Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3223: Comprehend Flint

"This man is shouting again, today's rich man."

"Six million celestial stones."

A crisp voice sounded.

Commissioner Qian took a look,

A woman,

There were two old men sitting beside them,

This woman has a beautiful face,

There is already a level of integration of different rules.

The two old men beside,

But it has the level of fusion of four rules.

There are really many strong people who come to this **** battle in the wasteland.

Although this woman has a beautiful face,

Looks only nineteen years old.

Commissioner Qian just took a look.

Purple is the fire system and the earth system, and the metal system is mysterious.

Commissioner Qian is fusing the rules of the gold system,

That one is green by the skin,

Commissioner Qian learned a lot,

This purple flint,

Commissioner Qian will not let it go.

"6.3 million high-grade immortal stones."

Commissioner Qian said,

"Six hundred and six hundred thousand high-grade immortal stones."

The woman said,

"Six hundred and nine hundred thousand high-grade immortal stones."

Commissioner Qian said.

As soon as the price is mentioned,

"Far beyond the price of this flint."

The Yuan Ying monk in the Jieshi Hall said.

The monk who sold calcite was happy,

As soon as this price comes out,

He cut across and lost little,

Commissioner Qian was unhappy.

one look,

The pretty face of the young girl,

Looked over at the same upset.

"Seven thousand one hundred thousand top grade immortal stones."

The woman said,

"7.3 million high-grade immortal stones."

Commissioner Qian said,

That said.

It has more than doubled the cost of that three million.

"7.6 million high-grade immortal stone."

The nun said.

Such a flint.

What's the secret?

The spirit of Commissioner Qian,

I scanned this flint a few times,


Sacred stone, flint,

Most of the stones are formed by more superb mana than the Qian Yuan committee,


Commissioner Qian wanted to comprehend this flint.

Must use their own mana to refine.

It’s not in this Jieshi Pavilion,

It can be felt.

"7.9 million high-grade immortal stone."

Commissioner Qian said,

This nun,

Said a few words to the old man next to him,

"Nine million top-grade immortal stones."

The nun said,


This time,

There was an uproar in the entire Jieshi Pavilion.

This is compared with the original price of 3 million high-grade fairy stones,

Already three times the original price of Shi,

"I said, this flint.

Four million top-grade immortal stones have reached the top. "

Yuan Ying Flower God said.

"Ten million top-grade immortal stones!"

Commissioner Qian said.

"Eleven million top-grade immortal stones!"

The nun said,

"Thirteen million top-grade immortal stones!"

Commissioner Qian said,

The face is a little distorted.

The woman stopped talking,

"This flint is for you."

The calcite man’s face bloomed with laughter,

Has already broken more than half,

Made back more than half,

This kind of Kai is so good---

He put this flint,

To the money committee,

I took over the storage bag of the Qian Chief Committee Member.

one look,


The owner of Jieshiguan stood up,

"it is good

This time, the stone-casting ended successfully.

Major calcite pavilions,

Maybe a year and a half later,

Only new rough stones can appear. "

He said,

The monks nodded,

While talking,

While walking towards the Jieshi Pavilion,

Looking at Commissioner Qian’s eyes,

Even more apparently, on Committee Member Qian,

As if there is a "silly---"

s Mark.

Picking up leaks all day long,

Today it paid a big price,

Commissioner Qian quickly walked outside the Jieshi Pavilion,

The owner of the Jieshi Pavilion said,

It takes three years,

There will be new calcite,

These monks,

Go to the depths of the **** wasteland to find rough stones,

Once you have a powerful Taoism,

Maybe a few years later,

To pass this law,

Get a good rough stone.

Commissioner Qian only left half of the town.

The woman and the old man of the guard looked from a distance,

A few steps from Commissioner Qian,

Has entered his own courtyard.

Commissioner Qian entered the other courtyard,

Do this,

Originally, Commissioner Qian wanted to refine this one-and-a-half-foot-long thick green.


Commissioner Qian first refined this 10 million high-grade celestial flint.

Reach out,

A brilliantly bright mana,’

Has surrounded this flint,


On the surface of Qian's body,

A mysterious rune appeared,

This is a rune that has already begun the integration of eight series of rules.

Commissioner Qian refined it for a month and a half,


This flint,

Sends out a huge thunder,

This huge thunder,

As if resounding across the sky.

A mysterious brilliance shot out,

Crashed into the rune on the surface of Commissioner Qian,

This rune,

Run immediately,

It seems to be mysterious and mysterious,

A few days later,

Another brilliance shot out,

Shot into the runes around Commissioner Qian,

Several radiances were shot in succession,

It’s been half a month,

The mana spinning around the flint stopped!

From this flint,

A few mysteries ingested,

Commissioner Qian has been unable to refine it.


The runes around the member Qian,

As if thousands of thunders flashed by at all times.

Mountains, rivers. plant. Yunxia. Flame, thunder,

It was spinning like a kaleidoscope.

After three months,

The few mysteries that Committee Member Qian took in,

This is refining,

Commissioner Qian began to urge mana again.


For three years,

It passed quickly.

Commissioner Qian from this flint,

But forty Dao Guanghua has been refined!

