Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3061: Grand Canyon

. "

Said the monk who was surrounded by mountains.

"A hundred miles from here,

There is a nice canyon,

We go there to grow medicinal herbs. "

The blazing monk said,

They took the monks,

Walking towards a sub-canyon a hundred miles away,

Set up the prohibition,

Plant the medicinal herbs originally planted on the cliffs of the villa

To the cliff in this gorge,

To choose a location again,

Arrange the magic circle.

Cast various planting spells,

The plane of Ruixian,

On the several villas owned by the Golden Fruit Shadow of Commissioner Qian,

Medicinal materials suitable for growing on cliffs,

Transplant all here,

It has taken ten days.

After half a month,

The growth of these medicinal materials,

It's already pretty good.

A loud thunder blast came from outside the villa,

one look,

On the canyon hundreds of miles away,

With hillsides,

Thousands of feet above the hillside,

Thirty or so cultivators’ swordsmanship urged,

Thunder fire, green lotus, water waves, huge mountains,

Straight into the sky,

On one side is the demons,

On one side is Human Race, on both sides there are similar people.

There is a monk in the human race,

A battle armor, surrounded by mountains and rivers,

Seems unfathomable

The blue flame and sword light in the hand,

Turned into ten thousand ways in an instant.

The green flames swirled around,

Or gather, or rush,

But suddenly,

There seems to be strict and mysterious.

The sword light urges thousands of ways,

That is the sword art that the Four Diamond Flower God can urge,

Ten thousand flames and sword light,

The requirements for mana and divine power.

That is huge.

Banao watched.

Isn't this person Wanlidao?

Mountain flower plane monk,

Cultivating the fire element mystery and other mysteries,

Generally, they are enlightened by the fighting spirit,


After the fusion, the Taoism attainments are high.

The flames are mostly green.

A reminder of Wanli Sword Art.

Ten thousand flames burst like nine days,

The demonic monk opposite,

Jian Jue made every effort to urge it.

Thousands of flames have been melted,

Touch the blue flame of Wanli Dao,

The flames of this demons,

It was a sudden shock!

Profoundly not an opponent,

This demon monk,

About three diamond flower god,

Although the sword art is mysterious,

With the sword light urged by Wanli Dao,

It's just rushing around the sky.

There is another shield in the hands of these three diamond flower gods,

First gear!

The shield is three thousand miles away,

Banao watched,

The mystery of the shield technique,

Compared with the magic weapon of the mountain flower plane,

Not worth mentioning,


Many law circles,


A reminder of the law,

The shield still has three thousand miles.

Wan Dao Jianguang whirled,

This shield,

Has been set aside by distance,

Thousands of sword lights gathered together!

One cut!


The thunder and fire burst for several hundred meters,

Like huge fireworks,

This Mozu three diamond flower god,

A big hole has been blasted through the body,

The blood and thunder fire burst.

He screamed,

Body shape,

Turned into a flame,

Hundreds of miles have passed in an instant!

Three diamond flower god,

He has no more than ten ways to fight each other!

Has been injured,

Wanli Dao leaped towards the battle beside him,

There is a fifth grade golden core monk,

Is playing against the opponent inextricably,

The green flame blew,

As if covering the entire sky,

Mysterious and weird,

In an instant,

These five-rank golden core monks,

The urging body protection Dao Fa burst out suddenly,

Smashed by Wanli Sword!

On this fifth grade golden core monk,

Continuously hit by dozens of blue flames,

These five-rank golden pills,

The whole person, together with the armor on his body,

Turned into jasper,


It exploded,

The human monk who fought with this fifth-grade golden core,

Sweat came out,

Seeing the blue flame swirling,

I have already taken away the palace of the fifth-rank golden core of the demons, the golden core,

With a dry smile on his face:

"Thank you master."

"No thanks, your cultivation base, fight for a thousand rounds,

In order to distinguish victory or defeat. "

Wanlidao said,

Against other war circles,

But did not interfere.

When the three diamond flower gods left,

A dozen demons monks,

Thousands of swords, lights, thunder and fire are intertwined,

But it’s stepping back,

In ten moments,

One yelled,

These demons,

Quickly flee towards the distance.

"The three-thousand-year-old fruit is in a crack in the rock below."

There was a fifth-grade golden pill flashing away,

Said to Wanli Dao,


Wanli Knife,

Came here to find medicinal materials,

Ban proudly smiled,

The place they said,

How can there be three thousand years of green fruit,

Banao is here,

There are several young seedlings that are decades old.

This kind of green fruit,

Only when it grows for a hundred years can it bear fruit,

One ripe in three hundred years,

Looks inconspicuous,

It is precious medicinal material,

A monk who is generally planting,

I want to grow green fruits from decades old and ripe,

From the foundation building period to the golden core period,

It is possible to pick ripe fruits.

So Banao is here,

These few decades of young fruit seedlings are here,

Others don't want it.

Banao transplanted these few decades of young fruit seedlings to

I'm in the valley.

With Banao’s planting technique,

I want to make this green fruit ripe,

At least one hundred years.

Implantation is not a panacea.

A group of people fell towards the crack in the rock.

On the cracks in the rocks,

There are no green fruits,

Not even the green fruit seedlings.

Wanli Dao's mind flashed,

I have seen the whole cliff,

Where are the green fruits.

Draw a sword,

The green fruit does not see the shadow,

Wanlidao's face slashed!

