Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3288: Not easy to do

After eating and drinking,

This is the story of cooperative planting.

Commissioner Qian sighed,

This set down,

It’s the enjoyment of wealth,

Ordinary monks,

To the **** wasteland,

Mining, calcite, "fiction" novel chapters are updated fastest

With a few pieces of color in my hand, I already think,

Real people in Qinghe ate,

Drinking tea,

This angtian hammer, but only one thousand years of advanced Naruto,

The rules of Taoism are already quite high,

He Qinghe Zhenren,

I also want to admire it.

This Tantian,

He divinely probed the past,

Can't detect at all,

What kind of cultivation.

This is what Qinghe Zhenren was surprised.

Such a high level of cultivation,

How to talk,

That's different again.

No wonder such a pill can be refined.

Real Qinghe stretched out his hand!

It's a basin of thousands of miles on the Qing River,

All show up,

"Most of them are occupied by demons.


I still have some space. "

Real Qinghe said,

Reach out,

In the Qinghe River Basin, several places are shining,

"These places,

Can grow medicinal materials for you,

A total of one hundred and fifty miles in radius,

A hundred years,

Those kinds of pills you gave to King Guan Dao. "

Zhen Qinghe said several medicinal names in succession

"In a hundred years, give me 1,500."

Qinghe Zhenren said,

"Within a hundred years. Those medicinal materials.

Can't grow at all.

Where are the 1,500 pills?

The medicinal materials you want.

They are all refined with over a thousand years of medicinal materials. "

The medicinal materials given by Tantian,

Refining millennium medicinal materials with an effect equivalent to ordinary planes,

We are using Wengai County,

Several medicinal materials made in the manor of the shadow of golden fruit,

These medicinal materials are only 600 years old,

It has been equivalent to the ordinary medicinal materials on the plane for thousands of years,

"Besides. The hundred and fifty miles you said,

All in the area occupied by the demons,

Those defensive formations,

I will arrange it all,

The medicine field here,

It's not that easy to grow. "

Tan Tian said,

This real Qinghe,

The requirements are too high.

"The one hundred and fifty miles I said,

They are all suitable for planting medicinal materials. Where can I find them? "

Real Qinghe said.

"So. I have to think about it."

Tan Tian said,


Real Qinghe said.

"Have a meal together."

After a while,

Zhen Qinghe put on a banquet.

Cooperation is not good,

This meal, although politely greeted,

There are beautiful women singing and dancing.

Eat quickly,

Tan Tian, ​​Ang Tian Hammer, King Guan Dao,

Body shape,

Has left Qinghe,

Like lightning,

Speeding past in the direction of Kunwenjiang.

After a long time,

Tantian has approached the other courtyard in Wengai County,

Commissioner Qian is drinking tea.

Tan Tian walked over,

Poured myself a cup of tea,

"Several series of rules of the Yuan Ying Flower God,

It's really hard to talk about. "

Commissioner Qian said with emotion,

"That's it."

Tan Tian said,

"Then, plant medicinal materials next to Qinghe,

Do you use it? "

Tantian said,

"The Qinghe side, I'll go take a look.

Negotiate cooperation with Fenshuiju, Gunwenjiang,

Keneng Ang Tianchui served as the chief of Huoluoshan,

Huoluoshan is strong enough,

On the Gunwen River, alone the Demon King,

Be stronger. "

Commissioner Qian said,

Commissioner Qian said,

Tan Tian nodded repeatedly.

"Well, deduction of some rules,

You already have the power of a cultivator of God,

You can go and see. "

Tan Tian nodded,

Commissioner Qian walked out of the other courtyard on the mountain,

Body shape,

Speeding past in the direction of Qinghe.

The plane of Ruixian,

There is already a Xuanshan medicine field,

Cultivate the medicinal materials of the demon world there,

Can reflect the evolution of some laws.

Bihe, on the Kunwenjiang side,

No such place was found.

Commissioner Qian wanted to visit Qinghe,

Can you find such a place?

In a few moments,

Over the Qinghe River,

Member Qian has already appeared.

This is the upper reaches of Qinghe,

The money fell towards the river,

While walking,

While looking at various plants and places by the Qing River,

Step out of the distance of ten feet,

It's almost the same as the monks in the foundation period,

In the evening,

Commissioner Qian saw a place,

Suitable for planting precious medicinal materials,


At this time,

This place,

Some ordinary plants for the elderly,

But a plant,

Has medicinal value!

Commissioner Qian took off this plant,

Put it in your hand,

A flame rose,

The temperature is about the same as the surrounding weather!

This plant,

Immediately turned into liquid,

This flame is spinning,

A lot of information was released.


Commissioner Qian’s Dao Fa urged,

How mysterious is that.

Commissioner Qian’s Shenfu deduced,

The growth trend of medicinal materials is,


It seems that there is no rule breakthrough.

Commissioner Qian took a look,

But the radius is a hundred feet long.

This place is really small,

Build individual hospitals to grow medicines,

Someone needs to be guarded.

Commissioner Qian shook his head.

Walked away.

Go to the front,

I saw red clouds rising from afar,

at this point,

Not at the level of Yuanying Flower God,

The mystery of the opposite plane,

Reach a high level of attainments,


Take a closer look,

The Mozu has built a manor with a radius of tens of miles here,

Inside the manor,

Planted with herbs,

The demons have masters,

This place,

I made my own plantation early.

If it is somewhere else,

Commissioner Qian slammed it over,

The entire manor evaporates immediately!

But here,

It is only more than 10,000 miles away from the main hall of the Demon Race.

Several golden fruit shadows of Commissioner Qian,

In the demon-occupied area on the plane of Yuanbo,

Set up the manor,

They are not set here.

Commissioner Qian did not want to, for the sake of a manor,

Fight against the opponent's cultivator of the **** transformation period.

Commissioner Qian went away for a few days,

Saw one place,

Deep in the mountains,

Converged with aura.

Cut off this mountain,

It can be transformed into a manor with a radius of tens of miles,

Plant medicinal herbs,


The soil here,

Need to perform some good luck.

Walk 1,500 miles ahead,

It's Feihong Pass.

Feihong Pass,

Commissioner Qian’s own golden fruit shadow,

Several other courtyards have been set up.

Garden Wave Plane,

For Commissioner Qian,

Can set up larger plantations,

Not a lot,

Commissioner Qian thought for a while,

If this mountain is cut off,

Practice good luck,

Create a manor with a radius of a hundred miles,

Member Qian also has to come up with a lot of materials!

Commissioner Qian came to explore places like Xuanshan Medicine Field,

To the main hall of the Demon Plane,

Ten thousand miles,

Perform good luck,

Today, I am not very interested.

Commissioner Qian walked towards Feihong Pass,

Entered Feihong Pass,

Commissioner Qian walked towards the pill in the shop,

Various elixirs and medicaments,

I bought some,

Out of Feihong Pass,

I found a mountain~www.wuxiaspot.com~ reached out and pointed,

An other courtyard has appeared on the mountain,

Entered the other courtyard,

Commissioner Qian took it out at Feihong Pass,

The purchased elixirs and potions,

Start taking it.

Every time a pill is taken,

Commissioner Qian’s mysterious and mysterious mana,

Whirled around the pill,

The potency of this medicine,

It has all been urged,

Run the whole body of Qian Qian. To be continued...

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