Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3066: Shirakawa Fight

Banao took out the jade card,

Walked into the hall,


Inside is a hall with a radius of tens of meters,

In this hall,

There are already many monks,

Before them,

There are various treasures, refining materials,

Look at each other's treasures, materials,

Although Taoism is shrouded in everyone,

However, the mana fluctuates,

But it shows the killing of real people,

Jian Zhentian is here,

There are also fierce lingering people,

This is the Nascent Soul of Zhansha Sect.

There is another person, with waves of water on his body,

This person is the King Baijiao of Shanxuehe,

With a pile of water system materials,

While looking at the materials of other monks,

While asking about the exchange rate.

At this exchange meeting,

King Baijiao,

It's the same as other monks.

Banao saw Jian Jiutian,

Feixiajian and Tanshan did not come,

It is said that the three diamond flower **** can participate,

No baby in hand,

The steward of Baibaoguan,

Will not give you this jade medal.

The real Rinpo of the Baicao school also came,

Look at the pile of pills in front of him.

Banao took out the snow fruit wine,


It has been written above,

"Snowberry wine that regulates fire mana.

For strange things. "

This wine was put out,

But half tea time,

Some monks came over and asked,

Take it out,

It is just precious medicinal materials and refining materials.

Banao shook his head.

these things.

There are most of the mountain flower planes,


It can be obtained from Kunmihui and Cambran.

The battle roots of the water system of Biyou Temple,

After many times of plane evolutionary fluctuations,

The use of plant Taoism runes,

Further evolution.

The quality is further improved,

The dew produced by the roots of this water system,

None of them can be touched by ordinary Yuanying Flower Gods.

The exchange meeting lasted for a long time.

Banao a jar of snow fruit wine,

Nothing was exchanged.

I want to get these strange objects from Yuanying Flower God,

It's really hard.

From morning to afternoon,

The exchange of Yuan Ying Flower Gods has been completed,

The waiter put a few dishes at the table for everyone,

Everyone eats,

Although there are not many dishes,

However, every dish is a boutique.

"For hundreds of years,

Ruixian plane is advanced to Yuanying Flower God.

There are two human races and one monster race. "

A monk with sword aura on his body spoke.

Look at this Jian Qi.

everybody knows,

This is Jian Zhentian.

The core members of the Ruixian Plane Committee spoke,

Everyone looked at Jian Zhentian,

King Bai Jiao looked at it the same way.

Yuanying Flower God is more difficult to advance,

at this point,

everybody knows.

"The White Sword Ancient Realm may appear within fifteen years,

However, this time, the White Sword Ancient Realm may appear in the realm of the Demon Race. "

Jian Zhentian said,

"Appeared in the territory of the demons, this time,

The golden core who wants to enter the white sword ancient realm, with the diamond flower god,

Some hits.

The last time the White Sword Ancient Realm appeared,

Still fighting against the demons a hundred years ago,

Count it up,

The last time the White Sword Ancient Realm appeared,

It has been six hundred years since this year. "

King Bai Jiao said,

"Bai Jiao, the Ancient White Sword, although the golden core and the diamond flower **** have more benefits,

However, if the Yuan Ying Flower God enters, it may not be unable to get the benefits. "

The Yuan Ying Flower God of Zhan Sha Sect,

"Everyone, if you want to bring the golden core and the diamond flower **** into this ancient white sword,

If you want to team up, we can talk about it. "

Jian Zhentian said,

"Yes, if the White Sword Ancient Realm appears in the area occupied by the demons,

Entered the White Sword Ancient Realm,

There may be fierce fighting. "

This time, the Yuan Ying Flower God of Zhansha Sect said,

The Yuan Ying Flower God in the hall stopped talking.

After a while,

Said the real person.

"White Sword Ancient Realm, I went in when I was in the Golden Core,

That was 1,500 years ago,

Now, in the ancient realm of White Sword,

To me, it doesn't make much sense. "

As soon as the real person is killed,

Bai Jiao nodded.

"Yes, for me, entering the White Sword Ancient Realm will not gain much.

Used to team up. "

There is a Yuanying Flower God next to him who is silent,

Look at this killing real man and Bai Jiao.

They are the Yuanying Flower God,

Naken easily took his men into the secret realm.

White Sword Ancient Realm,

The same secret realm as Biluo Ancient Realm,

The golden core monks and the **** of flowers with diamonds are most useful to go in,

Yuan Ying Hua Shen went in,

There are not many opportunities.

Banao has seen it in many classics on the plane of Ruixian,

"How many diamond flowers are there,

How many monks Jindan? "

Rinpo said.

"This time the White Sword Ancient Realm appeared in the area occupied by the demons.

It must be different from the past. "

Jian Zhentian said,

Speaking of Yuanying Flower Gods,

This is what the core members of the Ruixian plane committee said,

"This White Sword Secret Realm, I heard it was built with great power,


The real man said,

Advanced Yuanying Flower God,

Taoism is already relatively high.

I have some understanding of this mystery,

Not like the Golden Core monk.

When I heard the secret,

The eyes shine.

Said for a while,

A few stewards of Baibaolou came over,

"Please use the banquet."

Today’s exchange meeting is over,

The monks in the hall,

Go to the lobby on the first floor together,

The banquet has been set up,

After the banquet,

Banao left Baibaoguan.

Back to Xiadian,

He urged Tantong's communication circle,

The image of sandalwood appeared.

"Tan Tong. You are all the places where the auras of the Ruixian plane gather


how is the progress? "

Sandalwood arched his hands.

