Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3042: 0 Cao Pai and Fen Dao Country

There are many monster monks,

I can see that

In terms of alchemy,

Baicao faction has a certain status on the plane of Ruixian.

Can come here,

Are all Jindan monks,

The cultivation base below Jin Dan,

Only in the shops opened by Baicao faction,

I bought a pill.

There is a small jade medal on the table,

The Baicao faction will show the pill,

Willing to buy medicine pills,

Write the price on this jade sign.

Some traditional pill recipes,

Herbs are beyond the plane of mountain flowers,


Commissioner Qian and the elder Yuan Ying on the plane of Shanhua,

Temple of Heaven,

How much effort was spent on improving the Danfang,

Mountain flower plane,

A better medicine,

I used Longmen Inn’s refining technique,

All Tiangong Hall was refined using the rules of Taoism.

and so,

The same medicine,

The effect of mountain flower plane is better than that of Baicao faction.

The golden core monk of the Baicao faction came up,

next to,

Some people use a jade plate to hold the pill,

The monks of the Baicao faction began to introduce the efficacy of this medicine,

This disciple is holding the pill,

Walked around in the middle of the banquet,

It’s just an ordinary pill to harmonize mana,

However, it is a water-based pill,

Refined with water-based medicinal materials and general earth-based elixir,

But it can reconcile fire mana.

Into the magic trick on the jade card,

Once the monk has advanced to the golden core,

The tempering of various mana in nature,

How many times faster the monks in the base period of Bizhu.

and so,

Brother Jindan.

For the elixir that increases mana,

It's already needed like that from time to time.

The pill that I bought,

Both can reconcile mana.

Cultivate fire mana,

Humans are not as good as fire monsters and demons,

and so.

This pill,

There are more people buying.


A disciple of the Baicao faction,

There are holding water system, earth system, and metal system. Thunder

The pill comes out,

That's how the martial art of refining pills is like this.

All kinds of pills must be refined.

After a day,

The pill that can increase mental power appeared,

This time,

The owner of Tengyun Mountain bought a lot!

This pill. The mountain flower plane is few,

There are more than 1,000 Jindan people on the plane of mountain flower,

The pill to increase mental power,

I'm not enough,

Three days,

At the end of this three-year alchemy meeting,

Each one returns to his own villa.

This out,

There is a Jindan monster sitting next to it,

Some are sitting on airships.

Dao Fa urges,

It looks like a mountain or sea,

With a bang,

Has gone to the horizon.

Princess Narcissus’s speed car, a demon beast of demon pill level,

Compared with this,

It's completely shabby.

The monster pill and the monster beast flapped its wings and took off.

Princess Narcissus looked at the magnificent flying magic weapon outside. Powerful monster,

With a dazed face,

After a long time,

Speed ​​has entered the territory of the country,

Princess Narcissus stretched out his hand.

The communication circle opens,

The images of Banao and Feixiajian appeared.

"Baicao faction wants to grow several medicinal materials in Fendao Country.

Look at it. "

Princess Narcissus said three kinds of medicinal materials,

"These three medicinal materials are conducive to water mana."

Feixiajian said,


Banao nodded.

The transport of these three medicinal materials is urged,

Can produce fluid,

Of course, it is the first level performance of Zhenshui.

"However, these kinds of medicinal materials are equally admired by the demon.

I don’t know what to do with Princess Shuixian. "

Banao said,

Feixiajian nodded:

"Master Banao said that."

Cultivation school and mortal country,

This is cooperation,

The three medicinal materials mentioned by Princess Narcissus,

The price is OK in the area occupied by the demons,

These medicinal materials are grown in the territory of Fendao Country,

It's strange that the demons can't come,

When the demons came,

Then he Feixia sword, Banao-----.

"They are responsible for the planting area of ​​Baicao faction."

Princess Narcissus said,

"That's it--- Feixia sword, look at it."

Banao asked Feixiajian,

"In that case, what can we say?"

Feixiajian said,

Ban Ao returned to Xia Dian,

After half a month,

Banao’s communication array sounded,

one look,

Is the Feixia sword,

"Master Ban, the Emperor Fendao has decided.

Plant the herbs of Baicao faction,

Placed near the junction with Zhantian Pass,

The sky in those places is much deserted.

To cooperate with the Baicao faction,

Not bad. "

Feixiajian said,

Feixiajian is responsible for the vicinity of the capital,

"How much to plant?"

Banao said,

"One hundred and fifty miles in radius."

Feixiajian said,

"So, it's not a big deal."

Banao nodded,

Feixiajian received the communication circle,

The strong Yuan Ying is different.

After another half month,

A monk of the Baicao faction,

Near a river,

Set a magic circle,

Covered one hundred and fifty miles,

Irrigation facilities, planting array, all built.

Started planting medicinal materials,


An exhibition of Taoism,

That is a different world,

this year,

Banao began to harvest red fruits.

Baicao faction began to grow medicinal materials.

Baicao faction’s magic circle,

The spirit of Banao,

Spent a while,

Have explored in,

Looking at the planting array of Baicao faction,

These three herbs of Baicao faction,

To harvest,

At least five years.

It is equivalent to fifteen years of planting medicinal materials under natural conditions,

However, a hundred monks in the Qi training period came,

However, one hundred monks in the Qi training period.

Planting medicinal materials with a radius of 150 miles,

This is far from enough.

