Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3064: Xianlianshan Poetry Club

Tanda’s plant system, soil system, thunder system rules, and fire system rules merge

It's about to succeed.

There are certain similarities between the mine rules and the fire rules.

Out of the Summer Palace,

Going towards Fen Dao Guo Guo.

Feixia Sword is already standing in the Fen Dao country,

A sign is coming,

"Get on the camel cart,

This time the poem meeting was held in Xianlian Mansion. "

Feixiajian said,


Banao got into the car,

The camel cart set off.

Since I was attending the poetry meeting,

Of course it’s a camel car,

No need to urge to escape,

at this point,

Same as other monks.

The camel cart moved forward,

Ban Ao spoke towards Feixia Sword:

"I heard that Xianlian once appeared in Xianlian Mansion."

This time the poem meeting,

Choose to be in Xianlian Mansion,

There are still many cultivators from the cultivation world here.

"Ten thousand years ago, there was a lotus flower.

It should be a very strong lotus in the realm of cultivation,

However, it is definitely not a fairy lotus,

Immortal lotus is just a legend of mortals. "

Feixiajian said,

"What about Xianlian?"

Banao asked,

"Such a magic weapon, let alone ordinary people,

Ordinary Yuanying can't be near.

The strong should have taken it away. "

Feixiajian said,

Banao nodded.

"Feixia sword, in the past thirty years,

I met you several times,

Your cultivation base has not made much progress.

Did you come from the giant stalactite,

Take this advantage? "

Banao said.

Banao went to the ancient ruins.

The integration of rules has improved.

The ability to escape information,

has seen an increase,

These improvements,

Already equivalent to the combat power of the ordinary Yuanying Flower God.

"The combination of profound and mysterious techniques, I have understood some,

However, the magical elixir,

It has become more and more complicated.

The requirements for spirituality,

It's even higher. "

Feixiajian said,

It turned out to be insufficient divine consciousness,

The pill that harmonizes mana,

More and more complex,

Banao had seen the medicinal materials grown in Feixiajian’s manor,

There are some precious medicinal materials,

The pill that harmonizes mana becomes complicated,

Feixia sword may not be able to be refined.

How can everyone be a master alchemist?

The camel cart drove outside the Xianlian Mansion,

It is indeed a mountain range outside Xianlian Mansion.

Thirty mountain peaks,

It's no more than a hundred miles long.


It is very beautiful.

A mountain in the middle,

Has been arranged,

Luxurious facilities,

There are a few more pavilions, buildings,

This is a magic weapon refined by monks for exploration.

The camel cart of Banao and Feixiajian approached this mountain,


An attendant from the Kingdom of Fen Dao came up to greet him,

Banao took a look,

A hundred miles of mountains, the whole mountain peaks are azure,

On the nearby mountain peak,

There is a group of monks,

Several women, each stunning,

Most monks,

Guo Lin Shi will meet.

But there are more men and women,

Appearance, the middle grade is on the upper side,


But he looked arrogant.

Bi Xiu, to these two people,

But very polite.

Princess Narcissus,

Follow Bi Xiu,

This group of people,

As if this pair of men and women are the most dazzling,

Banao asked the attendant,

"this is----"

The waiter said: "This is a cultivator."

The attendant said,

Princess Narcissus Mansion,

Not everyone can become a monk in the Qi training period.

The waiter brought Banao and Feixiajian into the premises,

Live with those talented people,

Of course the best rooms.

Feixiajian's face is unhappy,

But Banao was interested in the poems of these talents,



The poetry meeting held by the Lord Narcissus,

Is already more famous,

Many talented people participated,

In the evening,

The waiter came,

Please Ban Ao and Feixiajian over to the party.

Ban Ao and Feixiajian entered a hall,

The talented men held a banquet in the hall next to them.

Seeing Banao and Feixiajian coming in,

That couple,

Obviously surprised.

Feixia sword, three diamond flower god,

For both of them,

More common,



They couldn't see the cultivation level of Banao at all.

Princess Narcissus,

Introducing Banao,

"This is the Thunder Fire Sword of the Cold Lotus Sect, the Hundred Foil Sword."

"This is the chief consecration of our kingdom of swordsmanship,

Lord Banao,

This is dedicated to Master Feixiajian. "

Ban Ao and Feixia Jian arched their hands towards each other,

This Thunder Fire Sword, Hundred Foil Sword,

Arched his hands towards Ban Ao.

The banquet just started,

Half tea time,

Thunder Fire Sword and Hundred Foil Sword,

Has become the center of the banquet,

But Ban Ao and Feixiajian ate and drank muffledly.

After eating the feast,

Thunder Fire Sword and Hundred Flower Sword walked out of the hall,

"This board is proud, it seems to be stronger than the average Yuanying Flower God."

Feng Lei Jian speaks to Bai Hua Jian.

After one morning,

The poem will begin,

The poems and paintings made by talented scholars are even better.

in the afternoon,

After the poem and painting meeting,

Distinguished guests and talents attend the banquet together,

After attending the banquet,

Rest in the genius hall,

Bi Xiu suggested,

This comprehension will go to the living room to drink tea and enjoy the scenery,

"It seems,

Princess Narcissus invited us to come. It has something to do with this Thunder Fire Sword, Hundred Foil Sword.

This Thunder Fire Sword, Hundred Foil Sword, is in the Hanlian School,

The reputation is not obvious. "

Feixiajian immediately faced Banao Transmission,

Feixiajian talked about cultivation base,

It's better than board Ao waved his hand.

This aspect.

But Ban Ao nodded.

