Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3285: 30 people

Already out of this skeleton magic circle,

Commissioner Qian looked towards the lines on the rock wall,

After watching for a long time,

This is just a palm, banging over,

Ten days later,

Commissioner Qian stood,

Holding a rough stone in his hand,

In ten days, Commissioner Qian opened a mine for hundreds of miles, and "Fiction" novel chapters were updated fastest

I found a rough stone,

Several monks urged the formation

The same can pass this battle!

Commissioner Qian urged Daofa,

Into the battle,

Flowers bloom,

Guanghua mysterious,

The skeleton was blasted to pieces all the way,

Commissioner Qian came out,

The rumbling voice came from a distance,

At least hundreds of monks are mining rough stones in this pit.

The scope of their mining,

From the original bone pit,

It's already far,

The original bone pit,

There are a dozen mountains,

A few hundred miles,

A lot of rough stones were mined,

Baigukeng is now known to everyone.

Commissioner Qian was urged by the spirit,

More than a hundred mines mined by monks,

They all clearly appeared in Commissioner Qian’s Shenfu.

Commissioner Qian scanned it divinely,

It’s far from the Bone Mine,

The lines on this rock wall,

That's not great,

Most of the lines are relatively ordinary,

Commissioner Qian flickered,

Has walked into one of the mines,

A hundred monks mining,

This mine has the most keneng raw stones.

The mining monk turned around.

There was already a roar.

"Where did it come from? Dare to come here presumptuously!"

Commissioner Qian gave a palm,

Banged over,

As if for a while

Big waves,


The Taoism on this monk shoots like a volcano,

Was beaten out of ten feet,

Crashed into the rock wall,

"Huh, huh. Huh"

A few figures flashed,

Has rushed from other mines,

The monks who came to the Bone Pit to mine,

There are many teams,

There is already a warhammer in the hands of the front monk,

The warhammer shook,

Like ten thousand mountains,

Bounced towards Committee Member Qian,

Ten thousand mountains,

It also issued a huge force like a big wave.


This huge force.

I touched the whole body of Commissioner Qian,

Become invisible immediately!

Seeing a palm, he blew over,


This monk, the method of protecting the body,

Immediately burst,

Tumbling and rolling,

Has been turned out more than ten feet away,

Commissioner Qian's figure spun,

Whip leg spin,

From ten thousand volcanoes,

With the whip leg profoundly blasted in,



Like ten thousand volcanoes, tumbling and rolling,

Draw a brilliant picture,

Suddenly embedded in the rock wall,

The monk who rushed over at last,

Turned around,

Rushed towards the mine nearby,

"This mine is mine."

Commissioner Qian said,


These few people struggled from the rock wall,

The body shape is reminded, ‘flying far away,

A monk with three rules and four rules,

Can easily defeat several people by one person,

Pure powerhouse.

This mine,

that goes without saying,

Half a year later,

Commissioner Qian stood hundreds of miles away,

It looks like the lines on the rock wall,

After half a year,

Commissioner Qian only found a rough stone,

of course,

In the past six months,

Did not encounter a strong formation,

Such as the skeleton formation.

Has moved away from the original bone pit,

Strong formation and sword aura,

It’s not as many as in the pit of bones,

Of course, the harvest is not as much as before.

Commissioner Qian went out of the mine,

Fly towards Red Wolf Town,

The monks in other mines,

Or sit, take out the wine and drink,

Or take it out,

Simply stir fry and eat,

this moment,

The expression is like mortal absenteeism,

It's not like a Yuan Ying monk,

I've been here for more than a year,

Only three rough stones were collected!

The original bone pit,

In the eyes of Chairman Qian,

The attraction has dropped!

The monks who mined rough stones around,

Mined rough,

Less than one-fifth!

Thirty people.

Although it is better than ordinary mines,

keneng is better,


The keneng nature of the powerful formation,

Increase a lot!

As the monk of the Lord of Death said,

The monks who came here,

Is here to mine rough,

For those ancient killing formations,

Really not interested.

Commissioner Qian is the cultivation base,

High formation skills,

Only then did these rough stones be mined.

Back to the other hospital,

Commissioner Qian took out the ingredients,

Start cooking,

Spent most of the day,

These dishes are ready,

Commissioner Qian had a meal,

After the evening,

Wanjian Sashan’s grocery store,

Commissioner Qian will not go,

Started to fall asleep.

after a few days,

Commissioner Qian just drank a glass of wine,

Ready to start practicing,

For people like Commissioner Qian,

Mining rough stones hundreds of miles deep in the plane for more than a year,


Feeling boring.

Commissioner Qian is still deducing various Taoist books,

From these Taoist books and jade slips,

Feeling and deducing the magic power of God,

As if in a blink of an eye,

Five years have passed.

Commissioner Qian in the Shenfu.

That huge mountain. Surrounded by mountain peaks.

Became more mysterious,

The level of integration of various rules,

Improved a bit,

if we assume,

100% through the God Transformation Tribulation,

With the power of the money committee,

There is still a certain distance,

Commissioner Qian was in order to understand the mystery of the divine calamity.

In this tribulation,

But I don't plan to use too many magic circles.

