Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3021: Tengyun Mountain

His style,

Joined the Ruixian Plane Committee,

Little power,

and so,

This elder is similar to Xuan Gu, Le Jian, and Fire Blade Flash.

Lipai thousand years,

Jin Dan does not exceed 30 people,

Life is plain,

However, to be able to advance to the Yuanying Flower God,

After all, unusual,

This red fruit essence was refined by him,

One use,

For the Jindan monks, the effect is average,

Other medicinal materials can be substituted,


To him, the Nascent Soul monk,

Works well,

He just thought,

A large number of acquisitions of red fruit refining,

As soon as I heard,

The person who bought Hongguo was a monk,

Of course come and take a look.

I didn't think of coming in,

The other party’s Taoism is not under him,

He reminded him of the method,

Step towards him,

This step,

A mountain can step out of the canyon,


Beside him,

Shan Ying immediately appeared!

From a distance,

It's just a shadow of the mountain,

As if you can get out in one step,

This elder of the Wanzhang faction looks like,

There are already mountains in front.

This person’s earth system mystery and formation,

It's already of a high level,

The elders of the Wanzhang faction came out with their spiritual rights,

Peek around!

As if divine consciousness has detected thousands of miles, thousands of miles!

But this battle.

It seems to be all mountains.

I can't see where the exit is.

The position set by the power,

Where is a few steps towards this side,

Walk a few steps over there,

Can get out of the battle,

Such a formation,

During the Qi training period, the monks used almost the same.

The elders of the Wanzhang faction reminded me of Taoism,

The figure is like electricity, and the light is like thunder.

Where the lightning flashes,

The space exploded and shattered immediately,

After flying half a tea time,

As if flying three thousand miles,


This other courtyard, this person, appeared again,

The elder Yuan Ying of the Wanzhang Sect received the escape method,

Only then did it fall towards the other courtyard.

one look,

The stone road in front of the courtyard seems to be business as usual.

"In this way, I can't take your share of the red fruit.

I'm looking for the other person who bought Hongguo. "

The elder of the Wanzhang faction said,


Banao was drinking tea,

Watching the elders of the Wanzhang faction leave the other courtyard,

Even invite the elders of the Wanzhang faction for a cup of tea,

Banao didn't say anything,

I left the hospital by myself.

The elder of the Wanzhang faction went to Zhanfeng,

It's about him.

after a few days,

Zhanfeng came to the Xianlian Chamber of Commerce,

The Xianlian Chamber of Commerce was the shopkeeper this time,

All smiles:

"The immortal leader of the Wanzhang faction, wants to see you."

"it is good---"

Zhanfeng said,

The expression on his face did not change a little,

Following the shopkeeper, he walked into one of the most luxurious halls of the Xianlian Chamber of Commerce.

The shopkeeper retired.

The elders of the Wanzhang faction are drinking tea.

Turned around.

It seems to be surrounded by thousands of miles of mountains and rivers,

A picture of leisurely green hills,


But it is surrounded by volcanoes and the flames are soaring!

Verdant and fiery red, wild and leisurely,

As if rushing thousands of waves,

But it is in the Italian territory of both sides!

The verdant landscape seems to burn,

Soaring flames,

As if to suppress it.


Ten thousand miles of green hills, still stable,

The flames soaring,

But there are still big waves.

The test of the realm of mana,

Zhanfeng is a lot worse.

Zhanfeng knew,

I'm not as good as this person,


You can still fight a thousand moves!

Far inferior to the master of the Flame Villa.

Zhan Feng was cursing in his heart,

However, Hongguo,

Generally, only those of Yuanying level can be refined,

I can compete with the elders of this Wanzhang faction,

Has entered the monk’s Nascent Soul Club,

He is the deputy master of Zhantianguan,

How can you not know the deputy elder of this Wanzhang faction?

"The red fruit I got, half for you."

This Zhanfeng said,


The Wanzhangpai elder said,

Together they found the treasurer of the Xianlian Chamber of Commerce,

Talk to the shopkeeper.

The elders of the Wanzhang faction and Zhanfeng walked out of the Immortal Lotus Chamber of Commerce,

Each back to the station.

The elders of the Wanzhang faction didn’t care about where the peak was cut.

He got a copy, which was enough.

Banao withdrew his mind,

It’s good to get half of the fresh fruit.

Ban Ao returned to Xia Dian,

After half a month,

I went to these shops,

Gave gold,

Get your own fresh fruit.

Yuan Ying practitioners have a long time,

The deduction ability of Banao, the shadow of golden fruit,

Not as good as the main committee member Qian,

Able to advance the integration of three rules,

That’s because Commissioner Qian himself has integrated these rules.

Integrate the rules of plants, earth, fire, and gold,

The ontology has not been successfully integrated,

Banao estimated,

Although there are magic tricks taught on the plane of Cold Rock,


But when it comes to ten sentences,

At most count as a general outline.

The time when the rules of fusion of plants, earth, fire and gold are successful,

It may be about the same time as the ontology fusion of the four rules.

It will take hundreds of years!

Think about it this way,

Banao's practice eased,

After a few months,

It's already snowy,

Banao urged the communication array,

"Tan Tian, ​​the teleportation hall rules the water.

I planted a lot of medicinal materials in the royal garden.

This is cold weather. Regular water irrigation is needed. "

The medicinal materials grown by Commissioner Qian and Jin Guozhiying,

It grows faster than the medicinal materials planted on the mountain flower plane,


Regular water is indispensable,

"it is good---"

Tan Tian said,

Brilliance flickered,

A jade bottle,

Appeared in the villa,

Banao picked up the jade bottle.

