Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3283: Thunder strike 10 swords in a row

Commissioner Qian looked at this rough stone,

Three world beads in one reminder,

Zhou Tian's star-doubling array was spinning.

I quickly looked in,

This rough stone is average.

Mined for a few months,

this day,

Commissioner Qian stretched out his palm and banged.

Surrounded by rock walls,

Become a big mountain.

Urged the battle,

Hundreds of thunders crossed and flashed,

It blasted towards the member Qian.

Every day of thunder,

Already has the power above the fusion of seven series of rules.


But no one controls it,

Commissioner Qian reminded him of the law,

Hundreds of flowers bloom,

Every flower,

All shoot out bright and rainbow-like lightning,

Every thunder and fire,

As if there are millions of rotations and fluctuations,

There was a huge shock,

Shattered these hundreds of thunder and fire!

In a few moments,

Commissioner Qian’s Zhou Tian Xingdou Array in the Shenfu was spinning,

This is the auxiliary formation,

It’s not the main line that is attacking yourself,

That's it,

The power of this formation is much stronger than the formation in the manor of the Chairman Qian and the Shadow of Golden Fruit.

Commissioner Qian’s petals bloom,

Touched by the thunder coming,

As if slashing with a large mountain range,

Smash this thunder fire,

Is to put a mountain range,

Shattered to pieces,

Looks relaxed,

Commissioner Qian gained mana in the Shenfu,

But it is constantly stirring.

Commissioner Qian thought.

I don't know what the situation is in the center of the battle.

Surrounded by mountains and flowers.

Walk along the mountains into the valley,

Just walked dozens of miles,

A flash of thunder and fire,

As if Cong Tianbian blasted over,

Across the sky in an instant,

An unimaginable pressure,

Has already covered Committee Qian,

this is.

The mountains beside,

As if there are thousands of flashes of thunder and fire,

There was already a sword of flame in the hands of Commissioner Qian,

This flame,

Rainbow around,

In an instant,

Slashing ten swords in a row towards Dao Thunder,

Every sword cut out,

It seems that time and space have stopped,


Cut out with one sword.

Commissioner Qian retreated ten feet,

Even cut ten swords.

Commissioner Qian backed a hundred feet!


The thunder fire burst into the surrounding mountains,

Has gone,

This thunder has already surpassed the power of a few transfiguration powerhouses encountered by Commissioner Qian!

Based on the current cultivation base of Commissioner Qian,

When encountering the former god-transforming powerhouse,

one move,

Maybe it's just a few feet back!

Where can you go back a hundred feet?

Several three-line rules, four-line rules fusion monks,

Urge the battle,

Facing a thunder,

The effect is much better than the move by the committee member Qian.

Array is facing this kind of adventure,

But stronger than the average monk.

Commissioner Qian,

Looking towards the center of the formation for a while,

The eyes are faint.

Take a few steps to the side,


Take a few more steps,

Thunder and lightning pass by,

A rock face has appeared in front of Commissioner Qian,

Stepped out of this battle.

If this is a single four-line rule fusion monk urging this battle,

It was so bombed that there was no scum left!

Commissioner Qian looked at the lines on the rock wall,

After watching for a few days,

A palm banged over,

Months later,

Member Qian’s communication array sounded,

one look,

It is ten thousand swords spreading over the mountain,

"Old money, where is it?"

Wan Jian said,

"The mine you brought me to,


I urged the formation. "

Commissioner Qian said,

Urged for a few months,

Commissioner Qian dug up a rough stone.

"A battle was triggered? I'll come and have a look."

Wan Jian Sashan became interested,

Wan Jian Sa Shan has already arrived in the mine of Commissioner Qian,

"Old money,

It's been over a year,

Good harvest. "

Wan Jian said,

"You have been away for more than a year,

I just mined two rough stones. "

Commissioner Qian said with some disdain,

"It's already pretty good.

"How is that formation?"

Commissioner Qian gave an overview of the situation in the battle.

"There is no formation of Tsing Yi, and those of Kai Shan Jian,

You can't get in this battle. "

Commissioner Qian said.

When I heard Wan Jian,

Dry smile on his face:

"Array, I have,

However, it is not as good as Tsing Yi’s formation.

Besides, Tsing Yi and Kai Shan Jian have already gone back. "

Wan Jian said,

Like ten thousand swords and safaris,

Refining such a complicated array,

It takes more time and materials,

Without the companions of Tsing Yi and Kai Shan Jian to urge the formation,

The picture of Wanjian Sashan is urged,

Into that formation,

How far can go,

This is unknown yet.

"It's been over ten years,

Didn't Tsing Yi and Kaishan Sword fight back to the wasteland? "

Commissioner Qian said,

"Old money,

This is a **** wasteland,

Just talk about the power of this formation,

How many people can resist? "

Wan Jian said,

Talked to Commissioner Qian for a while,

Wan Jian Sashan found a pattern on the rock wall,

A palm banged over.

Three years have passed,

this day,

Wanjian Sashan came to communicate,

"Old Qian, the stone meeting in Hanshan Town is about to be held,

Take a look,

This time mining.

I want to practice for a while.

See if you can advance the integration of the four series of rules. "

Commissioner Qian nodded.

"How about your collection of Taoist books."

"Ready to practice,

Certainly collected several books. "

Wan Jian said.

He and Wanjian went out of the mine,

Fly towards Red Wolf Town,

This time mining,

This is the longest time that Commissioner Qian came out to mine.

Commissioner Qian and Wan Jian had good harvests.

Thousands of swords spread the mountain to understand the ability of the original stone,

It is far inferior to Qian's committee.

