Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3068: White Sword Secret Realm

Three thousand sixty-eight chapters of the white sword secret realm

Among the vines,

A lot more buildings,

Built of stone,

Carve this mysterious rune,

The earth mana surrounds and rolls.

This kind of stone,

The stone that helps the soul practice,

One ton requires hundreds of middle-grade immortal stones.

This is the place where the vines in the soul cluster cultivate the earth element mana.

The soul has a certain cultivation base,

Then you can practice the mystery of the plane,

Which plane of profound cultivation is suitable for the soul?

Cultivating the profound earth is the best for the soul.

Of course, the quality of these stones,

But it's medium grade.

Tan Yuan looked at these buildings,

That piece of jade,

Has absorbed a lot of soul mana.

Mountain flower plane,

Honolulu will write a book,

Sent to Banao,

"This is a Taoist book of the gold department.

Some may be useful to you. "

The super plane teleportation array brilliance rotates,

Banao took the aisle book,

While watching,

While practicing.

this day,

The flame that surrounds this proud body,

There was a sudden bang,

Magnify the brilliance,

Turned into mountains, into rivers, into planes,

Turned into a jungle, turned into a sea,

Read the full text of Lolita, The Unspeakable Online Game.

When the flame is closed,

Banao stood up,

Color like a fairy!

I have read this book from Honolulu,

Banao’s plant, soil, fire, and gold rules blend together,

There has been a lot of progress.

one look. The treasure exchange meeting at Baibaoguan,

Twenty years have passed.

White Sword Ancient Realm,

It didn't show up.

Banao walked out of the Summer Palace,

Walk towards the capital of Fendao Country,

Entered Feixiajian’s office,

one look.

Feixiajian was drinking tea,

Seeing the flowers and plants in this courtyard is ecstatic.

"Feixia sword, twenty years have passed,

The White Sword Ancient Realm has not yet appeared. "

Banao said,

Feixiajian stood up immediately,

All smiles:

"Master Banao, please sit down"

Please sit down, Banao,

Make tea for Banao.

"Master Banao, this white sword secret realm,

It is a famous secret realm on the plane of Ruixian,

My three-diamond flower god,

How can I know. "

Feixiajian said.

The realm mana of Feixia Sword,

Has exceeded the mid-term level of the three diamond flower god,

Headed towards the summit of the Three Diamond Flower God.

For casual repairs,

It's already pretty good.

"Feixia sword. I care about your face."

Banao said.

"That is, Lord Banao, drink together."

Banao nodded.

After practicing this book,

Within a few years,

There is little progress in the integration of the rules of the plant, soil, fire, and metal systems.

Banao and Feixiajian.

Together, we walked past Agent Dragon Group towards the most luxurious restaurant in the capital of Fen Dao.

The waiter serves good dishes,

On the wine.

Ban Ao and Feixiajian ate and drank,

"Master Banao, can team up with us,

I thanked---"

Feixiajian said,

"No thanks, for a treasure exchange conference like Baibaoguan,

How many more places? "

Banao asked,

"That kind of treasure exchange conference,

The bigger one is Baibaoguan. "

Feixiajian said,

Ban Ao and Feixiajian said,

Ordinary Fangshi,

How can it be as mysterious as ordinary people imagine?

But all kinds of items are suitable for cultivators.

After a while,

Piaoyi Sword came over,

Handed over to Banao,

"Master Banao."

Banao nodded: "Sit down."

"I don't see Laishan coming here."

Banao said,

"Laishan is a busy man, and his sword is not a bird for nine days."

Feixiajian said.

Banao nodded.

Talking about various things on the plane of Ruixian,

Drink till evening.

A few people just dispersed.

Banao was walking in the street,

Very good, Banao thinks.

Spirit fruit, medicinal materials planted on the plane of mountain flower,

Has produced a relatively large evolution,

This was the result of this book.

After a long walk,

A reminder of Banao escape method,

Back to Xiadian.

far away,

The robbery is rolling,

Banao walked to the lotus river,

In the Lotus River,

The water wolf clashed,

Out of the water,

Report to Banao,

This is a subordinate of King Pike who crossed the Golden Core and robbed Ning Xiaoxian's Royal God Record.

This aquarium,

It is the one who shines in the light of the star.

I realized the supernatural power of talent,

Soon, the core of Taoism of cultivation was advanced to golden core,

I crossed the golden core catastrophe,

Banao nodded.


King Pike sent his three-diamond flower **** to take charge,

This is the strongest subordinate of King Pike.

Another day passed,

Banao holding a refined flying sword and shield,

I went to Huagai Zhenfang City,


This time,

Still received a lot of rare metals from outside the sky,

Ban Ao returned to Xia Dian,

Start practicing.

this day,

Suddenly, there was a wave of fluctuations in the direction of the area occupied by the demons.

Monks in the foundation period,

You can feel it.

Banao practice,

The mountain scene is being released.

This mountain is so high,

Towering can't be said!

Feel this fluctuation,

The Banao Mountains and Mountains are all together.

Looking in the direction of the area occupied by the demons,

"This is the White Sword Secret Realm."

Reach out,

The image of sandalwood appeared,

"The White Sword Secret Realm has appeared, come over immediately."

Immediately, Guanghua flashed,

Tantong appeared.

Already close to the peak of the Four Diamond Flower God,


After a while,

The communication circle sounded,

one look,

Is the Feixia sword,

"Master Banao. The White Sword Secret Realm appeared,

We are at the gate of the capital. "

Banao nodded,

He Tantong walked out of the Summer Palace,

Body shape,

In an instant,

I have seen Feixia sword, Jian Jiutian,

The Piaoyi sword is standing there.

Saw Ban Ao and Tan Tong flying over.

Several people urged their bodies,

Already flying into the sky,

Converged with Banao and Tantong.

