Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3028: Blood Vein Jade

Three thousand and twenty-eight chapters blood pattern jade

Feixiajian, Jian Jiutian, Laishan and the three of them looked into the distance

Dressed in a grand dress,

A mortal who carries out grand etiquette step by step,

There was a satisfied look in his eyes,

Relying on Banao to seal the soil from the Demon Temple,

There is the Yuan Ying Flower God who is relying on Banao to fight back the opponent,

A few of them together,

Can't do one of them,

Banao felt the soil he was wearing,

There is a mysterious feeling again,


Suddenly Banao remembered,

Everlasting Kingdom,

There has never been a ceremony to worship heaven.

This is because Commissioner Qian came from the earth.

I don't believe this at all,

Now it seems,

Committee member Qian should be notified,

Let Yongshiguo,

Perform this sacrifice ceremony in the same way.

of course,

This mysterious feeling,

The cultivator with the fusion of the three rules can feel it,


I didn't realize it, what is the use of this mysterious feeling.

After the ceremony,

People said,

The martial arts hall test will be held tomorrow,


But listen.

His three rules are integrated,

The integration of the four series of rules has entered the threshold,

How can he be interested,

To be an official in a mortal country,


After the ceremony,

Ban Ao and ordinary audiences hand in hand,

Then I arrived at the best restaurant in Fen Dao,

After eating,

Out of the capital of Fen Dao country.

It was almost evening.

A reminder of the escape method.

Back to Xiadian,

Take a walk in the summer hall,

The flowering of these medicinal herbs,

The result of the result,

Walking in it,

The same fun to appreciate!

A person walked outside Xiadian,

Already 30 years old,

Dressed in clothes. The quality is luxurious,

It looks a bit old.

Walked three miles away from Xiadian,

Looks empty,

Like a giant mountain,

This man gave his hand,

"Master Banao, I have treasures to offer."

This person said,

Banao is really taking a walk,

these years,

Many people came to Xiadian to offer treasures.

However, most treasures.

Banao dismissed it,


Some come to offer treasures,


You can enter this summer palace.

"Come in."

Banao said,

This person feels

Suction is produced in this void,

I have already approached this mountain-like summer palace,

As soon as you walk in here,

The surrounding scenery seems unchanged,

He felt,

The starry sky of the week,

It seems to be softer,

A figure appeared in front of him,

Clear shadows linger,

"It's what baby."

The figure said,

This man took out a picture,

Having said that,

"I am a native of Paradise,

I got here when I fled."

He said,

Back then, Paradise Country was strong,

His ancestors traveled on the plane of Ruixian,

Once entered the Guoxuan Mountain,

But saw,

There is a place in Xuan Shen Shan,

Thousands of feet of boulders stand,

Some boulders are like huge skeletons,

Up to several thousand feet,

His ancestor was terrified,

Exit immediately,

When I left, I saw some stones,

Like jade, but with blood streaks,

Picked up a stone,

Out of that place,

After looking back,

It's just an ordinary valley,

Back to Paradise Country,

He came this time,

I want to offer that stone,


Pills and exercises that can be cultivated to the peak of the Qi training period,

Imperial examination,

He knew it,

Not that talented,

Martial arts next year,

He wanted to take a martial arts exam!

Seeing I said it,

Silent for a long time,

He immediately took out the stone,

one look,

Big fist,

The best quality white jade,

There are **** lines on it,

If you get it from an ordinary merchant,

This jade,

Can't get much money,

It's not big, but there are blood streaks.

Where is Banao silent,

Paradise Country,

Traveled to Xuan Shenshan,

The land of this paradise country,

After Jian Jiutian urged luck,

It's really useful.

Banao took a look at Bai Yu.

This piece of white jade,

Not ordinary white jade.

Mortal looks,

It is the same as ordinary white jade,

But he looks,

It's a bit like the quality of the tempered ten thousand years of cold black iron on the mountain flower plane,


Better than Wannian Han Xuan Tie,

The cyan figure said,

"You stand first."

Ordinary mortals, the elixir of advanced Qi training period monks,

There is no Banao here,

The medicinal materials planted in these three hundred lixia temples,

There is no such medicine,

This medicinal material,

Not to mention Banao, the mountain flower planes are planted less,

Banao stretched out his hand and grabbed it.

Thirty herbs,

Has been in Banao's hands,

These herbs,

Monks in the foundation period,

It can also be used to increase mana,


After refining the rules,

These medicinal materials harmonize the function of mana,

From Jindan monk to Yuanying monk,

The same can be used!

A mana appeared in Banao's hand,

Wrap these herbs,

Spin up,

After a cup of tea time,

Thirteen pills appeared in Ban Ao's hand,

Took another stone,

Give your hand to the stone!

This stone,

Turned into a book,

An exercise method appeared above,

The board proudly stretched out his hand,

This pill has been packed in a jade bottle,

With this book,

Has reached the hands of Qingying,

From the hands of Qingying,

To this person,

"You practice according to this method,

Take one pill a month,

In half a year, you can advance to the middle of the Qi training period.

The rest of the medicine can be used by others. "

Banao said,

This person was overjoyed and quickly gave the jade over.

As if the breeze was blowing,

He is already where he just came,

He quickly walked towards a town near the capital of Fen Dao,

Look at him, he is already relatively old.

Able to live in a town near the Fen Dao Kingdom,

Is already pretty good,

Banao appeared,

Looking at the jade in my hand,

From the lines of this jade,

I feel as if it is very far away,

Soaring blood!

This feeling,

And comprehend the magic power of the devil,

The kind of endless killing and blood that I saw,

A bit like!

This is because of ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Commissioner Qian and the shadow of Jin Guo,

On the plane of the garden wave,

To understand that information through plants,

The ability to comprehend this nihility,

After plant perception,

And general spiritual perception,

It's already very different,

Great progress,

Only then did I realize the soaring blood in this blood pattern!

Banao thought,

Urged the communication circle,

The main body image of Chairman Qian appeared,

Listening to Banao finished the story of this person offering treasures.

Commissioner Qian was surprised;

"I'll come over."

Talking, reaching out and pointing,

Hyperspace Teleportation Array urges,

After half a tea time,

The main body of Qian Yuan,

Already standing in the summer palace,

Commissioner Qian reached out and turned out this jade,

Feel it,

It has been a long time,

"Banao, this reminds me of what I realized,

Get some tall ancient giants! "

Banao nodded,

"I think so too,

No, I'll talk to you quickly. "

"If this stone is related to taking some giants,

The mana contained in this stone,

Maybe more than you and me combined. "

Commissioner Qian said,

"This stone can only be understood, not refined,

Enlightenment cannot be placed in this villa. "

Commissioner Qian said,

"Well, in this villa, water system spirit roots are planted,

I think, at the border between Fendao Country and Gucao Country,

It is more appropriate to choose a mountain to comprehend this. "

Banao said,

Things in the cultivation world,

There is great mystery, but there is great power! (To be continued...)

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