Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3178: 5 colors cloud smoke

Where does anyone dare to step forward.

Commissioner Qian is practicing,

Only a few months have passed,

I have some feelings about this,

Several figures walked towards Committee Member Qian,

one look,

It is a few Yuan Ying flower gods in Lei Yuan.

Faint thunder fire,

The shining faces of these Yuan Ying monks,

It's all overcast.

"Your Excellency, those pills that harmonize the magical power of the Thunder System,

Is there any more, I have a place where I can comprehend the mystery---"

The monk said.

Months passed,

Exchanged with Commissioner Qian to harmonize the mana pill of Thunder,

Already taken.

The effect, it must be good,


These Yuanying Flower Gods will rush over,

Member Qian’s alchemy effect is good enough,

Yuanying Flower God,

It can be seen at a glance.

"it is good."

Commissioner Qian nodded,

Anyway, these pills of his,

Most of the medicinal materials are the shadow of me and Jin Guo,

Use plane evolutionary fluctuations,


Even if these Yuanying Flower Gods use the same medicinal materials,

The same pill that can't produce this kind of effect.

Commissioner Qian took out another fifteen pills.

Advanced Yuanying Flower God, practicing for hundreds of years,

Taking these 15 pills,

It is quite effective!

The monk beside him, wearing snow-white armor,

Also take out a piece of jade slip,

Commissioner Qian reached out and took it.

Took out fifteen pills for him,

Not bad.

Finally came to this ice tide plane.

There can be a place for the profound understanding of the plane.

Of course, Commissioner Qian has to go to comprehend.

Just put away this jade slip,


An ice arrow,

Shot from a distance,

It looks only a few feet long,


A monk practicing not far away,

The Taoism issued by people,

All by these few feet of ice arrow.

Frozen to make a big ice cube!

"The monster is here."

The monk in the snow white armor said,

"This was originally the place of monsters,

Let's go one step ahead. "

The monk in the snow white armor said,

And these Yuanying monks,

Dao Fa urges,

A few ice arrows shot over,

Shot on these people’s body protection methods,

Splashing icy debris in the sky,

These monks,

The figure flickered.

Hundreds of miles away!

Monster beast, for the place that can feel the mystery of nature.


Generally come earlier than humans,

This site,

It was originally a monster,

With such a fight,

This is normal!


The thunder sounded.

Frostbolt and the monk sent out Taoism and burst open,

In a nearby cave,

Xuanbing is spread over it.

They said a few words,

The monks who comprehend here,

Some monks have been injured.

Xuanbing arrow shot over,

More thunder fire came over,

Commissioner Qian was furious,

His insights on this site,

At least a few years!

Divinely reminded,

Five-colored clouds of smoke swirled,

These profound ice swords that came over,

Commissioner Qian doesn’t care,

The thunder fire coming,

There was a loud noise,

Has been completely covered by these five colored clouds,

Get involved.

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand,

A five-color cloud of smoke flashed,

I have crossed the rocks in an instant,

This rock looks,

But it's very good,

In a few moments,

This cloud of smoke turned around,

In the smoke,

Wrapped in a monster soul, the core of Taoism,

It is the monster of the four diamond flower god!

Commissioner Qian took a look,

When going to Leiyuan,

Have seen it before.

A monster that moves from one hundred to three hundred miles deep in the plane.

Commissioner Qian looked at this rock face,

he knows,

A dozen miles thick rock far away,

There is a monk of the Yao Clan,

The practice of rules and Taoism already has a considerable level.

The fusion of different rules has already begun.

As soon as this trick comes out,

The human monks and monsters here were shocked,

These monsters,

Release long-distance Dao Fa at a distance,

The long-distance Taoism they released,

All practice Taoism,

Tao Fa opens a passage in the rock,

Only then did the Dao Fa be let go,

This is the way of fighting,

Then I thought, Chairman Qian urged Daofa,

Offensive tactics,

Through a rock wall more than ten miles thick without damage,

A roll,

In an instant,

Four diamonds have been killed by the flower gods and monsters!

The attainments of this law-----.

Such a master is here!

The monster shouted in the distance,

The cry was full of anger!

Retreat towards the distance.

These monsters retreated,

The monk beside,

Immediately greeted Commissioner Qian,


Commissioner Qian sat cross-legged,

one look,

The eyes are faint, like an abyss.

"Masters don't have to shout,

If there is a baby, just send it up. "

Commissioner Qian said,

one look,

These monks,

I have been very serious in each practice-----.

Like a talented master,

I don't know who said it.

even though,

Commissioner Qian made this move,

Is for self-insight,

Commissioner Qian still pouted.

In the cave,

All kinds of Taoism are surrounded,

In a flash,

I have been practicing here for five years,

In the past few years,

Always have spirituality,

As if from the rock,

Sweep towards Committee Qian.


When I saw Commissioner Qian is here,

With divine consciousness, he immediately retracted,

This is a monster race who has cultivated to a very high level of rules and Taoism.

Years ago,

Commissioner Qian urged a five-colored cloud of smoke,

The four diamond flower gods,

The whole body is refined,

Turned into a god’s house and golden core,

This monster race monk is beside him.

Seeing Commissioner Qian's Dao Fa reminder,

In an instant,

Has rushed into the rock and disappeared,

This monster monk,

This was a sigh of relief.

Commissioner Qian rushed to the surface of the plane,

Based on the improvement of Qian Yuan,

Where to practice,

Few opponents.


The main gods, some valuable planes,

Just put on a cultivator of God.

Sometimes a monk,

Governs several planes,

Commissioner Qian has been to Pandian Mountain,

This monk from the Pantheon Mountain,

Just govern a few planes!

Commissioner Qian quickly flew,

Below are already lush evergreen trees,

This has reached the warm zone of the ice tide plane,

Commissioner Qian saw below,

A gate stands in the setting sun in the afternoon.

Five hundred miles from here,

This is the place where Commissioner Qian is going,

Commissioner Qian went to this pass,

The cloak on the body,

Has turned into a robe of spring,

Walk towards this level.

Continuously practicing for decades in the north where the snow is raging,

Commissioner Qian has not seen this verdant plant for decades.

The cultivation base has reached the level of Committee Member Qian,

Cultivating in the ice and snow for decades,

All get a place to relax and rest with beautiful scenery,

Commissioner Qian really sent those in the house in the ice and snow,

Deep in the plane, it’s been practiced in magma for thousands of years,

This is called Niubi.

Commissioner Qian entered the customs,

this time,

Pay a hundred or so copper plates.

Commissioner Qian was walking on the street~www.wuxiaspot.com~ looking at the street vendors,

Pedestrians on the street,

Although the costumes are different from the giant rock gods,


Let the Commissioner Qian have a relaxed feeling!

Commissioner Qian bought some kebabs,


Look at the goods sold by ordinary people,

Although this ice tide plane has been here for decades,


These ordinary people’s goods,

So that Commissioner Qian still has a novel feeling, (to be continued...)

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