Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3225: 1/70,000 in an instant

"52 million top-grade immortal stones."

A monk in the distance spoke,


The brilliance in the eyes flickered.


There was no bid,

Speak at this moment,

"Those guilty rough stones,

It's really hard to understand! "

The Yuanying Flower God beside him,

Just now,

These people said more enthusiastically.

"Fifty-five million top-grade immortal stones."

Commissioner Qian said,

At this time, Commissioner Qian’s expression became serious.

There are many strong people in this **** battle against the wasteland,

There are many top grade immortal stones.

"57 million top-grade immortal stones."

The man said.

The look on his face,

But it has recovered indifferently,

"Sixty million top-grade immortal stones."

Commissioner Qian said,

If you can’t see a sacred stone in this rough stone,

Commissioner Qian,

I will never treat this rough stone,

Bid 60 million high-grade immortal stone.

The face of the monk shouting,

Look serious,

Considered for a while,

He started drinking tea.

After a long time,

Although no one bids,


The face of this rough master,

Has laughed and blossomed.

Entered the Fire Knife Grand Canyon for several years,

In hand,

Of course there are better rough stones.

Commissioner Qian came forward,

Gave a storage bag,

The owner of this rough stone has seen it,


Commissioner Qian collected the rough stone,

Turned around and walked towards his seat.

The owner of Jieshiguan took a look.

This kind of monk,

There are many at the annual calcite conference.

Buy the rough stone and untie it yourself,

Is up or down,

This kind of rough with good performance,


Can solve a good flint!

Even if the solution is broken,

The monk took this flint,

You can practice by yourself.

"This rough stone is good.

Look at this rough stone. "

The owner of Jieshi Pavilion,

Said to the rough stone next to him,

This time,

Facing this rough stone,

All have the same quality as stone skin,

Commissioner Qian was drinking tea,

While eating snacks.

That's just now.

The Yuan Ying monk who only offered 50 million top-grade immortal stones,

Drinking tea the same,

The quotation reached 15 million high-grade immortal stones,

This person is still a bit interested,

The quotation reached 19 million top grade immortal stones,

This person.

But take a look.

This rough stone is a top-grade immortal stone of 19 million.

Yuan Ying Flower God came up,

Given to the fairy stone,

Said to the owner of Jieshi Pavilion,

"Bring me the sacred soldier."

The boss came up.

I've been given to the magic stone soldiers,

This person holds it.

Toward those pine flowers on the rough stone,

A reminder of the law,

A knife,

Cut towards the rough stone.

These rough stones,

Although there are not many pine flowers above,


It's bright enough and relatively moist,

Most of the monks in this stone hall,

All feel,

Below these pine flowers,

The probability of being outstanding is relatively high.

This monk cut it down,

"Songhua is gone."

The monk nearby shouted,


With the stone peel cut open,

Inside the stone skin,

There is a big piece of broad bean,

The colors above,

A bit shallow.

The monk holding the rough cut surface looks like,

The Yuanying Flower God next to him,

Look at it carefully.

With this cut,

There are already many monks,

For this rough stone,

Interest dropped by more than half.

Watched for a while,

This Yuanying Flower God put the stone down,

Pick up the sacred soldier,

Cut it all at once,


Like thunder,

It lasted half a tea time,

Cut a piece of stone skin,

one look,

Just that piece,

Lighter in color,

Doesn't show up anymore,

"It's broken--"

The monk beside,

Many people said,

"Cut a piece from the side."

A monk next to him said.

Anxious on his face.

As if this rough stone was their own excitement.

The monk thought for a while,

To the side,

Cut it all at once!


After half a tea time,

Cut another piece of stone skin,


In this rough stone,

There is no color.

The monk's face was one side.

Said to the monk in the Calcite Hall,

"Five million top-grade immortal stones,

Who do you want? "

Three knives,

From 19 million celestial stones,

To five million top-grade celestial stones,

"Five million immortal stones are too high."

The monk next to him said,

This calcite monk,

Eyes slanted,

"Five million celestial stones are not worth,

Then I cut it myself. "


Lay out the remaining rough stones,

Towards the middle,

One size fits all.

It's another half tea time,

The remaining rough stone,

Already separated from the middle.

There was a sigh,

"It's all the color of stone skin—"

"Not even a stone skin!"

They said,

The face of this monk,

The whole thing turned green,

Thought about it,


This separated rough,

Has been put into the storage bag.

Returned to his seat,

This Yuanying Flower God,

Drinking tea.

Only then did his face ease down,

To this **** battle famine original.

Unless you go to quarry the rough stone yourself.

In this case,

More common!

The Yuanying Flower God in Jieshi Hall,

For this situation,

Many monks,

Complex eyes,

Really insightful,

This flint,

Almost collapsed.

"This one might drive a **** stone-----"

The boss of Jieshiguan shouted.

Calcite today,

The price of rough is high enough,


Not cut at all,

This piece,

Seeing that the cut was broken,

The owner of the Jieshi Pavilion.

Not too happy.

The owner of the rough stone next to it,

The quotation has begun.