The red-haired monk stepped forward:

"Master, there is a cave near here.

We might as well go take a look. "

He said to Wanlidao.

Wanlidao smiled,

"Who doesn't know, entered the cave,

There are many monsters. There are many powerful masters.

You can go in for an adventure.

However, the distribution of this treasure"

The armor on him,

In fact ten thousand heavy armor. I brought ten thousand shields,

I practice rules and Taoism,

There are already four-diamond flower **** mid-term cultivation base,

However, the distribution of this treasure must be discussed again.

Ban Ao glanced at these monks,

The flying swords and shields held by a few people,

Refined from the mountain flower plane,

On this plane of Ruixian,

These magic weapons,

It is sold by a few diamond flower gods based in Panshishan,

Many precious medicinal materials and materials on the plane of mountain flower,

That's how it came.

Wanlidao talked to them about tea time,

After entering the cave to discover the distribution of medicinal materials and treasures,

A few people crossed over,

In a few moments,

Have already climbed a few big mountains,

Walked towards a cave several feet high.

Banao watched,

The Taoism of Wanlidao,

Distance to Yuanying Flower God level,

There is a certain distance.

However, that cave,

Banao planted medicinal materials for half a month,

Haven't been there yet.

Banao stretched out his hand and waved.

With the repair of Wanli Dao,

Take such an adventure,

More than enough.

At this time,

The transmission array brilliance flashed,

From the teleportation array,

A monk came out,

Three diamond flower god,

Kneeling towards Banao: "See the master."

Banao nodded.

"I and you plant these medicinal materials."

This attendant,

But it came from the plane of Shanhua,

These medicinal materials from the plane of Ruixian,

Need to talk in detail.

Banao was walking with this attendant,

Within a few months,

According to the growth of these medicinal materials,

The spiritual condition of this cliff,

Adjust the planting array.

Banao is very satisfied,

Such a three hundred li canyon,

If you are in an area occupied by the human race,

But a lot of time.

A few days later,

In the dark cave,

There was the sound of water.

A big river appeared in front of Wanlidao and the group of adventurers.

The underground river,

It's a hundred feet wide!

In this darkness,

It is even more chilling.

This is the mountain snow river,

A thousand miles flowed from here,

Out of the mountains,

Flowing on the ground,

Along the way,

Several battles,

It's easier.

However, the harvest of medicinal materials and materials is average.

Wanlidao felt unhappy,

But know,

There are so many golden cores on the mountain flower plane,

This kind of adventure,

But the main content of these Jindan activities.

Go on several expeditions,

I just want to get the Yuanying Taoism,

How can it be so simple?

"Under the river in this big mountain,

There are a lot of water spirit creatures,

Why not do this, let's go search this mountain and snow river. "

Wanlidao said,

King Pike,

Water medicinal materials and spirits dedicated to Banao,

There are some medicinal materials just like this,

Water-based medicinal materials and spiritual objects produced in underground rivers.

However, King Pike offered medicinal materials,

Commissioner Qian and the shadow of Jin Guo are not enough,

It is even more impossible to put it on the plane of Shanhua.

"Brother Dao, I see, we passed this mountain and snow river,

Head towards the cave,

It's not bad to get some medicinal materials and refining materials. "

The fifth-grade golden pill next to him said,

With their golden core,

Walk in the cave for several days to reach this mountain and snow river,

Continue along the cave,

These golden pills are not afraid,

Enter this mountain and snow river,

These golden pills hesitated.

"But what's the fear of a mountain and snowy river?"

Wanlidao said,

The medicinal materials collected are general refining materials,

Send these medicinal materials to the plane of Shanhua,

The redemption contribution points are not many.

Search for some water-based medicinal materials,

Reconcile one's own mana,

Has considerable benefits,

"In this way, we take out the formation,

How about Wan Ge being the main attacker of the formation map? "

The Five-Rank Golden Pill said,

"It's just some monsters in the water."

Wanlidao nodded,

Water-based medicinal materials and spiritual things,

Sent to the mountain flower plane,

Than ordinary medicinal materials and spiritual things,

Contribute more points,

This five-rank golden core, take out a formation map,

A reminder,

Surrounded by mountains and rivers,

Wanlidao entered the formation with them,

Each has its own position.

A reminder of the law,

The landscape swept towards the river,

The river separates,

From the river,

It seems that there is more than a dozen feet of landscape,

The array of detection methods is fully open,

In this mountain and snow river,

Advance but not fast,

But for a while,

I have found a water plant,

The blade of grass is oval ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but it has red flowers,

The whole grass showed a kind of moisture.

This is the appearance of medicinal materials in water,

Banao stretched out his hand,

A wave of water,

Turned into a big hand,

Grab this medicinal material,

The whole medicine,

Has been completely picked,

Banao took out a storage bag,

Wide open,

But inside is surrounded by mountains and rivers,

The mountains and rivers,

It’s the real mountains and rivers,

Specially used to store fresh medicinal materials,

A storage bag made from the plane of mountain flower,

Already can hold a mountain and river!

Banao Jiang this medicinal material,

Put it into the river,

The medicinal materials enter the river,

Keep picking fresh.

Walked for dozens of miles in the river,

Most of the day has passed.


The sound of the monster beast's water was heard,

Several human-like figures rushed over the waves,

Everyone wears a battle armor,

Holding a sword,


The face is like a monster, some with sharp mouths, some with big eyes,

There is also a fish body bird head,


The use of transforming spells changes!

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