Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3041: Dan Reward Conference

Ban Aocai practiced for a year,

this day,

Practiced for a few days,

He came out for a walk,

Looking at the spiritual roots of the water system,

This water system spirit root,

Has grown a big pit ten feet high,

The leaves of the spiritual root of the water system swing,

But it seems that the water waves are slow,

Gives a feeling of waves hundreds of miles.

This spiritual root has been around for six hundred years.

Originally, there were not many places where the waters of the mountain flower plane gathered.

This water system spirit root,

Planted in a place where the spiritual roots of the poor water system gather,


Changed the place where the best water system aura converges,

But for decades,

It's already twenty-five feet tall!

Tan Tian has penetrated the plant system, water system, and Yunxia system into the spiritual roots of this water system.

The growth rate of this water system spirit root has accelerated.

Outside the Summer Palace,

Camel carts came again,

A female officer got off the car,

Walked a few feet away,

Looking wide,

But like a mountain,

Can't move forward,

This is the power of monks,

The female officer saluted,

"Princess Narcissus sent me to send invitations."

The front is like a mountain,

Suddenly a stone road appeared,

On this stone road,

She feels,

As if walking in the starry sky.

But it is real walking in the world.

All kinds of exotic flowers,

Unheard of!

Princess Narcissus has advanced to Jin Dan,

Royal financial resources,

I also found a lot of precious medicinal materials,

Walked for a long time,

Those precious medicinal materials of Princess Narcissus,

In this medicine garden,

Planted in remote corners.

If you talk about appearance,

It is crystal clear,

Indescribably bright.

I have seen many fairy cave houses.

Compare with here,

But that's it.

Into the living room.

There is a person sitting in the living room,

Look like jade, drinking tea,

Unspeakable calm.

She saluted this person:

"I have seen Master Banao."

Banao nodded, "Sit down."

The lady officer sat down,

The plant demon attendant brought a cup of tea.

"Baicao faction held a pill rewarding conference,

Invite Princess Narcissus to go,

Princess Narcissus. Master Banao and Master Feixiajian are invited to go together. "

Baicao faction planting medicinal materials, alchemy,

It’s not surprising to hold an alchemy meeting.

This Princess Narcissus,

But received an invitation,

Princess Narcissus Advances Golden Core,

This social circle,

Immediately expanded to the realm of cultivation.

Banao thought,


"Okay, let Feixiajian come to let me know when that happens."

This female official handed over,

Walked towards Xiadian.

after a few days,

A person flew outside Xiadian.

Arched his hand towards Xia Dian:

"The main departure of Narcissus County,

Lord Banao, please go. "

Banao took a look,

Is Feixia sword,

Banao's figure shook,

Has left the summer palace,

With Feixiajian's figure,

Three hundred miles,

Feixia sword is already the **** of three diamonds,

Within a few moments, he has arrived outside the capital of Fendao Country.

At a glance, Fen went outside the capital of the country,

Three cars have been parked,

This car is made from plants,

With dangling runes,

Not to mention the gorgeous appearance,

The one pulling the cart is the flying monster,

Long mouth, long neck,

A pair of wings is three feet long,

With a pair of sharp claws,

next to,

There are already many people watching the excitement,

some of,

But there are monks,

"This is a monster beast that Feixia sword sly and tame,

I heard that they are all strong men with demon pills. "

A monk said,

Don't look at Banao,

The cultivation base of this monk,

Banao already knows,

The monks in the foundation period.

The demon beast cultivated a demon pill,

Is it the golden core powerhouse of mankind?

Many monsters,

The demon pill cultivated,

Like the monks who practice the core of Taoism,

Is the core of Taoism,

With the strength of the golden core,

With the cultivation of Feixia Sword and Three Diamond Flower God,

Tame some of these monsters,

not a problem,

Banao and Feixiajian got on the car,

The car behind,

Sitting Princess Narcissus,


Princess Narcissus attends this conference,

But to take servants,

The monster **** its wings,

Flying slowly,

Flying faster and faster.

Flew in the direction of the Baicao faction,

Near the gate of the capital,

Leave a sound of admiration.

"A few monsters of the Demon Pill stage,

Simple flying car,

Let this Feixia sword make a splash. "

Banao thought,

These monsters of the Demon Pill stage,

Banao doesn't even look at it.

The Taoism of the Three Diamond Flower God is reminded,

No need to shoot,

The mystery and power of this law,

Can make this monster be tamed.

Departure in the morning,

In the evening,

This is the country of green grass.

The sunset glows around the mountains,

All kinds of medicinal herbs,

Contend for wonder,

Looks very beautiful,

This is the residence of the Baicao faction,

The convoy descended towards a valley,


Standing thirty or so monks,

It's Baicao faction,

A group of people walked out of the flying car,

These monks greet them,

But there are three people,

It is already Jindan repaired.

Princess Narcissus took out the invitation,

There was a beautiful golden core monk watching,

Smiled immediately,

"It turned out to be Princess Shuixian,


Bringing Princess Narcissus and his party,

Walk into the Baicao faction's mountain protection array!

"The counties of a country are mainly cultivating immortals, advanced golden cores,

In the realm of cultivation, it is immediately treated as a middle school.

Than us,

The status is much higher. "

Feixia sword transmits sound towards Banao,

A group of people entered the Baicao faction,

Princess Narcissus and the maid arranged another courtyard,

Someone delivered food immediately.

Use up wine and vegetables,

A group of people came over,

One of them is a sister,

There is already a diamond flower god,

The face is beautiful and beautiful.

It is Bi Xiu.

Three hundred years ago, the first beauty in the realm of cultivation on the plane of Ruixian,


Hundreds of years have passed,

Bi Xiu advanced from Jindan with the diamond flower god,

Ruixian plane, the beauty of the cultivation school,

Several more came out.

Only then approached the other courtyard where Princess Narcissus lived,

Princess Narcissus is already a golden core,

No need for Bi Xiu to speak,

Welcome out immediately,

A group of beautiful women laughed,

Really blooming,

Entered the other courtyard where the Lord Shuixian lived,

Banao took a look at Feixia Sword,

I was drinking.

A face indifferent,

"Feixia sword, so good."

Banao said,

"I'm here to see if I can buy some pills that increase mental power.

Once the first beauty of Ruixian plane,

How could someone like me be able to watch it?"

Feixiajian said,

"This Baicao Pie wine is really delicious,

Made with dew water,

Every time I come, too little. "

Ban proudly smiled,

Picked up the wine glass and drank,

If you talk about taste,

This wine is not inferior to Banao's own wine made with spirit fruit,

How could it be possible for each guest to give more.

Drank a few glasses of wine,

Most of the dishes on the table were eaten.

Bi Xiu bid farewell,

After one afternoon,

The Dan reward meeting begins,

Princess Narcissus, Banao, Feixia sword, carried by the Baicao faction monk,

The main hall of the Dao Baicao faction is seated.

Princess Narcissus,

Sat at the head of the hall,

Here, several sisters have already sat,

All looks are stunning.

Banao and Feixia sword,

But sitting with the guests,

Ban Ao and Feixiajian sat down,


I felt a few eyes and looked over,


Immediately pass,

Banao and Feixiajian took a look,

Isn't this the cultivator in Qingyi of the Zhansha Sect?

Seeing this proud arrival,

He looked at the dish in front of him,

As if focusing on the wine and dishes in front of me,

Like this wine and food,

It is the best dish in the world~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Another look,

In the distance, there are people who are focused on the dishes in front of them,

Lord of Tengyun Mountain!

These two people have seen Banao several swords to cut back the Yuan Ying Flower God!

To them,

Banao is already a shocking power.

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