Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3070: Battle Dragon in the River

Last time I passed this road,

Did not see the runes on the rock wall.

This time, there are runes,

For Yuanying Flower God,

It is not meaningful.

King Pike thought,

Over this mountain,

It took a few days,

Walked another five hundred miles,

A river appeared,

Beside the river,

There are mountains and rocks,

In the sound of the river,

The river is ten miles wide,

Winding towards the distance,

It looks faint.

King Pike and his men,

Standing on a mountain,

Ten miles from this river,

Look at this river.

"My lord, what baby is there in this river,

You do not get caught. "

Said the male fish spirit.

"In this river, it's generally a hundred feet deep, some places are deeper,

There are Jiao,

Thousands of years ago, it was several times more powerful than that of the mountain snow river,

We come this time,

It has been a thousand years. "

King Pike said,

Thousands of years ago,

He has been here, but it is of Jin Dan level.


The king of pike, but with talented magical powers,

Otherwise, you can smoothly advance to Yuanying.

King Pike reached out his hand and played a magic trick,

In an instant,

Have crossed a distance of ten miles,

Rushed into the river.

In order to make this wave rush ten miles away,

King Pike is covered in waves,

Has made a beating sound,


Use a lot of mana.

You can fly here.


It uses a lot of mana.

Half a cup of tea time has passed.

There was joy on the face of King Pike,

"That place is still there."

This is his gifted magical powers,

A place found,

Possible Dongfu.

The dragon of this place.

Several times stronger than the dragon in the mountains and snow rivers,

Why didn't you find it?

Jiao is good at controlling water,


Jiao is not omnipotent.


Can urge talented supernatural powers,

Generally more powerful.

King Pike thought,

He came this time,

Just want to explore that Dongfu.

Take some benefits from it.


To enter this cave,

Must shout Banao.

This white sword secret realm,

Daofa communication can only send three hundred miles,


Part of the soul of his pike king,

In Banao.

The king pike urged Godly.

Launched the soul call,

In a valley,

Board proud. Tan bronze, sword nine days, Feixia sword,

The floating sword against this rock wall,

This rock wall,

Spread most of the valley.

Banao looked at the whole valley,

"There are many natural Dao patterns in this secret realm.

Is this the change this time?

It has a general effect on Yuanying Flower God,

Dao Fa has made some progress,

For the fusion of several rules such as Banao,

For most of the people who have done it,

Not enough,

Tan bronze, sword nine days, Feixia sword,

Floating sword fully comprehend,


It took a day,

The mystery of the runes on this rock wall,

The sentiment is over.

In the gods, turned into mysterious runes,

Added to the several series of rule fusion runes in Banao Shenfu.

But in a few days,

The runes on this rock wall,

Has been deduced from the mysterious to the rules.


The mana that Banao cultivated himself,

As if a little color does not change,

The runes on this rock wall,

It has a little effect on ordinary Yuanying Flower God.

Not enough to allow Banao to deduced several series of rules fusion rune has obvious progress.

Along the way,

Lingguo herbs,

Collected some,

These spiritual fruits, medicinal materials,

Most quality,

Like the outside world,

But the medicinal materials planted on the plane of mountain flower,

The same as the spirit fruit,

The fruit-hanging time is prolonged,

Some medicinal materials, the fruiting time of the spirit fruit,

Not as good as the mountain flower plane,

The medicinal materials planted by Commissioner Qian and Jin Guo Zhiying have been growing for a long time.

This means that,

These medicinal materials, spirit fruit,

For one part, the level of evolution is not as good as the mountain flower plane and the Qian committee,

Medicinal materials grown in the shadow of golden fruit.

Far inferior to the secret realm of the Azure God Seal,

Banao thought.

The spirit of the pike called and passed it,

1,500 miles from here,

By a big river.

"You are here to comprehend,

I'm going to have something. "

Banao said,

Several people nodded,

The arrogant figure reminds me,

In an instant,

Already traversed the opposite mountain peak.

Banao is here,

Can fly,


Banao is like other monks,

It seems to be like a congenital warrior, a monk in the training period,

This will reduce the use of mana,

Why not,


The speed of the board proudly,

Really like electricity,

In the evening,

Banao has reached the peak where the pike king is.

"Master Banao."

The king pike bowed his hands to salute.

Banao nodded,

King Pike talked about the scene along the way.

"There is a place here,

It may be a cave, I found it here a thousand years ago. "

Banao nodded,

"Well, I'll go and see with you."

There are floods in the river,

With Banao's current cultivation base, a magic weapon,

Why are you afraid of a Jiao?

Banao and King Pike stepped into the river.

The water wave immediately separated and circled Pan Ao and King Pike,

Go to the depths of this river,

Dive more than a hundred feet.

At the bottom of the river,

Traveled a few miles.

There is a crack,

One foot wide,

The king of pike shrank,

Walk toward this crack,

Traveled thirty feet in this crack.


King Pike pointed to a stone and said,

This stone,

Somewhat outstanding.

It seems,

Some crystal clear,

Inside the river,

There are so many such stones.

Banao stretched out his hand and played a magic trick,

The magic formula revolves around this stone hundreds of times,

Banao nodded.

"There is indeed a formation."

