Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3254: Starting price increase

Everyone talked for a long time,

With emotion,

There are really fewer rough stones mined,


Fire Knife Grand Canyon,

Has been mined to the depths of the **** wasteland for a thousand and hundreds of miles,

The deeper part of the **** wasteland,

That's not a place where ordinary Yuanying Flower God can go.

after a few days,

This morning,

Inside the Jieshi Pavilion,

Ten rough stones have been placed,

The owner of Jieshi Pavilion,

Say hello to Brother Yuanying with a smile.

"It's not bad to get ten rough stones this time."

"A calcite conference in the past few years,

Although there are a few rough stones,

Fifteen years have passed this time,

Only ten rough stones,

At first glance, the rough stone is missing. "

The monk next to him said.

"Well, there are only so many rough stones."

The owner of Jieshiguan said,

"Then this price---"

A monk in the distance said,

"This time the rough stone starts at 40 million high-grade immortal stones."

The owner of the Jieshi Pavilion said,

There was a sound of inhalation in the Jieshi Pavilion,

"Fifty years ago, a piece of rough 40 million high-grade immortal stone,

It is already the price of mid-range products,


It's the starting price. "

A monk shook his head.

"You guys who have been here for hundreds of years,

Prices have only risen in the past fifty years,

I took a lot of rough stones,

Those of us who came here decades ago,

I haven’t got a few pieces of rough,

Looked up. "

The monk next to him.

But his face was depressed.

Commissioner Qian took a look.

He was the one who went out of the teleportation formation with himself.

Came here decades ago.

He has a very high level of rule cultivation,

The combination of different rules,

The deduction progress has not reached one third.

At this time, different rules are already fused,

Da Mengguan,

Those Yuanying Flower Gods successfully deduced the integration of different rules,

But it took hundreds of years.

Commissioner Qian urged Daofa,

Three world beads urge the hair.

There was a mysterious wave,

Zhou Tian's star battle array urged, turning,

As if there are a hundred thousand miles in the starry sky,

There are trees, mountains, rivers, waterfalls,

There is thunder,

There is a storm vortex.

The mysterious mana urged,

The fluctuation of the three world beads is refined.

Transformed into mysterious fluctuations.

Shot from the eyes of Commissioner Qian,

Shot towards the rough stone,

Three world beads,

Refined by this 100,000 li Zhou Tianxing,

I have given a lot of comprehension to the committee members,

That great power gave the rules of the transformation stage,

Commissioner Qian’s insights,

There was an immediate improvement.

Commissioner Qian’s practice progressed so far,

The fluctuation of the three world beads,

It does have a certain effect.


if we assume,

Such a world pearl,

The mystery of the entire plane,

That's impossible.

The rough stone at the front,

Still the same as before.

The outer skin performs better,

There are pine flowers and dragons,

Less ringworm, not many defects,

one look,

There is a square circle of water color inside,

The water color is bright red, and the water color does not look medium-grade,


Rushing vigorously,

It is indeed left by the **** stone.

Half tea time,

After reading this rough stone,

Look at the rough stone next to him.

This rough stone,

There are pine flowers and dragons,

Songhua is a little dull,

The dragon patterns are scattered,

Not very vigorous,

one look,

One piece of color inside,

Like a small river.

More than a foot long,

Color grass green,


In terms of the aura of this color,

Far inferior to the color galloping in the original stone.


The value of enlightenment is much less,

In fact,

Commissioner Qian now,

From the appearance of the skin,

The identification level of the rough stone,

Improved a lot.

Look at a rough stone next to it,

The surface appearance of this rough stone,

A lot worse,

Pine flower and dragon pattern,

Can't compare to the first two rough stones,

The mana of Commissioner Qian,

Look inside,

The egg is a big color.

Dark green,

The color is better than the first rough stone,


If it comes to style and momentum,

It’s better to start with a rough stone,

Towards the rough stone below,

Keep looking over.

These, the colors in the stone are just normal expressions.

Saw the last piece of rough stone.

The performance of this stone skin,

Among a few rough stones,

Is the worst,

Divine Mind urges mana,

Probe toward this rough stone.

Detect a distance,

This is how

The mana urged by God's mind is stagnant!

The quality of this stone skin itself,

Has become very good,

Commissioner Qian thought.

The mana urged by divine thoughts,

Continue to probe toward the inside.

A piece of broad bean big green,

It was manifested in the spirit of Commissioner Qian.

It has branches like branches.

Commissioner Qian’s mind,

Take a look at the big green of this broad bean,

Like the green sky!

God stone!

Commissioner Qian thought,

Toward the thousand swords and sashan real person beside him,

"Ten thousand swords, these years,

There are not many cultivating colors you have collected. "

The real man Wan Jian Sa Shan nodded,

"these years,

Willing to use the cultivated color,

There are not as many monks as before.

Many monks.

Want to keep this color. Practice by yourself,


They use their own methods to refine this color,

This color of mystery,

Many have been refined,

There are a lot of mysteries,

These monks cannot cultivate themselves. Can't understand.

After practicing these colors,

For those whose cultivation base is not high,

The value is really small. "

Commissioner Qian listened and nodded.

In this way, the front piece of raw stone river and the last piece of raw stone,

The Qian member stone must be taken.