"Four Diamond Flower God has been advanced."

Ban Ao told the White Sword plane once again.

"If the White Sword Secret Realm appears,

You come with me. "

The plate copper arched his hands.


After talking about the copper,

Banao remembered,

Feel the stones on the Xianlian Mountain at the Flame Villa,

It's been thirty years since the King Pike sent over the water system spirit creatures.

Wanlidao went to the water system spiritual objects collected in the mountains and snow rivers,

To the plane of mountain flower,

Changed a hundred contribution points.

Some water-based medicinal materials,

Need to be planted,

Honolulu got it,

But a few herbs.

Banao walked to the lotus river,

A show of divine thoughts,

Didn’t see King Pike,

one look,

By the lotus river near the summer palace,

There was a three-foot-long water wolf swimming back and forth.

This water wolf is the core of Taoism cultivation.

Already had Jindan combat power.

This is the subordinate of King Pike,

When I saw Banao walked to the river.

Swam over immediately,

Speak to others.

"My lord, King Pike went to fight at Baihe Waterfall."

He said.


In Fang City, there are many kinds of demons,

A group of water demon masters came,

To occupy the Baihe Waterfall area,

King Pike’s Jindan demon repair who guarded the White River was wounded,

Escape into the Baihe and escape,

King Pike summoned his subordinates,

Go to Shirakawa Falls to fight.


But water-based medicinal materials, an important production area for spiritual things.


Isn't the king pike his own?

Ban Ao stepped into the White River,

Disappeared in an instant,

This water wolf can't see it,

What kind of water system is this person using?

The waves on Banao's body,

In a few moments,

The water waves are already soaring ahead,

A thunderous roar!

Has passed three thousand miles of rivers,

Arriving near Baihe Waterfall,

Baili near Baihe Waterfall,

Extending dozens of miles to the side,

A magic circle appeared,

The waves spin, the thunders roll,

There are hundreds of icebergs lingering.

In the formation,

Just saw,

Thousands of water arrows and ice swords splash,

The mines slammed across the sky,

Banao played a trick,

After a while,

The image in the formation has appeared,

King Pike led his men,

Standing in the thousands of waves,

The demons opposite,

Standing among a hundred icebergs,

It is violent!

The two sides’ formation,

All monks suddenly exploded and turned into blood and blood.

Monks in the foundation period,

The aftermath of the boom,

They have been blown to pieces.

Among hundreds of icebergs, there is one person,

Square face,

There seems to be wrinkles on the face,

Icy flames linger all over!

It turned into mysterious magic patterns.

Looking coldly at the water wave pattern opposite,

It turned out to be Yuanying Flower God!

The demons generally do not conflict with the demons,

Yuanying Flower God,

That's different again.

There is a lot less scrupulous behavior,

Want to occupy this white river.

This is a formation of hundreds of miles around,

But it was the Mozu who collected hundreds of miles of water in the White River,

All force is urged,

Arranged in a battlefield,

The mana of the water system keeps converging towards the iceberg,

Replenishing the iceberg.

This battle,

Rushing mysterious,

But there is a bit of mystery,

How many water-system spiritual things are produced in this Baihe River.

Banao reached out and pointed,


The water arrays are separated by hundreds of miles,

Turn into a wall of water!

The belligerents were surprised,

This battle,

King Pike attacked with all his strength,

Most of the day,

It may not be able to break through.

Who is this person,

In an instant,

Has broken this battle!

Step on the footsteps of Banao,

In an instant,

Already by the thousands of water waves!

In the Mozufang City in the distance,

There are already thousands of demons who are urging to escape,

Standing in the air and watching.

one sight,


Everyone exclaimed!

Banao said to the Demon Yuanying Flower God in the opposing formation,

"You want to occupy this white river,

Yes, take me a sword first! "


Reach out!

Thirty flames burst,

Turned into a mysterious sword formation,

In an instant,

The whole sky,

It's already shining red!

Said it was a sword,

Already thirty swords,

This Mozu Yuanying Flower Divine Sword Art is reminded,

Thousands of ice-colored sword lights,

In an instant it has turned into an iceberg stretching thousands of miles,

Boom towards these thirty flames!


The icy flame rushed three thousand feet!

This sword art urged by the Mozu Yuanying Flower God,

Turned into icebergs of thousands of miles,

Thousands of peaks burst,

Has been penetrated by the sword of Banao!

In the hundreds of icebergs,

Everyone is discolored,

It’s been a day and a half with King Pike,

Can't stand a sword!

Thirty flames,

But the color is slightly darker,


The power is still great,


The entire iceberg has turned into nothingness,

Thousands of runes appeared.

"Boom Rumble"

The iceberg shot,

Turned into thousands of pieces,

Like an ice volcano,

Rushed into the air three thousand feet,

Thirty flames, ten remaining,

Other flames,

Has turned into thousands of sparks.

one move,

The formation has been broken!

This time,

The demons watching the battle in Fang City in the distance,

Has retreated towards the square city,

Surrounded by thunder and fire,

It spins at full speed!

This demon primordial infant flower god,

A sword,

One-handed shield~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Sword Jue,

It seems that there are thousands of ice swords twisting towards this flame!

"Boom Rumble"

Thousands of ice debris splashed,

Several demonic monks in the closer positions,

Passed through the formation by this icicle,


The whole person suddenly exploded,

Flesh and icy flies together!

In the array,

Show a bright picture scroll! (To be continued...)

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