Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3284: Skeleton Formation

Some old mines with few rough stones,

These people don't say much,

Bone pit, stone these people,

The most said.

The White Bone Pit recently emerged from the formation,

Several Yuanying Flower Gods died,

This made the Yuan Ying monks in Jieshiguan sigh with emotion, "Fiction" novel chapters are updated fastest

This is the life of a monk.

The formation that appeared in the Bone Pit,

To understand the monks in the stone hall,

The hottest topic,

"A skeleton appeared in the formation,

Has the power of fusion of several rules,

The death spell is quite powerful,

Disperse this skeleton,

Immediately regrouped by mana. "

The monks said.

"It's much more difficult to deal with."

‘Forget it. "

In the corner of Jieshi Pavilion,

The monk with a long face said,

"On the surface of the **** wasteland,

For the battlefield of millions of years,

All life has been refined.

Like this formation,

On the battlefield of the Lord God,

There is keneng out of the sky corpse!

Four-line rule fusion monk,

Slashed over with a sword,

Able to cut a small wound in the sky stone,

The swordsmanship is as high as a god. "

The long-faced monk said.


After saying this,

The monk in the Jieshi Hall took a deep breath.

"The corpse of heaven is not as good as a **** in Taoism,

The defense is much stronger than that of the cultivator of God! "

A monk said,

"This person is from the plane of the Lord of Death."

Monk Yu said,

This is from the plane of the Lord of Death.

Commissioner Qian looked at this man.

Come to this Jieshi Pavilion.

Not necessarily where there are rich mines,

Look at the monks of the main gods.

"The formation that appeared on the **** wasteland,

There will be no life. "

A monk breathed a sigh of relief.

"That skeleton formation,

What kind of monk can get in easily? "

A monk next to him said.

"Plant Taoism, Flame Taoism?"

The monk of the Lord of Death smiled,

"I came to this **** wasteland to find the original stone.

Against these killing formations on the **** wasteland,

Really not interested,

Are you different? "


The monks in the Jieshi Hall,

Stop talking.

To the monks in the Jieshi Hall,

Except for those with higher formation skills,

How many people are interested in the killing array of Blood War Wasteland?

Those with relatively high formation skills,

Generally, they have studied formations for thousands of years.

Commissioner Qian listened for a long time,

For that skeleton formation,

Not very interested,

Commissioner Qian practiced plant Taoism as the foundation.

It doesn't match this type of formation.

"Found that skeleton formation,

There is no rough stone next to it. "

The long-faced monk said.

"Raw stone, I heard that I found a few pieces,

There is no premium rough,

We go over,

The rough stone has long been mined. "

The talking monk said,

Because they can’t mine rough stones,

For the appearance of the skeleton formation,

This is exciting.

Until noon,

The monks in the Jieshi Hall,

Order food,


A piece of top grade immortal stone,

It’s a day’s consumption in the Jieshi Pavilion,

I kept talking, after the evening,

The monks in the Jieshi Hall,

Then he returned to his residence.

Several disciplines of monks,

Not mining,

It’s more comfortable to live,

Even in this **** wasteland.

Commissioner Qian spent a few days in the Jieshi Pavilion.

Except for some new mines that everyone has,

Some interesting things about the old mine,

Other mines,

I really don’t hear much information,

Wanjian Sashan's grocery store is not for nothing.

this day,

Commissioner Qian walked out of Red Wolf Town,

Body shape,

Speeding towards the Bone Pit,

No bonanza,

A piece of rough stone was mined in a few years,

Based on the current practice of the Qian Chief Committee,

The interest is really not great,

Commissioner Qian arrived at the White Bone Pit,


Reach hundreds of miles deep in the plane,


A rock wall stands upright,

Beside this rock wall,

Has been dug into holes,

This is the skeleton formation ten years ago,

Take a look at the side,

The monks have dug a hole for dozens of miles,

Ancient Killing Array,

Not many people can pass through smoothly,

It’s not that the formation is not enough,

It's not enough cultivation.

Commissioner Qian wanted to get through this battle,

See if you can find a few more rough stones.

A piece of rough stone is also fine.

This is cheap,

It is not an ordinary monk who can occupy it!

Divinely reminded,

Surrounded by flowers and mountain flowers,

Like thousands of miles,

Walk towards this rock wall,

"Huh, huh, huh"

A few figures flashed,

Jianguang seems to be from dozens of miles away,

In an instant, the wine has been cut to the committee member Qian

Surrounded by mountains and flowers,

These figures,

The face is a skeleton,

The body is like bones,

But it’s like a monk who cultivates body art,

The bones are constructed with muscles and tendons,

Developed like a rock carving,

This sudu,

Already one in seventy thousand for each instant,

Cut it down with a knife,

Able to cut through a mountain range,

Commissioner Qian reopened the stone hall,

After listening to these monks,

I was cut a few times by these skeletons,

The ordinary monk not only died physically,

Yuan Ying, Shenhun,

They were all seriously injured.


They have a knife in their hands,

Chopped to the flowers and mountains surrounded by Commissioner Qian,

Can't move right away!

Flowers bloom,

Release brilliance,

Bright as thousands of flowers blooming,

It is mysterious and mysterious,

In an instant,

These skeletons,

The color of the body keeps changing,

After half a tea time,


Turned into a flame like a stone,


Commissioner Qian then let go of Dao Fa.

These skeletons,

It emerged from dozens of miles away,


Take a look at the heads of these skeletons,


For example, it's a lot worse.

"Well, the rules of death and mystery,


Compared with the destruction and death power of my practice,

There are not many advantages. "

Commissioner Qian said,

The mana cultivated by Chairman Qian,

Withered, burned, frozen,

Can destroy and die,

Practice these rules to a high level,

And the rules of countermeasures against death in these skeletons,

There are similarities in the same work!

These skeletons were tempered by Commissioner Qian,


At least one-third less power!

This is the core of the formation is very mysterious,

Ordinary zombies, ghosts, etc.,

Refined by Chairman Qian’s mana,


"Boom Rumble"

There was a thunder,

Thousands of skeletons appeared,

With a knife in his hand,

A roar that shook the soul,

This is the attack skill of the skeleton,

Thousands of figures,

Crossed over towards Commissioner Qian,

It seems to annihilate everything!

The flowers around the member Qian,

Immediately blooming continuously,

The skeleton rushing to the front,


Immediately turned into a cloud of smoke,

In ten moments,

Half of the skeletons,

Taken by the brilliance of flowers blooming,

Turned into a cloud of smoke,

Reappeared in the distance,

The color, the quality is much worse,

Power drop!

Ten moments of fighting,

Commissioner Qian’s figure stood among the jade flowers ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ unspeakably calm.

Commissioner Qian has already seen it,

What is the mystery of death, and the rules,

This kind of Taoism is really not suitable for me,

Even if Commissioner Qian advanced to become a monk,

This kind of Taoism,

Commissioner Qian does not practice.

Commissioner Qian thought,

Go forward ten steps in a row,

Walk three steps to the side!

Flashed before my eyes,

It's already a rock wall! To be continued...

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