went there to play and hunt,

Feixiajian knows,

Lotus River,

Flow there,

Made a big turn there,

Lotus River,

It’s not the largest river in Fendao Country,

But it is the most delicate and the best scenery.

There is a place where spiritual energy gathers,

This is the place where the royal family of Fendao Kingdom practiced.

However, Xiadian, with a radius of three hundred li,

A bit bigger,

It takes another two plots of land with this board and a radius of fifty miles,

A total of four hundred miles,

This can already be compared to the royal earl!

"Well, I'll report to the emperor."

Feixiajian said,

If this Yuanying strongman becomes the chief worshipper of Fendao Kingdom,

The opposite Demon Race Zhantianguan,

Generally not afraid,

However, own rights,

That’s not a lot less,

I don't know what kind of person this arrogant person is.

Handed over to Banao,

Out of the villa,

A reminder of the escape method,

Fly towards the country of Fen Dao,

Entered the capital of Fen Dao Country,


A camel cart came,

There are patterns on it,

As soon as this car came out,

Most people leave immediately,

Feixiajian got into the car.

"Go to the palace."

He said,

The car quickly got up,


A tall and majestic palace,

Already standing in front of you,

Feixiajian got off the car,


A waiter came forward,

"I have seen Feixia sword enshrined."

Feixiajian nodded,

"What the emperor wants me to do,

I came to report to the emperor. "

The waiter nodded,

Go in and report,


Feixiajian was led by the waiter,

Walked into the hall,

In the main hall, there is a middle-aged man in a yellow robe sitting,

Saw Feixia sword saluting,

"I have seen the emperor."

The emperor nodded:

"Get up, what did the strongman in that villa say."

"The strongman in that villa is called Banao,

He is willing to serve as the chief worshipper of Fen Dao Nation,

However, the Royal Garden Summer Palace must be given to him"

Feixiajian talked about the conditions of Banao~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If there is such a great power,

Xiadian is not difficult for him, there are many beautiful places on the Hehua River.

Find a place to build another one.

However, there is a princess who is practicing in Xiadian,

There is already the peak of the foundation period,

Talk to the real person Banao "

The Emperor Fen Dao said,

In this world of comprehension,

The opposite is the area occupied by the demons,

Of course know the power of Yuan Ying's great power! (To be continued...)

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