Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3179: baby

Medicinal herbs,

Established a villa here for decades,

A lot of precious medicinal materials have been collected.

However, these medicinal materials produced in the temperate zone,

Committee members Qian and Banxian collected few.

Commissioner Qian is still watching,

There are a few plants in the hands of a stall owner,

Commissioner Qian took a look,

"How do you sell these plants?"

Commissioner Qian said,

Three hundred years,

The drug works well,

A probe into Commissioner Qian’s spirit,

This medicinal material, the general medicinal properties and effects, are clearer.

Plants are so mysterious,

300-year-old plant,

If Commissioner Qian doesn’t eat,

The role of this medicinal material,

He can only say good.

"Three hundred gold coins."

The stall owner said.

Medicinal materials for hundreds of years,

For ordinary people,

It's kind of useful.

"I want this medicine."

A crisp voice came from the side,

one look,

There is a beautiful sister,

Standing beside her female companion,

Walked towards this medicinal material.

Shouted from a distance.

This beautiful nun who shouts,

In blue,

The face is crystal-like.

A pair of big eyes,

It's watery, like talking.

This medicinal material,

For three hundred years, for Commissioner Qian,

This is not precious.


Here is close to the place where you can understand the mystery,

Although it has five hundred miles,

The herbs here.

Compared with other places.

It should be better.

Commissioner Qian has taken out a cloth bag.

Toward the stall owner of this ordinary warrior.

Three hundred gold coins are already a big bag,

This cloth bag is fresh in color,

Looks smooth,

Than this street,

The clothes worn by rich people are even better,

This is nothing but a plant that Commissioner Qian took.

Dao Fa urges,

In a few moments,

Many such bags have been manufactured.


It's almost the same as ordinary mortals making cloth bags.


Ordinary mortal’s several months of manufacturing,

Commissioner Qian spent a few moments,

Just make it!

Said that power can create things,

Actually, we need all kinds of rocks, black iron

plant. Seeds are generally needed,

This can be transformed.

This beautiful woman shaved her face. Beauty wrinkled.

"It's just a few herbs,

Take it to Fairy Xuetao"

A majestic voice sounded.

Commissioner Qian took a look,

It's Yan Jian,

Among the cultivators in Lei Yuan,

I said hello to the ancestor of Shanquan.

Among the Yuanying Flower God of Sanxiu,

Are all considered master-level figures,


The integration of different rules is deduced to the general,

Listening to the cultivating monk in Lei Yuan,

This flame sword,

Advanced Yuanying Flower God has been thousands of years!

"You talk to me?"

Commissioner Qian said,

The Yanjian's eyes flashed,

"Where did it come from?"

During the loose repair of the ice tide plane,

A lot of people know that he is a master Yanjian!

Like the ancestor of the mountain spring,

He is already the steward of Ice Tide Shrine,

I'm casually repairing some treasure hunters,

Ancestor of mountain spring,

Few have participated.


Naturally, this man will go.

Commissioner Qian waved,

A wave of fluctuations came,

Although it was only a tenth of an instant,


A reminder of Yan Jian Dao,

Hard connect!

Touch this fluctuation.


Yan Jian withdrew three steps!

Looking at Commissioner Qian,

The eyes suddenly widened!

I urged 90% of my skill,

Waved away by the opponent!

The standards of the ancestors of Shanquan,

But so,

Watching Commissioner Qian walk into the crowd,

Yan Jian stood.

"Yan Jian, where did such a master come from,

You are not an opponent—-"

The nun said,

"There are too many masters in this cultivation world."

Yan Jian smiled dryly.

Advanced Yuanying for thousands of years,

These things are missing much,

Yan Jian talked with the sister for a while,

Only then left.

"I heard that Yan Jian found a Taoist companion."

The female companion next to him said,

"That was hundreds of years ago.

Yan Jian is a master---. "

The beautiful sister said.

The female companion of this beautiful nun pouted.

Not as good as this beautiful nun.

"Master, so what?"

This flame sword,

In Lei Yuan, he has been practicing for hundreds of years,

That kind of weird fish,

Has been out a few times.

Seeing this beautiful female hostel go away,

Yan Jian took a look,

Commissioner Qian,

Walking not far ahead.

Yan Jian wrinkled his face and walked away.

He himself has begun to deduce the fusion of rules.

Know the power of this rule monk.

Until noon,

Commissioner Qian found a restaurant,

In this restaurant,

There are many seabass, beasts in the snow,

Eat up,

The meat is delicate and chewy.

Commissioner Qian ate,

Take out the wine and drink.

A few people came up,

one look.

Several beautiful women.

That Yan Jian dedicated the diligent woman.

In it.

That beautiful woman.

I looked at Commissioner Qian hard,

And several other women,

Picked a good seat to sit.

"This is the master I was talking about."

This beautiful woman spoke mysteriously to her companion.

"Master Yan Jian can't beat him?

Didn't it come for that baby? "

A woman in red sitting next to her said,

A pink tights outlines the white skin.

