Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3220: Red Wolf Town

Commissioner Qian waved his hand.

Has put away the other courtyard,

Out of town,

Flew in the direction of Red Wolf Town,

The Yuan Ying monk in this small town,

Already most of the time,

All went to the stone cutting hall in Red Wolf Town.

This one is green by the skin,

Enough money, committee members have been enlightened for several years,

Along the way,

Commissioner Qian just found a stone,

It seems,

Half a person tall,

The rough stone on the surface of the **** wasteland,

It's really about the same.

Three world beads urged,

Commissioner Qian took a look,

Inside the stone,

But the fist is a big flint,

Looking at the flint,

It was formed by the strength stone.

Power stones form flints,

Such a big flint,

It's just a few hundred thousand top grade immortal stones!

Commissioner Qian put away the rough stone.

The town of Red Wolf appeared in the distance.

Commissioner Qian flew into the protective circle in Red Wolf Town,

Yuanying’s flower **** gathering place,

Buildings and courtyards,

Forever the magnificent stone,

Pools, mountains, pavilions in the courtyard,

The grass is green and the flowers are blooming.

Commissioner Qian came to understand the stone hall,

There are already many people sitting inside,

On the table of the Jieshi Pavilion,

No stones are placed,


The owner of this Jieshi Pavilion,

And a few Yuanying Flower Gods,

It's a good chat.

Commissioner Qian found a seat and sat.

This seat,

Already near the edge of the Jieshi Pavilion.

The waiter comes over.

Bring tea and snacks.

Commissioner Qian listened to them.


The bosses of the Harmony Stone Museum had a good chat,

It was just a few monks who came back from quarrying rough stones,

Look at the snacks and teas placed in front of them,

Cold beast legs, vegetarian dishes,

Compared with the Yuanying Flower God sitting in these calcite pavilions,

To be several times stronger.

Those cold animal legs.

Are processed in multiple processes,

It tastes springy, fresh and tender.

Those vegetarian dishes,

There is a plate of snow ginseng that is hundreds of years old,

After processing,

It tastes refreshing,

It can make up for it again.

For the monks returning from the expedition,

Just suitable.

Commissioner Qian is here,

It's already afternoon,

After a long time.

"Go, the banquet in the box is ready."

Said the owner of Jieshiguan.

He arched his hands towards the few Yuanying Flower Gods in the hall,

"Everyone, have a potluck together."

These Yuanying Flower Gods nodded,

And this boss,

Several monks with rough stones in their hands,

Walked towards the box.

"These people, in the Jieshi business,

Already some famous. "

The Yuan Ying Flower God next to him said.

People have been in the **** wasteland for many years,

Already has a certain reputation,

The banquet has their share,

This is normal,

Seeing the waiter come up,

Started a banquet at the next table,

Brother Yuan Ying walked towards the table one after another,

Take a seat.

"Where did they mine this rough stone?"

A monk asked.

"Bone Pit. The rock mined from Bone Pit,

There are lines inside,

Like bones. "

The monk not far away answered,

Member Qian heard,

Suddenly interested,

In this **** wasteland,

Commissioner Qian also wanted to see all kinds of powerful Taoism,

"No wonder they called you a few years ago,

You are not going. "

The questioning monk said,

one look,

This questioning monk,

It was Commissioner Qian who came to fight the wasteland.

The green-haired monk I met in the small town next to the teleportation array,

"I cut a good flint from the last stone,

Do I need to go to the bone pit? "

The monks Yuan Ying said.

"Your flint is much more lively than ordinary flint."

Brother Qingfa to this monk,

Interested in the solved flint.

"That flint is formed from a strength stone,

You know,

There are strong,

Full of blood,

The flint formed is more lively,

It's not difficult. "

The talking monk said,

"Just a little bit lively,

The price is ten million top grade immortal stones. "

Brother Qingfa said,

"Shen Shi and Li Shi are more exquisite!"

The monk said,

But even the more lively flint,

None of them are taken out.

"I heard that the rough stone in the White Bone Pit is good.

Full of momentum. "

A Yuanying Flower God spoke next to him.

The surrounding Yuanying Flower God listened,

In fact,

There are many Nascent Soul monks,

This time I came to the Red Wolf Jieshi Museum,

Ready to shoot.

To this bone pit,

The quality of the rough,

Of course, the key point of their speech.

The waiter at Jieshiguan came in,

Bowed to everyone,

"Tomorrow morning calcite,

Everyone is optimistic. "

Yuan Ying monks,

Only then nodded,

After eating,

Yuan Ying met in their respective hospitals,

Seeing that tomorrow is going to solve the stone,

Before the stone is untied,

After the stone is untied,

There will be many bidding opponents.


Sunny weather,

This is a good weather,

Early in the morning,

Yuan Ying Flower God almost filled this Jieshi Hall,

On the table of the Jieshi Pavilion,

Four stones have been laid,

The front piece,

Half a person tall, three feet long,

There is a striped road on it,

The color is clear,

A picture of the entire striped road,


Beside the dragon,

There are also a few pine flowers,

"Dragon patterns accompanied by pine flowers,

It's hard to think of this rough stone! "

The surrounding Yuanying Flower Gods said,

This stone is for sure,

It depends on the excellent size, depth,

A few rough stones beside,

which performed,

Just not as good as this stone,

There is a stone,

There is a hall of pine flowers above, without dragon patterns,

"That stone, how a little loose flower on it,

There is no dragon pattern. "

There is Yuanying Flower God,

Rolled his eyes at the stone.

"Look at the color and quality of the stone skin,

But it is the same as the other stones,

Should be with a few other stones,

Picked in the same pit. "

The monk next to him said,

"And the best performing stone,

Picked in the same pit,

There is a great possibility,

If a flint can be produced,

It is also a profit. "

The monks said,

This rough stone of the **** wasteland,

Not like mortal jade,

at every turn,

Just thousands of dollars,

Several rough stones can appear at once,

All are very precious.

A few Yuanying Flower God and the owner of Jieshiguan came out,

Standing next to their respective rough stones,

"This rough stone with the best performance,

Enough everyone.

Ask the owner of the rough stone to bid! "

The boss's elongated voice shouted,

"Thirty million high-grade immortal stones."

The owner of the rough said,

This said,

The Yuanying Flower God in the hall,

Or eyes flashing,

Or communicate with each other,

"This stuff, one mouth, is thirty million,

The price is already in place. "

A Yuanying shook his head,

Although the performance is good,


After all stone rough.

Quote this price,

The monk who wanted to pick up the leak shook his head,


Several people offered prices one after another,

Speaking of the price of 34 million,

No one bids,

There is not much room for ascent.

"Okay, 34 million."

The owner of the rough said,

With joy on his face~www.wuxiaspot.com~ walked into the crowd,

"There is still good stuff to show out."

Yuan Ying Hua Shen said to him.

To mine rough,

Found the vein,

Mined a few rough stones,

This is not surprising.

"Where is it—"

This man said,

"Look at the stone."

The owner of Jieshi Pavilion,

I have already put a handful of stone magic soldiers,

Gave the past. (To be continued...)

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