Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3219: The **** stone is made of green skin

"That divine stone is really good!"

Monk Yuanying exclaimed.

They are from different main gods,

Different planes come here,

Isn’t it just to be able to get a sacred stone,

This sacred stone,

For Yuan Ying, who has relatively high knowledge of rules,

Let’s say a piece of pie,


This pie,

Not everyone can win.

The **** stone is solved,

Someone immediately called out 70 million high-grade immortal stones.

"Is there any stone cutting in Red Wolf Town?"

The red robe monk said,

Red Wolf Town,

30,000 miles from here!

Go deep into the **** wasteland,

The distance between town and town is farther,

"I asked,

After half a year, several monks will return from the depths of the plane.

There should be some gains,

Will go to Red Wolf Town to cut stones. "

In this way,

There was Yuanying Flower God next to him and said immediately,

"Take, we're in half a year,

Go to Red Wolf Town. "

"That's good,

Come here for tea together,

Eat and drink. "

Immediately a monk said.

Looking at the monk in the Jieshi Pavilion,

Not everyone is willing to enter the depths of the **** wasteland.

Seeing the monk disperse,

Said he came here for tea,


They are both Yuanying Flower God,

There are a lot of monks who have merged several rules.

There are monks in this calcite pavilion,

Come here to get together.

There are no monks in the Jieshi Pavilion.

Several disciplines of monks,

These monks are a fusion of several rules.

But he won't come here.

All kinds of delicious,

The monk of the fusion of rules,

My own divine mansion is vast,

All kinds of magic weapons are even more wonderful,

It's so delicious without it!

Commissioner Qian came to the edge of this town,

God hand urged, a separate courtyard released,

Commissioner Qian entered the other courtyard.

Take out that piece of lean green,


This green is still a rough stone,

Commissioner Qian picked up his flying sword,

Seat carving knife,

Began to carve,

Carved for a day.

This one is green by the skin,

Go into the stone skin for a point!


All stone skins,


This one is green by the skin,

Near the side inside the stone skin.

But mysterious like a cloud.

Commissioner Qian took a look,

Like an ordinary power stone,

The blood of the strong,


There will be no such lightness.

Could it be.

Did you miss it?

Commissioner Qian thought,


God stone,

In this **** wasteland,

They are all mysterious.

Commissioner Qian took out another storage bag.

Take out some materials,

Reach out,

A brilliance surrounds this storage belt and materials,

Fusion of various materials,

Turned into runes,

Melted into the storage bag again,

Member Qian will add some materials later,

It took a few days,

This storage bag is refined,

Commissioner Qian made the carved green flint on the skin,

Put it in this storage bag,

Put this storage bag,

I hang on myself,

In the storage bag,

There is a space,

This flint with skin green,

In suspension in the storage bag,

Beside, there is a rock wall like a big mountain,

Commissioner Qian wants to use this storage bag to comprehend this piece of skin-green,

This storage bag,

In a few days,

It has been refined by Committee Member Qian into a magic weapon that combines different rules!

A wave of mysterious waves,

From the rock wall toward this leaning green,

This is the spirit of Commissioner Qian,


Commissioner Qian can walk while walking,

While comprehending this is relying on green skin,

Only then did Commissioner Qian take out various ingredients,

Made a delicious meal,

It took a long time,

After eating,

Rested for a long time,

At this time,

Inside the Jieshi Pavilion,

Many people gathered again,

War Ghost and the Four Diamond Flower God are also inside,

The different rules of war ghosts merge,

In this **** wasteland,

Just average!

Four-diamond flower **** level,

Not to mention.

This war ghost,

But it was in this Jieshi Pavilion,

Ordered tea,


Talk to other monks,

Commissioner Qian carved rough stones,

Practice treasure,

These days, I have known that

I finished the stone,

Just go to this Jieshiguan to mix here,

Usually new monks in this **** wasteland,

Commissioner Qian came to understand the stone hall,

Ordered a cup of tea,

A snack,

Watching them chat,

The time to solve the stone has passed,

This requires three top-grade immortal stones!

"Who is going to dig rough stones with me,

Once dug up, there are tens of millions of top-grade immortal stones. "

A monk said excitedly,

Commissioner Qian took a look,

This is not the one that cut across the fairy stone a few days ago,

far away,

A monk sneered,

"A few decades ago, the three monks who went with you to dig rough stones,

It seems to come back to you and Real White Fire,

Hearing from the real Baihuo,

The other two are finished. "

It seems that

This monk,

Come here to fight the wasteland,

It's been some time,

"This, I know,

The rough stone here is not easy to dig,


The other two are really out of luck,

Can't blame me. "

The monk laughed dryly.

"I heard. Now where the rough stone can be dug out,

Many of them are Yan Wang Keng! "

A monk next to him said.

It was the fair-skinned monk with the rectangular face!

Commissioner Qian was drinking tea,

What they said was really good,

Some Taoism in the battlefield of the Lord God,

Ordinary Yuan Ying,

If you encounter it, you will die!

The monk talked for a long time,

"I'll go with you!"

A Yuanying Flower God stood up,

"Okay, I know I'm still brave brother!

Talk about loyalty! "

The monk said.

With this Yuanying Flower God,

The name was notified.