In this jade bottle,

There are five thousand catties of regular water,

Tan Tian picked up five thousand catties of regular water,

Water the herbs grown in Xiadian.

While pouring regular water,

While adjusting the circle,

The planting level of plant monsters,

Far inferior to Banao,

These things,

One month,

Banao has to do it himself.

Walked to the lotus river,

Although Tan Tian grows medicinal materials.

It’s almost a mile away from the lotus river,

Still see,

In the lotus, there are many big fish, water dogs and shrimps swimming,

While looking at these herbs.

Such a good day,

Banao thought,

In a flash, three years have passed,

this day,

The communication circle sounded,

At first glance, it was Feixia sword,

"There are monsters in Tengyun Mountain that ate the beasts of the people,

The prefect asked the capital to enshrine. "

Feixiajian said,

This immortal world,

The territory is vast and full of aura,

The mountains are high and dense,

Monsters are more common,

There are even more monsters.

This Tengyun Mountain,

But it is the territory of monsters,

Some people graze animals into the mountains,

Eaten by monsters,

Mortal worship,

Can’t fight against demons,

With diamond flower god,

The demons can resist a few golden cores.

Can only take care of these things,

Ban Ao frowned.

"This kind of thing, you can go,

Find me? "

Banao said,

"Well, I don't know what the main cultivation level of Tengyun Mountain is?"

Feixiajian said,

Damn, I can’t even handle Tengyun Mountain,

Banao despised,

"You go first, if there is a strong player, let me know,

I rushed over. "

Banao said,

He made the chief consecration of Fendao Country,

These things,

But he must manage.

Feixiajian received the communication,

In front of me is a mountain of high Dalian,

Trees hundreds of meters high,


The sky looks deep,

Into the jungle,

In broad daylight, like dusk.

Specifically, where is the cave mansion of Mountain Lord Tengyun,

he does not know,

With a cry:

"Master Tengyun Mountain, Fen Dao Country enshrines Feixia Sword."

The second diamond flower **** shouted,

The sound shook hundreds of miles,

Covering the entire Tengyun Mountain,

Mountains are not the same as plains,

Hundreds of miles in the plain,

Just a few hundred miles,

Hundreds of miles of mountains,

The peaks, valleys,

The area is thousands of miles,

There are more kinds of creatures.

From one place from the forest,

A flare of light flies,

In an instant,

I have reached the second diamond flower **** Feixia sword,

Some people say that the method of demon cultivation is demon spirit.

The way of demon cultivation,

Isn't it to absorb the vitality of the sky,

Reiki practice where reiki converges,

Or to absorb the brilliance of the sun, moon and stars,

In that plane,

The essence is the same as the essence of which plane!

Look at this escape light,

Practicing the Taoism of Earth System and Taoism of Water System,

Although it is Jindan cultivation base,

But did not start to merge,

This Feixiajian felt relieved!

"You monsters of Tengyun Mountain,

Did you know that you ate hundreds of beasts released by the human race? "

This said,

When the escape light was closed, a person appeared,

The face is wide at the top and narrow at the bottom,

Looks like ordinary people,

"Flying worship, your reputation, I have heard,

This mountain of beasts can’t be all under me,

My Golden Core cultivator is too late to practice.

A monster that doesn’t even transform into a human form,

Where would I accept him as a subordinate,

These beasts were eaten by wild beasts, it's up to me--"

The owner of Tengyun Mountain said,

"Stop talking nonsense, follow me to see the prefect--"

Feixiajian said,

Where is Tengyun Mountain Lord willing,

Does it matter to him?

Feixia Sword and Sword Jue,

Sword light like a rainbow,

Slash towards this Tengyun Mountain Master,

In an instant,

Has turned into ten thousand stars,

The Lord of Tengyun Mountain stretched out his hand,

A sword light leapt out,

The sword light is like the mountains and autumn water,

Slash towards these ten thousand stars!

Touch with ten thousand stars,

But feel that

A little starlight is as heavy as a mountain!

In an instant,

But cross the swords!

In a bang,

The sword light of the mountains and autumn water,

Already burst into thousands of sparks!

"With diamond flower god?"

The Lord Tengyun Mountain was shocked,

My own sword art is not far from the opponent's sword art,


The power of mystery is far apart,


The sword light that I urged,

All bombed and cut into shots!

A big hole with a radius of one hundred feet has appeared on the mountain!

Trees, flowers, bodies of beasts,

With this sword,

Flying around this big pit,

The mysterious force field is like a hurricane,

Rolling around them endlessly!

The whole mountain is full of thunder,

The wind howls!

Feixia sword one sword,

Has been smashed into the mountains and waters surrounding the Lord Tengyun Mountain,

It seems that there is huge gravity and the surrounding force of the water system,

The speed of this sword immediately slowed down.


Brother Jindan’s own body protection,

Definitely the strongest.

"Boom and boom----"

Like a thousand miles of mountains and rivers,

A huge canyon appeared,


Tengyun Mountain Lord’s body protection method was not cut off,


Tengyun Mountain Lord,

His face has changed!

But it has been injured,

Tengyun Mountain Lord's figure reminded him,

In an instant it turned into a sword light,

A hundred miles away!

The escape method urges ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to flee towards Wangyouguo,

Feixiajian smiled,

As soon as the mind unfolds,

But he began to search for the cave mansion of Tengyun Mountain Lord.

It's just that the board won't come,

This Tengyun Mountain belongs to his Feixia Sword,


The trees are high in the mountains,

Find the Dongfu where the prohibition is applied,

How can it be so easy,

From morning to afternoon,

Feixia Sword discovered a restriction now! (To be continued...)

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