Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3069: Mountain run

On the distant mountain peak,

A group of people watched,

"The group of people just now is amazing.

Two four-diamond flower gods, two three-diamond flower gods,

Which monk in Tsing Yi,

Without a hand, it must be the Yuanying Flower God,

The cultivation base is definitely not worse than ours. "

Some monks said.

"Originally we wanted to enter this human secret realm,

Looking at it now, this prohibition,

There will be a level of transformation of the gods. "

Several people nodded,

These people are the Yuanying Flower God of the Demon Race.

"I'll go in and take a look."

There is a demon primordial soul flower **** who said,

King Pike and his party entered the secret realm,

The mountains and rivers are beautiful,

Same as the plane of Ruixian,

King Pike has a golden pill,

Dao Fa urges,

The big food has been: "My sword light can only spur three feet."

King Pike looked at him.

"I told you before I came here!

The power of Jianguang remains unchanged,

The range of urging is different from before. "

As he said, the figure stretched,

Has jumped over ten feet,

It swept quickly in one direction.

"Jianguang urged three feet, it is better to fly over."

Several of his subordinates said,

Body shape,

But jumped a few feet away,

"It's really the level of a monk during the foundation period."

They smiled bitterly,

Leap with the pike king.

Seeing more than a hundred miles away,

There are also monks leaping,

Once you enter this secret realm,

Fell to a different location.

Seeing the mountains stretch,

All the way to the horizon,

"This White Sword Secret Realm may be thousands of miles away."

King Pike’s Jindan’s men said,

"I don't know, I came here last time, but I walked three thousand miles."

Said King Pike.

"My lord. Last time you came in, it was Jindan cultivation base.

Jump three feet, three thousand miles, it's rare to go. "

Said a male fish spirit.

Escape hundreds of miles in the mountains,

"Lord, look, Lingguo---"

This male fish spirit pointed at a place ten miles away.


Surrounded by trees tens of feet high,


But there is a tree several feet high.

There are thirty or so yellow fruits on the top,

You know at a glance,

Spirit fruit.

"I have seen this kind of fruit in the market,

Can enhance people’s ability to perceive the mystery of the earth system,

The fruits here are twice as big as those in Fangshi. "

The male fish said,

"The King---"

Several Jindan Aquariums looked towards King Pike,

King Pike smiled,

"The fruit here is so easy to pick.

You can try it. "

A few people leaped towards the place where the elder's fruit is,

Shilailishan Road,

It took a cup of tea to arrive.


Several people took out swords,

Walked towards the fruit tree,

Just approached this fruit tree,


A figure rushed out,

As fast as the wind and thunder,

An iron whip in his hand.

A whip,

He hit the male fish spirit who was walking in the front,

The sword light in the male fish spirit's hand is one block,

The water waves are surging like a river of thousands of miles.

And the shadow of the iron whip,

"Boom, boom. Boom, boom, boom---"

The huge fluctuation is like a mountain.

The water splashed,

The male fish retreated more than three feet in a row.

This figure appeared,

A pair of claws,

Head like a deer,

The elderly have sharp teeth,

Looking at the flying sword in the hands of the male fish spirit,

"Good magic weapon.

You foreign fish spirits,

Leave the magic weapon and people make fish soup. "

This man said,

This male fish thinks,

This person’s soil system attainments are very high,

"Well, that's right, these people made fish soup,

It is quite good for fusion of water system mystery. "

In the distance, another person came over,

It is the head of a beast, the body of a human,

A big knife in his hand.

"Curl lion, this fruit is useless to you,

Don't come to make ideas. "

Seeing this monster,

Immediately said to the monk who came here,

The monk shook his body,

The blade flashed,

The sword in the hand of an aquatic gold core next to it was blocked,

"Boom Rumble"

With a muffled thunder,

The waves burst,

This person backed away five feet,

This stopped.

These few pike king’s subordinates were shocked,

These two people may have the cultivation of the second diamond flower god,

In this secret realm,

The sword light cannot be released far away,

The gap between the diamond flower **** and ordinary Jin Dan,


"Good magic weapon, I saw you open here today,

Eat fish soup together without your fruit. "

The monk said,

Looking at the flying sword in the hands of this aquarium,

"Good magic weapon---"

The men of King Pike,

With Jin Dan's combat power,

All equipped with flying swords and shields from Banao,

Quality and the last ten years,

The batch of flying swords that Banao got sold in Fangshi was similar.


A figure jumped out ten feet,

Standing in front of the monk,

The waves surged all over,


Like thunder,

This curly lion, and the monk next to him,

Immediately urged the sword art,

His eyes rounded.

"Everyone is a monster,

In this way, I have some water system spirits here,

Change ten fruits. "

Said King Pike.

The King Pike brought out the water system spirit creature,

The curly lion and his companion watched,

Having said that,

Picked ten fruits down,

To King Pike,

Took over the water spirit creature,

King Pike and his men,

Going in the original direction again,

"My lord, the place we are going to is not Dahe,

These two people have a higher cultivation base,

Lingqu of water system. They don't collect it themselves. "

Shuizu Jindan said,

"They are here,

It’s just a general commodity,

How dare they enter that river? "

The king of pike said.

