Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3052: Ancient text

"Of course, if there is such a baby,

I must bring it to the master,

We are generally in Huagai Town Fang City, Hecai Fang City. "

The captain Fang Face said,

This team of adventurers,

I met Banao,

That water bottle and bracelet,

In exchange for two golden pills,

Can be mixed in Huagai Town Fang City and He Cai Fang City,

It's already very good.

Banao nodded.

Went to Baihe Waterfall again,

I watched the waterfall for a few days,

Some insights,

Body shape,

In a few moments,

Has arrived in the lotus river,

Body shape,

Fly towards Baibaoguan,

You can enjoy the flowers from the fruit forest.

Five years have passed.

Entered Baibaoguan,

Asked for a booth,

Take out the table and set it up,


Two Demon Gold Pills,

A bunch of Taoist cores have been laid out,

sparkling with light,

Like a gem.

Vines and flowers grow,

"Mozu Jin Dan, the core of Tao Fa is exchanged for treasures----"

Hecaifang City has already set up a stall,

You can exchange treasures for golden core,

There are really treasures, so I usually like to take them out.

This time selling Jindan,

But it's at Baibaoguan,

See if I can exchange for treasures.

after all,

The real golden core,

In the big shops in Fangshi,

Still a precious item.

After a while,

The stall owners who set up stalls around, the monks passing by during the foundation period,

All came over.

Although Baibaoguan is already the best market in the realm of Ruixian,


The stall,


It is still a monk during the foundation period.

"This golden core is of the same quality as the golden core sold in the big shops here."

These monks in the foundation building period said.

Mutual transmission,

It seems that

Jin Dan of this level,

In this Baibaoguan,

Not a rare item.

After a cup of tea time.

Then someone took out the items,

Banao took a look,

"You're mediocre."

Banao arrived here in the morning,

After noon,

However, I replaced some precious refining materials with a Dao Fa core,

These foundation-building monks.

The medicinal materials taken out,

What Banao can see,

It's less.

Like in Hecaifang City,

The treasures brought out by the monks during the foundation building,

Banao didn't see one.

This is Baibaoguan,

The Ruixian plane is better, and a larger repair shop.

Have opened branches here,

The monks here,

I have a baby I don’t need,

Not necessarily willing to take it out.

Banao walked out of Baibaoguan,

Outside Baibaoguan,

There is a town,

There are many restaurants,

These are opened by ordinary people,

Some monks during the Qi training period.

To provide ingredients to these restaurants,

Much better than ordinary mortal shops.

Pan Ao entered a larger restaurant,

Ordered a table of dishes,

Take out the snow fruit wine,

Drink it.

Many monks in the foundation construction period came in,

Dining in this town,

While eating,

While talking about various adventures, adventure anecdotes.

Pan Ao listened,

A table of dishes,

Eaten in the evening.

A team of monks came over,

In the tavern, at least half of the people greeted this man.

"How did the demons gain in the occupied area?"

This team,

Everyone has the core golden core power of this cultivation method.

This is now,

The starting level for adventure in the demons occupied area.

The team nodded,

But sat down,

Ordered wine and food.

The round-faced monk,

This said:

"The harvest is average."

"They have a good harvest,

I must think of that big shop for a good price. "

A monk at the top of the foundation period said,

"You are not the same."

The round-faced monk said,

Everyone laughed.

The monks here,

Most of the foundation-building monks who set up stalls at Baibaoguan,

Looking at these monks,

Returning from the area occupied by the demons,

I want to buy some good materials from these monks,

Cultivation Jiefang City,

Maybe there will be a hawker who needs these materials.

After eating Banao,

Call the waiter over,

"Three low-grade immortal stones,

Or, ten catties of gold. "

The waiter said,

Banao took out three low-grade immortal stones,

To enter Baibaoguan, you need three low-grade immortal stones,

In this Baibaoguan,

After setting up a stall for a few days,

I can’t even see the bracelets collected in Hecaifang City,

This evening,

Banao passed the Baibaoguan,

After eating,

Body shape,

But it flew towards Xia Dian.

Entered the Summer Palace,

Banao thought,

Such a stall,

In a few days, no real baby can be received,

This is normal.

Banao went to several antique shops again,

Several antique shops in Fendao Country, Qingxuan Country and Wangyou Country all visited.

Give a thousand catties to gold,

Back to Xiadian,


Thousands of antiques appeared,

The price charged by the owner of the antique shop of Banao Team,

It's twice that of others.

Looking at these magic weapons one by one,

There are really a few magic weapons of the golden core level,

However, these runes,

Only Banao can benefit from the profound aspects of Taoism.

After half a month,

Dao law, runes, materials,

Let Banao benefit slightly.

even though,

This is the life of most monks,

Banao stood up,

He used to be on the ancient ruins,

I have seen text and runes.


Misty Sword said,


Where is it for millions of years!

The words of He Ruixian plane today,

It's completely different.

Banao let the plant demon.

Brought the fruit,


Thought for a long time,

Divinely reminded,

The teleportation array urges,

Banao appeared hundreds of miles away from Xiadian.

Body shape reminded.