Went into the living room with Feixiajian,

The living room is wider,

Sitting with these cultivators,

A variety of ornamental plants sheltered,

The waiter serves tea,


Including Ge Gongzi,

Several monks that Banao knew.

Stop talking.

Thunder Fire Sword spoke,

"Princess Narcissus,

I see, this mountain outside Xianlian Mansion,

The stone is azure and of good quality,

Suitable for construction,

These mountains,

How about I buy it? "

After saying this,

Banao saw it.

Feixiajian looked over,


A pair of autumn eyes looked over,

one look,

Is Princess Narcissus,

"Feixia sword, Princess Narcissus does not seem to be willing to sell the mountain outside the Immortal Lotus Mansion

You said. "

Banao said,

The mountain outside the Immortal Lotus Mansion,

All are azure blue stones.

Plants on the hill,

After many years,

Not as good as ordinary mountains,


It is these thirty mountains that are beautiful,

Every mountain,

There is an indescribable delicateness.

From a distance,

The mountains are like handicrafts of a master painter.

"This, Master Thunder Fire Sword,

We fought to transform the defensive circle of the country,

These stones are better for carving Taoist runes.

This Fen Dao country. I really can't find the same stone mountain drinking. "

Feixiajian said.

The Thunder Fire Sword and Hundred Flower Sword, their faces were unhappy,

Look at Bi Xiu.

Bi Xiu did not speak.

"These are just building materials."

Bai Huajian spoke.

Obviously, it's getting close.

"This, on the plane,

There are so many building materials. "

Banao spoke.

Ban Ao spoke,

Thunder Fire Sword and Hundred Flower Sword looked at each other,

Such a master spoke,


The Thunder Fire Sword and the Hundred Flower Sword nodded towards the crowd,

Out of the hall,

The figure is vertical,

Has taken off,

Fly to the distance.

Seeing the cultivator,

Said a few polite remarks,

Hand over,

Out of the hall,

A reminder of the escape method,

Flew towards his own cave.

Princess Narcissus arched his hands towards Ban Ao:

"Thank you for the worship of Banao and Feixiajian."

Ban Ao and Feixia Jian arched their hands.

"you are welcome."

Ban Ao and Feixia Jian arched their hands,

Banao and Feixiajian walked out of the hall,

Walking along the mountain road,

"Here is the place where Xianlian grew up."

Feixiajian said,

"I know."

Banao said,

Go to Xianlian Mansion to harvest red fruits,

How many times have been here,

This fairy lotus mountain,

He has been here dozens of times.

These mountains,

It is indeed an ordinary rock,

Better than ordinary rocks,

For decoration,

It looks good.

The rules of the soil system of the structural rock,


Can Ban Ao refine ordinary rocks into this kind of Xianlian Mountain rock?


This can already be done with Banao’s rules,


The rules used fuse mana,

The refined rock,

But it’s more beautiful,

Who does it?

What the cultivator brings to the mundane,

It’s just some tools that use Dao Dharma runes,

Really use Taoism to do what ordinary people do,


Ban Ao returned to Xia Dian,

Waved his hand,

There have been more than 30 azure stones,

A mountain took a piece.

Reach out,

Brilliant brilliance lingers around.

This is the rule of Banao,

After ten days in a row,

same as before,

Banao knew,

Own rules of Taoism attainments,

It can only be detected here.

These thirty stones,

The stone I used to bring from Xianlian Peak,

Can be piled up as a mountain,

Banao's figure shook,

Has come to the Flame Villa,

Out of the teleportation array,

To a hospital,

In the other courtyard, a lot of stones were piled up,

This courtyard is not big,

The stones on the fairy lotus peak that I brought before,

It has been here for a hundred years.

The Flame Villa is fifty miles in radius,

These buildings,

Still relatively complete.

Banao hasn't been here for a hundred years.

Banao entered the other courtyard,

Put these stones,

Toward this other courtyard,

Turn around and leave,


Banao's figure,

Turn around immediately,

Walked to the middle of the other courtyard,

In the middle of the other courtyard,

A few azure stones on the side,

Showing some red,

It has a root with adult arms!

The root of the fire tree!

Banao walked over and watched,

Thought for a long time,

These stones,

I went to Xianlian Mansion to harvest red fruits,

Brought from Xianlian Mountain.

These stones that are in contact with the roots of the fire tree,

Got smaller!

With the swallowing ability of the fire tree,

a mountain,

In a few years,

Can also be absorbed,

These stones?

Banao Dao Fa urged,

A magic trick hits over,

The roots of the fire tree are exposed in this other courtyard,

It has been more than fifty years.


The root of the fire tree,

Absorbed into this other courtyard,

But a few!

The fire tree only needs a little to absorb the blue stone.

Banao immediately spoke to Ban Yue,

Ban Yue comes over,

one look,

"I didn't pay attention before."

"Let's comprehend and comprehend together."

Banao said,

Banao and Banyue sit side-by-side,

Began to comprehend,

Use divine thoughts to urge it,

Can only see,

These substances, into the roots of the fire tree,

Slowly reduced,

Absorbed by the roots of this fire tree.

Ban Ao and Ban Yue opened their eyes,

It's been half a year,

"Use the information escape method to comprehend."

Banao said,

This is the body of Chairman Qian, who feels the shadow of the shield,

Tan Da, feel the information escape method of the Warhammer phantom,

To urge this escape method~www.wuxiaspot.com~ mana is like a flood.

Their minds see,

These cyan stones,

Into the root system of the fire tree,


The rich water vapor evaporates from the river,

Urge out some substances.

They want to comprehend these vapor-like substances,

How did the fire tree change these azure stones,

No matter how to urge the information escape method,

Mysterious runes,

Can't understand it. (To be continued...)

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