Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3287: Qinghe Zhenren

Another three years have passed,

In a mine in a valley,

Flowers shine,

Surrounded by mountains,

Commissioner Qian and Wan Jian Sashan,

Came out of this mine,

"It took three years to mine four rough stones."

Commissioner Qian said, "Fiction" novel chapters are updated fastest

"That's the old money, you have a high cultivation base,

I only picked three rough stones. "

Wan Jian said.

"This is already a relatively rich mine.

I will return to the plane for a few years,

To mine elsewhere,

It took a few years to mine a rough stone,

It is really rare to mine. "

Commissioner Qian said,

these years,

Member Qian has made great progress in Taoism,

You can go back to the interview with the rules of perception.

Wan Jian Sa Shan nodded with emotion,

"Old money, you go this time,

I want to mine,

At least Tsing Yi, Kai Shan Jian they come over. "

Mining in this mine for three years,

Wan Jian Sa Shan urged a modest battle,

If there is no money committee,

Thousands of swords spreading across the mountain

Keneng was beheaded by this battle!

After half a month,

Commissioner Qian walked into Xiadian,

Banao greeted him,

"This time I got another rough stone.

Ordinary color got ten dollars,

You send it to Honolulu,

How are Xuan'ao's Taoist books and jade slips collected? "

Commissioner Qian said to Banao.

Banao gave a piece of jade slip,

"Books and jade slips that are truly mysterious,

But ten years. "

Commissioner Qian took the jade slip.

Watched for a long time. Nod.

"The cultivation base at the transformation stage,

From these books,

Can deduce a lot of mystery.

Already. "

Take out the rough stone,

Teleported to the mountain flower plane,

Committee member Qian gave another reminder of Dao Fa,

The super plane teleportation circle is spinning,

Commissioner Qian has stepped out of the teleportation array in Dun County.

Out of the other courtyard of Dun County,

Member Qian urged his body.

Like lightning,

Flew towards the distance,

In an instant,

Have flown thousands of miles,

I saw a county pass,

A tree in front of the county pass,

One hundred and seventy feet tall!

The tree canopy covers half of the county canopy,

Clouds and mists, the weather

Outside the county.

Mountains, fields and soil.

Half of the prohibition is covered,

A large number of medicinal materials are planted in it,

This is Wengai County,

Medicinal materials grown in Wengai County,

Including mountains that are difficult for ordinary people to develop,

It occupies about half of Wengai County.

In the mountains in the middle,

Several other courtyards are dotted,

Commissioner Qian fell towards this other courtyard,

Tan Tian walked in,

"Ontology, here you are,

I just traveled back from the outer plane. "

Tantian’s seven rules are integrated,

There has been a lot of progress,

"Fen Shui Beast said that it would like to cooperate with Ang Tian Hammer,

Open up some medicine fields beside Bihe and Gunwenjiang,

How is it going? "

The Frenzy Beast has advanced to the Yuan Ying

Biqing Jiao is a little worse,

Much better than normal monsters,

A few years ago,

Said he would like to cooperate with Ang Tian Hammer,

Open up some medicinal fields along the Bihe River and Kunwen River,

Ang Tian Hammer Tan Tian is here,

These medicine fields,

A copy of Tantian is definitely indispensable.

"The medicine field is about ten yuan,

Not more than fifty square miles,

For a few yuan, I called the children of the Qian family to cook.

It has been planted for three hundred years. "

Tan Tian said,

With the increase in the medicine fields of Golden Fruit Shadow,

The plant demon servant is not enough,

Some medicine fields,

Directly call Qian’s children to cook.

Ang Tian Hammer, Xuan Qianhe, Yan Pang Dao,

These advanced Nascent Soul monks,

It also has its own manor and medicine field.

These medicine fields are set up,

Every few years,

Need to give the water beast, the demon king by the river,

Some refined elixirs,

The repair is high,

The fusion of Xuan Otto,

It's completely self-contained mana,

It won't be that easy.


I have a higher and higher understanding of Taoism in the stage of transformation,

There are more precious medicinal materials grown in this medicinal field,

After hundreds of years of care,

It's really different.


With our strength,

Occupy a big river like Kunwenjiang without keneng,

Will plant and refine alchemy,

This is more reliable. "

Commissioner Qian said.

"That's it, where the demon clan is at war,

There are already too many masters. "

Tan Tian said.

"I came to you to practice for some years,

The law of perception. "

If it comes to the law of perception,

Wengai County is indeed Bidun County,

Xiadian is more suitable.

Queyue Mountain is a place of insight,


Banqin can practice there,

Is already,

Commissioner Qian went to the Queyue Mountain to practice,

The happy mountain master,

It must be here.

"I went to the restaurant outside the county magistrate's pass and called for table dishes.

In the restaurant outside the county,

The dishes have been cooked very well. "

Tan Tian said,

The dishes in the restaurant,

Pay attention to color and fragrance.

Commissioner Qian’s dishes made with his own ingredients,

More delicious,

To talk about all aspects of exquisiteness,

That's not as good as a restaurant,

Commissioner Qian was sitting in the other courtyard,

Looking outside Wengaiguan County,

The complex of buildings extending along the border of Daowen and Guan,

The pattern cover has a characteristic,

The county gate is relatively close to the border of the next state capital,

At this time,

Wengaiguan County Pass.

Toward the mountains.

Tantian needs to grow medicinal materials. Practice,

Not many people,

The direction of the border road of Wengaiguan County,

these years,

Many people build buildings and streets here.

It seems to be more prosperous.

after a few days,

Commissioner Qian took out the jade slip,

While looking at the content of Taoism in the jade slip.

