Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3039: Consecrated life

 Back to Xiadian,

The rune in that bracelet,

Has a good arrangement and mystery,

at this point,

The core of the demon golden pill and Dao Fa,

It's worth the fare,

These other babies,

It's all earned.

A master like Banao,

Take a trip to Fangshi,

Shot is to make money.

Other babies,

After watching for ten days,

I don't see any use,

The time to harvest red fruits has come,

Banao walked out of the Summer Palace,

Walked towards the Immortal Lotus Chamber of Commerce.

And these mortal chambers of commerce,

Received some calligraphy and painting,


Real decent baby,

Did not receive.

The red fruits of this year,

Finished successfully.

Banao gave the red fruit to Ban Yue,

Go to various markets to purchase rare metals from Tianwai,

Arriving in Hecaifang City,

The Ninth Grade Golden Core greeted enthusiastically.

"Master, someone is willing to pay a high price for the pill that you refine,

How much is there and how much is collected "

He took out fifty pieces of meteorite iron from the sky,


This ninth-rank Jindanna’s outer meteorite iron,

Less and less,

Banao thought,

At first glance, this person has already advanced to the eighth-grade golden core.

Shaking his head: "My pill, for rare metals outside the sky,

I need to change to another one.

Immortal stone is not needed now. "

Banao said,


This 8-Rank Golden Core said,

Just walked out the door,

A bunch of people dressed as waiters walked up,

Smiles all over his face.

"Our Shanbaoge is willing to buy all your elixir,

The price is 30% higher than this Xiucai store. "

"Our shops are all purchased,

There are various treasures to buy—"

These waiters said one after another,

But it's the guy in the shop next to this square city.

This eight-grade golden core,

Before practicing, he passed the exam.

People next to him call him Xiucai.

Brother Xiucai looked,

The expression on his face is wonderful.

When this master alchemy came,

But in thirty years,

He bought high-level Taoist books,

The cultivation base is advanced from the 9th rank golden core to the 8th rank golden core.

These few shops next to,

Various aspects,

Not he can compare.

I heard the Jindan who came here to buy the pill said,

This pill.

It’s almost the same as the medicine of Rinpo, the leader of the Baicao Sect,

True person Rinpo,

Yuan Ying Da Neng is the alchemy master of the Ruixian plane.

"Go find Brother Xiucai—"

Banao said.

The medicinal materials planted in Xiadian,

Bring out a few to this market,

Is top grade,

How can he be interested in dealing with several shops?

Take a trip to several shops in Banao,

Collected more than 300 pieces of rare metals.

The regular structure of some rare metals,

He has realized it,

Rare metals useful to him,

But more than one hundred yuan.

Body shape,

Fly towards Xiadian.

Another figure gallops over from the sky,

one look,

It's Honolulu.

"I have finished comprehending the profoundness of Xianshishan.

Just talk to each other. "

Tanshan said,

Xianshishan is not a Taoist book,

Each Yuanying Flower God has comprehended,

Feel different,

This is Honolulu coming from the plane of Shanhua,

Comprehension of Xianshi Mountain is over.

"Tan Tian, ​​Tan Da and the others have completed their enlightenment, so they just have to talk."

Pan Ao and Tan Shan sat side-by-side,

Speaking of the perception of Xianshishan’s rules,

After talking for a long time,

"The rules of Xianshishan,

Let the mana stabilize a little bit,

Although it's a little bit,


Deduce that several rules have been integrated for decades,

The progress of rule fusion has improved a lot. "

Tanshan said,

He sits on the mountain flower plane,

Commissioner Qian has been to Xianshi Mountain.

Tanshan just came to Xianshishan,

After talking about Taoism,

Honolulu stepped onto the teleportation formation,

A reminder of the law,

Back to the mountain flower plane.

Banao looked at the golden mystery brought by Honolulu,

Dao books related to the fusion of the gold system,

This is the newly collected jade slips and Taoist books on the plane of Shanhua,


Related to rule fusion,

Sorted out from the jade slips of ancient monks,

Six hundred thousand words,

But three hundred words,

Said mysterious.

General Yuan Ying,

Can't understand the meaning at all.

Although most of them are related to the mystery of the gold system,



But it can be deduced from the mystery to the rules, the power of rules fusion,

Banao began to practice these gold-based mysteries,

One and a half years,

The color and quality of Taoism on Ban Ao seem to be constantly changing.

These golden esoteric methods,

The practice has been completed.

"The jade slips from Honolulu this time are not bad.

These mysteries are used to deduce the rules of the gold system,

There can be a lot of progress in my own gold rules. "

Banao is quite satisfied with the Taoist book that Honolulu brought this time.

Begin to deduce the golden rules from Xuan'ao,

This deduction,

It's six years!

A figure came outside Xiadian,

Arched his hand towards Xiadian,

"Master Banao."

Banao’s training room,

As if there was a rainbow shining,

should say,

More beautiful than the colors of the rainbow,

But with the quality of glazed crystal,

Make people look,


As if transcending a long space,

The gold rules that have been deduced have made progress.

The rare metals from outside the sky,

Over a hundred pieces of rare metals that are useful to you,

The comprehension has been completed.

Is the Feixia sword,

This product has been promoted to the Three Diamond Flower God.

A reminder of Banao Fa Jue,

Guanghua has entered like Banao's body,

Banao is like a scholar,

One step.

Has arrived in the living room,

"Please come in."

Banao said,

Feixiajian walked in on the stone road.

