Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3275: Tsing Yi

From afar, I saw a cymbal tens of thousands of feet,

Standing on the horizon,

"This cymbal mountain is nice",

Commissioner Qian said.

"For hundreds of thousands of years,

Many monks have come to understand here,

Indeed no one can comprehend the profound. "

Tsing Yi said,

Bloody Wasteland is different from ordinary planes,

Comprehend in the various mountains of the **** wasteland,

It is not easy to comprehend the profound.

From seeing the cymbal mountain to flying out of the cymbal mountain five thousand miles,

For people like them,

Just a few moments,

The spirit of Commissioner Qian,

I have scanned this mountain of cymbals hundreds of times.


Can't feel the mysterious,

Just like the most common stone.

Several people fell towards a mountain,

Surrounding mountain plains,

See it all.

"From which mine to enter,

Or open the mine by yourself? "

Wan Jian said.

"I don't come here often,

Check it out. "

Tsing Yi said,

Spiritual thoughts are released,

Began to feel it.

After watching for a long time,

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand and pointed to the mountains in the distance.

"It's more suitable to enter from that place."


A few people took a look,

"Tsing Yi, we played it,

Into the mine here,

With old money,

There is a gap of more than five hundred miles! "

Tsing Yi's companion said.

"This, old money,

Otherwise we enter from that place,

To mine the place you said,

what do you think? "


Commissioner Qian said,

Several people urged their bodies,

Speeding toward the peak that Tsing Yi said.

Falling towards this mountain,

There are already several mines on the mountain,

In the mine.

There was a booming voice coming,

Someone has already mined rough stones in this mountain.

"I entered the original mine"

Tsing Yi’s companion said,

To the mining area,

It is to mine each mine.


Everyone will gather.

"I opened a new mine."

Commissioner Qian said.

to here,

Commissioner Qian has surveyed the surface of the mountain for thousands of miles,

There is a mountain deep, nearly one mile,

The rock on the surface of the **** wasteland is hard,

Far inferior to the depths of the plane.

Commissioner Qian’s probe,

Detect one mile,

There are good lines.

Probing prescriptions is a thousand miles away,

Some places have good lines.

Has been mined,

Just this place with good lines,

Not mined,

Commissioner Qian now has a cultivation base that is close to the transformation stage,

This was detected.

Several people flashed,

Already separated.

Commissioner Qian reminded him of his stature,

Has crossed over a hundred miles,

At the mountain col,

Not far away,

There is a mine,

Stretch out his palm and blow.

There was a loud bang!

A mine cave of more than 100 feet appeared,


In this mine,

There is no rough stone.

Two palms again!

The mine expanded to more than one mile,

A pattern appeared,

"Huh. Huh, huh---"

From the mine next to it,

Several figures sprang up,

It turned out to be mined in a mine nearby.

God's thoughts flashed,

This pattern.

already seen,

"This pattern is pretty good"

The monk who was talking towards the mine,

The body protection method,

Like a volcanic eruption,

Burst away!

The whole person was blown out like a ball,

The three-line rules integrate the monk’s body protection method,

Is no longer as strong as a mountain,

It should be as strong as a mountain.

The remaining monk was surprised,

Today is a hard hand,

Body shape,

Go back to the side,

But saw,

This person stretched out his hand towards the standing two,

One person one palm,


The Taoism they urged,

As if pressed by a huge force,

The running speed immediately dropped by half,

Immediately afterwards,

The Taoism they urged,

Suddenly like a volcanic eruption,

Flew out.

Commissioner Qian walked over,

"How do you say this thing today"

A few people took a look,

The profoundness in the eyes of Commissioner Qian,

Like an endless galaxy!

This humanitarian law reminds me,

The speed of these people's Taoism,

All dropped by half!

Really want to urge the fight,

Can't stand the sword of others.

"Your Excellency, how offended we are--"

This man said,

A few people speak,

There is a man in a blue robe,

Bring out a rough stone,

Commissioner Qian reached out and took the rough stone.

Just nodded,

Several people urged their bodies,

Fly to the distance!

Commissioner Qian went back to the mine again,

Looking at the pattern for a long time,

Reach out!

A sixty-foot-long mine appeared,

Look all over the mine,

The lines become less,

Concise, but somewhat elegant,


You can still dig in this direction,

Commissioner Qian looked at it for a while.

A palm banged over,

"Boom Rumble"

A mine appeared,

A three-foot-large rough stone appeared,

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand and took a look at the rough stone.

This rough stone,

There are a few pine flowers on it. Several dragon patterns.

This kind of goods can only be used in the calcite meeting of the grocery store.

Commissioner Qian urged three world beads to be issued,

Zhou Tian's star battle array is spinning,

one look,

Inside this rough stone,

A color bigger than a fist.