"Thirteen million!"

He said,

The performance of this rough stone,

Similar to the performance of the rough stone just now,

A few pine flowers,

A few striped roads.

A few striped roads,

Distance from dragon,

How to say,

Can't say,

These stripes are like dragons.

He made this offer.

In the hall of Jieshi Pavilion,


long time,

No one can quote.

For a long time,

Then someone said,

"14 million top-grade immortal stones."

This rough stone,

Some manifestations on the epidermis,

It can be said to be rough,

Untie a flint,

The monk took it back to practice,

All can be worth thousands of millions of top-grade immortal stones.

The master of the rough exhaled,

After a while,

Then someone said,

"Fifteen million top-grade immortal stones."

The face of this rough master,

Then a little smile appeared,

After another half day,

Only then did someone increase the price.

"16 million immortal stones."

Quote this price,

After a long time,

No one has increased the fare.

"It seems that today, we have to gamble!"


Yuan Ying Hua Shen said.

After a while,

In the Jieshi Hall,

The younger monk,

All talking,

This monk Yuan Ying watched for a long time,

After a cup of tea time,

No one has more than 16 million immortal stones,

Higher prices.


A Yuanying Flower God came up,

Gave 16 million celestial stones,

Said to the owner of Jieshiguan:


This boss comes up

Give the magic stone soldier to the past,

This person looked around,

Same to the place with pine flowers,

Cut over.

Where there are pine flowers and dragons,

This is the easiest way to be outstanding.

at this point,

I don't know how many monks have solved the stone.

Cut with this knife,

A rumbling of thunder,



The monk nearby shouted,

Many of these are the Yuanying Flower Gods who have just come to fight the wasteland.

Met excellent,

Quite excited,

The cut surface of this rough stone,

There have been green stripes,

of course,

These greens,

Can't even reach the level of flint,


Continue to cut,

The possibility of excellence has greatly increased.

This monk,

Three cuts in a row.

This rough stone,

Most of it has been cut off.

"It's green, but the water color is not good,

The top grade in flint. "

A sitting monk Yuan Ying said,

"It's like a mountain in spring."

The Yuanying Flower God next to him said,

This Yuanying Flower God is overjoyed,

A reminder of the law,

Along this green side,

Cut over,

The magic stone soldier in hand,

Touch this rough stone,


There was a thunder!

This that is,

Mortal gems,

Can be compared.

After dozens of continuous thunderstorms,

A green as big as an egg,

Has been solved,

From where the rough rock is exposed,

To the side of this color,

The color became darker.

"I paid 16 million for this flint."

Immediately there was an offer from Yuanying Flower God,

"This is a discoloration—"


A monk said.

"I give out 17 million!"

"I give out 19 million!"

Quotations kept coming and going.

Although it is a flint,


The color is good enough,

Big enough.

the most important is,

The color becomes darker,

The price of this flint,

Immediately rose a lot,

Seeing that this offer continues,

Exceeded 20 million,

It is also possible!


In this Jieshi Pavilion,

There are many monks,

For this flint,

But take a look.

The expression on his face remained unchanged at all,

In this **** wasteland,

Most of them have flint.

The monk waved his hand,

"This flint,

I save myself to comprehend!

Discolored flint is not easy to find. "

"Congratulations---cut up."

The owner of Jieshi Pavilion,

Shout loudly!

For him,

Some face is not.


It's fireworks to blame the original stone! "

The owner of the Jieshi Pavilion said,

The voice has improved a lot.

Many Yuanying Flower God is strong,

Originally drinking tea leisurely,

At this time,

With a deep vision,

Commissioner Qian took a sip of tea,

It seems that

Blame for this firework,

There are so many interested people!

Fireworks blame,

Like smoke like fire,

It's more likely to be left by the power of Taoism!

The owner of Jieshiguan said something,

This firework blames the owner of the original stone,

Thought for a long time,

"Nineteen million top grade immortal stones!"

He said.

"The price is not high, why don't you ask 30 million immortal stones."

A Yuanying Flower God said immediately beside him,

"What do I say."

The rough master laughed dryly,

This rough stone,

Dug from Fireblade Canyon,

It is good to be able to sell 19 million immortal stones.

Those who like to gamble,

Many people don't like gambling.

he himself,

Blame this firework,

The same is not accurate.


Someone immediately made an offer,

"Twenty-one million top-grade immortal stones!"

"22 million top-grade immortal stones!"

Soon someone followed up with an offer,

For a while,

Blaming the owner of the original stone with fireworks,

A little happy,

For those who really want to gamble,

Blame this firework,

Not very expensive!

Soon ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the price rose to 26 million.

"Twenty-seven million."

That, together with Commissioner Qian, bought the first rough stone,

The monk who bid 50 million spoke,

"Twenty-nine million!"

"thirty million!"

Commissioner Qian watched the fireworks,

And a few other rough stones with blame,

Those monks who released Dao Fa scanning spoke.

"Thirty-one million."

The monk in battle armor next to him said,

31 million,

Don't move their faces a little.

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