Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3016: Yao Caoshan

Most of the day,

Banao walked the whole mountain,

The painting of Daoyuan Zhenren,

Turned into a tactic,

Played hundreds of times,

No reaction at all,

And then several nearby mountains,

Using Daoyuan Zhenren’s paintings,

Explore it all again,

There is no such thing as treasure,

I inspected the entire Xuanshen Mountain again,

Xuan Shenshan has a secret realm built with space magic,

This kind of mystery in the cultivation school,

They are usually used for disciples' trials,


In this secret realm, except for some monsters running,

Other human buildings, plants, and monsters are missing,

There are still half of Xuan Shen Shan,

Want to come to that space bag and move away.

Banao physique urged,

Has left Xuan Shenshan,

This is a monk adventure,

This is mostly the case.

Go deep into the occupied area of ​​the demon world,

Only with the diamond **** can come and go freely,

Jin Dan with a lower cultivation base,

After this trip,

It's choking.

In fact, Commissioner Qian realized the rules,

There are fewer treasure hunts.

With the shadow of golden fruit,

Fully deduced the rules,

Today, the ontology has merged the five rules,

There must be progress,

Ten of the three rules of the shadow of the golden fruit,

Continue to derive rule fusion,

It's already more difficult,

Shadow of Golden Fruit,

In terms of treasure hunting,

This is strengthened.

This is not.

From the scholars in the restaurant.

I know that Xuan Shen Shan Dao Yuan has visited.

To find Daoyuan’s paintings,

Arrived at Xuan Shen Shan,

It has been used for a month.

Banao returned to the capital of Fendao Country,

It seems that the only way to find the kind-looking demon is to cultivate.

Banao did not advance to the capital of the country,

A reminder of the law,

Banao's hands.

Starry sky has appeared,


The figure of the kind monk appeared,

Quickly turned into a photoelectric,

Rushed into the stars,

The starry sky seems to change mysteriously,

In an instant,

The light spot fell towards a mountain shadow.

Yao Caoshan.

From the past of the country of the sword, forget the country of worry,

Two thousand li from the border of Fendao Country and Wangyou Country.

Qingxuan country. The Kingdom of Fen Dao, and the Three Kingdoms of Wang You.

Are at the border of the demons occupied area,


Qingxuan country is the easiest to lean against Rock Mountain.

Yaocao Mountain has a radius of three thousand miles,

Most of them are in Wangyou Country.

The monster race of Yao Caoshan,

Really free,

I also came to hunt for treasure in the capital of the country

Banao Dao Fa urged,

From the capital of Fendao Country to Yaocao Mountain,

Six thousand miles,

this time,

Banao spent a cup of tea time,

Only then arrived at Yaocao Mountain,

No gain in Xuan Shen Shan,

Ban Aofei is not so fast anymore.

To Yaocao Mountain,

Mountain spring waterfall, verdant jungle,

It is indeed a good mountain,

Fell towards a mountain,

There is already a forbidden law on this mountain,

There are many medicinal herbs growing on this mountain,

There are five hundred years old,

However, the grades of these medicinal materials are average.


This level of prohibition,

For Commissioner Qian,

Like walking in the garden,

Divinely reminded,

A stone wall is covered with ivy,

This is the entrance of Dongfu,

"Forbidden by Yuan Ying Huashen, the earth element and the plant element are fused?"

Banao thought,

Leaving the plane under the jurisdiction of Biyou Temple,

Commissioner Qian and Jin Guozhi found that

Plants have a high level of knowledge and are integrated with other mysteries,

A monk who has reached the level of Yuan Ying,

Really not much,

Plant mysteries, in various mysteries,

It can be said,

More complicated mystery!

However, the rules incorporate the following prohibitions,

For Banao,

No big effect,

If you have a high cultivation base, you will have this benefit when you come out to hunt for treasure.

Banao watched for a while,

Turned into a blue light,

In an instant,

Has rushed into the ivy on the stone wall,

On this point,

Jin Dan below the flower **** with diamond,

Don't want to come in,

Rushed into the ivy,

Travel a hundred miles,

Out of the green vine,

The mountains seem to be connected to the horizon,

The thunder fire on the mountain is like a waterfall,

The cultivation base is not high,

As soon as I set foot on this mountain,

Will be blasted to dust.

Banao reached out and pointed,

A wave blasted out,

Mysterious and mysterious.

In the mountains, the thunder and fire slowly separated,

A road appeared,

This road is three hundred miles long,

Step forward,

Have passed three hundred miles,

There is already a cave in front of me,

The sun shines on the top of the mountain through Taoism,

There are still clouds and mist,

Said that the conditions are similar to the natural conditions outside,

It’s about thirty miles,

Many precious medicinal materials are planted,

There are many of these medicinal materials in a thousand years.

Sure enough, truly precious medicinal materials,

Planted in the space expanded by Taoism,

In the drugstore,

Many monsters with human faces look after the medicinal materials,

The peak cultivation base of these monsters,

After taking Huaxing Pill, you can change your body shape,


Still a demon body,

Take care of the medicinal materials, but I have more than enough.

The Taoist device in this medicine garden,

Put one a few dozen feet away,

At the standard of the board,

These planting method devices,

The standard is average and rough.

There is a kind of manager,

Standing on a high place,

Shouting at these monsters,

How to grow medicinal materials and open the magic circle.

It was the monk with a kind face.

It turned out to be the steward of this cave.

This steward said for a long time.

Today’s planting is finished,

There are many precious medicinal materials here,

But it needs careful attention.

This steward walks into the passage,

It’s different from the passage of Cold Rock Plane,

The channel here,

Good white stone decoration,

There are a variety of ornamental plants and flowers.


