Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3044: Ancient ruins

Banao, this summer palace, has a radius of three hundred li,

There are cliffs made,

A few feet in a radius, ten feet high,

Ten seats,

Using the array to create different growth environments,

Used to grow all kinds of medicinal materials that grow on cliffs,

Even so,

These herbs are transplanted to the cliff,

The planted medicinal materials can grow at the same speed as the medicinal materials on the cliffs in nature.

The implantation technique is already quite superb,

These ten thousand years of rock mushroom grass,

On the cliff made like this,

This effect cannot be achieved.

Only buy naturally grown ones,

Planted on this cliff,

Maintain the medicinal properties.

"What kind of exchange do you want?"

Banao said,

This elegant sword is quite interesting.

"Master Banao is the great power of Yuan Ying,

I'm average. "

The flowing sword said,

Take out the rock mushroom grass,

Thirty catties,

The radius is half a foot,

Banao took a look,

But it is the best Iwagaki!

This elegant sword is the great power of Yuan Ying,

Yuan Ying’s powerful pill to increase mental power,

It must be better than the general school,

Banao took out a bottle of pill,

"Here are thirty pills, which can increase spiritual consciousness."

This elegant sword is overjoyed,

Took the pill,

Arched to Banao,

Out of the summer palace,

But Banao took those rock mushrooms,

I chose a cliff ten feet high,

Dao Fa urges,

After a while,

The conditions of all aspects of this cliff,

The conditions are the same as the natural growth of ivy grass,

This rock mushroom,

Banao collected it himself.

Also know the growing conditions of this rock mushroom.


Banao stretched out his hand,

These rock mushrooms flew up.

Plant this cliff,

Reached out and pointed.

A blue light flashed,

This is a high-level cultivation method.

after a few days,

These ivy grasses are all green.

Banao nodded,

"Well, the medicinal properties of these ivy grass are good."

Half a year later,

In a cave,

Sitting on the elegant sword plate.

The communication circle sounded.

The elegant sword collects power,

one look,

It's Laishan.

Laishan smiled,

"Flowing sword. The ruins you mentioned,

How often do we set out to explore. "


I'll talk about it in a few months. "

The floating sword said,

"That's good---a few of us, who and whom."

Laishan said.

End the call,

The divine light in the eyes of the elegant sword is like electricity,

The last time those Baicao sect's pill to increase spiritual consciousness,

Laishan didn't give one.

This proud pill,

The effect is really ok.

Half a year,

I took ten pills,

The exercise method that runs the spiritual power of cultivation,

The spiritual power of the floating sword,

There has been a significant increase.

Piaoyi sword practiced for ten years,

Almost increase these mental powers,

Banao gave thirty pills,

Isn't that equivalent to 30 years of practicing spiritual power?

It is necessary to deduct the fusion of profound and mysterious, and to refine the magic weapon,

Cultivate spiritual power,

Thirty years,

For the second diamond flower god,

It's a lot of time,

Cultivate to the second diamond flower god,

Usually several hundred years or thousands of years have passed.

These rock mushrooms are good!

And sell these rock mushrooms to Fang City,

I made a lot more.

The flowing sword is happy,


Take all the 30 pills from Master Banao, practice,

It is equivalent to 30 years of practicing spiritual power,

Increased mental power,

Deduction of profound fusion,

It can go further.

Laishan wanted to go to the ancient site he knew,

After a few years,

Let's talk about my own profound integration further.

Snow flutters and melts again,

In the villa, spring goes to autumn,

"Boom and boom----"

The mana surrounding the floating sword becomes like jelly,

But it exudes brilliance again,

The light in the eyes of the elegant sword is like electricity,

It's one step further from the three diamond flower god,

one look,

Six years have passed!

Monk cultivating,

Floating Sword thought,

one look,

Laishan sent a communication last year.


Laishan, Feixia sword, benefited from the last expedition,

I am more interested in this site.

Jian Jiutian is probably the four-diamond flower god,

Hard to say.

The elegant sword came out of the villa,

This mountain villa, built in the deep mountains,

of course,

The monster beside,

Knowing that there are two diamond flower gods here,

The second diamond flower god, for ordinary monsters,

Already a strongman.

The elegant sword and sword light spin,

In an instant, it revolved around a hundred miles,

Back to the villa,

There are already a few fresh game in my hand,

Take care of this game,

Start cooking by yourself,

Half a day,

Made a table of dishes,

This is the real mountain treasure,


He has already cooked a good dish.

Eating the flowing sword,

His villa, the scenery is already good,

With this mountain treasure, facing the scenery.

It is even more delicious.

Eat this meal till evening,

He remembered all the rumors in that ruin,

A reminder of the law,

Opened the communication circle,

The image of Laishan appeared,

"Laishan, I have finished my training,

During this expedition, the master Banao from the country of Fen Dao,

He needs to be involved. "

Laishan was surprised,


The look on his face,

Calm down immediately.

"Jian Jiutian is the **** of flowers of four diamonds,

And, the magic of the sword nine days is mysterious.

Me and Feixiajian Three Diamond Flower God. "

Laishan said,

"That remains. A thousand miles from the ground,

Some powerful monsters,

It doesn't take a few spells to succeed.

