Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3255: Huishan Flower Plane

A few rough stones are sold, cut,

There was a sound of admiration, shouting, or disdain,

In general,

The face of the master

This time,

Can't see much joy.

The performance of the rough,

Generally speaking. "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

If not for these decades,

There are fewer and fewer rough stones in the Jieshi Pavilion,

There are a few rough stones here,

The peak price can sell for 40 million.

Seeing the last piece of rough stone,

Several people shouted the price,

Soon I yelled 45 million,

This time,

Bring the rough stone to calcite,

All cut out color.

This rough stone,

Still some people are interested.

"50 million high-grade immortal stones."

Commissioner Qian said,

This one

The monk who shouted thought,

This time calcite,

Cut rough,

Cut out color,

The price does not exceed 50 million high-grade immortal stones.

The price is higher,

All colors have been solved,

For ordinary Yuan Ying monks,

Has a certain cultivation value!

Only then can we sell 30 million high-grade immortal stones,

Three million high-grade immortal stones,

It's already high.

This rough stone,

But there is no solution.

50 million top-grade immortal stone?

He thought,

After a while,

He is out of price.

Commissioner Qian gave Xianshi,

The master of the original stone took a look,

"50 million high-grade immortal stones."

The rough stone was given to Commissioner Qian.

He walked over to the other rough masters with a smile on his face.

"This time the price is not as high as expected.

but. 50 million high-grade immortal stones are already there. "

Seeing the Yuan Ying Flower God in the Jieshi Hall began to set up a banquet.

These people gathered at a table,

"An ordinary rough stone,

To sell 60 million top-grade celestial stones,

These people will not shoot. "

"Of course, these rough stones are for us,

It's just ordinary stuff. "

They said,

Commissioner Qian returned to his own hospital,

Take out the acquired color.

Began to practice,

this day,

The brilliance of the hall was closed,

The cash-out committee comes,

Commissioner Qian looked at the color in front of him.

The color on this color,

Has become relatively light,


Based on the improvement of Qian Yuan,

Want from this color,

Comprehend more profound mysteries.

keneng refining for one year,

Only in order to comprehend some mysteries.

This is the last piece of color purchased from Wanjian Sashan.

Commissioner Qian took out the ingredients.

Made a delicious meal,

Eaten for a while.

Out of the other hospital,

Reach out,

The whole other courtyard,

Turned into half a palm,

Put it into the storage bag of the Chief Qian.

Commissioner Qian went to the grocery store,

Ten thousand swords greeted us,

"Ten thousand swords, I am going back,

Go back to refine some pills.

I'll be back in a while. "

Commissioner Qian said to Wan Jian Sashan,

"By the way, go back and get some fairy stones."

Wan Jian Sashan said in his heart,

See this kind of thing a lot,

Here is a rough stone with tens of millions of top-grade immortal stone,

The general Yuanying flower god,

Can take a few celestial stones,

Wan Jian said,

"If there are goods,

After half a year,

I am here keneng to open the stone again. "

Commissioner Qian nodded,

"It won't take half a year. I will be able to come back."

Thousands of swords slid over the mountain.

Commissioner Qian came out of Red Wolf Town,

Body shape,

Flew towards the direction of the **** wasteland teleportation array.

I saw a flash of lightning across the sky,

Distance of tens of thousands of miles,

Half tea time,

Commissioner Qian has moved towards the teleportation of the **** wasteland.

Entered the teleportation array,

one look,

Inside the large teleportation array,

As far as the Qian committee is one,

"In this **** battle in the wasteland, there is much going in and little going out.

Waiting for others to send it together,

keneng takes half a month,

You send it yourself,

Ten times the transmission fee! "

Said the monk wearing the battle armor of the Lord of Spinning Fire.

The cultivation base of the Four Diamond Flower God,

For Commissioner Qian,

More polite,

"I send it myself."

Commissioner Qian said.

Commissioner Qian brought out the middle-grade immortal stone.

The brilliance of the teleportation array began to flicker,

After half a month,

Mountain flower plane,

In a magnificent hall.

The transmission array brilliance shines,

It seems to be extremely mysterious,

The super plane teleportation array is shining,

Commissioner Qian came out,

Tanshan is already outside the hall,

When I saw Committee Member Qian come out,

"Ontology, how is the harvest in the **** wasteland."

Commissioner Qian talked about the **** battle in the wasteland.

"Did you get the rules of transforming gods from that strong man?

There are so many real powerhouses in a **** battle against the wasteland. "

Tan Shan said,

Commissioner Qian gave the jade slip to the past,

Reach out,

A brilliance passed.

This is the experience of Chairman Qian's practice in the Bloody Battle of the Wasteland for decades.

Tanshan Pan Written,

Watching Commissioner Qian’s cultivation experience.

After a few days,

The cultivation insights passed by Commissioner Qian,

This is the end.

"In this way, there are fewer and fewer rough stones in the **** wasteland.

More and more expensive? "

Tan Shan said,

"Yes, unless you mine yourself,

In the Jieshi Pavilion,

There are not many decent rough stones. "

"That's it."

Commissioner Qian nodded.

Tanshan went to the side of the hall and looked for it.

Bring out a few storage bags to the Chief Qian,

"This is 300 million high-grade immortal stone."

Commissioner Qian took the storage bag.

Commissioner Qian distributed a lot of celestial stones from the plane of Shanhua,


In your face, the golden fruit that built the manor,

Over a hundred,

Every manor,

Have established a protective array of Yuanying level,

What is used is a protection array at the level of the mountain protection array,

The materials of these patterns,

How many celestial stones is it?

The top grade immortal stones that Tanshan can now produce,

Only so much.

"The Baihe medicinal field on the Ruixian plane, the Luoxiahe medicinal field,

There is already a golden pill from the Demon Temple, with a diamond flower god,

Come with the adventure team,

It's all killed. "

Tan Shan said,

As soon as I approached the Baihe medicine field, Luoxiahe medicine field,

The scorching thunder fire seemed to cover the entire sky,

The body of the general adventure team was shattered,

Soul refinement.

How did the adventure team come here? Why did you come here?

Generally clear,

"The chief guard of the temple asked them to come over,

Now, I don't know if it is related to the River Demon God. "

Tan Shan said,

Baihe medicine field, Luoxiahe medicine field,

All have such power,

The magic of the demons,

That's even more.

Not having the power of fusion of several rules,

It is impossible to enter the temple easily.

"I went to the Teleportation Array in the Wasteland of Blood War to set up super plane communication forwarding

If the Baihe Medicine Tianhe Luoxiahe plane really has a strong presence,

Let Banao urge the super plane communication.

I go to Ruixian plane once. "

Commissioner Qian said,

Dao Fa urges,

After a long time,

Commissioner Qian has already stepped out of Xiadian’s plane teleportation formation,

The figure shook~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Banao came over,

"Ontology, how is the harvest of the **** battle wasteland?"

Commissioner Qian talked about the **** battle over the wasteland.

Reach out,

The rules of the cultivator that the strong man said are right

Those lustful cultivation feelings,

Has passed,

Banao took out a lot of materials,

Put it in the furnace,

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand and reminded him.

In the furnace, the flame rises,

The mountains revolved and began to refine these materials. (To be continued...) ()

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