Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3065: Green card

Banao and Banyue exchanged spiritual thoughts,

Withdrew from enlightenment,

one look,

More than four years have passed,

In order to comprehend this,

Five years have passed!

"This is the power of the Plane of Cold Rock,

The law of enlightenment,

The image of this fire tree.レ;思♥路♣客レ"

Ban Ao and Ban Yue watched,

In the eyes,

Only shock.

"Call the body over."

Banao said,

The communication array of the main committee member Qian was urged.

After half a day,

Commissioner Qian came out of the teleportation circle in the Flame Villa.

"The ontology has taken a big advantage."

Ban Ao and Ban Yue told Commissioner Qian.

Tell me what happened,

Commissioner Qian looked at Huoshu.

Fire tree,

It has grown to more than sixty feet tall!

"These are some of the effects of the Law of Enlightenment."

Commissioner Qian said,

Sit in front of the fire tree,

Immediately urge the message to escape,

Half a year later,

Commissioner Qian stood up,

The fire tree urges this stone,

To produce that substance,


How did the fire tree urge the stone to produce such a substance,

The water vapor produced by this substance is normal,

My rules,

Can not detect. "

Commissioner Qian said,

"Ontology, the integration of your five rules,

How is the deduction? "

Ban Yue asked,

"The fusion of the five elements of the mystery is more than half of the progress."

Member Qian said.

Such rules merge Taoism.

Can not detect. analysis.

"Put these stones,

Put it next to the spiritual root root system we planted,

See if these spiritual roots can absorb these stones,

Produces the same effect,

Only then can we say that these stones,

Useful for other fighting spirit roots. "

Commissioner Qian said,

Said here.

It is the battle root planted by Commissioner Qian and the shadow of Jin Guo.

"The stones in this other yard are enough for the fighting spirit root we planted."

Banao said,

Waved his hand,

Have put away these stones,

Stepped on to the shadow of the golden fruit,

Various estates,

To plant the manor of fighting spirit roots,

Plant a fighting spirit root,

You need a place where the spiritual energy of the golden core monks can gather,


Committee Qian and Jin Guo Zhiying have not many places where the auras converge.

Has a fighting spirit,

It is planted on the ground where the spiritual energy of the monks in the foundation period gathers.

Grows slowly,

These hundreds of years,

The shadow of the golden fruit has found more places where the spiritual energy gathers.

The fighting spirit roots planted by Commissioner Qian and the Shadow of Golden Fruit,

This has only reached fifty!

Quinn, big head, them by the pool,

Have their own fighting roots,

Of course, there are definitely not as many as fifty.

Ban Ao Jiang this stone from the other courtyard,

The root of a fighting spirit root,

Put a few such stones.

In a flash,

Ten years have passed!

Commissioner Qian, Ban Ao, Ban Yue met in Flame Villa.

"Those stones,

Nothing has changed. "

Banao said.

"This means that the spiritual roots we planted,

Although some plane evolutionary fluctuations were displayed,

The best botanical method,

Compared with the original spiritual root,

Has evolved.

However, the level of these spiritual roots,

Can't compare to this fire tree? "

Ban Yue said,

"That's it, so, I'll look at it in a few years."

Five years later,

Ban Ao, Commissioner Qian, Ban Yue,

Gathered in front of the fire tree again,

"Without any absorption,

These stones, for us fighting spirit roots,

And the common grass on Xianlian Mountain,

Ordinary trees are average. "

Banao said.

these years,

The rules of his plant, earth, fire, and gold are integrated,

There has been some progress.

"The power of the Ruixian plane,

There are spiritual roots similar to our fighting spiritual roots,

there must be,

This fairy lotus mountain,

Always here,

Well, not absorbed,

This means that,

These stones cannot be absorbed by ordinary spiritual roots. "

Member Qian said.

"These stones, just put them there."

Banao's expression is no longer interested.

A few stones in this other courtyard,

Enough fire tree to absorb a thousand years!

Commissioner Qian stepped onto the teleportation array,

Back to the garden wave plane,

Ban Ao returned to Xia Dian.

Thought about it,

Out of the summer palace,

To collect rare metals outside the sky,


Banao refining the same level of flying swords, shields, and medicine,


Went around a few square markets.

The collected rare metals from outside the sky,

What he didn't understand,

But ten kinds,

The rules of rare metals these days,

He can finish training in one and a half years,

These times,

For the deduction of the plant, soil, fire, and gold elements,

It's really nothing.

Arrived in the national capital of Fen Dao,

Walked into Feixiajian’s office,

"Master Banao, please sit down."

Feixiajian said.

Serve Banao with tea.

one look,

Fifteen years later,

Feixiajian's cultivation base has improved somewhat.

"Have the Thunder Fire Sword and Hundred Flower Sword been here?"

Feixiajian shook her head.

"Knowing that immortal lotus appeared there—"

Feixiajian said,

Banao walked to the office next to him,

The tables and chairs inside are of a century-old style,

This is Banao’s office,

Banao approached the office.

sit down.

Own tea.

While drinking,

While looking at the flowers and plants in the other yard,

It’s the early summer season,

"Come here."

Banao said,

The waiter comes in,

"Bring the demons' information."

Banao said,

The waiter brought some information,

This is about the past few years.

Information on Mozu activities.

Banao picked it up,


"Are you not going to practice?"

Feixiajian asked.

Banao this person,

I've only seen each other in ten years.

