Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3020: Wanzhangpai

Over the years, he advanced to Yuanying.

How many times has he deduced these three swords,

Advanced Yuan Ying,

But more and more realized the power of these three swords.

Even if he advanced to the Nascent Soul,

How many swords can be blocked,

No more than ten swords at most!

Yuan Ying Flower God cannot block ten swords,

Those three swords and ten swords,

What's the difference?

Seeing that the flame on Zhanfeng is about to rise,

As if to rise thousands of miles in an instant,

"I bought this red fruit, why are you here to join in the fun?"

Banao said,

It turned out to be here to collect red fruits.

This Zhanfeng thought,

Needless to say,

This person has been able to extract the essence of the red fruit.

"The red fruits collected this time are worth tens of thousands of catties.

How about one person and half? "

Zhanfeng said.

"Yes, the Hongguo purchased by these firms,

Half of us, the price you raise,

It must be lowered to the far-off price. "

Banao said,


Zhanfeng said,

Took out a storage ring,

Took out another storage bag,

Take this storage ring,

Pour into this storage bag.

Bag with red fruits,

The waterfall generally flows to the storage bag,

Holding the storage bag, flew towards Banao,

Banao took the storage bag,

Indeed, five million catties of fresh fruit,

"it is good-"

Banao said,

Body shape flashed,

It's gone.

An exhibition of how to escape the peak,

Has rushed into the nearby mountain and disappeared,

Both Banao and Zhanfeng knew.

The other party has extracted the red fruit essence,

Knowing the benefits of red fruit essence,

The red fruits produced in the country of Fen Dao, Qing Xuan country,

Both parties will buy first.

Benefits are always divided by the strong.

The medicinal materials that can promote the production of real water from Yuanying Flower God,

Yes, this effect is generally available for several hundred years.

How heavy are the hundreds of medicinal materials?

Less than a catty,

One hundred and fifty catties of red fruit essence.

It’s nearly 300 kilograms of medicinal materials that can promote the production of real water from the Yuan Ying Hua Shen.

Take 300 pieces of medicinal materials for hundreds of years in a year, which can promote Yuanying Flower God to produce real water.

Great Comprehension School,

It's not so easy.

Banao returned to Xiadian,

Start practicing.

Integrate the rules of plants, earth, fire, and gold,

There really must be a lot of real water support.

the second year,

Zhanfeng went to those firms,

The purchase price of Hongguo was restored to 1.5 times the original price.

These firms are waiting for Banao to come over.

Don't think,

Banao gave the same price.

The managers of several firms, the treasurer, look at me,

I see you,

It was originally a fruit eaten by ordinary people,

It's good to be able to increase the price by half.

this day,

Banao urged the communication array,

After a while,

The figure in the communication circle just appeared,

At this time hyperspace communication.

"Tanshan. I made another alloy,

It can increase the pass rate of the Plant Taoism by 3%! "

Banao said to the figure in the image.

This is Honolulu, the shadow of the golden fruit where Commissioner Qian sits on the flower plane of the mountain.

Honosan nodded:

"Well, the power of the magic weapon of the plant system is enhanced.

Combine plant, soil, and fire. Gold rules,

Great improvement in alloy standards. "

Tanshan said,

Banao passed the information over.

Looking at Honolulu,

"This is what we tried,

The essence of those grasses tempers this alloy,

However, your tempering method has changed,

The formula only adds one kind of grass. "

Use black iron and red copper to refine plant magic weapons,

These runes should best exert the power of the Dao Fa of the plant system,

It must be tempered with the essence of various plants,

The extraction of these plant essences,

Generally done by Jindan monks,

It's similar to extracting red fruit essence,


It is not as complicated and demanding as extracting red fruit essence!

Ordinary Jindan Taoism is fine,

"I deduced that the rules of the plant, earth, fire, and gold systems merged,

Only then did we deduced the improvement of this formula and tempering method,

Do not deduct the fusion of these rules,

How could the improvement of this method be so easy. "

Banao said.

Talked to Honolulu for a while,

Banao left Xiadian,

A blink of an eye,

Another five years have passed!

The progress of the fusion of the rules of plant, soil, fire, and metal,

There is still only that.

The shadows of the golden fruit that began to merge the four-line rules are the same,

Progress is relatively slow.

Walking towards the immortal lotus merchant,

The harvest season of red fruits,

Coming soon,

This time I went to the Xianlian firm,

The treasurer nodded politely to him,

The price increase is only one year,

The enthusiasm of the firm has also become polite with the price.

"Master Ban, the immortal master of the Wanzhang faction is here,

Willing to pay half the price. "


The strong man in the medium-sized school of Ruixian plane.

Refining this red fruit essence for less than 20 years,

The cultivation of the Ruixian plane was sent to purchase red fruits.


Banao thought for a while,

Step out of Xianlian Mansion,

Body shape,

Turned into a long rainbow,

In a few moments,

Has flown more than a thousand miles,

Flying fast,

The Mozu patrol in the sky,

Seeing a flash of brilliance in the higher sky,

But it is already at Zhantian Pass!

He entered the Zhantian Pass,

Walked to Guanzhu Mansion,

The guard greeted him,

Banao took out a piece of jade slip.

"This is for the deputy master of Zhanfeng."

The guard took the jade slip,

Sense of God,

A piece of jade slip is like a mountain!

This prohibition,

It’s not what the guard can imagine,

The guard walked in,

After a cup of tea time,

On a mountain outside Zhantianguan,

Zhanfeng arrived on this mountain,

There was already a person standing on the mountain,

It is Banao,

Wanzhangpai wants to buy Hongguo,

He already said in the jade slip,

"What are you going to do?"

Banao said,

"We charge twice the price."

Zhanfeng said.

"Well, yes, I'll talk to the shopkeeper of the firm."

Banao said,

Banao physique urged,

Has rushed across the sky in an instant,

Arrived at Xianlian Mansion,

Entered the Xianlian firm,

The waiter took a look,

This board has come,

The immortal Chang of the Wanzhang School came,

The waiter thought,

But with a look of enthusiasm,

Bringing Banao to find the deputy shopkeeper.

The deputy shopkeeper nodded politely.

There are many such things in business.

Banao sat down,

Sip tea,

Say it unhurriedly,

"I will double the price."

This is the generous tolerance,

"Master Ban, this is the immortal leader of the Wanzhang faction."

The deputy shopkeeper's face was a little painful.

"I live in the premises of the Honshu government.

Let him come to me. "

Banao talked about the most luxurious premises in Xianlian Prefecture.

The deputy shopkeeper took a look,

This man is as rich as jade,

Look over with a pair of eyes,

It seemed like a boundless sight.

This person is also a monk.


The deputy shopkeeper said,


I walked out of the Xianlian firm,

Arrived at the best premises in Xianlian Mansion,

Asked for an other courtyard.

after a few days,

The waiter came,

"A real person from the Wanzhang faction is looking for you."

"Invite him in~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Banao said,


Someone walked toward this other courtyard,

As soon as I walked into the other courtyard,

I have seen a person sitting and drinking tea,

After walking a few steps,

The distance from this person remains the same!

This person was shocked,

He is an elder of the Wanzhangpai,

Yuanying Flower God,

Wanzhangpai, he is the only soul,

The head of the Three Diamond Flower God,

Similar to the Le Sword of the Yuanba plane, the fire sword flashes almost!

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