This formation,

With the arrogant spatial profound knowledge,

Only then can I see it,

The talent of King Pike is okay,

Once the magic circle is found,

The brilliance released by Banao,

Rushed into the stone,

Turned into thousands of stars spinning.

After a long time,

Banao stretched out his hand,

"Boom and boom----"

This stone.

Turned into an arch,

"Okay, it really is a cave mansion."

King Pike is overjoyed,

But Banao turned around,

Scratch in the water,


Water waves burst.

One person appeared,

Horns on the head,

The face is like jade,

With a little cyan,

This person looked at Banao,

The eyes are like ice,


Banao's mana,

Surprised him,

"There is a cave mansion here, thank you very much."

"You are the Jiao here?

The repair is good. "

As soon as I opened this cave,

Attracted this Jiao.

There was an extra flying sword in Ban Ao's hand,

In a flash,

Has turned into a flame,


This flame,

As if burning in water.

This Jiao,

The expression on his face is more serious,

Shook his hand,

Already a big knife,

A reminder of the law,


Within a few tens of miles,

This river is ten miles wide and a hundred feet deep,

A radius of tens of miles turned into mysterious ice,

It's already a glacier on land!


The pike king is surrounded by water,

Like thunder,

Protect the surrounding three feet!

This is the right range for him to use his sword art.

"How high is this humanitarian law?"

The pike king urges water waves,


The outer edge of the water wave triggered by the king of pike,

Thin ice keeps appearing,

The king of pike has tens of thousands of water waves,

This melted the cold air from Xuanbing!

This is the attack of this Jiao,

The main target of attack,

Not against the pike,

The same is Yuan Ying,

This cultivation level gap is really big!

The whole has turned into Xuanbing!

This Jiao,.

Only then with a big knife in his hand,

Passing the profound ice,

Slashed towards Ban Ao,

"Not bad."

Banao said,

Sword Art is reminded,

Brilliant and colorful,

The heavens cannot be compared,

As if there is a misty passing the sky,

With grand majesty,

Slash towards this knife,


A loud noise,

The knife bounced away,

The flame flashed,

Has turned into thirty flames,

Every flame,

As if mysterious,

Lightning generally blasted towards this flood,

The flame passed,

Let the king pike urge tens of thousands of fluctuations,

In order to dissolve this profound ice cold,

Touch the flame,

Xuanbing turned into nothingness!

King Pike is already watching!

The cultivation base of this Jiao is far from his own,

This proud cultivation base,

It was a hundred thousand miles away from myself.

Sword light, sword light,

In an instant it has turned into thousands of sword shadows,

Dancing wildly and intertwined.

The time for half a cup of tea passed,

The king pike heard it,

This King Jiao screamed,

Rushed out of the sword shadow in an instant,

I rushed into the mysterious ice and disappeared,

Banao appeared,

Sword shadow in the sky,

No matter if it is Xuanbing Sword Shadow,

Flame sword shadow,

All rushed towards the flames,

In an instant,

Has been absorbed by that flame,

"The rules in this profound ice sword shadow,

Master Banao would certainly understand a lot. "

King Pike thought,

Banao took a step,

Has stepped into that gate,

Entered the gate,

Is a stone road,


The surrounding scenery changes,

As if there are thousands of ice swords,

Bumped over here,

A reminder of the King Pike Sword Art,

"Huh, huh, huh---"

In an instant,

Thousands of flying swords have been opened,


The face of King Pike,

Already sweating,

"Every sword is as heavy as a mountain,

Thousands of swords are thousands of mountains!

Master Banao, quickly find a way out. "

Banao nodded,

"You come with me."


Walked to the side,

The pike walked with Panao,

Just feel,

The flying swords flying over are not so dense.

Take three hundred steps,

A medicine garden in front of me,

The pike looked back,

That stone road,

But a few miles long,

King Pike thought,

If you come by yourself,

This formation is here,

Not easy to pass,

These medicinal gardens,

Surrounded by spring water,

and so,

These herbs,

Looks good,

Banao and the pike walked through the medicine garden,

A group of buildings in front,

Very quaint,

Walk into the middle hall,

There are all kinds of furniture inside,

On the table, there is a jade slip,

Banao stepped forward,

Pick up this jade slip,

King Pike could only watch from the side.

Banao took a look,

This is an ancient prose 30,000 years ago!

This person is called Brother Heyuan,

For thirty thousand years, enter this secret realm,

Some adventures in this secret realm,

What I originally learned,

Stay here,

Who can pass the prohibition and formation,

Who can get this heritage.

Banao looked at the content of this Dao,

The integration of water, soil, gold and three rules!


The deduction of the fusion of the rules of the metal system, the water system and the soil system,

Still incomplete,


Just entered the battle,

It's not that powerful,

After so many cave explorations,

Buy the mysterious book,

Finally found the golden rules and other rules to integrate the Taoist book,

After this jade slip,

And content,

Banao Shennian reminded,

In an instant, the entire building complex has passed,

The entire cave,

Did not find any jade slips, Taoist books,

"Pike, there are water system rules and soil system rules here,

You are lucky~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Banao said,

Some water system rules, and soil system rules,

Can be taught to pike,


Rule fusion,

Banao will not give pike,

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