Spells. Is it just that Xuan'ao's mana is urged by runes?

I practiced in recent years,

Have a sense of magic and essence.

Say it again.

That place is still exploring without getting enough. "

Piao Yi Jian said excitedly,

"Damn, since the last adventure,

It has been almost forty years,

Ten years ago, I also admired the superb spell,

At this time. In other words, that spell is just the use of mysterious runes. "

Laishan said to himself.

However, a thousand miles from the ground,

Monsters encountered.

It must be stronger than last time.

Besides, that place,

Again in the area occupied by the demons,

The demon's search for treasure,

But fanatical.

"That. If you find the distribution of treasures."

"In this way, he prefers to choose one,

The remaining treasures,

Follow Banao, me. Jian Jiutian,

You and Laishan are assigned together. "

The flowing sword said,

"Well, I'll talk to Feixiajian."

Laishan opened the communication circle with Feixiajian,

Let's talk about the requirements of Piaoyijian,

"Damn, this man with Piaoyijian----"

Feixiajian hummed coldly,

Thought for a long time,

"A thousand miles from the ground, we have never been there before,

If Banao is willing to go,


Is Jian Jiutian willing?

In the past, Jian Jiutian had the highest cultivation base,

He takes one first. "

The original expedition,

It’s Jian Jiutian that gives priority to a baby,

The remaining baby,

Order of allocation,

According to Piaoyi Sword, Jian Jiutian, Feixia Sword, Laishan.

"So, we are all monks,

Be self-aware. "

Laishan said,

As if he had just joined the expedition to Banao,

Not very happy,

Talk to Feixiajian,

But feel,

Banao can go best.

Three hundred miles deep into the ground,

The cultivation base of the Four Diamond Flower God cannot be said to come and go.

Facing the ancient ruins,

Not to mention,

"Laishan, you and Jian Jiutian said."

Feixiajian said,

After a day,

Laishan sent another communication circle,

"I told Jian Jiutian,

Jian Jiutian considered it for a long time before agreeing. "

"Well, you can talk to Banao."

Laishan said,

Feixia's sword escape method is reminded,

Flew towards the proud Xiadian,

Entered the Summer Palace,

After a while,

Channel open,

Feixiajian entered the living room.

Plant demon serving tea,

"Master Banao, have an adventure,

Would you like to participate?"

Banao said,

"Oh? Come and listen."

If it was decades ago,

For the adventure proposed by the Three Diamond Flower God,

Banao did not want to participate,



The rules of plant, soil, fire, and gold are combined,

There has been some progress,

It has been deduced to be more complicated,

The rules of plant, soil, fire, and gold are combined,

Progress is slower than the standard,


Unless you can get a combination of plant, soil, fire, and gold rules



You can go out for adventure,

Half a year,

For Banao’s current deduction,

It is already relatively slow.

Feixia Jian explained what Piaoyi Jian said.

"Ancient ruins? A thousand miles deep into the ground?"

This kind of adventure,

Feixiajian has never done it before,

Commissioner Qian went to the Lengyan plane once.

As barren as the Plane of Cold Rock,

There are so many star beasts,

This Ruixian plane,

A thousand miles deep into the ground,

There may be a strong one.

"The sect of Piaoyijian was originally in the area occupied by the demons.

The team knows some of these sites.

Fight against the demons for hundreds of years,

He advanced to the God of Diamond Flower,

Only then began the adventure. "


Banao nodded,

These sects have been here for thousands of years,

These treasures, ancient ruins,

Know something,

It's definitely not a new sect like Shanhua Plane.

"Well, make an appointment to start."

Banao said.

after a few days,

The border of the country

A town,


It's already relatively deserted,

There are fewer people coming and going,

Banao and Laishan, Feixia sword, elegant sword,

Jian Jiutian converged.

A few people walked out of the tavern,

There are not many pedestrians on this street,


Most of them are monks.

The monks who went to the area occupied by the demons,

Usually drink some wine here,

A few people walked out of the tavern,

It's already evening,

Several people were walking on the land,

"Master Banao is a master,

Able to cooperate with masters like Banao,

It's my honor. "

Jian Jiutian said,

Since it is here, facing a master like Ban Ao,

Jian Jiutian's attitude,

Still relatively humble.

"Where, everyone has their own strengths."

Banao said,

Everyone talked about the underground situation on the Ruixian plane.

it's dark,

This team of adventurers,

This is the beginning,

A reminder of the escape method,

Speeding towards the territory of the demons,


Hundreds of miles away,

With a floating airship burning with dark flames,

This is the floating spaceship of the demons.


This airship,

The thunder usually flies towards here,

These figures,

Long gone without a trace,

In the floating fleet,

Like the daytime on the plane of Ruixian,

A monk in rafters and armor sat on a luxurious seat,

Watching the spot of light on the flint plane quickly disappear without a trace.

The Taoism of the Three Diamond Flower God,

Thousands of miles away,

This level of airship,

Unable to detect ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The three human masters, all of which are above the level of the second diamond flower god,

Report to the top. "

The captain said,

As if in the boundless darkness,

The airships dare not chase the masters above the diamond flower god!

Banao and Jian Jiutian,

The method of this floating craft,

Can not be detected!

It can be seen that Jian Jiutian does have some level.

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