To achieve several times the growth under natural conditions,


Take care of these medicinal materials, adjust the circle,

But it is more cumbersome.


The Baicao faction held a selection to recruit disciples.

Recruited one hundred and fifty disciples,

of course,

Once you enter the Baicao school, you learn to take care of medicinal materials

Some simple care of medicinal materials, adjustment of the magic circle.

Almost a year,


A disciple of the Baicao faction,

There are one thousand and five hundred people,

Medicinal materials need simple processing,

Among these thousand and five hundred people.

There can be one hundred advanced monks in the foundation building period,

It's already pretty good.

Banao began to practice,

After a few months,

It's already spring,

Banao went to Huagai Zhenfang City.

The enthusiasm of the shopkeeper in Huagai Town came up,

Took out several hundred pieces of rare metal outside the sky,

Some rare metals are relatively large.

"In order to change this shield,

Some monks with golden core power,

Collecting rare metals from the outside world for a year.

Can this shield be refined? "

The shopkeeper said,

The shield refined last time took ten years to sell.

but. Can exchange a lot of rare metals outside the sky,

Not bad.

Banao thought,

"You guessed it, traded for rare metals,

How much can it sell? "

Banao said,

The shopkeeper thought for a while,

"If according to the current exchange ratio,

Who can exchange for shields with rare metals from outside the sky,

No more than fifteen shields. "

Banao smiled:

"I think you want to earn more."

The shopkeeper waved his hands again and again:

"These shields can be exchanged for so many

Rare metals outside the sky,

There are already more monks with golden core power at the core of Tao Fa cultivation.

Five hundred years of life,

It can take them several years to collect rare metals from outside the sky

To redeem this shield with the power of golden core,

However, it is possible to collect enough rare metals from the outside world to exchange for this shield

There are not many people. "

Banao thought for a while.

"In this way, the ratio of exchanging rare metals for shields can be reduced.

However, it takes a precious refining material or this precious medicinal material,

Thousand-year profound iron, and thousand-year fire bronze are not needed. "

Banao said,

"Well, I'll talk to them."

The shopkeeper was happy,

In the realm of cultivation,

Precious refining materials,

With the golden core power, it is easier to find.

Banao has passed a year,

Only then took out thirty shields,


The shopkeeper was already amazed.

In a flash,

Five years have passed.

The 30 shields that Ban Ao took out have all been shot.

On the whole,

I got more rare metals outside the sky,

Precious refining materials,

Also got a lot.

Zhou Tianxingdou's large array of tempering materials is not omnipotent.

The radiance surrounding Ban Ao seemed to have passed for several years,

This is more vivid, but it looks a little stronger.

The rules of plant, soil, fire, and metal are combined,

Has entered a more esoteric level,

Several years of insight into the rules of rare metals in the outer world, fusion,

This is just a little bit forward,

This year,

Banao began to harvest red fruits.

Herbs grown by Baicao Pie,

Started to harvest,

This year, the medicinal materials planted by Baicaopie were harvested smoothly.

Baicao faction's alchemy ceremony,

Banao did not go,

Last time,

Baicao Pie took out several kinds of medicine,

It is said to be refined by ancient alchemy,


Banao bought some,

Come back to see,

The pill made by this ancient pill recipe,

It's not as good as the pill formula deduced by Commissioner Qian and Jin Guozhi using rules and methods.

In fact,

The same pill,

Refined by the rules of Taoism,

The ratio is different again!

and so,

Commissioner Qian and the shadow of Jin Guo,

Has stopped the deduction of most of the Dan Fang,

Only deduct the prescriptions that are related to the rules and methods of my practice,

The pill to increase spirituality,

Baicao Pie has a lot of medicinal materials to increase spirituality,

absolutely not.

Not to mention the comparison with Qian Yuan.

Five years later,

The shops in Huagai Town,

30 shields were shot,


This time, the rare metals from outside the sky,

The rules, Banao has learned a lot,

There are fewer people who have not enlightened,

The one hundred and fifty new disciples of the Baicao faction,

It's all advanced training period,

Banao watched,

Another group of newcomers has entered the realm of comprehension.

this day,

The Baicao faction's alchemy ceremony is over,

Banao is in the Summer Palace,

The Flame Villa has Banyue,


There was a flash beside Ban Ao,

The image began to appear,

There are a few sword lights, one hundred feet long, and they fly quickly through the air from the direction of the ancient grass country.

Entered the country of Wangyou,

There are a few sword lights,

Same length a hundred feet long,

Chasing behind,

The two sides are the two-diamond flower god, and the three-diamond flower **** cultivation base.


Banao’s power has been shown,

The monks from these nearby countries,

Everyone knows that Banao is a powerful Nascent Soul,

Yuan Ying’s cultivation is as follows,

Generally do not fight in the territory of Fen Dao,

Banao happened to be drinking tea,

A few rare metals outside the sky,

Banao's gold rules are not easy to comprehend.

Banao Shennian reminded,

Already a hundred miles away from this summer palace~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the method of escape,

In an instant it has passed the sky and disappeared in the distance,

But in ten moments,

Has leaped thousands of miles,

A blue light flashed across the sky in an instant,

Blasted dozens of miles,


The monk who is speeding tens of miles away,

The sword art shakes up,

Slash ten swords,

The sword is like a dragon,

The sword light cut over by the opponent,

Has become a huge firework!

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