Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3053: Gain

"These guys are not simple. On the surface, they are rough. Actually, they are thinking about it."

Red-breasted female cloth with green beauty. |Upturned corners. Speaking with interest to the images in the water curtain.

Suddenly. Two men beside. At the same time screamed in \': What a **** show! Bululi doesn't like normal human figures. Just like the monster type.

I don't know which of the four monsters she saw again this time.

Not the one covered in silver scales. It's the one covered with leaves.

Bululi has always had a special taste!

Two men. Almost at the same time made a judgment in my heart.

It's another huge iron roller. Appears at the top of the channel.

And behind the four. At the same time, a big pit appeared. Inside the pit. At the same time shoot up a row. A row of iron guns.

but. No effect!

Newly appeared to Tie Gun. However, he was smashed into pieces by the sword, light and sword shadow that rushed up!

The strength of the slope. Is a quaint platform

Above the platform. There are four statues.

The four statues are small in shape. But the appearance is the same as the statue of Qian Xing and the four who just entered. The lower bodies of both young and handsome men and women were drowned in black waves. The upper body holds both hands up. The scene of calling to the sky!

I saw this weird and cruel statue again. Qian Xing somehow. A hairy feeling rose in my heart.

"These dangling things. I always hate seeing them"

The old money stepped forward in disgust. Place a statue of one of the victims. Kicked a smash!

"It's the same for Lao Tzu!"

The turtle stepped forward. "Peng!"

Place a man suffering statue next to it. Also kicked in half.


Zhu Yi's tail of thunder and lightning swept away. The remaining two statues. Both become two halves.


The face cracked with a sound. A rotating rock staircase. Appeared in front of the four people.

I do not know how many years of waste. Many parts of this rock ladder have been damaged and collapsed.

"Heh. It's interesting. There are still a lot of agencies."

Old Qian smiled.

"Indeed. Compared to Longshan. It's much more interesting and comfortable."

Turtle also smiled at the interface.

This kind of adventure. Compared with the kind of murderous in Longshan. Continuous high-intensity combat. It is more comfortable and fun.

"It seems that we are on the plane of Golden River. {Wan ^ Volume ^ Book ^ House-anJuan provides the latest chapter reading} is still a good choice."

Zhu Yi also smiled.

Several people walked down the rotating decayed stone ladder.

Rotating stone ladder. A height of a meter. Behind the stone ladder is another maiden with an unusually beautiful appearance. Wearing a red armor. The scene of swinging a sword in the colorful waves.

The old money covered in leaves stepped forward. One raised his foot. Kick forward!


The silent Stone suddenly stopped. Stone walked to the beautifully carved door. Carefully examine this carving.

"What's the matter. This woman is suitable for your taste?"

Zhu Yi smiled.

"If this sword-wielding girl is the creature in my memory. I can't even be a **** slave for him-ah."


Stone is really silent. It's amazing.


Old Qian’s fingertips lit up a red flame and illuminated the stone gate.

Turtle and Zhu Yi. They all put their heads together. I saw the hot **** this statue.

"It looks like a human in no way."

Zhu Yi shook his head and said, "Except for his hot body. The clothes are pretty cool. I can't see anything unusual."

The look on Stone's face. It has become very strict: "She reminds me of a powerful monster in the abyss of the prison. The humanoid part is female. Parthenogenesis!

Not many people. But it is one of the ruling races in the magic water of the abyss.

Hazley witch!

Magic water. It is the bottom of the statues we saw. Use black stones. Carved black water. "

"What? Did you just say it earlier?"

The other three. Suddenly they were shocked.

"There is too much black water, even the water in the swamp. It is also black! Isn't it? I can't be sure until I see the statue on this door."

Stone shook his head.

Qian Xing's shoulders shrugged like a green tree full of leaves jumping suddenly.

"Follow him. It's a relaxed feeling to come here from the depths of the prison, even if the ruins are related to the Hazley witch.|It's also unknown how many years ago. It does not hinder our search operation.

The statue of the Hazley Witch on this door. Can it be sold for a price among the monks? "

Old Qian asked Stone. It is less than three sentences. Just go around the money.

Stone stretched out his hand. I touched the face of the statue. Then go down

"I guess not. It's purely a statue. Even if it is carved with a real Hazley witch. There is no magic power left by the body. There is no connection with the body.

of course. Maybe this statue is based on it. Haze|The witch once left magic power on this. but. Time is too. These magic powers. All that has been lost is gone.

This statue. There is no value anymore. "

Stone shook his head.