Went into the living room and sat down,

The plant demon servant came to serve tea.

Feixiajian took a look,

This servant,

Like myself before,

Is the second diamond flower god,


Already three diamonds at the top of Flower God!

I have advanced the three-diamond flower god,

Advanced three-diamond flower god.

Relying on the sealing land, luck improved,

What a great adventure?

This servant's cultivation base is a bit higher than his own!

"Congratulations, Advanced Three Diamond Flower God. Longevity is three thousand years."

Banao said.

"I stayed on the second diamond flower **** for four hundred years,

Today, I have a life span of 1,900 years. "

Feixiajian said,

With a smile on his face. I was very depressed.

Said to be congratulations, a cup of tea.

Although this tea is good,

Know in my heart,

He and Laishan, Jian Jiutian several people.

I found the Dongfu and took advantage,

No part of being proud,

Not to mention that Banao is the Yuanying Flower God,

Even the ordinary golden core,

It's strange to be passionate.

"A master has arrived in Fendao Country.

Within three months, hundreds of warriors were ingested with blood,

Become like ordinary people,

Regarding this matter, the government of Fen Dao Nation,

More concerned. "

Feixiajian said,

"These warriors—"

Banao said,

"Now it's private, who knows if it will--"

Feixiajian said,

"I used Dao Fa and fought him for a round half a month ago.

Full body armor.

The cultivation base is similar to mine. "

He said.

"The blood of a warrior is a good material for alchemy."

Banao said,

In fact,

This is like red ginseng spraying its own essence,

"I know it's more common in the practice world,

However, from Fen Dao Nation---"

Feixiajian said,

"Then you, why don't you find Laishan, Jian Jiutian,

With Jian Jiutian’s cultivation base,

Dealing with a three-diamond flower **** is not a problem. "

Banao said,

"This, Laishan, Jian Jiutian is not an offering to the Kingdom of Fendao.

Take care of them? "

Feixiajian said.

"You take me to see."

Banao said,


How to say,

The chief worship of Fen Dao Country is his Banao,

this way,

Don't give him arrogant face.

"Killing off the demon is our part."

Banao said in awe,

"That's---Master Banao shot,

See where this person is running. "

Feixiajian said,

The two left the summer palace,

Dao Fa urges,

Turning into a Changhong, flying through the air, the instant the sword has escaped nine hundred miles,

A county gate appeared,

This county Guanzhong is simple and elegant,

It looks like

Has a history of a thousand years,

Before fighting the demons,

The architectural style of this Ruixian plane,

It's ok,

Feixiajian, and Banao,

Walk into the county.

Walked into a big family house,

Walk into this compound,

One mile,

In the next wing,

Several people dressed as warriors are basking in the sun,

Seeing Feixiajian coming,

Quickly stand up and salute.

"Bring a table."

Banao said,

The servant next to him immediately brought the table,

Banao took out a few sheets of paper,

The color is like jade,

You know at a glance,

Not Fanpin,

There is another pen in his hand.

To write the talisman on this paper,

Just wrote a few pens,

A flame-like cloud of smoke rises from the paper.

Draw these few Fulu,

Towards these people,

One person posted Zhang Fulu,


Fulu burned,

Several people were surprised,

This flame,

Has risen from them,

Charged into the air,

A gathering,

Turned into a flame,

Point to the side,

"Three thousand miles from here,

However, it seems to be Wangyou Country, not an area occupied by the demons. "

Banao said,

"Your Dao is much more powerful than Jian Jiu Tian,"

Feixiajian said,

Smiling proudly,

"Then let's go to Wangyou Country."


Body shape,

Fly towards Wangyou Country,

Feixia sword flies at full force,

But feel that

Banao's escape,

It is extremely relaxing.

Three thousand miles,

It's time to fly a cup of tea.

A canyon appeared,

Five hundred miles long and a hundred feet wide!

Banao keeps on stature,

Escape into this canyon,

In an instant, it has entered three hundred zhang in the canyon,

Fifty miles forward,

In the canyon,

Has become deeper and deeper,

Clouds and mists

Banao’s escape light is so bright,

From time to time, monsters rushed towards Xunmei’s brilliance,


One foot from this escape light,

Was immediately shaken into blood mist,

The Feixia sword next to me can see clearly,

But even the soul is shattered,

Escape hundreds of miles in the canyon,

A meal,

There is a valley in front,

The valley ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ has blood red characters

"Slasher Sect!"

"It turned out to be from the Shaman Sect."

Banao said.

"did not expect."

Feixiajian said,

"Jian Jiutian's Taoism, it is not difficult to detect that this person is from the Sha Sect Sect."

Banao said,

Feixiajian said nothing,

For a long time, "This Slash Slash Sect's Slash Sword Art is really powerful."

Feixiajian smiled dryly.

The Sha Sha Sect’s cultivation technique,

Collect the evil in nature!

With the proud cultivation base,

I have read many Taoist books,

Only then did I know,

This evil spirit, the aura of the place where the aura converges,

It's almost the same type of thing.

However, for monks,

Lots of lethality!

This sword nine days, Laishan,

Old monk,

Will you come to this Slash Sect?

"However, the gathering of fierce evil spirits may produce blood-ginseng-like spiritual things.

This Shaman Sect,

Somehow? "

Banao thought.

"Enjoyed by Fendao Country, Banao, Jianxiatian, come to worship the mountain!"

Banao said loudly.


The old money is going to show off again...

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