I saw ten rough stones in a row,

Commissioner Qian’s speed in detecting rough,

It's a lot faster than just coming to fight the wasteland.

At this time, the owner of Jieshi Pavilion came up.

Stop next to the front stone slab,

Speaking to everyone.

"This rough stone,

To have dragon patterns and dragon patterns, to have pine flowers and pine flowers,

40 million top-grade immortal stones start at! "

The boss said,

Walked to his seat,

"Forty-one million top-grade immortal stones."

A monk said,

Inside the Jieshi Pavilion,

Most of the monks are drinking tea,

Poker face,

At the beginning, it was 40 million high-grade immortal stones.

The price of this rough stone,

That's not doubling.

Someone bid,

Soon, the price reached 46 million high-grade immortal stones,

"The price is an upward plus of one million,

Not too warm. "

Commissioner Qian was not far away,

A monk said.

"Such rough stone,

In the past, fifty million high-grade immortal stones reached the top. "

Said the real man Wan Jian Sa Shan.

That's the end of Wanjian Sashan.

"50 million high-grade immortal stones."

Someone said.

"51 million top-grade immortal stones."

Commissioner Qian spoke up.

"53 million top-grade immortal stones."

This man said again,

"Fifty-five million top-grade immortal stones,"

Commissioner Qian said,

This said,

Real Man Wan Jian Sa Shan looked over.

"Old money, you are good enough."

The real man Wanjian Sashan said,

I can see that

Ten thousand swords and the real person,

I want to collect this rough stone,


50 million top grade immortal stones,

It is the peak of Wanjiansa Mountain,


Commissioner Qian said,

This stone pavilion,

Whoever bids higher will get the rough stone,

This has an insightful effect on one's own cultivation.

"Last time, the rough stone I bought,

The quality of the cut is average. "

A monk said,

"Last time there was lily pine flower,

This time,

There are no lilies and pine flowers. "

The monk next to him said.

"57 million high-grade immortal stones."

A monk in the distance said,

"Sixty million top-grade immortal stones."

Commissioner Qian said,

This said,

long time,

No one in Jieshi Hall increased the price,

The owner of this rough stone,

Said to the owner of Jieshi Pavilion,

"Only 60 million top-grade immortal stones."

"Damn, 60 million high-grade immortal stones are not enough."

A monk next to him said.

"Your rough stone does not have the best pine flowers and dragon patterns."

A monk in the distance said,

This rough master,

Nodded at Member Qian,


Commissioner Qian came forward,

Gave a storage bag,

Put the rough stone in the storage bag,

Returned to his seat,

Advanced stage,

But also for other rules, realms


These rough stones left over from the **** stone,

For Commissioner Qian,

Of course the more the better!

The rough stone next to it started bidding,

This rough stone,

Called 50 million high-grade immortal stones,

No one has increased the fare,

Seeing the look of the owner of Jieshi Pavilion,

Iron plate is average,

"Forty million immortal stones, the increase is certainly not that much."

A monk shouted in the distance.

The boss laughed,

I can get them to come up with such goods,

It has been a lot of effort.

The owner of this Jieshi Pavilion,

It's not so good.

This monk came up,

Shouted to the owner of the Jieshiguan,


The owner of this Jieshi Pavilion,

Gave the sacred stone soldiers to the past,

Cut for a long time,

That’s why it’s great,

At first glance, the egg is big.

Color grass green,

The style of Seli lines is galloping but not vigorous enough,

The monk's face turned blue,

Such quality,

If this color is not enough,

Tens of millions of high-grade immortal stones are not enough.

"Keep looking inward."

The monk next to him said,

Seeing 50 million top-grade immortal stones,

But cut out this quality,

In this Jieshi Pavilion,

The enthusiasm of most monks is not high,

In this **** battle against the wasteland for hundreds of years,

More or less on hand,

With a few colors,

The monk cut inward,

After a long time,

This one-foot-long river,

This was cut out.

"All this has collapsed less.

How about 30 million top-grade immortal stones? "

The monk next to him said,

"Thirty-one million top-grade immortal stones!"

The monk sitting in the distance said,

"Thirty-four million top-grade immortal stones."

Immediately a monk bid,

"The value of this color is quite good!

You have only been here for more than ten years,

Not much color on your hands? "

Wan Jian Sa Shan spoke to the monk in the distance,

Thousands of swords are spreading across the mountain,

I have been selling groceries here for hundreds of years,

It’s pretty good to be able to tell from him ~www.wuxiaspot.com~

The monk thought for a while,

He came here,

I met Wanjian Sashan before,

Over ten years,

There is not much color in the hand.

"Forty million top-grade immortal stones."

He said.

This said,

The monks in the Jieshi Pavilion,

Most of the fare is not increased,

"Forty-two million top-grade immortal stones."

A monk said,

"Forty-four million top-grade immortal stones."

The monk said,

At this price,

In the Jieshi Pavilion,

No monks increase the price,

The stone cutter nodded,


Such a level of color,

He already has a few dollars,

This monk stepped forward,

Gave a storage bag,

Took the fairy stone,

Returned to his seat,

"Such a color can sell 44 million top-grade immortal stones."

The monk in Jieshi Hall sighed with emotion. (To be continued...)

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