Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3027: Sword Jue Ruxian

Inside the airship,

Still half of the people rushed out,

Jianguang a spin,

The huge force field shrouded,

The escape of this half of the people is 3,27 chapters, the sword jue is like a fairy carving, and runs slowly like an ordinary person,

These dozens of people were cut by Jianguang at the same time,

Splashing into pieces of flesh and blood!

The sword light turned and cut,

Cut towards the floating spaceship next to him.

This person is a reminder of Jian Jue,

These people under Jianguang’s Taoism,

The flight speed is not as good as one-tenth of the original speed.

"This person is the Yuanying Flower God."

Jian Jiutian's face changed.

one look,

Jian Xiatian and Laishan looked like iron plates,

This Mozu Yuanying Flower God has a sword,

The flying swords are separated like a valley like Taoism,

On the airship,

Sparks burst,

Has been cut in half,

The flesh and blood of the monk was splashing,

Ordinary airships,

Although only the four-diamond flower **** peak power,


There are enough refining circles,

The method of urging is broad enough,


It is more than the average four-diamond flower **** peak monk.

Three hundred miles away,

Passing across the sky like rushing through thunder and chasing electricity,

The whole sky,

It seemed to be hidden by this sword.

Slash towards this sword light!

A thunderous roar,

Several airships nearby,

Together with the protective method released by the flying fleet,

All swayed,

The sword light that was rushing towards thunder was collected.

One person appeared.

A battle armor. Guanghua skyrocketed,

The face is like a sculpture!

"Master of the Demon Race, Kedan, fight my Jian Zhentian!"

The man shouted loudly.

This person is a strong Yuan Ying,

Let him cut it down like this,

This floating fleet will be beheaded!

"Jian Zhentian, just ask the name."

The Demon Infant said,

Jianguang urged,

And Jian Zhentian have already fought abruptly!

Jianguang Thunder Fire.

Rush three thousand feet!

Thousands of sword qi shoots outward!

At this time, in the demon’s airship,

Another person came out,

Divinely reminded,

As if the sky is overwhelming,

Swing around,

Yuanying’s divine mind of the Flower God,

In a few moments,

Have searched hundreds of miles!

"There is also the Demon Nascent Soul."

In the mountain villa of Jian Jiutian,

Several people were shocked.

"My formation is very mysterious,

General detection method. It is impossible to detect the objects here,


In the confinement you brought,

It seems to have mana, and it seems to be divine,

As if there is a boundless kill! "

It seems that

Jian Jiutian refined this confinement,

It made the statue of the devil feel it,


Across so many planes,

There is also this mysterious formation,

Devil, there is no such god,

Can only determine the approximate direction,

Banao thought.

Jian Jiutian said,

The formation of Jian Jiutian is quite mysterious.

"This, this confinement soil, was sacrificed to the country by the magic power of the Demon God statue."

Laishan said with a dry smile,

"Damn, Laishan, you said earlier,

Although my formation is mysterious,

It's not enough to look at the Dao Fa of the Demon God. "

Jian Jiutian said,

"Jian Jiutian, this demon **** cannot find your magic circle,

It seems that the strength in the demon world is not so average. "

Feixiajian quickly said,

"Besides, there are arrogant masters here,

From the Demon Temple, get the soil,

He is a master!

The Demon Nascent Soul came over,

An arrogant master, absolutely can't stand by. "

He said,

Banao looked at Jian Jiutian,

"How long will it take to refining the confined soil."

"It will take a long time,

However, as soon as the air fortune of sealing the land urged,

The magic power of the devil is in the confinement,

Unless the Demon God arrives,

Otherwise, across so many planes,

It's not so easy to find the land. "

Jian Jiutian said.


This demonic fleet has reached more than a thousand miles away,

But for a while, I couldn't find this valley.

"Well, before the confinement of the earth is finished,

The Demon Fleet came here,

I'm blocking. "

Banao said,

This land,

Really really mysterious,

Based on the cultivation of the Qian Yuan committee,

Can't even feel it,

Let’s take the sealing soil,

After a long time,

In the furnace where Jian Jiutian refines and seals the earth,

The flame is already a white flame,


The temperature of the flame,

But it makes ordinary people feel warm,

A figure,

Already standing outside the valley,

The Demon Infant is here,

The distant sky,

The more than one hundred floating fleets of the demons,

The floating fleet coming from the Ruixian Plane Committee banged fiercely.

From time to time, there is a flying craft that shoots into the sky.


The surface of the airship has a burst of thunder,

Some drove far away,

Some fell towards the mountain,

Without the powerful sword of Yuanying Flower God,

Was bombarded by the opponent's airship,

Usually the airship is injured,

The whole sky,

It seems that there are thousands of fireworks, and various colors will bring the sky

The reflection flashes, flashes.

Compared with such a lively situation,

This demon primordial infant flower god,

Sword Jue urges,

Already cut a sword,

Where Jianguang passed,

Thousands of miles of smoke appeared in this valley immediately!

Like a mountain river,

From far and near, there is mystery,

The formation of this sword nine days.

Sure enough, mysterious,


Touch this sword light.

This is a cloud of thousands of miles.

It exploded like thousands of huge thunders.

It looks like thousands of miles,

But better than the demons, the thunder and fire formation,

More mighty.

In the eyes of this Demon Nascent Soul,

As if with supreme majesty,

As if looking at the thousands of sentient beings at the foot of the mountain!

Your formation is mysterious,

so what,

I urged my sword art to go.

