Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3040: Slasher


Jian Xiatian's face became pale,

The sect of Zhansha Sect,

From time to time, this casual cultivator can worship the mountain.

The entrance to the valley seemed to separate like waves.

Come out a cyan war-armor monk, a black war-armor monk,

The whole body seemed to be surrounded by flames.

But this flame,

Like a colorless flame,

And transformed into various colors,

This is the form from Sha.

In fact,

They and the monks who practice the core of Taoism,

Absorb all kinds of mana from nature,

Transformed into its own mana,

Is the same cultivation path,


It is said that,

This monk of the Slash Sect,

The cultivator is still Jindan Avenue,

Various perceptions of nature,

Better than the core monks practicing Taoism,

Banao looked at these two people,

The Taoism is changing around,

It is indeed the cultivation direction of Jindan Avenue.

Two monks,

They are all three diamond flower gods.

"The blood of the warriors of Fen Dao Nation,

Who received it. "

Banao said,

"You are the chief worshiper Banao,

I just took away the blood"

The monk in cyan armor said,

A look of disapproval.

"So, you came to Fen Dao country and collected hundreds of young and strong blood.

Is it worthy of my worship? "

Banao said,

The mouth wearing black armor on the side curled:

"Don't think you are a great flower god,

There are three ancestors of our Zhansha Sect. "

He said,

Yuan Ying master of the mountain flower plane.

Commissioner Qian. Quinn. By the pool, big head,

This Shaman Sect,

There are three Yuanying monks,

No wonder the confidence is very strong.

"You guys, urge Dao Fa to the maximum."

Banao reached out his hand and pointed towards them.

It seems to be taken for granted,

The two were furious.

The routine between monks,

that goes without saying.

The two monks were furious,

While urging Dao Fa,

While shouting loudly:


"I don't know how high the sky is"

Three diamond flower god,

Dao Fa urges to full force,

But in a tenth of an instant,

Can't do this at all,

How to fight?

This flame is rising,

But it looks very powerful,

It seems that there is a momentum to kill everything.

Banao punched.

Hit them,

These two monks.

Just saw,

This punch,

As if it filled the sky,


Sword Jue fully urged,

Like a mountain of flowers,

Like a rushing river,

Thousands of waves,

In an instant,

They cut out tens of thousands of swords.

However, these tens of thousands of swords,

Without a sword,

Able to strike this punch,


As if flying out of the sky,

The Taoism urged by these two monks,

Turned into thousands of pieces,

Shoot around,

They touched the rock wall,

Runes flashed on the rock wall immediately,

This rune, let the rock wall show the scenery of Dao Fa,

Many mountains appeared again, as if they were hundreds of miles away!

The rock wall here,

It has long been refined to protect Taoism.

But the mountains are broken,


Has been broken a hundred miles away,

This stopped,

This is the power of Banao’s punch,

In the cave mansion of the Shaman Sect,

As if dumbfounded,

After a long time,

A escape light flew out with a dozen monks,

Once out,

The master of this escape,

It seemed to release the mighty power.

Yuanying Flower God!

This person waved his hand,

Put the two monks down,

Looking at Banao,

The words are like ice:

"I am the elder of the Sha-Zhan Sect, the worshipper of the Fen Dao Nation,

Can you say something? "

Banao looked at Feixiajian,

"Feixia sword, you say."

It is also the worship of the Fen Dao Kingdom,

I became an errand runner,

Feixiajian said,

He bowed his hand towards the elder of this Shaman Sect,

There was already a forced smile on his face,

Tell the story of the matter again.

The elder of the Shaman Sect,

Looking at Banao,

Banao’s mysterious power,

He wants to do this,

But you need to make every effort to urge the law,

The worship of this kingdom of swordsmanship,

He is such a strong man.

"In this way, we did one."

He said,

"it is good"

Banao nodded,

Body shape like electricity,

Flew towards the outside of the canyon,

But in a few moments,

Ban Ao and this elder of the Shaman Sect,

Has come a few hundred miles away from the gorge of the slasher sect,

In the air,

Flames rose from Ban Ao,

On this elder Yuan Ying of the Slash Sect,

Sword Qi surrounded.

The distance between the two is ten miles.

High wind in the sky,

Blowing violently,

However, as soon as I approached this flame and sword energy,

The violent wind stopped immediately,

Around them,

Fifty miles in radius,

No wind at all!

A dozen golden core monks followed,

Watching with Feixiajian,

A fifty-mile radius centered on these two people,

It seemed to have a huge shield of Taoism.

The elder Yuan Ying of the Slash Sect,

Swing a sword,

There seemed to be thousands of mana in the air.

As if colorful,

Gathered towards the elders of the Nascent Soul of the Slash Sect,

Ban proudly smiled,

He thought.

How awesome is the Yuan Ying elder of this Zhan Sha sect.

It turned out to be Esha. As the core of Taoism runes,

Still need to gather the vitality in the sky to enhance mana,

To enhance the power of this move!

After a while,

This trick of the elders of the Slash Sect

Only then has the urge to complete,

Cut towards the board proudly!

Seems to have thousands of colors,


As if covering the entire sky.

It seemed to fall from the nine heavens,

With a momentum and brilliance to cut everything,

Slash towards the board,

All the golden cores watched nearby,

Hundreds of miles away,

Looking at this sword light,

A powerful force came over,

It's just power,

Let these golden pills,

The operation of the Taoist law.