While deducing,

Ten days and a half months passed,

Talk to Tan Tian and Tan Song about the insights and deductions of Fa,

Thousands of miles of clouds are lingering,

As if it was one in a hundred thousandths of an instant,

Thousands of miles of clouds are lingering,

Turned into flames,

The flame shrank suddenly,

Turned into a big fireball.

In the fireball,

Show the plane.

Unimaginable heat burst out.

this day.

Commissioner Qian, Tan Tian

Walking on the street outside Wengaiguan.

"How is the law insight?"

Tan Tian said,

Tan Tian himself,

Far from reaching the level of enlightenment law.

"Five years, the understanding of the law,

But it goes deeper,

To understand the specific laws,

Still very far away. "

Commissioner Qian said.

Tantian’s communication circle sounded,

one look,

"The information of Ang Tian Hammer,

The Demon King of Qinghe,

Want to cooperate with us to grow medicinal materials,

The pill offered to him,

Just like the ones in the medicine fields in Kunwenjiang. "

Five thousand miles north from the Kunwen River,

There is a clear river,

The medicine field next to Bihe,

Several people planted in Ang Tian Chui,

The medicine field next to the Kunwen River,

But Tantian sent people to plant it.

Inside the Kunwenjiang,

All live with the Yuanying Demon King,

In terms of strength,

Stronger than Huoluoshan.


Plant medicinal herbs,

Beside a river like Bihe,


"The director of Qinghe,

One thousand nine hundred years ago,

Was awarded the general by Biyuan Dragon Palace,

Much higher than Qing Jiao's cultivation base. "

Commissioner Qian said.

"Qinghe's supervisor, Keneng is a master of the integration of four lines of rules."

How many rule-fusion monks are there on the plane?

Commissioner Qian and a few shadows of golden fruit have been on the plane of Yuanbo for so many years,

The general in charge of Qinghe,

This is the first time dealing with,

South Xuanzhou,

At the junction of Bihe and Gunwenjiang,

The distant air,

Like lightning,

A figure flew,

Clouds and mists immediately rose on the surface of the river,

This person stood towards the mist on the river surface,

I feel that the river is wide,

"Smoke waves are misty. It's a prosperous scene."

Play a trick,

After a while,

A spray,

Like a crystal,

Rising from the Kunwenjiang.

On the waves,

Standing Lord of the Great Sword,

King Guan Dao, Ang Tian Hammer.

"This is the expert Tan Tian."

Ang Tian Chui said to King Guan Dao,

King Guan Dao,

Shennian probed towards Tantian,

Own mind,

As if into the abyss,



This person,

General Biqinghe,

Taoism is much higher.

This Ang Tian hammer, advanced Yuan Ying Flower God for thousands of years,

Time for advanced Yuanying,

Far worse than myself,

Dao Fa is almost the same as himself.

This Tantian Taoism,

Compare with yourself,

It's really like a mountain.

A few humanitarian law reminders,

Fly towards the north,

Escape like electricity,

The patrol with the demons in the distance saw it,


Has gone to the horizon and disappeared,

"There is great ability to travel."

These people said,

In less than ten moments,

Have flown five thousand miles,

Saw a big river,


It is larger than half of Kunwenjiang.

The river is clear and tumbling,

But there are thousands of waves and swirls,

King Guan Dao,

Towards a bend in the river,


It's almost the same as Kunwenjiang,

Fell towards the river,

The river separates,

Walked a few miles,

There are already teams of aquariums,

Stepping on the waves,

Rolling over.

This patrol,

Take the lead,

Square face and big mouth,

one look,

He bowed his hand at a few people,

"I have seen the Master of the Broadsword

I don’t know the Master of Broadsword,

What are you doing here? "

The big river on land,

That's it,

Yuanying Demon King in the big river,

On the whole plane,

They are all famous people.

"I have something to do with General Qinghe."

King Guan Dao said.

The patrol captain immediately transmitted the voice,

A few moments passed.

Arched his hand towards King Guan Dao,

"General Qinghe, please."

A few humanitarian law reminders,

Go towards the bottom of the Qinghe River,

Already near the shore,

A mountain,

A canyon appeared,

Forbidden in the canyon shrouded,

Like a crystal,

You can see a hall inside,

White jade is the wall, gems are tiles,

The whole building looks,

Not only rich,

It is more simple and quiet,

This hall,

Has surpassed the buildings of the demon kings on the Kunwen River,

Approached the hall,

With guards stepping forward,

Commissioner Qian went into the ban,

one look,

Planted a lot of herbs,

Although the year is long,

There are many medicinal materials for three thousand years,


There are many water-based medicinal materials,

If this General Qinghe,

There are really four rules fusion,

The pill that harmonizes mana,

These water-based medicinal materials,

That is not enough,

Tan Tian thought.

Approached the hall,

In the main hall,

The beautiful water demon came forward surrounded by one person,

Looks mighty,

The armor is luxurious,

This is General Qinghe,

Called Qinghe Zhenren,

"Close the knife, long time no see."

The man smiled and said,

Pattern cover closed,

Commissioner Qian took a look,

This person,

Commissioner Qian went to the wasteland to **** battle,

I have seen it in Bloody Wasteland,

Attended three stone conferences,

I bought a piece of rough skin ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and disappeared afterwards.


This General Qinghe,

Commissioner Than Qian,

Arrived early in the **** wasteland,


There are obviously not many immortal stones!

Keneng had previously bought rough stones.

Tantian sat down,

The real Qinghe nodded,

The maid next to you served tea and snacks,

Have been cooked,

Delicious. To be continued...

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