Don't talk about the fascinating phenomena of thousands of miles,

The runes of this formation,

It's like shattering!


This cloud of smoke flashed,

Walked out a monk,

A flame in his hand,


This demon primordial infant flower god,

Just feel

The sword art that I urged.

Like being stranded by a dragon!

Suddenly stagnated,

The flame of the other side.

In an instant, it turned into ten thousand flames,

Like the dynasty of the beasts,

Gathered towards his sword light!

"Boom Rumble"

The sword he cut has been cut to pieces!

The sword tactics sent by Yuanying Flower God,

It doesn’t look like a sword art urged by a monk anymore.

It looks like

There is already that kind of ethereal,

As in the legend, the temperament of a fairy!

Flame sword light?

"Fencing, but you took it?"

Ban proudly smiled:

"You demons, where is the confinement?"

This one

This Yuanying Flower God is standing,

The magic weapon sent by Lord Demon God,

I can no longer feel the breath of confinement,

"You have a good sword, look at me."

Banao said,

Sword Jue urges,

Turned into thirty-six flames,

Slash 1 towards this Mozu Yuanying Flower God

These thirty-six flames seem mysterious,

The Demon Nascent Soul felt,

These thirty-six flames,

As if covering the entire sky!

Sword Jue urges,

In the same way, thousands of Dao Ren crossed vertically and horizontally,


Thirty-six flames,

It seems to be profound,

It also seems to be extremely sharp,

But it's as heavy as a mountain!

Seen from the artillery battle of the flying fleet in the distance,

Just saw,

Thre splashed!

Wandaoren revolves and changes,

Can't break through these thirty-six flames,

Which is called spectacular,

The bombardment of the flying fleet,

Are all beaten by Wanzhangren,

But in ten moments,

A burst of thunder,

Quickly shrink towards a figure,

Ten thousand feet,

Make a flame outside of this figure,

Half of the shoulder of this figure,

But there is a big hole,

Thunder, lightning,

Erupting from this big hole.

This person is the demon-born flower god,

Yuanying Flower God,

Taoism attainments reached a considerable level,

It's really not an ordinary person,

"Good swordsmanship."

He said,

Turned around,

Rush to the floating fleet that is at war,

Go deep into the human occupation area,

But I met such a master!

In an instant,

The figure is like electricity, has entered the flying fleet,


The Yuan Ying Flower God who was at war with Jian Zhentian came over,

Entered the floating fleet,

The Mozu floating fleet turned around,

Drive in the direction of the area occupied by the demons,

"It's done."

Jian Jiutian passed the circle,

Toward the sound transmission of Banao,

Banao entered the valley,

Jian Jiutian gave the land to Banao, Feixiajian, and Laishan.

One person gave a piece of jade slip

It talked about some usage matters of the sealing soil.

Jian Zhentian stood in the air,

Inside the airship,

A golden core monk came out,

Arched his hand towards Jian Zhentian,

"The fleet of the demons has left the Fendao Nation,

Entered the area occupied by the demons. "

Jian Zhentian nodded,

"You return to the Plane Committee."

With that said, the figure reminded me,

Flew towards the valley,

Yuanying Flower God battle,

Several peaks turned into flat ground,

Jian Zhentian took a look,

Mountain peaks and valleys,

The birds and beasts are running,

Where are there any figures?

In the Summer Palace,

Pan Ao Pan sitting,

The confinement of refining,

Like ordinary stones,

However, holding it in the hand has a mystery,

This mystery,

But it is the Yuanying Flower God with the fusion of rules,

To feel,


Jian Jiutian has that kind of monster skeleton with ten eyes,

Can also feel a little,

The mystery of the cultivation plane,

When the different rules merge,

Sit in a row and practice,

As if to the pulse of the whole plane,

All have some feelings.

Looking at the jade slips Jian Jiutian gave,

Use this sealing soil,

Like a jade pendant,

On the body,


In a mortal country, if there is a temple dedicated to heaven,

Can go to watch and participate,


Can’t use protective Taoism,

In this way, the ceremony of worship,

This seal is good for the wearer.


After three months,

Fen Dao Nation is about to hold a ceremony to worship the sky~www.wuxiaspot.com~ just to participate.

Today's red fruits are about to be collected.

But Ban Yue collected it,

Red fruit refining, like Banyue refining,

Banao approached the practice room,

There is a cyan metal with a radius of ten feet in it,

When I probed, a mana burst out,


Around this piece of cyan metal,

Began to feel the gold rules.

After three months,

Teal mana,

The mana seems to have not changed in any way,

Fusion of four rules,

Three months,

That little progress,

From this dark blue mana,

Can't tell at all,

Board proud to receive power,

Out of the summer palace,

Go to the country of the Fen Dao country,

The ceremony of offering to heaven begins today,

Walking out of the Summer Palace, you can see,

Remnant snow on the hillside in the distance,

It's early spring!

Banao one step,

The national capital of Fen Dao, three hundred miles away,

Is already here,

far away,

A big temple,

The main hall, every early spring,

Held here,

Outside the hall,

Has been packed with tens of thousands of people,

Looking at this ceremony,

Banao walked over,

Has changed its body,

Like ordinary people,

Approaching the crowd,

But he didn’t let go,

Urge to observe Kung Fu,

Familiar mana fluctuations passed,

one look,

Feixia Jian, Jian Jiutian, Laishan and the three of them came early.

Standing in the crowd,


Looking at the hall not far away. (To be continued...

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