As if this channel,

It’s like a corridor built in the mountains outside,

I saw this in charge,

A flower seems to flicker,


A figure rushed out,

Pounced at him,

His whole person,

Were swallowed by the figure.

The figure rushed towards the entrance,

A monk who blends three rules.

For this golden core monk,

Really like a monster!

The figure rushed into the mouth.

Reach out,

On the mountain surrounded by thunder and fire,

Another channel appeared,

Body shape shook,

Already out of the channel,

Soon through Ivy,

In a few moments,

It is thousands of miles away from Yaocao Mountain.

Working towards this,

A dozen magic tricks,

In ten moments,

I have searched all over this soul in charge,


Thousands of years ago,

There was a demon repair during the foundation building,

I got a piece of jade from Xuan Shenshan,

Originally wanted to refine this jade into a magic weapon,

Which looks like,

In this jade,

The mysterious magic power released,

This base-building demon repair,

Leaning on this jade,

In six hundred years,

I feel the fusion of different mysteries,

Ran to this mysterious mountain again,


This mysterious mountain,

Has been occupied by the monks of the Profound God Sect,

He searched all over Xuan Shen Shan,

Can't find the same jade,

After another thousand years,

He advanced to the Nascent Soul monk,


At this time,

Xuan Shen Shan,

Together with half the plane of Ruixian,

Has been occupied by the demons,

This monk,

Is Yaocaoshan,

The owner of this mountain!

Kill real people!

This mountain lord kills real people,

Became interested in Xuan Shen Shan,

This works,

Concretely handle this matter.

Pan Ao searched this man's soul,

It turns out that this Yaocaoshan mountain owner,

It is also the newly advanced Nascent Soul for thousands of years,


This mountain owner’s luck surpasses Cambran, and Fang Zhengzhi these people from the earth,

Got a piece of jade,

One thousand six hundred years,

Advance to Yuanying smoothly!

But occupy a mountain peak,

In the cave made by space,

It’s just a radius of tens of miles,

It’s not as good as Huo Dao Shan, Le Jian, Xuan Gu,


This job has been thrown on the hillside,

Stand up and take a look,

I arrived on the hillside,

It is a thousand miles away from Yaocao Mountain,

This manager was shocked,

Body shape,

Flew towards Yaocao Mountain,

Entered the cave,

These monsters,

Salute him one after another,

He is in charge,

Where did he go,

Are these medicinal plants grown and miscellaneous monsters in charge?

Walking through the corridor,

Walked for many miles,

Came to a hall,

This hall,

It's exactly the same as the human hall,

Various natural conditions,

All exactly the same,

There is a middle-aged man sitting,

Square face, red hair,

The eyes are like electricity,

As if coming from the deep and unknowable sky,


This manages everything,

"What's the matter?"

The Lord said,

This person in charge will talk about things,

The master stood up suddenly.

Once the mana is released,

This work is like being pressured by a giant mountain!

This master played a magic trick,

A ripple quickly expands the whole cave of the knife,

The entire prohibition made a rolling thunder!

The Lord watched a tea time,

I got sweat on my face,

"This person's cultivation base is much higher than mine.

I want to come when you met that master in the capital of Fendao Country!

The treasure on the Profound God has not been discovered yet,

One more strongman!

The lord waved his hand,

Steward retired,

Ban Ao returned to Xia Dian,

This kills the real person, get that fast jade,

It's just luck.

The true mystery of Xuan Shen Shan,

He looked for more than a thousand years!

Think about it this way,

The interest of Xuan Shenshan of Banao team immediately declined,

This time,

Another half month passed.

If this is an ordinary Jindan monk,

Tens of thousands of miles back and forth,

At least half a year!

Banao practiced for half a month,

Go to the prefect of Xianlian,

Harvest red fruits,

The red fruit is already ripe,

He talked to Commissioner Qian,

The red fruit is collected like this first.

The red fruits of this year,

Banao took it away smoothly,

Although not as many as before,

Still refining a hundred catties of red fruit essence,

Refining this hundred catties of red fruit,

It’s already the early summer of the year,

Banao went to the antique shop,

I received another Daoyuan real-life painting.

In recent years, Banao has collected a lot of paintings,

Poetry cards carved on various materials,

Thought for a long time,

This Yuan Zhenren’s painting of Xuan Shenshan is the most reliable.

Xuanshenshan is where he is sure that some monks have had adventures,

Kill real people, whether they are human or monster,

Once Yuan Ying is advanced,

at this point,

Is no longer important.

this day,

A few miles away from Xiadian,

There is a big car coming,

Someone got off the car,

Shouting towards Xiadian,

The guards of the imperial palace of the Kingdom

Three miles from this summer palace,

Like an invisible barrier,

Can't go half a step forward,

"Please come in-----"

Banao's voice came over,

The guard stepped forward,

Already like an ordinary villa.

Entered the villa,

The cultivation base of ordinary warriors,

All feel the mysterious feeling!

The waiter of the villa greeted him,

His face is clear,

At a glance, he is not a mortal,

Take the waiter to the hall nearest to the entrance of the villa,

Banao sat,

Nod to the waiter~www.wuxiaspot.com~Master Banao, the country will hold a poetry and painting meeting,

After the poetry and painting meeting, go on hunting,

Lord Banao, please go. "

He said.

Banao listened,

It turns out that this kind of movement,

He won't go,

However, I met the real person Xueteng and the real person walking,

Banao nodded towards the waiter,

Botanical waiter,

Immediately took out a jade plate,

There is a fruit on it. (To be continued

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