Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3045: Stone monster giant

Flew three thousand miles,

Fell towards a mountain,

Find a hole in the mountain,

One person tall.

Walk into the hole,

Go down,

Walked a mile and a half,

This hole is only half a person tall,

Treasure hunter,

of course I know,

How should we go,

Half pride turned into a flame,

There was a surge towards this hole,


Or turned into water waves,

Or turned into cloud-like mountains,

Go through this half-person high hole,

As soon as I saw this flame, this law,

Creatures in the cave,

No one dared to move,

This comprehension world,

There are so many kinds of monsters.

In it, like a normal mountain,

Going a few miles,

Saw a dark river.

"Thirty miles along this dark river,

There is a tributary,

Go up this tributary. "

Piaoyijian said,

Everyone performed Taoism and flashed,

Entered the dark river,

In this dark river,

There are many kinds of fish,

And aquatic monsters,

However, it’s like a monk in the human qi training period,

Big body,

A bit demon.


It's far from the transformation,

The wisdom of the aquarium is strong,

I saw a few rays of light rushing in the water,

I immediately felt the power of this escape light,

Avoid far away,

Thirty miles,

Arrived soon,


A tributary flows over.

Go along this path,

Should be slightly upward,

On the plane,

Rivers in nature,

Still follow the law of gravity.

Walked along this river for ten miles.

There is a turn,

Above the turn,

There is a channel,

Three feet wide.

A flash of light,

Already on this channel,

The channel is far away. There was a thunderous roar coming over,

Down the passage,

For thirty years or so,

Probably has gone deep into a hundred feet,

A wide square appeared,

It's about fifty feet square.

A team of Mozu monks,

Was fighting fiercely with a few monsters,

In this cave with a radius of fifty feet,

A wide range of Taoism,

It's not easy to expand at all.

Both sides urged Dao Fa,

Lava, boulders. Tumbling suddenly, splashing,

Lava, boulders, hit the rock wall, it is a pit several feet deep.

These monsters,

All white, with scales all over,

Oval-shaped head,

The body is as strong as a mountain ghost.

In battle armor,

The same as your shield, sword,

Violently chopped with the demon cultivator.

The Mozu slashed over,

The knife is like a sea of ​​fire.

The monster slashed over,

The knife is like a giant mountain,

These monsters,

The shields and swords used,

As if I have seen it in Huagai Town Square,

A monster suddenly made a sword,

The sword light shines through the cave,

The flame rushed,

Rushed this rock wall out of a big hole ten feet deep,

The demon shield on the opposite side,

Has been cut open suddenly!

Sword light swept,

Like a huge thunder,

Thousands of sparks shot,

The armor of this demons has been cut open,

Ice shot out from the sword light,

The ice and flames exploded,

This demons has been blown off half of its body,

This monster shook his body,

Has flashed beside a huge rock next to it,

These boulders,

It was originally the Taoism they issued.

A few flames next to each other flashed,

The boulder was cut open,

But this monster,

Has been pushed aside,

A few monsters beside,

Sword Jue urges,

The moves seem simple,


The sword light urged by the sword jue is pale yellow,

But it seems as deep as a river,

Touch this flame,

The flames exploded!

These Mozu monks,

Another person was injured.

"These monsters' earth flying swords, I have seen them in Huagai Zhenfang City,

But the level of the seventh grade golden core,

The earth system Dao law released is stronger,

These stone monsters are tempered by their own natal mana,

More powerful.

Those flying swords are really good. "

Feixiajian said.

"Huagai Town has more than one hundred years,

Every ten years a batch of flying swords,

The material is pretty good. "

Laishan said,

Floating sword does not speak,


The shield in the hand of the flowing sword,

It was remodeled with shields sold in the shop in Huagai Town.

"No wonder the shop owner in Huagai Town sells a lot of underground medicinal materials."

Banao asked,

"How deep underground does this stone monster move?"

"This kind of stone monster usually moves around 30 miles underground,

Deeper, this stone monster dare not go.

The entrance is over there. "

Laishan said,

Laishan said,

The demons team has run away,

This group of rock monsters have come over,

"Human powerhouse. We passed by."

They speak the language of Fen Dao Country,

Body shape shook,

Already swayed towards a passage next to him,

It's gone.

"These rock monsters know a lot about the rules of the human adventure team."

Banao said,

These stone monsters use flying swords he made,

He will definitely not make a move,

His cultivation,

The materials on these stone monsters are of no use to him.

These Mozu expeditions,

Stone monster,

Are the core of Tao Fa practice,

With the golden core combat power,

It’s already thirty miles underground,

Without Jin Dan's combat power,

Don't come at all.

They shook their bodies,

Has entered this channel,

After a while,

These white stone monsters came out of the passage again,

Walking in the rock passage,

It's as fast as walking elegantly on the grass.

"These people have entered the passage there."

Said one of the monsters.

Several stone monsters immediately had serious faces,

"The one who can enter that passage is definitely a master."

They said,

Passing underground all year round,

These channels,

Where's great,

Can they not know?

Banao went on for another ten miles,

From the ground,

It's already fifty miles deep.

This is a passage only three feet wide,

The speed of Banao's escape was not fast,


A gray ripple suddenly appeared in the passage,

A few people immediately stagnated,

These three feet wide passage,

Suddenly closed!

The light on Ban Ao and Jian Jiutian,

Not moving at all,

Laishan, Feixia sword, the light on the floating sword,

Lightning usually blasts out thousands of sparks,

"This is a magic weapon!"

The flowing sword shouted wildly,

Laishan, Feixia sword, elegant swordsmanship,

Thousands of swords gush out from him,

Boom towards this rock wall,

On channels and rock walls,

But there was a burst of cracks.

Two three-diamond flower gods, one two-diamond flower god,

Can't blow this channel open!

The flame swirled around Ban Ao.


Thousands of fragments splashed,

These channels,

Shattered a third.

Banao originally wanted to smash these passages in half,

The rocks in this passage seem to be very tough.

At this moment, I heard a roar on the other side,

The entire channel,

It turned into a wave in an instant,

Fly towards the rock formation inside,

one look,

Among the rocks opposite,

Four giants are already standing,

Every giant is one and a half feet tall,

These passage fragments,

Flew into the hands of these giants,

These giant tactics are combined,

There is already an extra shield in his hand.

This shield,

It’s just that channel,

Headed giant,

Mana reminder,

A big wave rushed towards the shield~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But,


One third of this shield,

Immediately splashed around.

These giants were shocked,

Yungong spins,

These pieces are in their hands,

one look,

These fragments are already somewhat jade-like!

"This man burst into flames,

Shattered our mana! "

These giants were shocked!

His figure shook, and he had rushed into the rock and disappeared.

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