Flew towards the area occupied by the demons,

Body shape like electricity,

Across the sky in an instant,

A cup of tea time,

Has reached Warhammer Mountain,

A hundred immortals were given.

Entered Warhammer Mountain,

Banao was surrounded by flames,

Walked into that shop,

To this monk on Warhammer Mountain,

Are almost the same,

The waiter greeted him,

"I want ancient text from Warhammer Mountain. Rune,

The older the better! "

Banao said,

"One hundred thousand middle-grade immortal stones,

See for yourself the specific age. "

The waiter said,

"it is good-"

Banao took out a storage bag,

The waiter took a look,

Inside is one hundred thousand middle-grade immortal stones.

He is holding a middle-grade fairy stone,

After a while,

A manager came out of it,

Board proudly took a look.

Four diamond flower **** cultivation base!

The steward took the fairy stone and looked at it.

Said to Banao,

"please follow me."

Banao followed Guan Shi into Guan Shi’s office,

The steward took out a jade slip.

Runes and text,

The jade slip is enough,

"Are there more?"

Banao said,

"No more."

This manager said,


Take a seat.

Banao walked out of the office,

The waiter came over,

Bringing Banao into the room.

Banao Shennian reminded,

Looking at these runes and words,

These data,

Give these words and runes and words,

Made a comment,

See the end,

The runes and words in the ancient ruins appeared.


There are only a few hundred words and runes.

Banao nodded.

Out of the shop,

Walking down the street of Warhammer Hill,

Buy some materials, medicinal materials,

At these stalls,

The demons occupied the medicinal materials, materials,

A lot,

Here is the larger Human Race Square City,

Just this Warhammer Mountain,

Banao bought three million middle-grade immortal stone medicinal materials, materials,

Out of Warhammer Mountain,

Body shape,

Flew towards the territories occupied,

This time,

Come with sword light,

Kill with one sword!

Thousands of miles away from Warhammer Mountain,

One more golden pill,

A bunch of Taoist cores.

A reminder of the escape method,

Skip the sky in an instant and disappeared.

Arrived at Xiadian,

Banao stretched out his hand,

Many palaces appeared in front of me,

Extending to the horizon.

This is an image of the ancient ruins seen by Banao.

The text obtained by Banao,

Matches the text on this site,

There are only hundreds of words,

More commonly used,

The text on the building.

Runes on the building,

And the rune obtained by Banao,

Some match,


Banao felt,

These runes,

More esoteric,


Banao stayed on the stone slab for a long time,

Based on Zhou Tianxing’s cultivation base,

How could there be no gain?

Pan Ao Pan sitting,

The Zhou Tian Xingdou Array is spinning fast,

It has been three months,

The circle of Banao team, an ancient ruins,

Already understand.

To be sure,

Banao’s understanding of this ancient site,

Much more than the Misty Sword.

Banao reached out his hand and pointed out that his sentiment has been written in the jade slip.

Put this jade slip,

Sent to Honolulu,

After a few months,

The communication circle sounded.

At first glance, it’s Honolulu,

"Use your deduced circle,

The power of Zhou Tian's star battle array has increased again.

These have been passed on to the ontology. And other golden fruit shadows.

Improve the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array,

With these materials,

The most suitable. "

Although Banao performed part of the ancient magic circle,


Specifically improve the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array,

With those materials and runes,

This is a very complicated deduction.

Tanshan sent the materials and runes used,

Only then did Ban Ao stretch out his hand,

A flame rises,

Pieces of material fly into the flame,

Start refining, fusion,

Half a day,

Has turned into a rune,

This is already a rune of different rules.

After three months,

Banao refined three hundred runes with different rules,

A move of divine thought,

The hall swayed like water,

Ban Yue appeared,

Banao gave him half of the runes with different rules.

"This is to improve Zhou Tian's star battle array."

Talking, reaching out and pointing,

A brilliance rushed over,

This is the result of the deduction of the ancient ruins,

And the final deduction result of Honolulu,

Ban Yue nodded.

Body shape,

Back to the Flame Villa.

Ban Ao broke the rune into the Zhoutian Star Dou formation in Xia Palace,

In a few days,

After this transformation is completed,

Piaoyijian once said,

People who entered the ancient ruins,

I want to continue exploring the ancient ruins,


But I can't get in.

Walked to the lotus river,

Looking at the view,

In the Summer Palace,

The formation does not start,

The stars are shining,


If you look at the starlight carefully,

You can find that

Like these stars,

Than the starlight outside,

Dozens of times larger in general.

The surface of the river,

Schools of fish swimming,

Blackfish, jackfish, wolffish and ordinary fish swimming,

But not devouring these ordinary fish,

But looking at the sky,


It is a great viewing scene.

Decades passed,

These ordinary fish,

A lot of growth.

Banao thought.

A hand,

A magic trick hits the lotus river,

In a few moments,

The water waves rise~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The pike king stands on the water waves,

Arched his hand towards Banao.

"The King Pike,

This lotus river can have ancient ruins and ancient characters. "

Look for some ancient text,

Banao team’s interest in this,

Suddenly got older.

"This, I don't have it on my site,

Around Baihe’s waterfall,

I have heard of this ancient text and runes,

But at that time, I was a monster in the base-building period,

It can't be transformed. "

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