Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3023: Laishan

Banao's sword,

It looks like a flame,

However, this flame is like the clouds in the nine heavens,

With incomparable power and indescribable elegance,

The flame from Banao touched the sword of Yaocao Mountain Lord,

The battle of Yuanying Flower God,

On Tengyun Mountain,

There has never been any waves.

This is a strong man.

Walk to the gate of the city,

one look,

There are hundreds of ice sculptures beside it,

There are some demons in the ice sculpture,

Under the sunlight,

These ice sculptures are like rocks,

Not even a little steam rises.

He asked the guard,

"this is---"

The guard arched his hands,

"This is Master Banao who caught the Mozu casual repair.

Turn them into ice and send them here. "


Feixiajian nodded.

This arrogant master did something and showed it off.

It's quite understandable.

Pan Ao sits,

The whole body was filled with flames.

Are practicing,

The communication circle sounded,

At first glance, it is Feixia sword,

"The emperor of Fen Dao Nation said that there is something to discuss."

Feixiajian said,

"Good---" Banao nodded,

God reminds me,

People have appeared hundreds of miles away from the Summer Palace,

One step,

Already outside the capital of Fendao Country,

Walk into the capital of Fendao Country,

Feixia sword is already standing there,

Get in the car with Banao,

To the palace,

The waiter comes up,

Bringing Banao and Feixiajian into the hall,

In the main hall,

The table is already set,

"Truly, please sit down----"

Ban Ao and Feixiajian sat down.

The waiter served tea. Serve snacks.

"Two strangers, Fendao the border of the country, a depth of hundreds of miles,

There are often cultivators fighting, and gradually become barren,

The two treacherous people are experts, I don't know what to think of?"

The emperor of the Fen Dao Kingdom said,

Feixia Sword is silent,

This flicked through the rays of light in the sky,

Many are better than his Feixia sword.

Banao took a sip of tea.

"These monks. Fly from here to the demons,

Flying over from the demon clan,

How can I manage these things.

If you want to find it, find the Plane Committee. "

Banao said,

Emperor Fen Dao stopped talking.

Plane Committee,

How can you talk like this?

"Zhantianguan, there is a Wang Qingquan,

Appears once every 100 years, but in Zhantian Mountain,

The place of appearance is uncertain.

This year, I am lucky to have caught up with the time when this clear spring appeared.

I don't know if the two treacherous people can get it for me.

This clear spring is of little use to you cultivators,

For ordinary people like me, it can strengthen the physique. "

What kind of people are Banao and Feixiajian,

One listen,

Know immediately,

This is the same as the ten thousand year stone stalactite, the jade liquid,

Ordinary people take it,

It can prolong life somewhat,

Wannian stone stalactite, jade liquid, taken by ordinary people,

General effect.

Wannian stone stalactite and jade liquid, this is the essence of the stone,

Ordinary people take it,

Can't play its full role at all,

It must be refined with various medicinal materials,

Relax and disperse these ten thousand year stone stalactites and jade liquid,

Blended with other medicinal materials,

Only this can play a greater role for ordinary people.

However, the emperor of the Fen Dao country said so.

Ban Ao and Feixia Jian arched their hands.

Then, it's the banquet,

The Emperor Fen Dao said,

This clear spring,

But a square foot,

The color is more brutal than ordinary water.

Given the location where this clear spring water has appeared,

Ate the banquet,

Ban Ao and Feixia Sword walked out of Fen Dao's national capital,

A reminder of the escape method,

Fly towards Zhantianguan,

Zhantianguan was built by Zhantianshan,

Escape quickly cut through the sky,

"Originally thought, this Zhan Tianshan,

Nothing surprising,

I don't think there is such a clear spring.

Once in a hundred years. "

Banao said,

Of Flame Villa,

It's not a thousand miles away from Zhantianguan,

The guardian formation of the Heaven Slashing Pass,

All clearly.

This cut Tianshan,

The substance is harder,

Spring water on the mountain,

Bi and ordinary mountains are not as good,

It is this mountain that is tall and stretches for 1,500 miles,

Used to build Zhantianguan,

Has a certain protective effect.

of course,

Zhantianshan leans on Zhantianguan,

There is no certain cultivation base,

Can't get close.

Banao and Feixiajian flew across the border of Fendao Country,

Seeing the demon patrol from a distance,

But it is a thousand feet high,

In an instant,

Feixia sword flying at full strength,

Has swept away far,

In a few moments,

The majestic Zhantian Mountain,

Has appeared in front of us.

They fell towards Zhantian Mountain,

Spirituality comes out,

In an instant,

A few nearby mountains,

the whole frame,

In their minds,


Among these mountains,

There are several clear springs.

There are dozens of puddles,

They urged Dao Fa,

The peaks are separated like ripples,

They entered this mountain,

View one by one,

"Ordinary springs in the mountains,

Can be used to refine ordinary pill!

You get something useful. "


Jian Xiatian waved,

A few clear springs have been collected in a jade bottle,

The water used in medicine,

But there are certain requirements,

In the mountains beside,

But these three clear springs meet the requirements,


Yuanying Flower God has higher requirements.

This is the daily life of monks,

Get more medicinal materials from Fendao Country,

Good quality spring water,

The same needs to go into the mountains to find.

I walked more than a dozen peaks in a row,

Reach out,

There is a passage in the mountain,


A sword light flashed in the mountain.