"Look at the adventure."

Banao said,

Wanli Dao, Four Diamond Flower God,

He often sells magic weapons and flying swords with monks on the plane of Ruixian.

Adventure with these monks,

But collecting the medicinal materials and materials of the temple water system

He also fought against King Baijiao of Shanxuehe.

Really valuable Dongfu.

It's really rare.

"Master Banao, the ancient ruins.

But the elders in my school,

Researched for hundreds of years,


In these years, I generally stayed here and did not go out to explore. "

Feixiajian said.

Banao put down the information,

This cup of tea,

Just finished it.

Banao walked out of the office,

Out of the national capital of Fen Dao.

He reminded him of the method,

The image of the floating sword appeared,

"Piaoyijian, have a good expedition recently?"

Piaoyijian shook his head.

"Master Banao, the cave house of ordinary Jindan,

I have been there these years,

The treasure of Yuanying Flower God,

I have never found it in these years,

Master Banao, your cultivation base is so high--"

Piaoyijian said,

Banao nodded.

The Three Diamond Flower God is already a cultivator,

Ordinary cave exploration,

I can go by myself.

Banao thought for a while,

Back to Xiadian,

Take out some snow fruit wine,

Flew towards Huagai Town Fang City,

Set up a stall,

See if I can exchange for something strange.

To explore the cave house of ordinary Jindan monks,

Banao is too lazy to think of cao,

Banao arrived at Huagai Town Fang City,

Set up the booth.

This time,

The stall owners around,

No one came over,

Knowing that Banao is here in exchange for strange things,

Although this wine works well,


These stall owners have strange things,

Who doesn't know,

Is this baby?

After a long time,

A monk came over,

Is a human monk,

Towards Banao,

All smiles,

"I am a monk from Baibaoguan,

There is a treasure club in our place,

Specializing in the exchange of various treasures,

Three diamond flower **** cultivation base,

To participate,

I wonder if you are interested. "

Ban Ao originally wanted to wave his hand.

A treasure for ordinary monks,

He is not lacking.

However, you can take a look,

This master of cultivation of the Ruixian plane.

Banao thought for a while and nodded.

This steward has won a jade medal,

"The time to participate in this treasure exchange meeting. Matters,

inside. "


Handed over to Banao,

Banao arched his hand towards him.

The steward turned and walked out of Fang City, Huagai Town,

"For this snow fruit wine, the steward of Baibaoguan has sent a jade card from the treasure exchange."

The stall owner next to him then looked over again,

Looking at the jade card in Ban Ao's hand.

Banao took a look at this jade medal,

Distance treasure exchange meeting,

Has twenty days,

Banao set up a stall here for a few days,

Many people are interested in this wine,

Can take out the strange things that Banao can see,

But nothing.

Banao put away his booth,

Out of Huagai Zhenfang City,

But he went to Hecaifang City.

This time,

Set up a booth,

He took it out,

Not snow fruit wine,

It is the core of the two demon golden cores and the ten-lai piece of Taoism,

Jin Dan and Dao Fa core were taken out,

Most of the stall owners next to him came over,


A treasure that allows people to directly advance,

This is the most time for these foundations,

Or the monks who practice the core of Taoism are interested.

Brother Xiucai came over,

Now, his golden core has advanced to the sixth-grade golden core!

Hecaifang City,

Sixth-Rank Golden Core is already considered to be able to deal with those big shops.

Where is the cave adventure,

He can go by himself.


Banao posed for a few days,

No suitable treasure was seen.

Many stall owners have already closed their stalls on this day.

The area where the stall is set up,

There are not many people,

At this time,

There was a stall owner who came over from ten feet away,

"I have a strange thing here,

Look, I want to change a golden core. "

He said,

I gave a piece of green jade plaque over,

Banao took a look at the jade medal,

Very tough,

There is a hideous ghost head on it,

This is not a jade card.

Is made from biological bones,

"This magic weapon, you can see it is for refining ghosts.

However, I don't know how to use it.

Baby, absolutely baby. "

Banao Shennian probed over,

There is no magic circle inside,

Same as that whip,

The stall owner has been here for a long time,

This kind of baby,

Brother Jindan takes it, it won’t be used,

"Okay, do you want that golden core?"

Banao said,

"Of course you want the golden core of the earth system Dao Fa."

Said the stall owner.

These two golden pills,

A golden core of earth type, a golden core of fire type,

The monks who choose the earth system Taoism,

Far more than the monks who choose the fire system.

Earth system Dao law, strong defense force,

Offensive power is good.

Banao gave Jindan and closed the stall.

In a few days, Baibaoguan will open the exchange of treasures.

Just went to have a look,

Banao left Hecaifang City,

Entered the restaurant next to Hecaifang City,

Ordered a table of wine and food,

Eat it up,

At first glance, Brother Xiucai came,

While eating, talking to the people next to me about cave exploration,


Valuable Dongfu,

It's getting harder and harder to find.

The figure urges ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to fly in the direction of Baibaoguan.

Entered Baibaoguan,

He did not set up a stall,

Walked here for a few days,

Bought some refining materials,

The treasure exchange at Baibaoguan has begun.

Banao Dao Fa urged,

Full of flames,

Walk towards the Baibao Pavilion at Baibaoguan.

Approached Baibao Pavilion,

There are already several waiters standing,

Several people are all Jin Dan. (To be continued...)

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