Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3224: Fireworks blame

The committee members have seen all these pieces of rough money,

From morning to noon,


The waiter said,

On the next table,

Started to set up dishes.

The Yuanying Flower Gods went up to eat.

"The rough stones mined in the Fire Knife Grand Canyon this time,

Performance is really average,

I watched,

There are several places where there are different faults.

Although there are pine flowers,

However, blame cracking is ugly. "

A Yuanying Flower God took a sip of wine,


Pick up some beast meat.

Cut into long strips,

Chewed crisply,


This Yuanying Flower God is quite satisfied with these dishes,

"There are fireworks to blame, dog paws to blame, all appeared.

The possibility of eating **** is relatively high. "

The Yuanying Flower God next to him said,

"Fireworks are blamed, and dog paws are blamed for lust.


Rough stones of fireworks and dog paws appeared,

It may be left by the power of the strong,"

The Yuan Ying Flower God not far away listened to them.

Only then took a sip of wine,


"Oh, there is a rough stone with fireworks and dog paws,

May be left by the strong mana,

What do you say? "

Member Qian heard,

Said to the monk who was tasting the taste,

He looked at these six rough stones,

The standard is average.

"I heard the power of the strong,

One shot,

Fireworks skyrocketed.

Open the plane with one grasp!

After this **** battle with the mystery of the wasteland.

On the stone skin.

There may still be blame,

of course,

This blame may be formed by the mystery of the **** war on the wasteland itself,


The calcite of the **** wasteland,

Sometimes it really depends on luck,

Blame this. Is formed by the rough stone itself,

This rough stone is worth ten thousand times,

It is possible for hundreds of millions of top grade immortal stones,

This rough stone was formed by the **** battle wasteland itself,

This rough stone,

May be worth hundreds of thousands of high-grade celestial stones,

One hundred thousand top grade immortal stones,

It's all possible! "

The monk said.

Member Qian heard,


The bet for this is too big,

Ordinary Yuanying Flower God is not sure,

Not far away, there are several Yuan Ying Flower Gods who are fusion of rules,

Said with great interest,

They blamed this rough stone,

Not sure.

"This quality of firework blame,

It's more delicate----"

They said.

"Speaking of this, you are optimistic about fireworks?"

Commissioner Qian said,

"Well, if anyone is optimistic about fireworks,

The price of rough is very high! "

The Yuanying Flower God said,

Member Qian heard,

It seems that

This time the calcite,

This talking Yuanying Flower God,

Don't plan to shoot anymore.

Commissioner Qian listened,

While eating,

While urging the world beads,

Zhou Tian's star battle array,

Refining the mana emitted by the world beads,

Looking at these blamed rough stones again.

If the color inside,

It’s much higher than that of Commissioner Qian,

These colors are mined,

Even if it is a stone flint,

Commissioner Qian refined for several years,

From this flint,

Able to refine a few mysteries,

It's already pretty good!

Watching this most of the day,

In addition to being able to see the color inside the rough stone, Commissioner Qian

This water color is good enough.

For most of the day,

I want to refine mystery from these rough stones,

Commissioner Qian couldn't do it either.


Once these blamed rough stones are overpriced,

For Commissioner Qian,

Still a relatively high bet.

Come here to fight the wasteland,

It's been ten years,

This time,

Commissioner Qian was cautious.

"The dog's paw next to me is so to blame.

Relatively dry. "

The Yuan Ying Flower God in the distance said.

Several Yuan Ying Hua Shen said.

After eating at noon,

Another hour passed.

"Starting to solve the stone."

The owner of the Jieshi Pavilion said,

Needless to say,

This time,

The atmosphere in the Jieshi Pavilion,

It's already very enthusiastic.

Next to the first rough stone,

"There is no blame on this rough stone.

Seeing the performance is okay,

You can rest assured to bid. "

The owner of this rough stone said.

"This rough stone is not to blame,


Inside those few blamed rough stones,

Able to solve the **** stone. "

Yuan Ying Flower God said,

The owner of this sacred stone,

His face was suddenly dissatisfied.

"It's the blame, you said it might be hundreds of thousands

Top grade immortal stone,

My rough stone can perform well,

No blame,

You also said that it might not be comparable to the ones next to blame,

What happened,

It's only useful to take out a good sacred stone to put it on. "

The owner of this sacred stone said,

"Otherwise, you take out 50 million high-grade immortal stones,

Don’t you blame this firework as good, buy it. "


Rolling his eyes repeatedly.


The talking monk laughed dryly.

50 million top-grade immortal stone to buy a rough stone with blame?

"My dragon pattern,

The color is positive, thick,

From 30 million top-grade immortal stones. "

The owner of this rough stone,

Quotation has already begun.

"Thirty-one million top-grade immortal stones."

Someone said immediately.

In the Jieshi Pavilion,

The first celestial stone to be unlocked,

Generally the best.

Immediately afterwards,

Someone raises the price,

"Thirty-two million immortal stones."

Commissioner Qian had originally treated this rough stone,

A bit interested,


At this time,

His spirit,

It urges the fluctuations of the Zhoutian star battle array,

Put it on these rough stones with blame.


Put Dao Fa on these rough stones with blame,

There are more than thirty spiritual thoughts!

This time calcite,

So many masters have come!

"Forty million top-grade immortal stones!"

The shout rang.

"Forty-one million top-grade immortal stones."

As soon as the price was called out,

After a long time,

"42 million high-grade immortal stones."

Then someone called out the price,

this price,

It has reached the price point in the heart of the big multi-functional baby flower god.

This is a rough stone,

Not the cut color,

Commissioner Qian thought for a long time,

This blame,

Commissioner Qian is really not sure.

Compared to the flame that everyone is talking about,

Blame that dog's paw,

Commissioner Qian is more interested.

Commissioner Qian’s spirit urged mana,

From morning to noon,

This dog paw blame,

Let Commissioner Qian detect some differences.

In an instant of 70,000,

Commissioner Qian seemed to see a huge pit with a radius of thousands of miles!

This is Commissioner Qian’s cultivation base,

Only in one-sevenths of an instant,

With this feeling,

The shadow of Hedun County,

It feels the same to the Qian Qian committee.

The cultivation base is worse,

The divine consciousness reached one in 69,000 in an instant,

Watching blame from morning to afternoon,

Can't detect this feeling,

May let these strong men,

I have studied this rough stone for a few years,

It feels different again,


Like that

The original stone of the owner of this original stone,

How can I sell it?

Commissioner Qian thought,

"Forty-four million top-grade immortal stones,

Has anyone quoted? "

This said,

In the hall,

No quotation for a long time,

Buy this rough stone back,

Even if the water color is good,

Is a **** stone,

Different monks enlightened,

What I feel,

Still not the same.

In this rough stone,

Is there a **** stone,

That's still unknowable,

"Forty-six million celestial stones!"

Commissioner Qian said~www.wuxiaspot.com~This said,

The monk who quoted 44 million celestial stones,

Tangled on his face,

44 million celestial stones,

Most monks here,

Think it's higher,

"Forty-seven million celestial stones!"

After a long time,

He just said,

"50 million top-grade immortal stones!"

Commissioner Qian said,

The tone is so indifferent. (To be continued...)

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