Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3276: Mysterious and mysterious

"Old money, you want to find the best rough,

How easy it is,

Look for the best rough stone, and be more reliable at the stone meeting. "

Wan Jian said,

"That is."

Commissioner Qian nodded.

Thousands of swords spread the mountain, opened a grocery store here,

How many years have been opened.

Commissioner Qian returned to his own hospital,

Take out the mined rough stone and look at it,

Among these rough stones,

A rough stone is okay, a rough stone is good,

Other rough stones,

That would be too general.

Commissioner Qian thought for a long time,

Out of Red Wolf Town,

Dao Fa urges,

The teleportation array flew towards the plane of the **** wasteland.

After ten days,

The plane of Ruixian,

Summer Palace,

Commissioner Qian came in,

The figure flashed,

Banao is here,

"Ontology, how?"

Commissioner Qian said about the mining experience in the past few years.

"In this way, the best rough,

Only to take a look at the Jieshi Conference, it is more reliable,

I want to mine the best rough by myself,

It was pure luck.

I talked to Honolulu,

Let him send some fairy stones. "

After a long time,

Banao is here,

"Sent over 170 million high-grade immortal stones,

Tanda’s corridor of fighting beasts on the Xuanzhao plane,

I bought a few books on the mystery,

Used more than 100 million top grade immortal stones--. "

Banao gave the Qiang Committee member a storage bag,

A few jade slips.

This is the Profound Dao Book that Tan Da and each Golden Fruit Shadow bought.

"Of course. In the Corridor of the Beasts.

Encounter a truly mysterious Taoist book.

Definitely buy it. "

Commissioner Qian said.

The shadow of each golden fruit is on each plane,

More or less gains,

This all needs fairy stone!

Able to bring out 170 million high-grade immortal stones,

It's already pretty good.

Commissioner Qian’s understanding of the three-line rule fusion in Blood War Wasteland, four-line

Rule fusion monk,

Can’t be compared with Qian Da Committee,

Generally return to one's own plane,

I didn't see it back.

Commissioner Qian took the jade slips and looked at them.

I saw it for a few months,

"You let Tanshan, Banqin, and Banyue come over."

Commissioner Qian said,

After a long time,

Several people have appeared in Xiadian,

"These books purchased by Tan Da,

You should practice this way. "

Commissioner Qian said,

Start talking.

Commissioner Qian said,

There are mountains around. River, flowers come,

This is what the Commissioner Qian said about the mysterious,

Urged the appearance of Dhamma,

After talking for ten days,

Only then did I finish talking about the jade slips that Banao gave me.

Honolulu, Tanda, Banqin and Banyue clap their hands together,

"Dashan-----this is the mystery of the profound and profound!"

Speaking, admiring.

Commissioner Qian nodded.

Out of the summer palace,

Toward the plane of Ruixian plane, the formation flew over.

Arrived in Red Wolf Town,

Member Qian’s other courtyard,

Only then took out the rough stone from mining,



The mysterious Taoist books purchased by Tan Da and the various Golden Fruit Shadows,

Really useful,

Ten years have passed,

Commissioner Qian completed the cultivation of the color in the rough stone,

In the entire God Mansion,

Becomes more mysterious and mysterious.

Commissioner Qian took out the ingredients,

Made a good meal,

Finished eating,

Then I walked towards the grocery store in Wanjian Sashan,

Thousands of swords are spreading across the mountain,

I have a certain level of refining,

Only then can this grocery store be opened.

Magic weapons like shields,

Among the various magic weapons,

It is easier to refine.

and so,

After ten years,

Wanjian Sashan can always go to mine,

Commissioner Qian entered the grocery store in Wanjian Sashan,

Nodded towards Wanjian Sashan,

I began to look at the items on the Wanjian Sashan grocery store,

Commissioner Qian now needs to refine a powerful magic weapon,

Prepared to survive the tribulation of God,

The goods in these grocery stores,

For the attractiveness of Qian,

A lot more.

"Old money, I haven't seen him for ten years.

Among the Yuan Ying monks I have seen,

You have worked very hard. "

Wan Jian Sa Shan said with emotion,

The refining ability of Wanjian Sashan,

Far inferior to Commissioner Qian,

The time he spent refining a powerful shield,

Much more than Chairman Qian.

"In ten days, Hanshan Town will hold a stone meeting again."

Wan Jian said,

"This time, some goods are good."

"Oh, then I must go over and take a look."

Commissioner Qian said,


There are still a lot of fairy stones with the old money.

Wan Jian Sashan said in his heart,

This time,

Commissioner Qian watched here for a long time,

Selected some items,

A look at Wan Jian,

Commissioner Qian chose more items this time.

"At least 1.3 million celestial stones."

Wan Jian said,

Commissioner Qian gave Xianshi,

"What use are these items?"

Wan Jian Sa Shan pointed to a few items,

Said to Member Qian,

He himself has a certain level of refinement,

For these few items,

Deduction for more than ten years,

Can't deduce how these items are refined.

"You extra deduction,

Naturally. "

Member Qian smiled.

after a few days,

Hanshan Town,

This morning, it was full of people,

A row of ten rough stones,

Commissioner Qian reminded him of three world beads,

Zhou Tian's star battle array is spinning,

Looking at these rough stones,

See half,

A rough stone behaves mediocre,

Guanghua flashed in the eyes of Commissioner Qian!

"Yes, the color and texture of this rough stone,

Some kind of mysterious and mysterious feeling.

That's it. "

The performance of this rough stone skin,

Among these ten rough stones,


However, half a person tall,

Commissioner Qian thought,

One hundred million tens of millions of high-grade immortal stones,

can be purchased.

A few rough stones cut out in front,

Water color and texture,

It's all good,

The rough stone at the front,

Sold 160 million top-grade immortal stones,

Cut out a piece of one and a half feet of color,

This color has been shouting prices to 130 million high-grade immortal stones.

Then cut a few rough stones,

These colors are generally high,

The price is not bad!

This time,

The atmosphere in the Jieshi Pavilion,

Get warm,

"The goods are good this time."

The monks all said,

"It is said that,

Some rough stones can only be mined hundreds of miles away. "

The monk next to him said,

Even for the monks in the calcite hall,

These people fight with all their strength,

It’s normal to fight for thousands of miles.

I arrived at this rough stone that Commissioner Qian liked.

Half tea time,

The price has exceeded 100 million top grade immortal stones.

"One hundred and thirty million high-grade immortal stones."

Commissioner Qian said,

This said,

Inside the Jieshi Pavilion,

Several monks watched,

The performance of this rough stone is average,

Just bigger,

this price,

It has exceeded their highest price.

After a long time,

No bids,

The owner of this rough stone nodded,

They mine,

Generally, a few rough stones were collected,

Only then took out a normal rough stone,

This rough 130 million top-grade fairy stone ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the owner of this rough stone,

I'm quite satisfied.

After the Jieshi Conference,

The banquet in Jieshi Pavilion begins,

This time calcite,

Commissioner Qian is quite satisfied,

130 million top grade immortal stones,

I took a rough stone with profound and profound profoundness,

To the **** wasteland for so many years,

Just this rough stone,

For Commissioner Qian,

Most worthwhile. (To be continued...)

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