Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3062: Mountain snow river

The sub-canyon in the Grand Canyon of Paradise Country,

Not much production,

Some herbs that grow on cliffs are suitable for growth,

In this way, there are more than a dozen prohibitions,

Precious medicinal materials,

Absorb the essence of nature,

There are these three thousand li canyons,

The sub-canyons of the Grand Canyon,

It's already over ten thousand miles!

Only then did these precious medicinal materials grow,

This mountain and snow river cannot produce as much as the lotus river.


The medicinal materials produced, monsters,

It is much more precious than the Lotus River.

This is not,

The monster race rushed over,


These monster races,

Seeing the mountains and rivers,

A little more verdant in the water,

There is a pattern,

A few of them can't compare these human races.

"Human monk, so bold,

This mountain and snow river will be passed by.

I dared to collect medicinal materials in this mountain and snow river. "

The sharp-mouthed monk said,

Wan Lidao reached out a little,


These monsters,

Rushed out a long passage in the water,

With a bang,

Has rushed to the shore,

This underground mountain and snow river bank,

The guests are all stones,

Several people were embedded in the rocks on the shore,

The body protection Dao Fa shot.

long time,

Only then crawled out of the stone,

That pattern,

It's already far.


The big-eyed monk said,

"Report to the king."

They said,

Take out a palm talisman.

Reach out.

This Fulu information is written.

A reminder of the law,

Fulu turned into a wave of water,

In an instant,

Have escaped three hundred miles,

In the rock wall beside the mountain snow river,

Has a three-foot-wide channel,

Beside the passage,

A platoon of soldiers stood.

Each dressed in battle armor, holding magic weapons,

Brilliance shines,

Shows awe-inspiring!

This water wave is like lightning,


Entered the cave,

After a while,

There was a roar from the cave mansion,

The dragon's head, body, and hands have three claws.

Holding a big knife in his hand.

This is the same Jiao as Qing Jiao!

Compared with Qing Jiao,

Green Jiao has horns.

This monk has no horns.

This person walked out of the tunnel,

Dao Fa urges,

A wave of water has crossed three hundred miles in an instant,

In front of him appeared ten feet of mountains and rivers lingering.

It can be seen that the water system of the real Jiaolong is so high.

Escape hundreds of miles in the water, but in an instant.

This Jiao waved his knife,

Towards this winding landscape,

Cut it down.

This knife,

The whole river stagnated,

Like every wave,

All are as heavy as a giant.

The Jindan monks in the formation,

Or urge the real picture,

Or urge your own defensive magic weapon,

Or urge Feijian,

Everyone’s face was horrified,

Take a trip to Shanxuehe,

Encountering Yuanying Flower God,

They didn't expect these golden pills.

In a moment of ten thousandths,

These golden pill methods,

But just started to urge,

Seeing this knife, we must cut to the formation,

There are still a few feet away from the formation,

The landscapes that appear in the array have become flat and elongated!

Their picture,

Compared with the power of the floating airship at the top of the Four Diamond Flower God,


Yuan Ying Hua Shen's knife,

It was broken immediately!

Three thousand cyan flames,

Slashed towards this knife,

Three thousand cyan flames,

Like mountain waves, arranged mysteriously

From the view of Brother Jindan,

This knife,

It’s already a very complicated battle.

With this knife,

"Boom, boom, boom-----"

Thousands of thunder shook loudly!

The ripple spreads rapidly,


Was immediately absorbed by the river

The formation suddenly retreated thirty feet,

This trick,

Wanli Dao is slightly downwind.

Wanlidao knew immediately,

This is a thousand miles,

This Jiao,

All set up a powerful magic circle,

No wonder this mountain and snow river,

Rich in production,

Not many monks came,

"Incitation formation, rush to the top rock wall!"

This array of pictures, surrounded by mountains and rivers,

Of course there is a soil escape function.

The monks in the formation are reminded of Taoism,

Wanli Knife flame reminded,

The green fire burst,

The river burned a channel,

Then did the formation quickly rush up towards the rock wall,

Across this rock wall,

This rock wall is actually a mountain.

This Jiao is another knife,

Laughed: "Something!"

This time, Banao took out a shield in his hand.

A sword,

Jianguang three thousand,

With this knife,

In a bang,

A hole with a radius of one hundred meters appeared in the river,


This Jiao set up a strong restriction.

Wanli Dao,

Another shield came out,

One-third of the sword light was blocked,

Amidst the rumbling noise,

The knife of this Jiao,

This is completely blocked,


The power of this knife,

For example, just the cut,

Power increased by half!

Although Wanli Dao has practiced rules and Taoism,

The rules of his practice,

It’s about the same level as this Jiao’s practice rules,

The Jiao is the same as the Water Beast,

Perception of the rules,

Not human can compare.

Four Diamond Flower God and Yuan Ying Flower God,

The difference in mana,

The gap in the use of mana is revealed.

The array rushed into the rock wall.

Surrounded by mountains and rivers.

The rocks are three feet away from this landscape,

Already separated,

There are prohibitions in this rock,

But not strong,

In a few moments,

The array map has moved forward a hundred feet,

This Jiao took a look,

A big knife flashed in his hand.

But not urged,

There are mountains on this,

For this mountain and snowy river,

Of course there are benefits.