Out of the Jieshi Temple,

Towards the outside,

Happily walked over,

The two talking monks just now,


long time,

The monk in the Jieshi Pavilion.

This is the topic,

"This pit, where are the rough stones that can be mined?"

A monk said,

At this time,

The monk who just spoke,

It is the Qingpao monk.


"You want to mine rough,

Why didn't you follow it?

I want to know where there is rough mining,

Gotta do something. "

This time,

The monk who asked the question stopped talking.

Inside the Jieshi Pavilion,

Tea drinking tea.

Dim sum, dim sum,

It was deserted.

It seems that the morning has passed.

People in Jieshiguan,

But talk about the performance of various stone skins,

At this time,

The talking Yuanying Flower God,

Only then chatted a few words.

In the afternoon,

Some monks got up and left.

Three monks came in,

Commissioner Qian took a look,

These three Yuanying Flower Gods,

The level of armor on the body,

All are quite thick!

As soon as these three Yuanying Flower Gods walked in,

The green-robed monk stood up immediately as he said,

Say hello to them,

"So you are here! Sit here."

The three Yuanying Flower Gods walked over,

Brother Qingpao said,

"I need some materials."


Said hundreds of materials,

Member Qian heard,

Some materials,

It is used to refine the formation.

"These materials are one million top-grade immortal stones."

The Yuanying Flower God in the middle said.


Qingpao Yuanying Flower God said,

Take out the storage bag,

Toward the Yuan Ying Flower God,

Yuan Ying Flower God received the fairy stone,

Take out the storage bag,

It contains various materials needed by the green robe monk,

The green robe monk took it,


These three Yuanying Flower Gods,

Wearing cyan armor,

Shouted towards the hall of Jieshi Pavilion,

"Everyone, we have all kinds of materials here,

I want to ask,

It was not easy to get to this **** battle,

The increase is not much. "

It turns out that these people are like plane merchants,


Shouted a few words,

The other Yuanying Flower God who just spoke came over,

Purchased millions of top-grade fairy stone materials,

The boss of Jieshiguan came over,

Bought some materials,

These few Nascent Souls in battle armor,

Nodded to the owner of Jieshi Pavilion,

"Do you have any flints that the monks can use?

we say. "

The owner of Jieshiguan smiled,

"I haven't received Flint recently."

These monks bowed their hands to the owner of the Jieshiguan.

Get out of the stone hall.

one afternoon,

These few Nascent Souls in battle armor,

Made millions of top-grade immortal stones.

Commissioner Qian sat for a while,

The Yuan Ying monks in the Jieshi Pavilion gradually dispersed.

Commissioner Qian returned to his own hospital,

While meditating,

While practicing.


It's already over ten in the morning,

Commissioner Qian only acted on Shiran,

Walk towards the Jieshi Pavilion.

Went inside the Jieshi Pavilion for half a month,

The monk who came from the Lord of Canglang,

The green robe monk who was talking to,

Started shouting,

"Go to dig rough stones, we have a strong protective circle,

The rule-fusion monk is best,

Those who did not achieve the integration of rules,

There must be more than three powerful magic weapons! "

This said,

Compared with the Yuan Ying monk a few days ago.

The conditions are much better,


These two,

They are all Yuanying Flower Gods,

they said,

Has a strong protective circle,

Two people’s protective circle,

How powerful is it.

The Yuanying Flower God in Jieshi Hall looked at,

The war ghost fought,

Walked to the Qingpao Yuanying Flower God,

Talk to the monk,

Took out another magic weapon,

Showed these two monks,

The fair-skinned monk and the green-robed monk shared a few words with each other,


The war ghost was sitting beside these two,


Another one stood up,

Walked towards them,

Talked to these two for a while,

The green robe monk nodded,


This monk,

I sat beside them,

"Would you like to go?"

Brother Qingpao said,


long time,

The monks in this stone hall,

No one came,

Brother Qingpao nodded towards the others,

The four monks stood up,

Get out of the stone hall!

Body shape,

Flew towards the depths of the **** wasteland.

The monk who came with the war ghost,


He has four diamond flower gods,

In this **** wasteland,

Encountered a powerful Taoism,

Even the aftermath can't stand it!

Commissioner Qian went back to the other courtyard to practice,

This time,

Usually after a few days,

Just came here to take a look.

Half a year,

To gather rough,

There are more than a dozen Yuan Ying Flower Gods.

Half a day,

Commissioner Qian’s spiritual thoughts swirled around Qipilu,

Without a cup of tea time,

Feel immediately,

Like turbulent blue waves,

Surging over,

The wave is high, connecting the sky,

Every moment,

It seems that thousands of thunder rumbling past!

This is the essence of skin green,

Although relying on skin green,

It is indeed a flint,


This is by skin green,

But it is a flint made from a **** stone!

In the past six months,

Commissioner Qian’s quotes on Shenshi and Lishi,

I have a certain understanding of ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the flint made by Shenshi,

As big as the skin green,

A bit thick,

You can get 30 million top-grade immortal stones!

Commissioner Qian missed it,


This is due to the cultivation level of Commissioner Qian,



Feeling and the ordinary three-line rule fusion monk,

Be stronger!

Only then did I buy this lean green. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for a recommendation, a monthly pass, and your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please read it.)

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