Practice for a while in the grocery store,

Advanced four series rules,

It is a matter of reason.

after a few days,

Commissioner Qian and Wan Jian Sashan appeared in the Jieshi Pavilion in Hanshan Town.

After a stone meeting,

"This time, I saw a few nice colors."

Wan Jian said,

"The rough stone we picked,

I cut a piece,

The color inside. It’s a little worse than the color in this Jieshi Pavilion,

but. It's enough for cultivation. "

Commissioner Qian said,

This time calcite,

Didn’t meet the requirements of the Chief Qian,

Half of the price of rough stones has been sold for more than 100 million top-grade immortal stones.

Wan Jian, Sashan and Qian Yuan went out to learn about the stone hall,

"The Jieshi Pavilion is getting more and more prosperous,

The monks who used to watch the Jieshi Pavilion,

A lot less this time. "

Wan Jian Sa Shan sighed with emotion.

"They will come back after earning a fairy stone in place."

Commissioner Qian said,

"Some people will come back,

Some will not return to the **** battle of the wasteland.

Even if the sword energy bursts out of this **** wasteland,

Many monks will have exhausted their magic weapons. "

Wan Jian said,

Wan Jian went back to the grocery store,

Commissioner Qian went back to his own hospital,

Start practicing.

One by one, mysterious, like clouds,

At one hundred thousandths or faster,

One hundred thousandths of an instant,

Shining in the runes around Commissioner Qian.

Faster mystery,

Commissioner Qian refined this mysterious color,

It's over.

Such a mystery,

According to the Taoism of the Qian Chief Committee,

Can only be detected,

Can't feel it,

The cultivation base is worse,

Those monks who merged the four rules,

No detection is possible.

Commissioner Qian finished cultivating a rough stone,


In some rough stones,

With this mysterious mystery,

Although the color and texture of the rough stone are average,

There is a bit of this mystery,

Can let the cultivators of the God-Transforming Stage comprehend.

Commissioner Qian took out a bottle of wine and drank,

Among these rough stones,

Not every piece has this mystery,

Commissioner Qian’s bottle of wine,

Drink for more than a day!

In mining,

I have met several strong positions,

Such a battle,

If one person enters the battle,

Monks in the transformation period,

It's choking.

Commissioner Qian wrote,

But it is beginning to deduct the Taoist book.

A blink of an eye,

Ten years later,

Commissioner Qian’s entire sacred mansion,

More and more mysterious and mysterious,

Based on the current practice of the Qian Chief Committee,

No need to comprehend the color in the original stone,


In ten years,

For the level of Huashen monks,

A lot of progress!

this day,

Commissioner Qian stood up,

Collect power,

Walking towards the grocery store in Wanjiansashan,

Into the grocery store,

The waiter came up,

He bowed his hand to Committee Member Qian,

"Master Qian, please sit down,

I'll ask the shopkeeper to come over. "

This waiter,

In the past few years, I adopted advanced Yuan Ying,

It is the same door of Wanjian Sashan.

The waiter entered the training room next to the grocery store,

After a while,

Wan Jian Sa Shan came out of the training room.

Commissioner Qian took a look,

Thousands of swords are spreading across the mountain,

Fusion of four rules,

The deduction is still not complete.

Only then did I know that my four lines of rules merged,

Fusion of five rules,

Although I realized the ancient giant,

Shield phantom in Dun County,

The phantom of the warhammer on the plane of Ruixian,

But it’s very important,

The insight of these phantoms,

It was Commissioner Qian who broke through the fusion of the four rules,

An important aid for the integration of the five series of rules!

Commissioner Qian thought,

The magic weapon of fairy level,

I didn't find it,


In practice,

Some adventures that are very useful for cultivation,

Got some by myself,

In the practice world,

Compared with people like Wanjian Sashan,

I can be considered lucky.

"Old money, sit down.

The hospitality is simple. "

Wan Jian said,

The expression on his face was faint,


Ten years of practice,

Can’t integrate the advanced four-system rules successfully,

Wanjian was unhappy in his heart.

Thousands of swords are spreading across the mountain,

Collected rough stones,

Definitely a lot more than the Qian committee.

This grocery store is not open for nothing.

"No calcite recently?"

Commissioner Qian said.

"The Jieshi Pavilion, there is no Jieshi recently,

Jieshiguan calcites stone, which requires relatively high requirements for rough stone.

Stone skin must have a certain performance,

The owner of Jieshi Pavilion,

Organize such a supply,

It's not so easy. "

Wan Jian said,

There is no calcite in the grocery store,

Commissioner Qian looked at Wan Jian Sashan’s expression,

Before the fusion of the four-system rule of Wanjian Sashan advanced to the monks,

For going out to run rough stones,

It seems,

Not very interested,

Commissioner Qian knew,

The rough stone in Wanjian Sashan’s hand,

Definitely more than my own,

Commissioner Qian talked with Wan Jian Sashan for a while,


Out of the grocery store in Wanjian Sashan,

Thousands of swords are spreading across the mountain,

Walk towards the training room.

Commissioner Qian walked towards the Dejieshi Pavilion in Red Wolf Town.

Wan Jian Sa Shan has to cultivate ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ I am not Qinglian,

Come to this Jieshiguan to listen to the news,

Commissioner Qian came to understand that Shiguan was sitting,

The waiter came up,

He bowed his hand to Committee Member Qian,

"A cup of tea, pastries."

Commissioner Qian said.

The waiter brings tea, pastries,

Commissioner Qian gave a fairy stone,

While drinking tea,

Listening to the monks in the Jieshi Pavilion talking about **** battles in wasteland mining.

Commissioner Qian felt comfortable. (To be continued...)

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