The old Qian’s eyes rolled up immediately: "If

Like inside. If it contains the magic power of the Hazley witch. Can you contact her? "

Stone nodded: "In theory. It should be so. But. A series of complicated spells and gestures are needed. But. These things. It should be lost. I'm afraid that even Fighting Beast Space does not necessarily exist. After all. Two camps that are exactly the same."

Qian Xing nodded: "We don't have these spells and gestures. It doesn't mean that others don't. This statue. I accept it!"

Finished. Flames burning at the tips of old money fingers. It became a long and thin flame beam. Towards the surroundings of the statue. Just cut it off.


Sparks flew everywhere. Red flame beam. Suddenly the stone gate was one foot thick. Cut a pair and wear it. Qian Xingyi broke it. This Hazley, female statue. Has entered the old money storage ring.

The statue is gone. The main part of Shimen is gone. A huge hole. Shows the scene inside Shimen.

An arched hall measuring five to six hundred square meters. Appeared in front of the four.

On the walls of the vaulted hall. There is a row of circular depressions.

There are seven circular depressions. Seven basketball-sized golden transparent crystal spheres stood impressively.

The four of them entered this big queen. Seven basketball-sized Jin Jing guards. There was a pale golden light immediately.

"Be careful. They are about to transform!"

Qian Xing's voice did not fall into seven transparent golden crystal balls. Has become seven big men wearing golden armor!

Hammer the right knife. Majestic and majestic.

Seven golden armored men. It is surrounded by a half moon. Surrounded by the four people who just entered the gate.

"Don't break it. Break it is worthless!"

The four hadn't shot yet. The old money yelled.

"Swipe. Brush!"

Seven golden sword rainbows. With the golden "power of cutting armor", he staggered towards the four!

Seven golden sword rainbows. Four people are still a few meters away, making them feel a kind of creepy. As if his body is about to be cut away


Qian Xing's left hand. Turned into a long cane. This rattan. It turned out to be a brownish-red color--~--the color of oak fairy vine.

Facing a golden sword rainbow. A positive one!


This knife is golden knife rainbow. Was drawn in half from the blade in the middle. but. The red-brown rattan that Qian's arm turned into. A small opening two inches deep was also cut open.

A slight pain. From the wound: Passed over.

"This armor-cutting power. It's really amazing. You can't block the blade head-on."

Old Qian was shocked. Fortunately, the arm has turned into an oak fairy vine body. If it were the original physical body, this arm would be cut in two pieces!

The long brown-red oak fairy cane is turned over. One pump!

This time, it was pulled alive on the surface of another golden sword rainbow.


Qian Xing's figure resounded with the sound of the golden sword rainbow breaking. It was like a green ghost. Already approaching a big man with golden armor. A lifted leg. It was like a whip on the golden armored man.


There was a muffled sound. The chest of the golden armored man. A deep depression appeared. The whole person flew out flat backward!

"Fuck. It won't break it. This is money."

The old money exaggeratedly yelled one.

The turtle's body has become a silver thread. The cyan bone whip usually strikes twice with lightning. Like a flexible green snake. Continue to draw on the two golden swords.


A golden sword rainbow was drawn. Another golden knife rainbow. Also pumped to change direction. "Puff!" A sound. Heavy pierced into the face of the rock!

The silver line flickered. The soft-shelled turtle punched a big man in the chest. The golden man. Was hit and flew backwards. Half of the chest. Have sunk in.

Of silver armor. Hard and powerful.

This attack. Compared to the effect of Qian Xing's leg. Still slightly stronger.

Turtle's heart. Suddenly it became a little bit easier: finally in some way better than Qian Xing.

Immediately the turtle smiled: "Old money, you worry about a fart. Take a good look at these two guys."

Qian Xing took a closer look at ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and saw that the two big men who were beaten jumped up from above!

Deep depression marks on their bodies. Is recovering quickly. moment. It becomes the same as before the injury.

"This elemental guard. The recovery ability is extremely strong. As long as the elemental destructive attack is not used. The physical attack received. It will recover soon!

We only need to use physical quantities. Keep hitting them.

Wait until their pre-injected mana is used up. Naturally, it returns to the original ball shape. "

Turtle said with a smile. \'Li was happy again.

This money is lucky. Probably the cultivation has already gone crazy. For some common sense things beyond repair. It seemed that he didn't notice at all.

Immediately. The turtle shouted to Zhu Yi again:

"Zhu Yi. Don't hit them. Just entangle them with your lightning! The damage caused by elemental power is very slow to recover! And it will leave scratches on the surface of the golden crystal sphere!"

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