Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3226: Play blame

"Thirty-four million top-grade immortal stones."

The red robe monk in the distance spoke,

"Thirty-five million top-grade immortal stones."

The monk next to him spoke,

"For those who like to take the blame,

It's a little bit of rain before it starts. "

A monk next to him said. "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

"Thirty-six million top-grade immortal stones!"

"Forty million top-grade immortal stones."

A monk said,

After talking about the price of 40 million top-grade immortal stones,

The monk spoke,

"I said, this rough stone,

In addition to the performance of some fireworks,

Other performances are average. "

"The price is too high for us to pay."

The Yuan Ying Flower God next to him said.

The monk next to the original stone looked at it unhappily.


Except for a few waiters, Stone Three Diamond Flower God,

Here are all the strong Yuan Ying,

There are quite a few strong players in the fusion of several rules.

These powerful people who integrate several rules,

Each has its own calculations,

This monk who sells rough stones,

Can't say anything.

"In this way, a hundred years ago, I bought a rough stone with blame.

Cut across,

The colors inside have been divided into strips,

This rough stone with blame,

I gave out fifty million immortal stones,

Give me how. "


Looking at the master of the original stone again,

"Your rough stone, all aspects of performance,

Far inferior to the rough stone sold first,

Fifty million immortal stones are really there. "

This talking monk.

The cultivation base of the fusion of four rules.

This monk who sells rough stones.

Wry smile on his face,

"Your Excellency has been here for three hundred years,

It can be said that it is senior.

50 million immortal stones, yes. "


The rough stone that really carries the blame,

It is not so easy to mine.

The four-system rule fusion monk stepped forward,

Take out the storage bag. Took the fairy stone,

The owner of the Jieshiguan took out the sacred stone soldiers,

Start to calcite.

This person is a cultivation base of the fusion of the four rules,

it's here,

It has already had a certain impact.

Commissioner Qian thought.

Seeing this monk head towards the place of blame,

Cut it all at once,

This knife,

Cut the blame,

"It's a bit slick, but not much."

The Yuan Ying Flower God next to him said.

The cut surface of this rough stone.

Showing a little bit of cyan,


Such quality,

Let Commissioner Qian come to understand,

I can't comprehend much.

"It's a bit across the board."

One cut down,

Although it doesn’t show the water color and compare the color as expected,


With such a little bit of color,

Can’t say that it’s too much,

If this Yuanying Flower God is now taking action,

Down a few million top-grade celestial stones,

Many people are willing to take over!

The Yuanying Flower God continued to cut,

I cut it several times,

"The color is thicker!"

The Yuan Ying monk next to him said immediately.

"But the water color is not so good,

The water color of Lishi can't reach it. "

"Better than ordinary flint,


Far from reaching the level of Lishi! "

At this time,

The few Yuanying Flower Gods who just made the bid said,

This is a strong person who integrates several rules.

This calcite monk,

A reminder of the law,

The green color that the sacred stone soldier shows along,

Cut inward.

Cut in a few minutes,

Still this color of stone.

"It seems that this rough stone is like this."


This monk cut out most of the palm length,

A long strip of color appeared,

Not comparable to ordinary power stones,


The quality is comparable to ordinary jade,

"Thirty million immortal stones."

The sacred stone’s soul infant flower **** said,

On the seat,

The Yuanying Flower God who sells the rough stone curls his lips,

The quality of this flint,

Selling tens of millions of immortal stones here,


Several sets of rules merge,

High cultivation base,

You can also use this fairy stone to practice.

For this calcite Yuanying Flower God,

40 million middle grade immortal stone,


"The **** stone was not solved."

The Yuanying Flower Gods in the hall said,

Play blame,

Just thinking that this rough stone can produce a larger divine stone,

Can produce a sacred stone larger than broad beans,

One hundred million tens of millions of high-grade immortal stones,

Can be sold to,

It's not.

The color of this rough stone,

Big is bigger,

But if you say this,

Better than flint.

The price of 50 million top-grade celestial stones,

It's broken a lot.

"Okay, this rough stone,

Let's take a look at this piece of rough stone. "

Said the owner of Jieshiguan.

"This rough stone,

How about I give out 40 million immortal stones. "

Said the monk in the armor,

The monk standing next to the original stone poked his mouth,

For a rough stone with blame,

"Forty million top-grade immortal stones,

Not much! "

He looked at the crowd next to him,

"Fifty million top grade immortal stones."

A voice sounded,

This monk who sells rough is overjoyed,

This voice,

From the perspective of the monk who sells rough stones,

It’s incredibly beautiful,

50 million top grade immortal stones,

He felt almost the same!

Dozens of eyesight,

Looking over at Commissioner Qian,

"Here, you are new here."

Said the monk in battle armor,

"I'm new here, so what?"

In the Jieshi Hall,

Several Yuanying Flower Gods,


This newcomer really doesn't understand the rules,

Divinely reminded,

Went around Commissioner Qian,

That feeling,

As if ordinary people entered the mountains,

They are ordinary people,

Commissioner Qian is Dashan!

These Yuanying Flower Gods,

My heart stunned!

Able to fight in this **** wasteland,


Relying on their own strength,

A probe into this mind,

The strength of Qian Da Committee,

Stronger than a few of them!

These Yuanying Flower Gods were drinking tea.

The Yuan Ying Flower God who bid for 40 million immortal stones,

Even his face changed,

"Five-four million top-grade immortal stones!"

A price increase is four million top-grade celestial stones.

"Sixty million top-grade immortal stones!"

Commissioner Qian said,


The monk in battle armor hesitated,

The blame for dog paws is not as good as fireworks.

Fireworks blame,

It is the top grade in blame.

Thought for a long time,

"61 million top-grade immortal stones."

The monk in battle armor said,

"65 million top-grade immortal stones!"

Commissioner Qian said,


The monk in the Jieshi Hall said immediately,

This new monk,

It's a big money!

The monk in battle armor stopped talking.

Commissioner Qian came forward,

Gave a storage bag,

The owner of this rough stone took it,

"65 million immortal stones, the original stone is yours."

He walked to his seat with a smile on his face,

A rough stone with dog paws,

Can sell 65 million celestial stones,

The owner of this rough made a lot of money.

Commissioner Qian waved,

Put away this rough stone with dog claws,

Walked towards his seat,

The owner of Jieshiguan smiled,

"It seems that this is a local tyrant, below,

Let’s start with the last piece of rough calcite,

The same is to blame. "

The owner of this rough stone,

Look towards the jieshi hall~www.wuxiaspot.com~45 million high-grade fairy stones. "

He said,

After a long time,

There is a Yuanying Flower God who just said,

"Okay, 45 million high-grade immortal stones."

After talking about this price,

long time,

No one pays the price.

This Yuanying Flower God stepped forward,

Gave the fairy stone,

The boss gave the stone magic soldier,

This monk,

Start cutting the stone. To be continued...

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