Walked out more than three hundred miles,

On a mountain ahead,

There was a roar of thunder.

Brother Jin Dan's sword light can only urge three zhang.

It’s almost like a qi training monk,


Of course it is impossible to rush into the sky.

"Go and see."

Said King Pike.

Several people rushed up the mountain,

Towering old trees,

They passed by,

one look.

Several monsters are playing against a dozen demons,

These monsters step back,

A dozen demons,

The same is the golden core master or the golden core combat power.


These monsters,

A reminder of the law.

Flying sword shot out the mountains,

The sledgehammer blasted the flames,

The sword blasted out of the jungle,

But he is a practitioner of plant Taoism,

But blasted five feet!

In an instant,

There is a demon next to it,

By the mountains, the flames. In the jungle!

The sword light he urged was only three feet,

But it is far inferior to these monster races,

Body shape,

The fire burst out like a volcano,


But it rises three feet high,


This demons.

Has been turned into a few pieces!

These monster races,

Rushed out suddenly,

Turning around the towering old trees,

It's gone.

The Dao Fa core of this demons flew out.

Like a big mountain,

Taken away by a companion,

These demons,

Walked towards the medicinal herbs next to him.

"The demon race here, the sword light urged by the Golden Core monk is five feet.

Or farther. "

King Pike said to these men,

Take a look at these herbs,

The branches are like iron, and the fruits are like copper red.

"This is a gold-based medicinal material, which is relatively rare.

Master Banao can use it. "

Immediately talked to a few subordinates,

Body shape shook,

"Huh, huh, huh---"

A few verticals,

Has crossed a distance of tens of feet,

These demons,

Just picked a dozen herbs!

A demon was shocked,

Cut over with a sword,

The flames soaring,

Just saw,

The water wave blew like a big wave,

The flame sword has bounced,

Sword light swept,


Like a muffled thunder,

The head of this demons has been flying,

The demons beside,

The sledgehammer shook,

Smash it towards King Pike,

Boring thunder!

Like a mountain,

Hit this person,

A reminder of the King Pike Sword Art,

Water waves gushing from the sword,

Throw this sledgehammer,

Flying swords are like electricity,


This demon monk,

Slashed by a sword,

The whole person turned into a few pieces,


Several demons next to him said,

A reminder of the King Pike Sword Art,

There are thousands of sword shadows in Jianhua,


The opposite demon fell down,

The remaining demons,

Has rushed into the jungle,


"Come here, collect these medicinal materials."

King Pike said to his opponent.

Banao once said,

There are treasures of gold to help collect.

A few men came over,

Collect these medicinal materials,

But thirty or so,

Only then came out of this mountain,

Walk towards the original direction of King Pike.

Walked a hundred miles,

I saw the bodies of several human monks,

"The core of Taoism cultivation, a monk with golden core power."

A few people walked away,

Dao Fa is fully urged,

The speed is not as fast as before.

Just climbed a low mountain,

The killing sound shook the sky,

For fifty years, the individual monks faced several monsters,

These monsters,

Like the monster looking at the fruit,

Usually the second diamond flower god,


Fifty people urged tens of thousands of sword lights to slash past,


The sword light shot,

The sword light of that monster hit several monks,

But he was blocked by the monk holding a shield!

Surrounded by several peaks from the shield,


These monks were bombed and flew out,

The flying sword in the hand of which monster was blocked,

The body protection Dao Fa shot,

Half of the body exploded.

The sword light spun and shot,

This monster,

Has been reduced to several pieces!

on the hill,

Already has the body of a monster,

The corpses of several human monks were placed in the grass beside them,


Only after a fierce battle.

The remaining monsters,

Only then quickly rushed into the towering old trees.

The few monks with golden core power who were bombarded just now,

Then stood up,

Quickly take the pill into the mouth.

Sit cross-breathing.

Seeing the monster retreat,

These human monks,

Looking towards King Pike on the hillside,

"They are the core of Taoism cultivation,

A monk with golden core power. "

The pike king's men said.

"I am the pike king of the Hehua River, passing by here."

King Pike said,

One listen,

These monks talked to each other,

A monk said loudly to King Pike,


King Pike and his men,

Pass quickly from the side,

"Looking at the rock wall there, it seems to be a natural rune~www.wuxiaspot.com~a man of King Pike

Pointing to the distant rock wall and said,

The rock wall in the distance is ten feet in radius,

There are mysterious lines.

It seems mysterious and mysterious.

King Pike looked at him,

"These are the core of Taoism cultivation, monks with golden core power,

Looking at the runes on the rock wall,

There are a few gold pills. "

He is the Yuanying Flower God,

You know at a glance,

On this rock wall, it is indeed mysterious.

"The flying swords and shields these people hold,

How come with the flying sword and shield in my hand,

Some imagination. "

One of Jindan's men said,

"Oh---you don't have to say this!"

King Pike said,

May be refined by Lord Banao.


The materials needed for this cultivation, medicinal materials,

Where did it come from?

If it weren't the shield made by Banao,

The second diamond flower **** blew,

The few just now have golden core power,

The monks who practice the core of Taoism,

Was bombed into pieces!

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