Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3286: Add fruit

Surrounded by mountain peaks,

next to,

One more mountain,

There are several other peaks,

It seems more mysterious,

This is the result of Chairman Qian's five years of practicing these five colors.

If it is a plane,

Each plane turned over,

Familiar with the plane, you need to find suitable places for cultivation everywhere,

Decades, hundreds of years,

Not necessarily,

There is such a progress in cultivation.

Commissioner Qian was drinking tea,

Reach out,

Looking at the **** wasteland outside the town of Red Wolf,

of course,

It may be a suitable place for cultivation on the plane,

It's broader and the mystery of perception is more comprehensive,

After a long time,

Then he walked towards the grocery store in Wanjian Sashan.

Buy the color used by the monks,

Wanjian Sashan must ask other grocery store owners,

It was acquired by Monk Da Neng.

Commissioner Qian went to the Hanshan grocery store,

It is not necessarily useful.

Into the grocery store,

The waiter at the grocery store came over,

Serve tea to the Chief Qian,

At this time,

The fluctuations in the grocery store training room,

Suddenly fluctuated for a few moments,

The waiter looked towards the training room,

"Ten Thousand Swords Sashan has advanced, advanced four-system rule integration!"


After a long time,

Wan Jian Sa Shan came out of the training room,

Commissioner Qian nodded towards Wan Jian.

"Wan Jian, congratulations."

Wan Jian Sashan nodded,

Smiled on his face,

Sitting next to Commissioner Qian.

"Three hundred years ago, I came here,

Integration of three rules,

After three hundred years in the **** wasteland,

This is the fusion of advanced four series of rules.

Want to continue to advance,

I don't know how long it will take. "

"Then you can mine a few more rough stones."

Commissioner Qian said.

Wan Jian drank tea for a long time in the mountains,

Deep eyes,

Only then nodded,

"That's right, not to fight the wasteland,

Obtain these rough stones.

In another thousand years,

It may not necessarily be able to advance the four-line rule integration. "

"I will practice for a few years,

The digging of rough stones,

I'll talk about it in a few years. "

Wan Jian said,

"Okay, but. The matter of buying rough stones that have already been used,

It must be taken care of. "

Commissioner Qian said,

Commissioner Qian’s requirements are really not high,

Purchase a few pieces of colors that other monks have understood,

Already happy,

"of course."

Wan Jian said,

Wan Jian Sa Shan let the waiter serve dishes.

Having a drink with Commissioner Qian,

Commissioner Qian just left the grocery store,

one look,

There are not many people in the Jieshi Pavilion.

Among the few people,

Many novices,

Commissioner Qian suddenly showed little interest in Jieshiguan.

Back to his own courtyard.

Bloody wasteland,

If you don't go mining.

Not many actions,

Jie Shi is now more than ten years old,

Only held once.

Sitting cross-legged,

Began to deduct the Taoist book,

The shadow of Tan Da and Jin Guo,

There are a lot of jade slips in the collected mysterious Taoist books.

Really deduced,

The profoundness is still quite a lot.

This deduction,

After ten years,

This decade.

Wanzhang Mountain and surrounding peaks,

Has become a little more mysterious,

But no new peaks were added,

No new Tao fruit has been added.

The voice of Wanjian Sashan came over,

Hanshan Town is about to open the stone meeting,

Commissioner Qian walked out of the other courtyard,

Walked towards the grocery store where Wanjiansashan,

When I arrived at the grocery store in Wanjian Sashan,

A few cultivators have already enlightened them.

There is a mottled color on it.

"Old money, I can use a lot of bans,

Only then took these colors. "

Commissioner Qian reached out and took it.


"Wan Jian, he has good ability."

Holding these few colors,

It's much easier to go mining on your own than the Chief Qian.

Over ten years,

In the manor of the shadow of the golden fruit,

Several crops of medicinal materials have been harvested.

A few days later, the Jieshi Pavilion in Hanshan Town,

Commissioner Qian was sitting,

After a while,

Ten thousand swords came over the mountain,


Commissioner Qian’s face,

There is already a joy.

On the rough stone in the middle,

Fist big color,

Bright green,

Broad beans are bigger,

Mysterious and mysterious!

This is it,

Commissioner Qian said,

Attended several calcite conferences,

Decades passed,

Only then did I encounter a piece with a mysterious and mysterious feeling,

The rough stone placed in the front began to bid,

The pine flowers and dragon patterns on the stone skin perform well,

150 million top-grade celestial stones for sale,

The rough cut out,

Bright colors,

Lines galloping vigorously,

130 million top-grade celestial stones for sale,

The price of this color,

Many monks sigh with emotion.

Until noon,

When I arrived at the rough stone that Commissioner Qian liked,

A cup of tea time,

Commissioner Qian gave 90 million top-grade immortal stones,

Take this rough stone in your hand!

In terms of prices a hundred years ago,

The price is high,

At today's prices,

this price,

Commissioner Qian just took a small advantage.

After the evening,

Had a banquet,

Commissioner Qian and Wan Jian Sashan were walking on the streets of Red Wolf Town,

Just finished the calcite conference,

The streets of Red Wolf Town are a bit lively.

"Ten thousand swords, you still know that good mine,

To pick up,

I'll give you a hundred pills that harmonize mana,

The pill that I refined,

It works well in practice. "

Commissioner Qian said,

Wanjian nodded,

"Indeed, the pill that you refined old Qian,

The effect is far better than the ordinary pill,

The effect of blending mana is good,

However, a hundred—"

Member Qian smiled:

"One hundred and thirty,

These elixirs were taken to the Chamber of Commerce,

Millions of top-grade celestial stones can be sold."

Wanjian nodded,

I know,

Nice mine,

Just a few,

A few rough stones were mined from that pit,

Not bad.

These medicinal pills given by Commissioner Qian,

From those workshops, chambers of commerce,

It may not be available for purchase.

"I contacted Jie Shi,

Open the understanding stone meeting with me,

Just go mining. "

Wan Jian said,


Commissioner Qian said,

Wanjian Sashan’s grocery store,

The limestone conference opened,


And Commissioner Qian to mine by himself,

The rough stone mined is almost the same!

Some of them are not as good as the rough stones mined by the Qianmen.

After a few months,

The sound transmission of Wanjian Sashan came,

In his grocery store,

The stone meeting is about to be held,

this day,

Commissioner Qian went to the grocery store,

There are already many people in the grocery store,

There are a few rough stones inside.

Commissioner Qian took a look,

this time,

The rough stone at the front is good.

Other rough stones are average,

Commissioner Qian thought,

This rough stone,

You can get it yourself.

At ten o'clock in the morning,

Jieshi started,

The front rough stone,

The bid will soon be advanced to 20 million high-grade immortal stones,

This is the time when Commissioner Qian came to fight the wasteland.

The Jieshi Pavilion in Hanshan Town and Red Wolf Town,

The calcite conference held,

Generally the price of rough,

"Twenty-nine million."

A monk said,

"Thirty million~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Committee Member Qian said,

This said,

After a long time,

In the grocery store,

No one increases the price,


This rough stone,

Commissioner Qian got 30 million top-grade immortal stones.

"Yes, old money,

There are a lot of rough stones in his hand. "

Wan Jian Sashan spoke to Commissioner Qian.

"Definitely not as much as you."

Commissioner Qian said.

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