As if stalled,

A flame cut out from where Banao was standing.

Just a cut!

The color of this flame,

And the thousands of colors cut out by the elders of the Shaman Sect,

Can't compare,


This flame touched the nine-day sword,

Like a brilliant nine-day sword,

Blasted to smash!

Thousands of sword lights, shooting three hundred miles,

The golden core monk's sword tactics watched by him urged to send,

Slashing towards the thousands of sword light fragments,

"Puff, puff, puff, puff"

A series of muffled noises,

This golden core monk,

The flying sword in his hand burst open,

The body protection Dao Fa suddenly shot,

In the screams,

This person has been blown off half of his shoulder!

The elder of the Shaman Sect,

Just saw,

Banao's figure shook,

Has arrived,

The sword light flashed,

Slash three swords towards yourself!

These three swords,

Doesn't look complicated,

Ordinary and plain,


The elder sword technique of the Sha-Zhan Sect urged,

First gear,

A flame of sword light,

It's really heavier than a few mountains!

Block three swords in a row,

This sword tactic of the elders of the Slash Sect,

Has been scattered,

Banao a whip leg,

Like lightning,

Has hit the elder of this Shaman Sect,

The elder of the Shaman Sect,

Just feel that

Like being bombarded by a giant hammer,

In an instant it retreated thirty feet,

This is a reminder of Dao Fa,

Stand firm in the air.

The elders of the Shaman Sect knew,

If the opponent cut over with a sword,

I must be hit hard!

Handed over to Banao,

"Master Banao is fighting for the country,

We cut the evil faction, do not send people to the Fen Dao country to collect blood. "

After saying this,

Brother Jindan next to him,

Hear clearly,

The Slash Slash Sect Golden Core that was half-shouldered by this elder's sword light fragment,

I don't even look at it.

I heard that this Slash Sect faction has been established for thousands of years,

Many disciples,

Even the aftermath of watching the competition can't stop,

The elder of the Shaman Sect,

I'm too lazy to manage.

Ban Ao gave his hand: "Yes."

The other party only said,

Do not send people to Fen Dao Nation to collect young and strong vitality,

Buy medicinal herbs, travel a class,

Banao doesn't care,

The elder of the Shaman Sect was relieved.

It’s just mortal things,

So much the better,

Young and strong,

Ruixian plane, that is not there.

Banao nodded towards Feixiajian: "Go"

Feixiajian immediately smiled:

"Brother Ban, you are really good!

The all-out sword of this elder Zhansha faction,

You fight so easily"

Banao knew that Feixia Sword wanted to be close,


He is like Feixiajian,

It is the worship of the Fen Dao Kingdom,

There is information about the treasure, so I'll talk about it later.

There is no information about the treasure,

He is too lazy to take care of people like Feixiajian.

"The Shaman Slayer sells some materials,

Where are they usually sold? "

Banao said,

"It's usually sold in some big shops in the square market."

Feixiajian was a little depressed.

Banao and Feixiajian returned to Fen Dao Country,

Ban Ao and Feixiajian approached Princess Narcissus together,

And Princess Narcissus,

Talking about this,

"This thing was done by the Shaman Slash faction?

Master Ban Ao and Sha Sha Sect have agreed. "

Princess Narcissus was shocked,

"I will enter the palace with you,

Said to the emperor. "

Princess Narcissus is a Jindan monk,

Status, it's more detached,

Enter the palace with Banao and Feixiajian,

Tell this matter to the emperor,

Emperor Fendao is overjoyed,

This is the world of cultivation,

Slasher faction,

Of course he has heard,

For ordinary mortal countries,

But a famous strongman!

Rewarded the banquet.

Used the banquet,

Rewarded several mortal treasures,

Banao and Feixiajian,

What I did for the country of Fen Dao,

Show off enough,

Banao and Feixiajian,

This is where everyone belongs,

But Banao went to various markets,

Looking at the various medicinal materials sold by the Shaman Sect,

The thunder fire made by the Shaman Sect,

He doesn't watch it,

With a sword, Ban Ao smashed the full-strength sword issued by the elder of the Slash Sect.

Thousands of sparks burst out!

For Banao,

But a light sword!

As the elder of the Shaman Sect said,

These things,

How strong is it with the board?

The medicinal materials and elixirs produced by Zhansha dispatched,

Looks ordinary,

Banao is all purchased,

These herbs,

Produced in a place where the power of "sha" converges,

This medicinal material,

It is the main body of the committee members of Banao and Qian, UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Can't be cultivated,

Ban Ao returned to Xia Dian,

Began to deduct these medicinal materials,

After a month,


These herbs,

For the fusion of several series of rules,

For fire rules, gold rules and these rules merge,

Has a certain reconciliation effect.


The Sha of the Slash Sect,

The stretch is longer,

The medicinal materials that can grow here,

Sure enough,


Banao decided,

Go to these shops once a year,

These herbs,

Banao wants to buy most of it.

The rules of Banao fusion,

The offensive power is already very strong!

Zhan Sha faction "Sha." He doesn't need it.

Ban Aoyou started to practice,

Combination of rules of plant, soil, fire, and metal


These medicinal materials of the Slash Sect,

Probably increased by one ten thousandth.

However, for the fusion of several series of rules,

It's already pretty good.

............(To be continued)...........

With these medicinal materials from the Slash Sect, the integration of rules has probably increased by one ten thousandth.

The old money has improved a little...

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