Hundreds of miles away,

Banao is drinking wine,

In a few days,

The poetry meeting of Fen Dao Kingdom is about to begin,

He wants to go and take a look.

Wanlidao and they walked,

While collecting various medicinal materials and materials,

Ten days.

But walked hundreds of miles in the cave!


He reached out and pointed.

A starlight mirror appeared in the sky,

In this starlight crystal,

Wanli Dao and the formations urged by several Jindan cultivators are rushing out of the mountains.


A demon rushed out in battle armor,

Towards this landscape,

It's a knife!

The formation rushed out of the mountains,

Brother Jin Dan in the array,

Let's urge the sword tactics together,

The flames of swords are everywhere,

And the sword of this Jiao,

Make a tie!


Yuanying master with a sword,

A hundred miles of space around,

It's all becoming so important!

The Jindan masters in this array and Wanli Dao urged together

Jian Jue,

To be able to sit on a tie with this Qing Jiao,


Jitu wants to escape quickly,

But it can't.

"Oh, Wanlidao met the Jiao in the mountain snow river?"

Banao said,

King Pike said to him,

There is a flood in this mountain and snow river,


This Jiao,

Have always lived in a dark river,

The mountains and snow rivers flowing on the earth,

Usually you can't see this Jiao.

Banao stretched out his hand,

Towards a point in this starlight mirror,

This sword,

Probably one-third of his mana!

The flames in the sky, the sword light burst,

This Jiao,

Just feel that

There is a sword light,

It seems to be very brilliant,

In an instant,

Boomed in front of me!

This Jiao was shocked,

The knife swept away,

One stop toward this sword light!

"Puff, puff, puff—"

The big knife in this Jiao's hand,

Was cut by this sword light,

Then, protect the body,

I was hit by the sword light again,

This Jiao this body,

Was pierced by this sword light again!

Jiao's body,

How strong is it? :

This Jiao, looking along the direction of this sword light,

Jian Guang has rushed into the space,

This Jiao figure reminded him,

Has escaped into the mountain in an instant!

Sword light and thunder fire splashed down,

The people in the array have a look,

Where is the Jiao?

"Go, go back—"

Wanlidao said,

A reminder,

Like Changhong,

Toward the direction of the human occupation area. l

This Jiao returned to the cave mansion,


There is a strong man coming around here!

This Jiao thought.

after a few days,

In the Three Thousand Mile Canyon of Paradise Country,

Rushed up a figure,

Lightning flashes through the air

Speeding in the direction of the human occupation area.

In ten moments,

This escape light has crossed thousands of miles,

It fell towards the capital of Fen Dao Country,

The crowd walked towards the mountain,

"This year's poem meeting is about to begin."

People said,

On this mountain,

There are several springs,


Mistakes, plants, springs,

To talk about the scenery,

That is pretty good.

Poetry club,

Generally choose one scenery a year,

Choose here this year,

It’s three hundred miles away from the capital of Fen Dao Country,

Banao walked into the crowd,

Banao has watched this poem meeting for thirty times.

These talents who can participate in the poem meeting,


Banao couldn't write these poems,

and so,

Banao is like ordinary people,


one look,

Jian Jiutian is here,

These poems,

Sword has the most in nine days,

He has four diamond flower gods,

To achieve the Four Diamond Flower God Consummation,

For such casual cultivators,

How easy is it?

In a day,

Talented scholars have already done poetry and painting,

The audience on the hillside said,

In this situation,

After a few years,

This poem will continue,

But it's different again,

The time of this poem meeting is different,

After a few years,

The talent has changed a lot,

The mood of the audience is also different.

"Yes, some good poems and paintings have been published this year."

Banao said to the person next to him,

Everyone said,

The best talent in poetry,

Which talent should it be,

After noon,

Banao picked up a bottle of wine and drank.

Until the evening,

The crowd dispersed.

Ban Ao returned to Xia Dian,

Thirty years of poetry society, like a glimpse,

I used to come to the poetry club often,

As poetic,

Appreciation is a few ordinary people of a certain level,

Is gone,

I do not know how long it has been,

The runes in the gods are changing in unimaginable ways,

Banao himself,

As if chaotic,

With a bang,

In the sky of Banao Shenfu,

Release a thunder,

Fiercely bombing this mana,

This mana change stagnated,

Banao opened his eyes,

The deduction of the rules of plants, soil, fire, and metal,

Progress is halfway through!

This sit,

It's ten years!

Banao stood up,

But I was a little bit happy.

The golden Taoist books sent by Shanhua before,

Understandable part,

A lot more.

Banao walked out of the Summer Palace,

Walk towards Feixiajian’s office lobby,

Entered the hall,

Feixia sword immediately handed over,

Serve tea.

"In the past few years, how is the situation on the border side?"

Banao said,

"The Baicao faction strengthened the circle,

There are two more diamond flower gods leading the team,

There was once a battle,

The demons did not enter the Baicao faction’s circle,

Was beaten back,

These few years,

The border is better. "

Feixiajian said,

these years,

Fen Dao Country,

Most things related to monks~www.wuxiaspot.com~,

Handled by Feixiajian,

Banao is just sitting and practicing,


Banao sat and practiced,

For monks in several nearby countries,

But it has great power.

Feixia sword and Banao,

It can't be compared.

Feixiajian met Banao,

It was a smile on his face.

Banao nodded.

Out of Feixia Sword Country, (to be continued...)

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