This deduction,

It was deduced for more than five years,

The voice of Wanjian Sashan came over,

"Old Qian, the Jieshi Pavilion in Red Wolf Town,

It's time to unravel the stone assembly. "

Regardless of the progress of the four-system rule deduction of Wanjian Sashan,

Red Wolf Town and Hanshan Town lay stones,

He must come to participate.

Commissioner Qian walked out of the other courtyard,

In the grocery store.

Wan Jian Sa Shan is already sitting there.

The four series of distance rules are successfully integrated,

There is still a certain distance.

Fusion of four series of rules.

Commissioner Qian practiced,

It took hundreds of years!

Thousands of swords are scattered on the Taoist book and the medicine,

Far inferior to the member Qian, who is the head of the mountain flower plane,

Although a lot of rough stones have been collected,

Advanced four-system rule integration,

But it’s just sudu,

Speaking of elixirs,

Commissioner Qian spoke up.

"The pill I put on you,

What happened to the color that the monk had comprehended. "

These ten thousand swords are scattered across the mountain,

Come out with five colors.

"I received these bucks."

Commissioner Qian took a look,

Eyes widened,

"Ten years,

Just received these few dollars? "

"Some monks who have been in the Wasteland for a long time,

Has returned to his own plane,

Can receive these five colors,

Already. "

Wan Jian said,

Commissioner Qian put away the colors that the five monks had already understood,


Commissioner Qian’s pills,

It’s better to put it in the corridor of the fighting beasts on the mysterious plane,

There are many books on sale or exchange.

Although the shadows of several golden fruits are already a fusion of six rules,

Commissioner Qian and the shadow of Jin Guo,

The quality of the cultivated medicinal materials is very high,

The refined medicine,

It's very mysterious.

In the Corridor of the Beasts,

Medicinal materials refined by the shadow of golden fruit,

It's already good sales.

"Old money, you come to fight the wasteland,

Has been there for a hundred years,

The **** wasteland, the rough stone on the surface of the plane,

Not much,

Many monks,

Into the depths of the plane,

I thought that there are not many rough stones deep in the plane,

Various restrictions, sword aura, many formations. "

Wan Jian said,

Commissioner Qian thought,

To fight the wasteland by yourself,

It has been a hundred years!

"What materials did you collect here,

Take it over and take a look.

It seems that the monks who entered the depths of the plane to mine,

Even less. "

Commissioner Qian said,

Commissioner Qian, walked around in this grocery store,

Took some materials,

after a few days,

Inside the Jieshi Pavilion in Red Wolf Town,

Wan Jian Sashan and Commissioner Qian were sitting,

Commissioner Qian is not very interested.

With seven rough stones,

With three rough stones,

The color stone inside is on the upper side.

A few other rough stones,

Average quality,

For Commissioner Qian,

There is no leakage.

Really not interested,

In the evening,

This time the stone is over,

"There are more people than before. The price is higher than before."

Commissioner Qian said.

"The original stone and color are more general.

These new monks,

It’s even more difficult to get top grade rough,

Bid higher,

Before the fusion of the four rules,

I won't go mining. "

Wan Jian said,

"I have been here for 300 years,

The four rules cannot be merged,

It's better to go back to your own plane. "

Commissioner Qian nodded.

Back to his own hospital,

Take out those colors that have been enlightened,

Started deduction,

Last time I went to the White Bone Pit,

Through the formation,

Only three top-grade rough stones were mined.

Mysterious and mysterious Taoism,

Surround this color,


There is already a level of Taoism at the transformation stage,

But for a while,

The mystery in this color has been refined.

I have been practicing for a few months,

This color,

It is almost the same as an ordinary stone!

Commissioner Qian wrote,

Began to deduct the Taoist script and jade slips,

Since I don’t plan to go out mining,

Commissioner Qian’s deduction of these mysterious colors,

More esoteric.

Some subtle subtleties that were previously unintelligible,

Commissioner Qian learned a lot this time.

This piece of color,

Commissioner Qian has been practicing for a year,

Commissioner Qian made a meal,

Eat and drink by yourself.

Rough is not easy to buy,

These colors that have been enlightened,

With one's own Taoism level,

After comprehension,


The colors that these monks have understood,

For more than ten years,

Only bought five yuan!

Some monks,

Calculate stones here for a certain period of time,

I have a few colors in my hand,

The fairy stone in the hand,

It's not much.

Quality elixirs,

Buy a few hundred,

It also takes millions of top-grade immortal stones.

Tens of millions of top grade immortal stones.

Only then will the cultivated form,

Take it out and change hundreds of pills.

Commissioner Qian, this pill,

Although subtle,


The manor of the shadow of golden fruit,

Over ten years,

You can refine a batch,

In each manor,

There are two thousand, one thousand and hundreds of years of medicinal materials everywhere,

Those red ginseng and snow ginseng,

The roots have pigeon eggs thick,

In every manor,

There are at least hundreds,

A monk who integrates standards with the six rules,

Refining the pill, ‘

Some roots are enough,

These colors are really hard to get compared to medicinal pills ~www.wuxiaspot.com~.

Commissioner Qian thought,

In the evening,

Only then finished the meal,

Take out another color that has been enlightened,

Start practicing.

These five colors that others have used,

Commissioner Qian is practicing carefully,

While practicing,

On the one hand, according to Taoist books and jade slips,

Make an insight,

After practicing these five colors,

Commissioner Qian spent five years! To be continued...

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