Average color,

Take a look at the lines.

But it is perfect and delicate.

Commissioner Qian’s cultivation base is high,

The texture is OK, the color is generally aqua,

You can also practice,

If Commissioner Qian came to fight the wasteland for a while.

Rough stone of this level,

Commissioner Qian may send it to the grocery store to calcite the stones.


From here to collecting this rough stone,

Commissioner Qian has spent ten days.

Check the lines on the stone wall,

Is the deduction left behind by the powerful Dao Fa,

No less than the mana used in the fusion of the deduction rules.


A loud noise came from the mine in the distance,

As if thousands of thunder blasted over, it was normal.

The image of ten thousand swords spreading across the mountain in an instant,

has already appeared,

one look,

A thunder,

In tens of thousands of moments,

Has passed through thousands of mountains and rivers,

A shield burst open suddenly, splashing,

Flying like petals.

Wan Jian Sa Shan encountered the sword spirit of **** battle against the wasteland,


One of the shields of Wanjian Spreading Mountain was shattered by Dao Jian Qi,

The shield was shattered by this sword aura,

Wan Jian Sha Shan swayed to the side,

Jian Qi flew past him,

With ten thousand swords and safaris,

It has to fly like flowers.

Rushed into the stone wall beside,

Disappeared in an instant,

Even the sword energy rushed out of the wasteland in a **** battle,

It’s not something that ordinary monks can comprehend,

Ordinary monks,

Can block a sword aura,

It's already pretty good.

Seeing the shield in his hand,

Less than one third left,

Only then did Wan Jian Sa Shan took out another shield,

This is the **** wasteland,

There is no certain strength, magic weapon,

Mining rough stones here will be bombarded as slag.

Commissioner Qian drank the wine in his hand,

Checking again,

Deduction of the lines on the rock wall.

He Qian, the committee member, is only in the realm of cultivation,

Monks who are good at planting, alchemy, and refining tools,

Such rough stones,

It is better to be able to take a few more pieces.

Half a year later,

Commissioner Qian has opened a mine with a radius of nearly a thousand miles,

Has been deep into the **** wasteland for six hundred miles!

But I found another rough stone,

At this time,

Tsing Yi’s voice transmission,

Passed it over,

They run out of magic weapons,

To return to the plane.

Several people gathered in the mine of Wanjiansashan,

"I have been here for more than a hundred years,

You can participate in the Jieshi Club a few times,

The magic weapon is used up,

Need to return to the plane to refine magic weapons. "

Tsing Yi said with a smile,

"Tsing Yi, this time you go,

Mining is not easy. "

Wan Jian Sa Shan said with emotion.

"If you find that kind of good mine,

You can call me. "

Commissioner Qian said,


In the Red Wolf Array for so many years,

Commissioner Qian knew,

If we say that in terms of mining rough in the **** wasteland,

Thousands of swords spreading across the mountain

It is far less than a few in Tsing Yi.

"Wan Jian, this place,

Really good,

You have no shortage of magic weapons,

You can pick it up here for a while. "

Tsing Yi said,

When I heard Wan Jian,

"Well, I won't put a banquet to send you off.

I picked a round of rough here,

Old money, look. "

Old money nodded,

"You have a grocery store,

I don't even have a grocery store.

Of course I will mine some rough stones here with you. "

"Who are you and me?"

To leave the **** wasteland,

Tsing Yi speaks enthusiastically,

Spreading a mountain with Wan Jian, Old Qian said a few words,

Hand over,

Speeding past the mine.

Commissioner Qian said to Wan Jian,

"Wan Jian, dig in that direction,

In the past six months,

I just found two rough stones. "

"I heard that during the Lord God's war,

There are indeed strong fighters in the cymbal mountain,

Our direction,

There are not many strong fighters,

I don't know,

Listening to what Tsing Yi said,

This piece is fine. "

Another year passed,

Commissioner Qian found another rough stone~www.wuxiaspot.com~ this time,

Ten thousand swords have passed through the mountains,

"Old money, you can go back to Red Wolf Town.

In recent months,

I can't find a rough stone. "

In a year and a half,

Wan Jian Sashan found three rough stones,

Commissioner Qian found four rough stones in total!

Commissioner Qian nodded,

"The last month,

I can't find the rough stone either. "

That's it,

This place,

Still called a good place by Tsing Yi.

Commissioner Qian and Wan Jian sprinkled on Dao Fa,

Running in the mine,

"Tsing Yi is gone, mining rough stones,

I am not so good at mining. "

Wan Jian said.

"For people like us,

It took a few years to mine a piece of rough stone,

To a better plane,

The Nascent Soul monk with the fusion of three rules,

Tens of millions of top-grade immortal stones,

It can already be earned. "

Commissioner Qian said. (to be continued)

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