Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3022: Kill real people

About to go,

An extremely powerful pressure in the sky,

Has been shrouded towards myself,

At a glance, a ray of light in the sky in the distance,

Lightning rushed towards me,

Four Diamond Flower God Peak or Yuan Ying Flower God!

The plane that fought against the demons,

Yuan Ying Flower God shot,

These golden core monks often see them,

He immediately urged the communication circle,

"Master Banao, the master of Tengyun Mountain calls for a Yuanying Flower God to come over!"


The sword art is already fully urged,

The sword light flashed, starry,

Some sword light is like a mountain, some sword light is like a river,

Some sword light is like mountains and rivers,

Wandao Jianguang,

It seems that there are hundreds of martial arts artistic conceptions.

Compared with the mysterious fusion,

Different mysterious Taoism combined with sword tactics are used separately and together,

For the second diamond flower god,

It's really easy,

Hundreds of martial arts moods were blasted out with one sword,

For the team Budo monk,

At a glance,


For the second diamond flower god,

It's just a powerful sword technique,

A sword blasted over,

The whole sky is shining with this sword,

There are thousands of stars with hundreds of martial arts artistic conceptions,

At the same time suddenly exploded!

Heavy as mountains, winding like water, mountains and rivers winding around,

In front of this sword,

It turned into a joke!

Feixia sword hand holding a shield,

Mana urged with all his strength,

First gear!

The shield blocked a sword light.

The sword jue was smashed by the sword of Yuanying Flower God.

Feixia sword caught the sword of Yuanying Flower God

where is it.


There was a loud noise,

The two thousand li realm on the shield,

Soaring into the sky!

The shield exploded along with Feixia Sword's hand!

In the thunder and fire,

Feixiajian was bombarded with one hand for the most part,

The whole face is pale!

How did you think that the other party would call the Yuan Ying Flower God?

The opponent's sword light showed off,

Slashed towards him,

To kill the flower **** with diamonds,

One thought.

Jianguang didn't cut it over,

That powerful coercion,

Let the speed of Feixia Sword's body protection Taoism decrease to the speed of a camel beast running.

A flame suddenly appeared,

Turning towards Feixia Sword's sword light,


With a soft sound,

This sword light has been blocked!

The other party's sword light was collected,

A middle-aged monk with a square face with fiery red hair,

Yao Caoshan Mountain Lord.

At this time, in the eyes of Yaocaoshan Mountain Master,

Like thunderclouds in the vast sky.

Eyes like gods,

Has unpredictable power.


Whole body tactics,

It's a reminder!

Yuanying flower god,

The opponent’s sword,

Looks like a sword,

In fact,

I have surpassed myself!

"I am the chief consecration of Fendao Country,

Banao, may I ask your name. "

Banao said,

"Yaocao Mountain Lord, Dajue is a real person.

Your Excellency is the chief consecration of Fen Dao Country,

Well-deserved reputation---"

Dajue said,

Under the red hair, his expression was relaxed.

"This matter, I see, that's it.

There are five miles here,

Dajue can't give it to me. "

Banao said,

Tengyun Mountain Lord,

It’s the class of Yaocao Mountain Master,

Come here to practice,

Needless to say,

Such things are everywhere in the cultivation world,

Dajue was taken aback for a moment.

Nodding: "Okay."

Banao waved his hand,

A slap-sized other courtyard gushes out,

Towards a mountain in the distance,

In an instant, it has turned into a five-mile manor,

This Dajue real human spirit explored towards the mountain peak,

After a while,

Already looking aside,

Nodded towards Banao:

"That's it."

After the show of escape, he has already flown hundreds of miles with Tengyun Mountain Master.

"The mountain is more than ten feet deep underground,

Among the several huge rocks, there is a gathering place for spiritual energy.

Although only the wine glass is thick,


Quite pure,

Why didn't you find it? "

Tengyun Mountain Master said,

"My lord, where, I've explored it divinely, but I didn't find it."

Dajue snorted,

Divinely reminded,

In an instant it has gone to the horizon,

The main escape method of Tengyun Mountain stands in the sky,

The place where the spiritual energy that can be seen by the Yuan Ying Flower God,

It must be pretty good.

Banao said to Feixiajian,

"Feixiajian, go talk to the palace."

Feixiajian nodded:

"Why don't it matter, this injury will be fine in half a year."

Body shape,

Fly towards the country of Fen Dao,

Fortunately, he escaped from Yuanying Flower God's men.

Jealous again,

I was originally,

I want to get some benefits from Tengyun Mountain Master,

Don't think,

This benefit,

Let the board proudly occupy it,

Xia Dianzhong,

The plant demon who was looking at the herbs looked towards the hall,

In this hall,

Exudes a strong wave,

This is super plane teleportation,

Plant monsters have begun to adjust the magic circle around the medicinal materials,

Those who can enter this Summer Palace from other planes,

Not the plant demon can manage,

In the villa of Tengyun Mountain,

Guanghua flashed,

A figure appeared,

He bowed his hand towards Banao:

"Tan Tong has seen the ancestor."

Banao nodded:

"You are the second diamond flower god, this place where spiritual energy gathers is suitable for your cultivation."

This person is the son of the Qian family,

Come out to practice,

It is called Tantong.

Sandalwood hand over:

"Thanks to the ancestor."

The place where the aura of Yaocao Mountain can gather,

Of course not bad,

Commissioner Qian’s Golden Fruit Shadow can’t be used so much,

of course,

To the children of the Qian family,

Banao reached out and pointed,

Where the spirit converges,

Has turned into a training room,

Those boulders,

But it appeared in the other courtyard.

"Those boulders, I don’t know how many years they have been nourished by the place where spiritual energy gathers.

I watched,

Good quality,

You refined it,

You can seat your natal magic weapon. "

Banao said,

In fact, the five-color jade from the red ginseng,

Is this category,


That piece of five-color jade has completely changed into five-color,

Millions of years passed,

The place where the aura gathers has changed,

These boulders,

Not as good as the five-color jade,


It is not comparable to the ordinary Wannian Xuanhan Iron.

Boulders of this quality,

In Fangshi, the chamber of commerce generally does not sell,

Banao waved his hand again.

In the other courtyard within a radius of five miles,

Has turned into a medicine garden with a radius of five miles,

In the medicine garden, there are seedlings of precious medicinal materials.

This sandalwood is another hand: "Thank you, ancestor."

Ban Ao returned to Xia Dian,

It seems that for the treasure of Xuan Shen Shan,

I didn’t find it like killing a real person,

Beyond the treasure of Yuanying Flower God,

How can it be so easy to find.

Half a year later,

Feixiajian has walked out of the training room,

His hands are completely healed,

of course,

To achieve the original body strength,

It still takes several years to temper with Taoism,

Walked into my office,

Looking at the reports from various places,

In the past six months,

Fighting the sword, conflicts with Taoism,

A lot less.

Around Tengyun Mountain,

Not without monks,

Master Banao made a sword,

At least tied with Yao Cao real person.

Yaocao is a real person, but within a radius of thousands of miles~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the famous Yuan Ying Da Neng!

Feixia sword,

Walked towards the library,

The Kufu guards bowed to him,

Bringing the real Yaocao to a warehouse,

In this warehouse,

Half a warehouse full of medicinal materials,

This is the worship of Feixia sword,

Feixiajian looked at these medicinal materials,

Only then are these herbs,

Put it into the storage ring.

This is the year of worship of real people.

Feixiajian thought. (To be continued...)

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