The voice is enchanting.

"I don't know, they are here with Yanjian,

That baby,

It is impossible for us to get it.

Let's come here to watch the excitement. "

Said the blue beauty with watery eyes.

Although they are Transsion.

Commissioner Qian heard clearly,

Baby is out here,

Come here to rest for a few days,

I can also meet the baby,

Just go take a look.

But think about it.

This place is relatively close to the place where you can understand the mystery of the plane.

Around the place where the mysterious planes gather,

Have a baby,

This is normal,

Commissioner Qian ate slowly.

Once God's thoughts are released,


Yan Jian entered the restaurant not far away,

Drinking wine.

After eating.

It's already afternoon,

Guanzhong suburbs,

Over a courtyard with a radius of one mile,

"Huh, huh, huh---"

Some figures,

Standing in the air around this courtyard,

Encouraging flames, surrounding glaciers, surrounding mountains,

The powerful mana fluctuates like a big wave.

The whole pass and dozens of miles underground,

Already under the control of these monks.

Yan Jian,

Is one of these monks,

The ancestor of Shanquan did not show up,

Commissioner Qian knew,

This man is on a mountain three hundred miles away,

Let go of the spirit,

Three hundred miles,

For a monk like him,

No use for a tenth of an instant.

Commissioner Qian was standing next to him,

During the foundation building period, there were a lot of Jindan monks.

Where does Monk Yuan Ying stop,

Know it for hundreds of miles.

Knowing that there is a baby in the yard,

Ordinary monk, who dares to go.

Other courtyard,

Prohibition was raised.

Icebergs are winding,

General monks,

Divine consciousness can't pass through that iceberg.

"Hand over the baby—"

In a glacier,

There was a cold voice.

In the other courtyard,

In an instant there was a mysterious brilliance shining.

"The teleportation circle? We are here,

Do you want to urge the teleportation circle? "

The monk in the flame laughed.

Teleportation circle,

It's nothing more than traveling through space,

The Taoism of these Yuan Ying monks is reminded,

The teleportation circle in this other courtyard,

Where can I go through space?

This is the end of the sentence,

The brilliance of the whole other courtyard flashed,

A teleportation array in a building,

It's gone!

"The teleportation is gone?"

Said the monk surrounded by mountains.

"Impossible, we are standing here,

I want to send it myself,

If you don't shoot, you can't send it away. "

A few monks urged the mana,

The sky is full of flames, big waves, and the mountains are spinning fast!

This is the Taoism of Yuanying Flower God,

Sweep over an area,

It’s like a mountain rumbling by,

Teleportation array,

It must be shattered!


This monk in flames,

Surprised on the face.

"Really teleported away, there is a space channel,

Very mysterious

The monks in this other courtyard,

The teleportation array used is made by the mountain flower plane,

Sold by Banxian,

To this ice tide plane,

It’s best to collect some books,

This mysterious teleportation array,

It’s used to change the way,

of course,

This teleportation array is profound enough,

From a few Yuanying Flower Gods urging Taoism,

Can be teleported away,

You can feel a certain level of space Taoism by yourself.


Monks generally don't bring Dao books.

Yan Jian, Yuanying Flower God beside him,

Urge Dao Fa together,

Everyone played hundreds of tricks,

Then shouted loudly,

"Go to the depths of the plane."

The monk surrounded by mountains said,

Look at the mountains surrounding him,

More mysterious,

"Rely on the depths of the plane,

How can it be so easy to find. "

Yan Jian said,

Reach out,

A passage appeared beside this other courtyard,

Leads to the depths of the plane,

It's a hundred miles long!

"Go to the depths of the plane and talk about—"

Yan Jian said,

A few monks,

Dao Fa urges,

Has been along the channel into the depths of the bit,

This passage, in an instant,

It's gone!

At this time,

The monks in the foundation period next to Commissioner Qian,

Brother Jindan,

Then it became lively,

Some people said for a while,

"The Taoism of those Yuan Ying monks is really high---"

"If we can cultivate to that day,

That's good. "

This is an ordinary Jindan monk,

Monks in the foundation period,

First said!

Baby~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I can’t get it,


The Taoism shown by the Yuan Ying monk,

It's really like watching a baby.

Finished with envy of Yuanying Flower God's powerful Taoism.

That's when it comes to the baby.

"Thousands of miles of mountains and glaciers have evolved from that bead,

It seems,

Can still continue to evolve. "

A Jindan brother said,

"How can there be such a baby, talk about it."

The monk beside said,

They are totally interested in babies.

The monk said,

Member Qian heard,

This baby evolves into an iceberg,

It's almost the same as Mizuwonju.


From the water yuan beads that Committee member Qian has already got,

There are more seas than mountains,

A derived one is similar to a normal mountain range.

What the monk said,

Inside this bead,

Evolving glaciers, many icebergs!

Or this bead is similar to the water element bead,

However, every such pearl has a different world. (To be continued...)

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