Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3017: with pleasure

Real people like Xueteng and Qingzheng,

Are all great painters,

I participated in a lot of activities like this,

So, this time, the poetry and painting meeting,

Banao was also ready to go before attending,

Maybe I have some insights,

Now that it is,

Give this servant a fruit,

If it is an ordinary official,

Give a fruit,

The attendant took the fruit and threw it on his face.


This is Yuanying strongman,


Not seen by most people,

This strong naive infant,

It is the person with the highest Taoism that ordinary people can see,

The attendant took the fruit and ate it,

Just eat it,

An aura spreads out,

This person has been cultivated by the peak of ordinary warriors,

Work immediately,

Work for a few weeks,

After eating this fruit,

Immediately felt that the skill increased greatly!

May have increased by half,

The effect of this fruit,

Not fully digested yet,

The effect of the fruit is completely digested,

Skill increases more.

I'm overjoyed, and immediately thank you Banao,

Hurry out of the summer hall and get on the car,

Carriage on the carriage return,

Back to the palace,

Of course I live outside the palace,

Work immediately,

He came to inform Banao,

To hold a poetry and painting meeting,

At least half a month.

It has been ten days,

This man came out of the room,

The companion next to him took a look,

"You walk like a beast. Already at the peak of the innate warrior?"

The man nodded.

If there is an innate martial arts technique.

Advanced congenital warrior. All possible,

A fruit,

From the middle stage of the ordinary warrior to the peak of the ordinary warrior,

There are great possibilities for advanced innate martial artists,

Fairies and mortals,

There is a real difference!

One hundred and fifty miles from the Summer Palace,

Go down the lower reaches of the Lotus River.

Another luxurious manor was established.

Outside the manor,

The luxurious big car has been parked to the side of the mountain,

At this time,

On the periphery, soldiers in battle armor walked back and forth in rows,

From these soldiers,

But the maids and attendants in royal costumes walked around,

This is a newly established royal garden,

Royal Garden.

Of course not too far from the capital,

Still by the lotus river.

It took three years to build,

It is called Shuiyun Palace.

Someone came,

The maids and waiters came up immediately,

The talents who participated in the poetry meeting,

Please go aside,

The nobles who participated in the poetry and painting society,

Please go aside again.

Their seats,

Relative to the talented people, there is a certain distance,

Such convenient talents chant poems and paint.

At this moment, a man in Tsing Yi came in the distance,

Walk faster than ordinary people,

When I arrived,

A green robe,

Soldiers, attendants, and maids look over,

As if you can't see the side at a glance!

An attendant immediately stepped out of the war soldiers,

He bowed his hand to this person: "Master Banao---please---"


The soldiers, attendants, and maids outside Shuiyun Palace,

Guests who have not entered the Shuiyun Palace,

I watched them all,

This is the worship of Fen Dao Country,

Yuan Ying Flower God is strong.

People that most people can’t see,

This person is the attendant who came to send the invitation earlier,

Banao nodded.

Follow this attendant,

Under the gaze of everyone,

Walk into Shuiyun Palace,

He especially opened the Taoist effect on the Taoist robe,

The royal family of Fendao Kingdom invited him to participate in this poem and painting meeting,

Is there no sense of shock?

Banao entered the Shuiyun Palace,

But sitting with the dignitaries,

Princess Narcissus looked over from a distance,

Nodded towards this side:

"Master Banao has an outstanding style."

Banao gave his hand:

"Where, I have seen the princess."

This is considered a gift.

Where the talented people sit,

You can see the scenery within a few miles,

They can walk around here,

After thinking about it, I chanted poems and painted,

Banao came in and sat down,

Some talented people have started to write poetry,

There are a few talents,

Has started painting,

I have long known that the Shuiyun Palace will hold a poetry and painting meeting,

Of course, I did my best to prepare.

Banao looked at the scenery,

After a while,

I also made a poem myself,

I was prepared to rely on the imperial examination,

Those imperial examination materials and articles are all familiar,

Of course you can do poetry,

I have been in the country for a long time,

These talented poems,

Have been done,

Chanted song by song,

The dignitaries in the distance,


Banao listened, really,

Poems made by myself, among this talent,

Not even middle grade!

Can only be regarded as low-grade.

The same situation, in the hands of these talents,

Just different,

Those who rank high,

It's really a flower under the pen,

This is talent,


This kind of talent,

After today’s atmosphere,

No matter how others read,

It’s hard to appreciate the talent displayed by these talents at this time.

It's already evening,

Poems and paintings have all been circulated,

From the poems of these talented scholars,

Ban Ao realized his sentiment,

Banao's green robe,

All become the scenery described in the poems of talented scholars,

Even to the talented people,

Than this Shuiyun Palace,

Farther and deeper.

I see a lot of rich gardens,

Yuanying’s Taoism,

Ordinary people can't see it at all,

It turns out that my own way,

Is there such a realm?

For a while,

Banao's mind,

As if being brought into that mysterious and far-reaching realm by this verse.

"it is good----"

Banao said loudly,

"Everyone write my Taoism in poetry,

it's my honour,

Those who write my Taoism in poetry,

Give a glass of green wine. "


There is already an extra bottle in my hand,


The waiter next to him came,

Started pouring wine,

This time,

Those talented scholars were applauded suddenly,

Can have wine to give away,

Every face is happy,

No gift from the green wine guest,

Generally calm,

Just a glass of wine,

These people,

I got too much wine as a gift from the nobles.


The maid served a glass of green wine,

Delivered to those talented in the green robes who carried Ban Ao,

This wine is as deep as a pool, and like jade,

Take a sip,

The fragrance lingers,

After a glass of wine,

The faces of these talents,

Everyone has a different face.

The talent next to him became envious.

The blue robe on this real man,

You can't see the deep,

How can the scenery of the Shuiyun Palace be comparable,


What's wrong?

At this time,

In this Shuiyun Palace,

A few people looked aside,

In the muffled sound,

Stand up and say goodbye,

They explored this proud green robe with their spirits,

Spiritually probed over,

As if swallowed,

Own god's house shakes up!

Paled face,

Only then did I know how powerful the Nascent Soul is,

Stand up and say goodbye immediately.

In the Shuiyun Palace,

Some of those in luxurious clothes changed their faces.

These people, but their golden core worship,

When I saw those golden pills retreating,

The emperor of Fendao Kingdom and Princess Narcissus laughed,

at this point,

These three hundred summer palaces,

It's worth the fare.

Not to mention that Banao gave Princess Narcissus a golden pill,

Master You Banao is here~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but he didn’t even attend the dinner party at Shuiyun Palace.

Needless to say at the dinner,

Of course it is more luxurious,

Feixiajian is relaxed,

The few people who left,

There were a few people, and he struggled to deal with it!

Ban Ao returned to Xia Dian,

The original mood is as strong as mountains,

As the description of Taoism in those poems fluctuates,

Sitting in this cross is three months,

Banao stood up,

The whole person has another ethereal temperament! (To be continued...)

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