This sword light,

Bravely burst,

As if going straight to the sky,

Obviously took the melee route,

one look,

Is a demon repair,

But they also have the cultivation base of the second diamond flower god,

Came here to hunt for treasure.

Yuanying Flower God, how can there be so many,

Banao has been on this Ruixian plane for a hundred years.

Flower gods with diamonds are already relatively rare.

"Feixia sword. You didn't go to Fen Dao country to do a trick.

How come here to cut Tianshan,

This is no longer the territory of your country. "

The sword light figure said,

"Laishan. I am here, of course the same as you came here."

Feixiajian said.

This man's sword light was collected,

The face is long and narrow,

With blue hair and some pointed teeth,

"This person is the demon cultivator I knew before."

Feixiajian said.

"You are the trick of the Fen Dao country,

Zhan Tianshan's materials here, but general,

It's a good thing for the silly master. "

This person comes over. Looking straight at Feixia sword,

"You can be tricky as well."

Feixiajian said,

"I am a monster, this country is sly,

How can it be so good to be.

Feixia sword. What kind of baby to find here,

Don't hide,

Me and you, who is with whom. "

This man said,

"Come here around."

Feixiajian said,

"I knew it was not easy to take advantage of you."

The demon cultivator said,

I have met Feixiajian a long time ago,

I don't want to spend more time on Feixia Sword,

When I saw Banao,

An elegant Tsing Yi,

Scholars traveling apart,

In this Tsing Yi, Taoism is not obvious,

In Banao,

But it is a good magic weapon,

This magic weapon,

Brother Jindan generally has.

Nodded towards Banao:

"This friend, my name is Laishan,

I don’t know you—"

I haven't finished saying this,

Shen Nian looked towards Banao,


This divine thought seems to have entered the abyss,

No return!

His face changed immediately,

The spirit of the two diamond flower god,

It is not a problem to detect a large mountain clearly,

Was absorbed by this person.

Smiles all over his face immediately,

"I wonder if your Excellency is an expert."

Banao nodded,

Don't even say hello!

Laishan's face changed,

Where's the kid,

Pull like this?

Two Diamond Flower God,

It is already a great man who is capable of vertical and horizontal planes,

This Laishan hurriedly transmitted to Feixia Sword:

"Where is the master?"

Feixiajian smiled,

"The owner of Flaming Mountain Villa, the chief trickster of Fen Dao Nation

Lord Banao?"


Laishan's face changed several times,

"It's Master Banao who forced a sword to retreat and kill a real person?"

Banao a sword,

The sword that killed real people was gently swung away,

Said it was a tie,

Arrived with the diamond flower god,

All know what is going on.

Feixiajian nodded,

Laishan smiled,

Arched his hands deeply towards Banao:

"I wonder if Master Banao is here,

Master Banao is mighty----"

Seeing Feixiajian's face serious,

"I have something to go ahead."

Laishan said,

With a sword, the famous Demon King will kill the real person back,


It's not a place to speak.

Ban Ao and Feixia Jian have been looking for a few days in Zhan Tianshan,

I met a demon monk,

A sword blasted,

Found a Wang Qingquan.

As King Fendao said,

Very clear.

Banao and Feixiajian took out the jade bottle alone,

Usually brought to King Fen Dao,

Half of the two are divided,

Out of Zhan Tianshan,

A reminder of the escape method,

Like Changhong Jingtian,

After ten moments,

Towards Fen Dao, the country fell.

"This task is good, easy--"

Feixiajian said,

Banao nodded,

Back to the royal garden,

At the beginning of the study period this spring water came

after a few days,

Feixia sword's communication circle sounded,

At a glance, Laishan,

"Feixiajian, I am in your capital, come out for a drink,

I have a treat. "

Feixiajian sneered,

"Go to a mortal restaurant to treat,

How much can you spend?"

Say so,

Feixia sword is out of the office hall,

Walked a few streets,

The largest restaurant in Fendao Country,

Not far away,

Laishan is standing,

Feixiajian walked over,


Went into the restaurant with Laishan,

Sit down in a nice box,

The waiter delivers wine and dishes,

A table full of wine and dishes,

But the best in Fen Dao country,

Laishan gulped for alcohol and meat,

After a while,

This said:

"Not bad."

"Laishan, where can I find my baby recently?

What's going on over there. "

Feixia asked,

Feixia Sword is talking about the area occupied by the demons.

Laishan will come as soon as he invites,

Feixia sword, of course I want to come from Laishan,

Obtain the corresponding information.

The monk known by the second diamond flower god,

At least it is a fifth-grade golden core,

"Over there, just like that,

There is a temple,

The demons are not interested. "

Laishan said,

"The Demon Temple, how can it be so easy to enter,

The strong divine consciousness, the super plane is transmitted,

It is equally powerful. "

Feixiajian said,

The temple, there may be a lot of oil and water,


A strongman who really dares to venture into the temple,

How many people are there?

"There is the sacrificial temple of Paradise Country,

It's well built, it was used by the demons to build the temple,

There, there is the confinement of this previous sacrifice! "

Laishan said,

In Feixiajian's eyes,

In an instant, the flame seemed to shine on half of the plane,

"With this thing, you mean--"

"We don't move the demon god,

That land, mortals don’t know the mystery of land sealing---"

Laishan talked ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and drank his glass of wine in one sip,

"really not bad----"

Laishan said,

"Although our team knows a little bit about the land,


The same cannot be fully played,

Can't fully play the role of sealing soil,

The refining magic weapon is general. "

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