Committee member Qian,

Brilliance shrouded,

It seems to be a gem that is hundreds of miles away!

Extremely pure,

Guanghua rotates,

Like a gem spinning,

But there are flashes of colors,

It seems to have thousands of colors.

Commissioner Qian reminded him of the law,

The brilliance of the whole body was collected towards the member of Qian,

It's as elegant and unrestrained.

one look. This flint,

The color has faded a bit.


"Flint is flint,

There is not much integration of rules,

One and a half years of cultivation,

The color has faded,

in case,

At the calcite conference three years ago,

This flint,

No more than a few million celestial stones. "

That one and a half foot long green belt,

Commissioner Qian spent 41 million celestial stones,

It's because the green belt is strong enough!

One and a half years,

Commissioner Qian went further,

This is the same as practicing on the plane,

Can't be compared with here,

This flint,

It's greener than that one, but it's stronger.

A look at the year of God,

In the Jieshi Pavilion,

Many people have gathered,

It seems that

A new calcite is about to begin,

Commissioner Qian walked out of the other courtyard,

Walk towards the Jieshi Pavilion.

To understand the stone hall,

one look,

There have been a lot of new Yuan Ying flower gods here,

There are a few Yuanying Flower Gods,

Sit together with the owner of the Jie Shi Pavilion.

This should be the monk with the rough stone in his hands this time.

This time,

There are six Nascent Soul monks!

The waiter came up,

"Bring me some animal legs,

vegetables. "

Commissioner Qian said,

Many monks,

Eat animal legs and vegetables on the seat.

The waiter brought animal legs and vegetables,

Commissioner Qian was eating.

"The Fire Knife Canyon they went this time!"

The Yuan Ying Flower God next to him said.

"Fire Knife Canyon,

Ten thousand years ago, there were a lot of rough stones,


Ten thousand years have passed,

Good rough, almost mined! "

A monk said,

"That's it, the prohibition of Fireblade Canyon,

Dao Fa is not as strong as the Bone Pit,

this time,

Six of them went and six of them came back,

The time used to find rough is stronger. "

The elderly monk next year said,

Commissioner Qian took a look,

This is not three years ago,

The attendant of the nun,

one look,

The nun,

And another senior monk,

Sitting in the distance.

It seems that

This sister and these two attendants,

In this **** battle plane,

Stay longer,

"The rough thing,

The rough stone of Fireblade Canyon, ten thousand years ago,

But there are many high-quality ones,

It is said that,

There are people who mix in the Fire Knife Canyon all the year round,

Someone is fighting in this wasteland,

Just go through the tribulation of God. "

The monk next to him said,

When I say this,

The monk sitting at this table,

Several monks next to him,

Let's look forward together!

Commissioner Qian ate for a while,

Said a few words with the monk next to him,

It's already evening,

The owner of Jieshi Pavilion stood up,

"Tomorrow we start to calcite."

That said.

The monks got up and left the Jieshi Pavilion,

Go back to your own courtyard.

The old monk,

Walking with the nun,

"The man who took the flint that day,

Again. "

The nun said,

"This, this person, haven't seen each other for three years,

The cultivation base has made progress,

That flint,

If I come to comprehend,

Maybe fifteen years later,

But a little insight,

This person is a master! "

The old man said.

Based on their cultivation and Taoism,

That flint was completely solved,

Has probed,


Although it is a flint,


That flint,

They are the monks whose four lines of rules merge,

It can't be easily understood either!

Commissioner Qian took the flint to practice for three years,

Comparable to this old man practicing with flint for decades!

When the nun heard,

That flint,

It is more suitable for one’s own enlightenment,


This **** battle against the wasteland,

There are too many strong ones!

After a day,

Early in the morning,

The Jieshi Pavilion is already full of people.

There are six rough stones to untie today,

and so,

More people came.

On the table,

There are six rough stones,

Take a look at these rough stones,

Inside the Jieshi Pavilion,

The tea drinker drinks tea,

The sound transmission of the sound transmission,

These six rough stones,

The performance of Shipi.

"It's not as good as the best piece of rough stone from the calcite three years ago."

A monk said.

This monk,

But it was three years ago who participated in calcite.

The monk next to him nodded,

At this time,

Yuanying Flower Gods can watch the rough stone,

Commissioner Qian looked at the rough stone in front,

A half-person high rough stone,

There are three lines on it,

Some pine flowers,

This is the best performance among the six rough stones.

Commissioner Qian took a look,

Three lines,

Below some pine flowers,

It’s just a pattern~www.wuxiaspot.com~under Songhua,

Half a foot away from Shipi,

Some color,

Other places,

All stone skins!

These colors---

It should be as big as a broad bean,

Although the color is not bright,


It looks like

Like a **** stone left,


The color is not bright,

The value of enlightenment has dropped a lot,

The piece under the pine flower,


Such a piece,

Cut it out,

Not more than 40 million celestial stones,

Commissioner Qian looked at the rough stone next to him,

A fist-big color in the middle,

Commissioner Qian watched for a while,

Strength stone,

For Commissioner Qian,

General strength stone,

Can comprehend the tempering of blood,

Not as urgent as the need.

Commissioner Qian looked at the rough stone next to him,

This time, it was all stone skins inside. (To be continued...)

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