"Where is Laishan?"

Banao said,

"Formed a team with a master."

Several people urged their bodies,

Flying across the sky like a Changhong,

In ten moments,

Has passed Fen Dao Country.

Enter Zhantianguan,

Inside Zhantianguan,

Zhanfeng sat opposite the monk in the robe.

The two are like humans,

"Raise the protective formation to keep the patrol from moving.

Has been killed more than a hundred,

The diamond flower gods of the Ruixian plane, the three diamond flower gods are all here. "

The monk in a robe said,

The expression on his face was profound.

"it is good---"

Zhanfeng said.

Out of the room,

Outside is the lobby,

It is the formation defense center of Zhantianguan,

"Don't send the patrol. These people are going to the White Sword Secret Realm.

Raise the protective circle. "

Zhanfeng said,


In the hall,

Someone raised a protective circle,

Someone ordered the patrol to return.

Banao and Feixiajian flew more than a thousand miles away,

Has left the scope of Zhantianguan.

A team escaped,

There are more than 30 people,

Rushed towards them,

"You fight."

Banao said,

In a few moments,

This team of demons patrolling monks,

Already flew within a hundred miles from Pan'ao and his party,

In an instant,

Sword Nine Heavens, Feixia Sword, Elegant Sword, Tan Bronze,

Sword Jue urges,

Towards that team of patrols, cut past the godmother of the pastoral: read the full text of Shi Se Sheng Xiang.

The sword light urged by one person is a few feet thick,

Thousands of swords, thunder and fire are surging inside,

Several people urged sword light,

Like a few floating airships,

These sword lights touched the patrol team,

This patrol team has more than 30 people,

Jian Guang stopped in the air,

Can't fly,

Immediately afterwards,

Thirty people,

Together with the Dao Fa, Jian Guang and Magic Weapons,

Suddenly exploded in the air!

Turned into thousands of pieces,

Shoot hundreds of feet!

Banao, sword nine days, Feixia sword, elegant sword, sandal bronze,

Already shooting from the sky beside the debris,

Passed quickly.

In the light,

Look to the sandalwood:

"The realm of Taoism on the Four Diamond Flower God,

You are almost like me, master. "

Feixia sword and Piaoyi sword also looked over,

Banao brought a person to explore the secret realm,

Shot a sword,

He is the same master as Jian Jiutian,

These few of them,

I have known each other for hundreds of years,

Jian Jiutian Advanced Four Diamond Flower God,

How can it be so easy?

Several people continued to move forward,

Far away, beside,

There are dozens of rays of light flying across the sky,

Another group of Mozu patrol members rushed towards a flame to escape,

The flame flickered,


A hundred miles have been passed in an instant,

Turned into three thousand flames,

Strike around the patrol team.

A patrol member who took the lead burst into flames all over his body,


The speed is as slow as reading the full text of The Dream of Heaven.

Has been completely controlled by the force field emitted by these three thousand flames.


There was a thunder in an instant,

This patrol team,

Has turned into pieces,

Splashing in the air.

"This person has seen him at the treasure exchange at Baibaoguan,

Although it is the peak cultivation base of the Four Diamond Flower God,

However, this sword, combat power,

Already have ordinary Yuanying combat power,

The fire system repair base is quite high! "

Banao thought,

To the tan bronze sound transmission,

"This person, the fire system rules and Dao Fa, has good attainments.

Your tactics, Dao Fa combat power is not as good as his.

You can fight with a magic weapon. "

This man has a high level of Taoism,

Flying sword, the armor on his body,

But it is far inferior to Tantong.

far away,

A few more thunders rushed to the sky brilliantly,

This is the battle between the masters of the human race and the masters of the demon race!

Banao and they are flying,

After half a cup of tea,

From the Grand Canyon, the sub-canyon where I grow medicinal materials,

Only a thousand miles away.

far away,

Sitting on a huge pavilion,

Standing in the air,

In front of the pavilion,

There are swords of light and thunder everywhere,

The thunder sounded in an instant,

As if there were thousands of sounds.

However, all the sword light thunder fire,

Rushed to the pavilion ten feet,

Turn into nothingness immediately!


There are monks from all sides constantly,

While urging to issue sword tactics,

While rushing towards the pavilion,

The monk rushed into the pavilion,

But it can go in smoothly.

Banao took a look, blocking the sword light and thunder fire of the war in front of this pavilion,

I can do it myself,


It must be the Dao Fa, which is the fusion of several sets of rules, that urged it all out

The Dharma is brilliant, brilliant and gorgeous,

This white sword secret realm,

At least the cultivation base of the Flower God Stage is above,

Ban Ao turned around,

Looking into the distance,

In an instant,

Has been transmitted hundreds of miles away,

"Pike, why are you here [Zong Man] How can our black king be so proud! Read the full text."


It was King Pike who came with a few of his men.

"Master Banao, I heard that the White Sword Secret Realm is different from before.

I'll come and have a look. "

King Pike said,

"Okay, in the White Sword Secret Realm,

You contact me. "

Banao said.

The pike king of Banao team finished speaking,

Jian Jiu Tian, ​​Feixia Sword, Elegance Sword, Tan Tong few people,

Facing the front circle,

Sword Jue urges ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to blast the past,

In an instant,

A flash of war!


Several masters of demons,

Like being bombarded by a huge thunder,

Fried into pieces!

These people passed the circle of war,

Feijian is another Sword Art urge,

The sword light shines,

Like big waves and mountains,

There are also a few demon gold cores,

Turn into the sky and burst into pieces!

A few people rushed,

Has entered the pavilion,

King Pike flew over with his men,

Hundreds of miles away,

But for a few moments,

Following the passage opened by Jian Jiutian,

With the few human monks,

Rushed into the pavilion.

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