Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3253: Years passed


The red-haired monk said,

At this time,

The food was delivered.

The red-haired monk talked about some **** battles in the wasteland mines,

of course,

This said,

There must be some adventures that are not available in the Jieshiguan materials,"

"Are you the main god?"

Commissioner Qian said,

"On the plane of the **** Qing Ming."

The red-haired monk said,

"I am the Juyan Shrine governing the plane,

Maybe we can meet in the future. "

Commissioner Qian said,

From this **** wasteland,

Can get some rough stones,

Advanced integration of five rules,

All have this keneng,

Commissioner Qian can advance to the stage,



For the main shrine,

But a stronger monk,

Far from being a panacea.

"Then you are not at war with the demons?

What are the properties of the demons. "

Said the monk wearing the cyan armor.

"The Mozu opened up some shops,

It does have the properties of the Demon World.

Fighting against the demons is often there. "

Commissioner Qian said,

I talked about the properties of the city opened by the Mozu,

"Some materials."

Those monks with relatively high formations nodded.

Those with relatively high formation skills,

Refining the formation requires various materials.

"Compared with the planes that are at war with the demons,

This **** battle against the wasteland,

Conflict between monk and monk.

Relatively few. "

Next to Brother Tsing Yi.

A square-faced monk said.

"Blood Battle Wasteland is all Yuan Ying.

Different rules merge,

I can only talk about ordinary cultivation base here,

Is there such a good fight? "

The red-haired monk said,

The people in this hall,

One end.


A monk strode in,

"Wan Jian, I heard that.

You gain this time. "

"Yeah, sit and eat."

Wan Jian Sa Shan stood up,

Smiled at this person,

Let this person sit down,


The waiter immediately put on the seat,

This meal dinner, see off,

All kinds of delicious ingredients,

That is quite a lot.

The flavor of different main gods,

Commissioner Qian also exclaimed.

Seeing that the monk started to eat.

Wan Jian Sa Shan said,

"There is no good harvest,

Harvested a rough stone,

There are a few striped roads,

It's a dragon pattern,

Not even Songhua. "

Others ate food and drink wine.

"How about it, are you interested in cutting it out?"

This man said,

Wan Jian Sashan dryly smiled,

"This level, I will save it for myself."

He said.

"I didn't get a few dollars,

A piece of rough stone, of course, was cut by himself. "

Kaishanjian said.

"Kaishanjian, you have led the team to take several adventures."

The monk said,

Kaishanjian drank a sip of wine,

"In this **** wasteland,

Went out to mine more than a dozen times,

A piece of rough stone was not collected,

There are so many people!

Going out to explore a few times is a ball. "

Kaishanjian said,

After this meal,

The red-haired monk stood up,

Throw your hand at everyone present!

Walked out of Red Wolf Town.

The monks in the hall,


Walked past the grocery store,

I picked the rough stone,

Many monks choose to untie it by themselves!

Most of the monks who come here,

Is to get the color in the rough,

Use it for your own comprehension!


Used to deliver the stone to the Jieshi Pavilion,

The appearance of the rough skin is even less.

Commissioner Qian returned to his own hospital,

Kaishanjian led the team to mine the rough stone,

Several departures,

Urged the ancient formation,

To have these gains today,

What he and those adventurous monks gained,

Among the waves of people who entered that battle,

Not the biggest,

In this **** wasteland,

Mining rough,

It's not that easy to find.

Take out the colors bought from the grocery store,

Start practicing.

Dao Fa urges,

after a few days,

Mysterious, heavy brilliance shot out from the color,

Like a waterfall,

Flocked to the Qiang Committee member.

Touching the runes on the surface of Commissioner Qian,

Was immediately refined by runes,

Turned into the mystery of the Qian committee.

It looks like gurgling water,

Touch this brilliance,

The four-diamond flower **** level flying spaceship is immediately crushed!

Such a color that has been cultivated,

Commissioner Qian takes a few days,

Only then can he refine the mystery that is useful to him.

A beam of brilliance shot out,

This brilliance,

Like a giant mountain!

It seems that what is refined is a glacier of 100,000 miles,

A hundred thousand miles of glaciers,

Under the rune of Commissioner Qian,

Turned into a rune,

But half a foot old,

There are millions of strokes!

The whole body is white,

Exuding the cold of freezing everything,

It seems to be a volcano tens of thousands of feet high.

This volcano turned into a rune,

Slap big,

The whole body is red,

There are hundreds of thousands of runes!

Commissioner Qian refined more than a dozen colors.

"Boom Rumble"

Commissioner Qian in the Shenfu,

Those runes that merge the rules,

Become more mysterious!

Commissioner Qian received credit,

The brilliance shot in the color is collected!

Inside the Jieshi Pavilion,

Many monks gathered again,

The distance comes out of the ancient formation in the mine,

Nine years have passed!

"It’s been the last time this stone building

More than ten years have passed,

I have been in a **** wasteland for hundreds of years,

This is the time for calcination in the Jieshi Pavilion

The longest interval. "

A monk said,

"I went to a few other towns,

It's the same as the stone pavilion in town.

The interval time

Getting longer and longer.

You have been here for hundreds of years,

The fusion of the three rules is at the peak,

My cultivation base,

Far not as high as you. "

Want to integrate advanced rules,

These rough stones are of course more useful,


The jade slips of Taoism like a mountain, all kinds of mysterious Taoism,

That is indispensable,

Commissioner Qian has been like this for thousands of years,

Cultivate to be close to the **** of transformation

I feel the image of the ancient giant,

Has a very important role!

and so,

He gets the color that others have already understood,

Gain much more than others.

This is the superb cultivation level of Commissioner Qian,

The effect achieved.

Commissioner Qian’s insights and deductions of this color,

Ordinary monks with different rules,

Holding a powerful magic weapon,

Perform auxiliary games,

It may not be possible for the rich committee members to deduct the effect by themselves,

Commissioner Qian has practiced for thousands of years,

He is a master of refiners,

Such a magic weapon,

How many have been seen by Commissioner Qian?

and so,

This monk ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ has been here to fight the wasteland for hundreds of years,

Mine rough stone by yourself,

Purchased from the Jieshi Pavilion!

A lot of rough stones should have been collected,

This is the pinnacle of the three-line rule fusion,

The integration of the four series of rules is in progress.

For these monks,

Fusion of four rules,

The level of cultivation is already quite high.

Today I saw a lot of people in Jieshi Pavilion,

I heard that the stone is going to be solved,

Commissioner Qian ran over immediately,

In this **** wasteland,

Mining rough,


Is an eternal theme,

Come to this Jieshiguan for a talk,

eat and drink,

Listen to the information of each mine.

It has become a kind of entertainment for these Yuanying Flower Gods.

"Indeed, this time Jieshihui,

Several calcite pavilions are the same,

It has been more than ten years since the last stone meeting!

At this stone meeting,

If the harvest is not great,

Really can return to the plane. "

The monk next to him said. (To be continued...)

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