Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3043: Fight for the medicine

"Laishan, you bought most of the soul treasure pill,

You can’t let me get some, I'll make a fairy stone. "

Chasing Jianguang,

It seems that there are three thousand sword light combinations,

Every time Jianguang arms are thick,

Three thousand sword light mysterious changes,

At a glance, it is very powerful.

"Xuanbo Sword, this soul treasure pill, I traded it for precious materials,

You have to cultivate, and I also have to cultivate. "

Words came from the sword light ahead,

But it is a reminder of the communication circle,

"Feixia sword, come here quickly."

It turned out that this person was Laishan who had not seen him in ten years,

of course,

Not seen in ten years,

For the diamond flower god,

It's almost the same as ordinary people who haven't seen each other for months.

Laishan said,

Three thousand sword lights gathered together,

Lack of white icicles,

The speed increased suddenly.

This sword,

Laishan and his companions,

A reminder of Laishan Sword Art,

Thousands of sword lights shot past,

A loud noise like a thunder,

This Laishan stepped back,

It can still be blocked.

His companion,

Sword Jue urges,

Like cliffs,

But for a few moments,

The lingering sword light has spread out like mountains,


This Xuanbo sword has been slashed with one sword,

This person's shield in one fell swoop,

Five mountains emerged,

But the mountains overlap,

The white sword light,

Cut through five mountains,

But it was blocked by the remaining shield body.

Snow White Jianguang whirled.

It has flown dozens of feet away.

"Good magic weapon---"

The figure in the sword light said.

Board proudly took a look.

Isn't this selling shields in Huagai Town Fang City?

of course,

This shield,

Improved by this monk,

Refining his own Taoism and writing,

of course,

The overlapping functions of these mountains,

Is the original function of this shield,

The magic weapon for Banao.

Whether it’s a sword or a shield,

There is a feature,

Zhou Tian's star battle array tempered,

The capacity for mana is very good.

This monk,

Is the second diamond flower god,

It is easy to improve,

This spin wave sword,

Is the early stage of the Four Diamond Flower God,

A sword,

This person's shield can block it.

"Elegant sword, a good magic weapon."

Laishan said.

"That's not a few magic weapons,

I will use my strongest magic weapon,

Are all integrated into this shield,

Where's Feixia Sword, can't it come? "

This monk called the floating sword,

Holding the shield, said coldly!

He is the second diamond flower god,

It is incomparable to the Four Diamond Flower God.

Although it is the early stage of the Four Diamond Flower God,

This four-diamond flower god’s early spin wave sword, the elder of the Panruo faction,

For Bi Xiu,

Commissioner Qian had also taught that Master Yuanjian from Panruo faction.

Hundreds of years have passed,

This spin wave sword,

It’s just a four-diamond flower god,


For ordinary monks,

From the three-diamond flower **** to the four-diamond flower god,

Not advanced,

of course,

Hundreds of years have passed,

This elegant sword seems to be its original defensive weapon,

Integrated into this shield,

This blocked the Four Diamond Flower God sword!

This is how ordinary monks temper magic weapons.

At this time, a ray of light from a distance galloped over like electricity,

It is from the direction of Fen Dao Country.

In a few moments,

This escape light reached the battlefield from the horizon,

Escape and spin,

Turned into a sword light lingering.

It is the Feixia sword,

At this time, Feixiajian has two three-diamond flower gods and one two-diamond flower god.

Facing the four diamond flower god,

It won't let the wind fall at all.

"Master Xuanbojian,

Not just for some medicinal pills,

Need such a big fight. "

Feixiajian said,

The tone is not soft,

"You and Laishan, the advanced three-diamond flower god,

It's really awesome. "

Xuanbojian said,

When I arrived at the Four Diamond Flower God, I knew that,

Deducing Xuan'ao's requirements for divine consciousness.

Although the Panruo faction planted some medicinal materials to increase spirituality,

But when it comes to precious standards,

The mystery of Danfang,

How can it be compared with the Baicao faction.


Laishan said,

His face became neither humble nor overbearing,


The Xuanbo Sword nodded,


Look to the side,

"Which master?"

Facing two three-diamond flower gods and one two-diamond flower god,

There is disdain on his face,

This look,

But his face has changed color,

Laishan, Feixia sword, elegant sword,

Feixiajian was surprised:

"Master Banao, why are you here?"

"come and see."

Banao said,

"You are Banao, the Yuanying Flower God of Enshrining Kingdom---sir?"

Xuanbo Jian said,

After all, I brought an adult in the words.

This person may have been here for a long time,

Only then did I find out,

This cultivation base is definitely Yuan Ying.


Banao nodded,

The Xuanbo Sword nodded,

The Tao Fa lingering around the body suddenly spun,

In an instant,

Going far to the horizon!

Banao and Feixiajian chatted a few words.

"Master Banao, my name is Piaoyijian."

The elegant sword arched his hand,

Banao came,

Xuanbo Jian turned around and left,

This is the strength of Banao.

Banao nodded.

Laishan's face changed,

However, he said with a smile on his face

"Master Banao, long time no see,

Master Banao’s cultivation base,

We really admire it. "

Chatted a few polite words,


Laishan and the others are quite satisfied with the pill of Baicao faction.

Banao is here this time,

Rotating wave sword, four diamond flower god,

Already has a strong power,

Banao appeared in figure,

Let this Xuanbo Sword know his strength,

Banao's figure shook,

Has returned to Xiadian.

Only a few days have passed,

At the gate of Xiadian,

A fleeing light galloped over,

Arched his hand towards Xia Dian.

"Master Banao, Piaoyijian beg to see you."

He said,

Ban Aozheng is practicing,

Reach out,

"Come in."

This elegant sword entered the summer palace,

It feels like people are walking in the mountains,

The second diamond flower **** entered here,

All feel this way,

The formation of Yuanying Flower God is really different.

Has great power.

Entered the hall,

Banao is already sitting,


Banao said,

Yuanying Flower God team two diamond flower god,

This is enough to save face.

Misty Sword sat down,

The botanical waiter serves tea,

one look,

This plant demon cultivation base,

The power that appeared,

It's almost the same as the Xuanbo sword.

Three diamond flower **** peak? least.

The smile on Piao Yijian’s face is even brighter,

"Master Banao, I have ten thousand years of rock mushroom grass,

It's about thirty catties. "

He said,

Banao, who had a cold and proud face,

The look on his face immediately softened.

Planting law circle and planting road law,

Is not a panacea,

There are many plants,

Planting Dao Law and Planting Law Array,

Can not completely create a growth environment,

This ten thousand year rock mushroom grass,

Is one of them,

Based on the principles of Qian Yuan and Jin Guo’s shadow,

Create a corresponding growth environment,

The team’s iwaguru can only maintain its efficacy,

Growth rate,

Less than natural conditions,

One-tenth the growth rate!

Wannian Rock Mushroom,

Near the bottom of the cliff that grows thousands of feet,

Most of the year,

There must be clouds. The most important thing,

This mountain range ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is at least a thousand miles long!

The plants on the mountain are growing better.

Member Qian did not know before,

The cultivation base is high,

Gradually know,

This is related to the profound rules of the plane,

It can't be made by ordinary implant technique.

You use Taoism to build mountains with a radius of thousands of miles,

Cliffs thousands of feet high,

How much Taoism and energy are needed for this,

Just to grow Iwax grass?

Cultivation school,

Can't make it! (To be continued...)

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